#Theyre just sort of fading in the background if we're honest like they had their moments but I don't care about them like I used to
So just finished Lesson 17.... I'm sort of indifferent to the story but maybe now we're actually getting plot?
Kinda obsessed with Raphael and the cliffhanger left off makes me think we're getting content but we'll see. They might throw filler at us again this started strong but I'm getting unethused as it goes on (still gonna play it but the interest is dying are we going to address Nightbringer or drag it out for 3 Seasons so we NEVER go back to the future?)
Also I do feel bad for Solomon because I don't mean to neglect you Babes plot and my job as an attendant is forcing me back into the Stockholm Syndrome with them again I swear LOL (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
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