#Vava MK-1
jack-shadow · 7 months
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New art for the Mega drones X AU, this time Vile MK.1 and MK.2
Backstory below kinda spoilers for Mega man X1, 2 & 7, and the first few episodes of murder drones
Vava was just an average punk Drone with plans to Destory the murder with a few others, this team called themselves Red Alert. However Vava soon realized he didn't actually want to stop the murder drones, what he wanted was to kill things, and that he'd be a able to do a lot more of that if he was a Murder drone himself.
So he made a deal With the murder drones that he would let them into the red alert secret base where they then murdered most of the team with the help of Vava, he then gave himself a new name fitting of his role, Vile.
J thinking that he could be useful let him on the team. Vile enjoyed his time with the MDs,but he had one major grudge against N. In his mind he saw N as a complete and utter mockery of what he has worked so hard to accomplish, a pathetic useless wimp was let on to the team by sheer nature when he had to work tirelessly to get his talent had to be recognized.
All of this boiled over when J was killed in an act of rebellion from N and V, once his best friend and partner in crime, starting becoming soft and friendly towards workers. Vile blaming this on N swore that everything and everyone he loved would burn at Vile's hands.
After being defeated By N's new pals, X and Uzi, he transfered his mind to a backup body and upgraded it further to take his revenge on N.
And that's murder drones Vile. I enjoyed drawing this one and while his backstory was a bit more difficult to think up I like the idea of Vile's Grugde being towards N instead of X. Hope you enjoy it
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