#They're cool and understand that mods will do that. why are other people getting angry at the game itself.
anothermonikan · 2 months
Rain World fans getting ready to blame the game itself for crashing and not their 800 mods
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brian headcanons? pretty please
Smiles so big and wide at you yes absolutely I love that little freak
putting under a read more for convenience's sake
- I'm 100% a Bug Brian truther, that man is an insect you can't convince me otherwise, I like to think he can make weird little chittering noises and climbs up walls with his hands and feet for enrichment
- He's trans and has no last name because he didn't care enough to pick a new one so he went with none, acts all mysterious about it because he thinks it makes him look cool
- This man needs glasses so fucking badly but after a litany of "nerd" comments growing up he refuses to wear them, has attempted contacts but cant get them in his eyes for the life of him
- He would genuinely rather die than go to the factory, he does all his needed repairs on himself unless he's forced to (usually by Ben or William)
- He gets along with his co workers in, his own way when he's forced to interact with them. He does not understand how to behave "appropriately" around other people, he's my favorite rude autism icon (he is going to insult your intelligence at any given opportunity with what he sees as good intentions and does not understand why everyone hates him)
- I'm also a Bellthinker truther I think that british man should kiss that bug right on the brain dome and make him so flustered his systems soft reset
- Every time theres a meeting that he's in the second he's at the front of the room the entire mood changes because everybody knows he's gonna have a whole presentation planned thats no less than 1 hour long, and he will yell at you if you try to stand up for any reason
- I like to think living in the heart of toontown (right in the playground no less) definitely has some side effects on him, the silliness is rubbing off on him more than he realizes, most obviously things like his brain exploding comically when he starts baby raging
- Im sorry this man is absolutely a cog reddit user (coggit? idk) you can't change my mind, hes a power mod and proud of it, keeps getting talked to for using it on company time though
- He's very attatched to the Desk Jockeys but absolutely hates to admit it, I like to think its a Dr. Robotnik with Scratch and Grounder type dynamic (thinking especially like that one scene where Robotnik says "I don't even know why I bother to repair you guys, I suppose I'm too sentimental" shit like that)
- With his dynamics with the other toontown central managers, I think he actually feels very guilty about the incident that happened with Buck- but instead feigns a petty hatred for him so nobody will ask him about it and he doesn't have to admit how monumentally he fucked up
- He's on relatively chill terms with William, they're both angry big mouthed autistic people who do not know how to shut up so they mesh pretty well, I think they like to fight eachother to let off steam and then makeup immediately after, Brian isn't too fond of the whole oil leakage problem thing though because it makes a mess of his basement but he doesn't exactly hold it against him since he knows he can't help it
- When he can spare the time he loves poking around in the systems of his co workers just to see how they operate out of morbid curiosity and to see how he can make the jockeys more efficient, he's on that medic tf2 shit, not many of them let him do it though (understandably so)
- Probably went to whatever the cog equivalent of medical school was but lost his medical license after The Buck Incident™️
(And I think thats probably good for now because I am dangerously treading the line of infofumping about my AU sorry I have so many thoughts about this creature)
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
1976 Custom Harley-Davidson Trike - Ironhead Sportster - 1935 Servi-Car
It looks like a Harley frame because it is it's a shaft drive no so maybe a little slower but it's the concept and this is an old mod you really need to put the suspension on the rear tires and independent and this is dangerous how he has it set up. And yes about the differential if you take the gears out and her son says you probably want to take all the Garrett mechanisms out to the wheels or it's going to run dry on you he got a little mad and said boy that's true it's probably older and you're going to be not in paying attention to it I started thinking about how to do it instead I can't really do that it looked how it works and said it's holding the weight on the gears so I guess lubricated love you put the suspension in the tires or independent if you don't it's going to like rip the crap out of it you notice that too we don't know if he changed it or not other than that it's perfect give me this camper it's like 4x5 but you can put it in the truck bed and I would have an extension looks like a old fashioned tent that goes up like 8 ft and one side is full height and then you have the sleeping area like folds out and you have stands it said wow that's cool but you making something set inside your truck body I think they make them four foot on the inside forefoot with the gate you can lower the gas sticks out of foot and then it's it stands like 3 ft opens into like a full tent it's like an old army tent look s great install the same guy I'm still good it's still good but needs to be independent so we'll play it out there and you can take the truck bed out and put like two seats and that are modular used bikes are so heavy that can handle it and the kit uses car tires people are going to love it. You can even put a rear cover on it that's kind of pushing it lol.
Thor Freya I've seen everything all there is to see and this thing lit my mind up like nothing it was really nice it's really a great idea it's been in the business for so long and finally something came out of it and he's thinking he should get back in and he doesn't understand they're not going to let him make Harleys and they're trying to cut them off from doing anything and it's Max so their son says it's hard not kicker or nothing and he's going to try and do it he says it's in Britain and it shouldn't be too hard and make the frame heavier beefier stronger and we will have to find some motors and people are going nuts actually going nuts I thought he lost it I thought they lost him
Hahaha does a really good idea my husband is like shouting at him I'm number one in inventing and this is a good idea and he's saying why and you told him that he said Thor and Freya like it and they can't stand being in the same planet as you then he started laughing and laughing said she chimed in and said he couldn't believe it then my husband is saying it looks like a circus tent and I'm in but I can't drive one of those but I can use it on the golf and he started to spit it out and said no way and Ken can sleep in the car so he started smiling and saying this is the one
I'm playing my song and he played it to him and I said this we might have to do this for a while I tell you what this makes life much easier we won't be having a broken backs unhealed and we won't be a b***** and massively angry and it has one burner and you make the stew like he is the stuff you buy that day and I said that's crazy and there's other things you can do and he said yeah but really it's true you you can buy a few days of supplies and. It's crazy but we're having trouble doing it we're getting to this now
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the-satellite · 4 years
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Hello friends and welcome to ☆Hateful Nostalgia☆. I was exposed to the mob talker mod WAY too young bc I was an unsupervised child on the internet watching mod showcases and SkyDoesMinecraft. Looking back these sucked, the stories were often bland and the designs were milk toast at best and tits out at worst. So for the sake of procrastinating on working on anything substantial I grabbed the main 6 I remembered and gussied em up. Redesigns, rewrites, better names, all that bullshit. If your interested in better photos, design notes, story details and rambling hit the basement, otherwise here's a line up you should click for better quality.
Also I wrote all this once before already but I deleted it like a dumb bitch. On the night Unus Annus was murdered in front of my eyes no less. Was a rough fuckin night.
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The Creeper- Kupa. An explosive pyromaniac with a habit of making empty threats and yelling. She protects what she believes to be her territory with a suicidal passion, but if you manage to get her to cool down and soften up she's pretty sick to hand out with. Hard of hearing, has at least one bout of head trauma at all times, and deathly allergic to cats.
Because the creeper is kinda the og I wanted to reference AT2's design more than the others, but I'm p sure the only thing I actually kept was the red hair and brown gloves. Otherwise I was doing whatever. I really wanted to lean into the explody bit of creepers, so I gave her some bite and dressed her in clothes referenced from Irish railroad workers. This may also be why I keep imaging her with a very heavy Irish or Scottish accent, whichever would be most incomprehensible when angry. Every color but her skin was color picked from one of the references, with some minor alterations for makes my eyes happy reasons.
With Kupa I imagine a story line with her would largely be about her as a character and her development than like an actual adventure narrative like everyone else. She starts off ready to blow up both you and herself in a misguided attempt to defend what she sees as her's and opens up and learns not everyone is out to get her. Lots of time taken to understand her childhood and how she ended up how she is. Very simple, probably the default or tutorial run people would go through.
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The Zombie- Bee. The ill husk of a missing explorer suffering from a less than conventional appetite. She wallows in her self imposed loneliness, believing herself to be an irredeemable monster doomed to hurt those around her. What she really needs is a buddy and some clue to who she used to be. Rough voiced, chronically fatigued, and prone to spontaneous combustion in sunlight.
 I definitely consider this one the weakest for design sadly. I imagined Zombies as humans who went into strange caves and caverns and didn't come out for years, only to pop up as completely different people. I just tossed AT2's design. The first thing I did was make her a bit of a genderbent Steve and tinted her green bc Zombies in game are just Steve but green. Tore up her clothes, colored picked the darkest colors I could from the clothes on the in game and boom, Bee. I do vaguely regret not making her eyes pure black but I also still wanted her to be human enough to fit with the other overworld mods.
 Ok so Bee actually has a basic story. When you meet her she's aggressive, but as a warning. She fears the possibility she may hurt somebody so heads for threats immediately. Going back and forth between her cave and village for a while you learn more about the situation with the missing folks who come back and Bee as a person. After a bit you pick her up off her depressed ass and start a nocturnal adventure of refinding your past, adapting to who your becoming, overcoming self destuction, and slow burn babey!!! 
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The Skeleton- Ulna. One of the few surviving warriors of a now destroyed kingdom and dead culture. She spends most of her time now traveling alone, hiding in trees and shooting anything see sees as a threat- which is everything- in the face with homemade arrows. Very much suffering from loss of her home and a bad case of lost purpose. A woman of few words, very antisocial, and naturally nocturnal.
 I came in with the Skeleton wanting to make her seem mysterious, so my first thought was immediately a cloak and a mask, but I wanted her face to like be visible so I went with the face paint. I didn't actually know that I wanted to do under there so I went with wraps that are reminiscent of the original outfit but still not tits out bc it's so fucking easy! Gave her a quiver, color picked the cloak and face paint from the in game model and the wraps from AT2'S art. I did like. Subconsciously draw her eyes the way I do Asian characters but I didn't have anything specific in mind so like go nuts with what you think she is.
 Ulna's deal is very much her lack of purpose or home and the entire thing is about finding that again. She's found sitting up in a tree during a storm pointing a bow and arrow into your face. She eventually let's you stick around until the storm is over and theres some bonding into deep night until the rain stops. You ask if she wants to come with on your little travelling sword for hire business, she says sure, sleep schedule shenanigans, backstory angst, and road trip bonding happens and she eventually decides that helping people is her new purpose and you're her new home
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The Spider- Park. A young adult experiencing the world for the first time through her tribe's rite of passage. She's really just trying to figure out how to live life outside of the cave she's been stuck in her entire life and aggressively trying to be an independent adult despite not knowing anything about being an independent adult. Its projection. Blind in the daylight, naive and excitable, and taken to refusing help at her own risk.
 Ok so. I don't know who looked at the spider and said "purple haired loli with puffy pants" so I once again yeeted the whole thing, only really keeping the kinda cutesy and childish bits. Spiders are a tribe of humans what live in caves unless they've broken off to live on the surface. Kids are kept inside until they hit a certain milestone, where they come up to explore at night. They're usually small and pale, but are pretty kickass when necessary. Again picked the colors off the in game model, played with the lightest gray for the skin, and bc I couldn't figure out anyway to use the stripes so they're on the patches lol.
 Park's meeting is probably the funniest and most meet cute one here, in that she accidentally drops on top of you from a little cliff drop off. Cue loads of apologies and an explanation about the spider deal and being blind in light. She asks for some help getting around and bam babey friendship and emotional attachment! What follows is kinda a buddy of coming of age story with the obligatory goes home and is miserable scene. Generally it's just about being a scared young adult and having someone to fall back on and why that's important. Also crushes and young people being bad at that.
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 The Blaze- Amber. A demonic entity who would let the world burn and the sun die if it meant she'd get her soul back. She's known for being ruthless, taking souls through force instead of making deals like other Blazes. Keeps this forceful nature even once she's become friendly, makes you do dump shit. Territorial, eyes glow and dim with her life, and runs remarkably warm.
 Amber here is the first one I actually did! I was just. Really tired that she was in a bikini. I decided early on I wanted overworld mobs to be human and everyone else was decidedly not, so Blazes are demons who gave up their souls under false pretenses to other Blazes. Because of how little clothes AT2's design wore I had essentially free reign and my thought was immediately to lean on golden knight bc of how Blazes are found protecting fortresses. The gold isn't picked from anything bc I was looser with the colors, but everything else is, and the hair is supposed to represent the smoke. Also the sticks in her hair are blaze rods bc I don't like them just floating around her.
Amber is found in the Nether obviously, protecting a fortress and immediately trying beat your ass and either incinerate you or make you give up your soul. During you prove yourself a p damn good fighter and she makes a deal to show you how Blazes exist and pursade you to give your soul up willingly. Bonding happens and she explains where the souls go and what happened to her. Insert line about how she dug in the sand for her soul until her fingers bleed bc I'm an Arcana freak lol. In general I'd just like her to learn to adapt to who she is now and learning to live life well instead of letting her anger burn her up from the inside out.
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 The Enderman- Violet. A confused but sweet young bit of void created by and connected to the Ender Dragon. Her relationship with reality is tenuous at best and abusive at worst, making stable existence rather difficult. She doesn't know a name, age, gender, anything about herself aside from that she likes sweaters. Communicates primarily through psychic connections, docile and sweet, and melts like a witch in water.
 Violet was incredibly easy, so this may be way short. Endermen are decidedly human shaped void from the End with varying sentience. They're direct extensions of the Ender Dragon, and nobody knows how they're made or where they come from, not even they do. Adventurers who escaped The End say they seem scared of it though. Violet in particular is pretty damn new and extraordinary nonconforming, and I tried to show that with her sweater and ponytail. Once again, literally all colors picked. Definitely the simplest but one of my favs.
Violet is the sweetest meet up I think. As your traveling between villages you notice a strange enderman watching you and plant a little flower in front of her. She picks it and you hear a happy little trill come from you and a pretty voice say thank you in your head. Now you have a tall dark teleporting travel buddy! After a little bit of back and forth she tells you in some broken English that the Ender Dragon made her but she doesnt know how, and that it's bad and needs to be killed for the sake of Endermen and that's the new goal. Spoiler they're the corrupted souls of those that died fighting it, with it gone Endermen are free to exist as their own being and do whatever, hurray!
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thistlewhistler · 6 years
Interviewing the Flock, featuring: Comeneth
Zach: What would you like me to call you?
Comeneth: My username works
Zach: Fair enough.
Zach: What do you think about Sister Claire?
Comeneth: Starting with hard hitting questions right off the bat? okay:
Long and short of it, I love it, mostly because of Oscar.
There's not a lot of trans representation, so when I find good trans representation that instantly makes me enjoy a piece of media that much more. When Oscar was my favorite character that just made it better.
Also this comic is queer as hell, which is something I appreciate considering I'm also queer as hell and there's a lot of stuff that's just completely straight and that gets pretty dull.
Zach: That is a good way to put it. Do you have another piece of media you enjoy with good trans representation?
Comeneth: The only other piece of media that I know of with any trans representation at all is a book series called Dragonoak, which I love.
Zach: Sounds pretty fantasy-tic.
Comeneth: It is. It's about a (gay) necromancer who runs away from home because she's shunned for her powers with one of the kingdom's thirteen knights and they go off and have lots of (gay) adventures.
I still haven't read the third one yet, it's sitting on my kindle waiting for me not to be a lazy ass.
Zach: This sounds amazing and I am now interested more. Do you think you prefer High Fantasy or Low Fantasy?
Comeneth: Would you consider urban fantasy to be Low Fantasy? Regardless, I like High Fantasy; mostly I like stories that are far removed from the bounds of normal constraints.
Zach: I'm just happy I'm not a fool for tossing archaic terms at you.
Comeneth: Most people understand the term High Fantasy.
Zach: On this same line of thought, if you could live in a fictional world neither from Sister Claire or your own creation, where might you go?
Comeneth: Gimme a moment to think
-A moment is given-
Comeneth: There's a lot of options but I think the world of Always Human appeals to me the most.
Zach: I am honestly not familiar with that, care to share?
Comeneth: Sure!
Always Human takes place in the unspecified future. It's a time where humans are capable of genetically modifying their bodies. Just a very peaceful world.
Zach: So there's no distinguishing markings that come accompanies with shame or disappointment because anyone can have the body they would like?
Comeneth: Basically. It would also allow a person like me to mod their body into something that suited them. And It's just a very beautiful world.
Zach: It certainly sounds like it.
Zach: Onto a funny question potentially: What is the story behind your username? Does it tie in with your avatar?
Comeneth: My username is the name of a character I created in 7th grade. Initially Comeneth was a god of dragons that was banished to space and would shoot comets from his mouth in fits of rage during his exile. Over the years he's still remained a dragon, but he's very different now.
And it has *nothing* to do with my icon.
Zach: Comeneth was a dangerous dragon, was he now?
Comeneth: well he did lead a rebellion against the other gods so I'd say so. Even in his current incarnation he's still dangerous but less angry.
Zach: His rage seems a little reasonable, then.
Zach: Why did you pick your icon [of Sailor Jupiter]?
Comeneth: Because I like Sailor Jupiter. Honestly she's kind of #goals for me.
Zach: Alright, bam. done. best answer, moving on.
Zach: So saying you get booked at 2am, and tossed in an overnight cell to cool off. What were you charged with?
Comeneth: My only guess would be that it was a bullshit arrest because I'm either on the computer or asleep at 2 am.
Zach: "Trick question officer, I was asleep at the time and my computer can vouch for my alibi!"
Comeneth: "Check my internet history"
Zach: Alright, now I'm going to ask you a question that I don't have prepared. Instead it's randomly chosen from a book of them. Would you be willing to eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?
Comeneth: Depends on the crickets
Zach: Let's say ice cream bowl, not salad bowl
Comeneth: If they're camel crickets, no way in fucking hell they are disgusting. But like, regular crickets, sure
-granted the moment I take a bite they ain't going to be alive anymore-
Zach: Good way of looking at it, and a good caveat, I like it.
Zach: You ready for the last question? What did you believe you wanted to be or do when you grew up?
Comeneth: The earliest one I can distinctly remember is the one I'm going to go with. Okay so, have you ever heard of the Kratt brothers? When I was a kid, they had a show called Kratt's Creatures. it was basically Chris and Martin Kratt going all across the world and talking about different animals.
One episode they'd spend it all on elephants, and then another they'd talk about bears.
Stuff like that.
And I thought it was the coolest thing to go out in the wild and see all those cool animals. I wanted to do that.
Zach: Do you think you could do it now?
Comeneth: No, I've regrettably become a creature who prefers a stable environment that cannot be provided in the outdoors. But the show did instill a life long love of animals so it will always hold a very special place in my heart.
Zach: So you're saying that when we can plug USBs into trees of the Serengeti for Wifi coverage, I should give you a call?
Comeneth: More like when I can walk through a tropical rainforest and I won't feel the humidity; I can survive without the internet, but terrible weather conditions just leave me in a foul mood. I get miserable if it's too hot, cold, humid etc.
Zach: *To do list..... Develop personal weather bubbles...
Zach: Well this has been a treat to sit down and talk with you! Thank you very much for being the first interview.
Comeneth: Yay! This was fun. I kinda thought there were more questions than this but oh well!
Zach: There were, I just didn't want to hit everyone with every question. Plus this opens people up to asking questions they weren't asked to each other!
woooo conversation starters woooo
**runs off into the night making woooo noises and occasionally running into trees**
Comeneth: *nods sagely from the porch* They'll be back.
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