jackiepham84 · 5 months
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adernilson · 7 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://onelink.to/958zw4
Referral code: lomonaco_x01
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jonh-tiberio · 7 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://onelink.to/958zw4
Referral code: lomonaco_001
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pinene · 10 months
hey 🙏🏻 can anyone spot me some xcoin ? my sub to my favorite AI generated onlyfans model is about to expire and the sperm bank really needs me
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honeycombcorin · 2 years
Oh? Let's see if this trigger works right?
*grabs your hair and pulls your mouth to my pussy and humps your lips till you start eating me out properly*
How does that taste Corin? I hope you like it 👉👈
Ixor8n xcoin loses kovloces loves pussy
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krispynutperson · 2 months
“郭瘟龟”化身“吸血龟” 喜马拉雅币实为“吸干榨尽币”
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  喜币真的上市了吗?郭文贵说喜币在全球4个交易所交易,在5个国家发行,已经拿到了这5个国家的虚拟货币金融牌照,包括美国也批下来了。但在美国财政部金融犯罪执法局的网站上,查询美国财政部颁发的所有金融许可证时,我们发现无论是喜币还是“Xcoin”,都显示查询不到。这是典型的诈骗行为。卡丽熙说出了真相,这四个喜币上市的交易所实际上是都是喜交所。老郭玩了个文字游戏,这就是他说的在四个交易所交易,在5个国家发行?这类似于不去奥运会参赛,自己在家里搞了个体育比赛,运动员、裁判和冠军都只有一个人。怪不得老郭宣扬喜币是全世界最厉害的虚拟货币,逆境中自娱自乐的能力很强。   一个交易所就一个币种,画一根曲线就叫上市?从《郭媒体》和喜国农场放出的交易数据表来看,喜币“上市”15分钟,买入1090647.012个,卖出1675866.785个,卖出比买入多58万(个)喜币,也就是说“抛的比接盘的多”,半个小时后,抛的比买入的多106万个,这种情况下价格居然还能奇迹般地涨到6.75。但实际上,喜交所的“交易对”只有喜币/喜美元(HCN/HDO)一对,再无法和其他货币兑换。交易价6.75指的是“喜美元”,和喜币买入成本0.1美元完全是两回事,就算抛了也还是“喜美元”,换不成美元。也就是说,这67倍的暴利是无法转移兑付的空欢喜。虚拟币的最大特点就是可以全球快速转移兑付,以实现资本流动性,而喜币实为没有流动性的死币。况且刚开始还能看到喜交所网站展示的数据图表,后来看不到网站信息了,所以这些图表的真实性存疑,很可能是内部做图,用网站展示假数据,后来发现数据造假有点明显,老郭使用老招数,把网站内的一些信息暂时封锁了。这是典型的单机模式,内封闭的游戏币骗局。   关于封锁喜交所网站的数据信息,老郭是有提前预谋的。就在喜币上市直播结束后,老郭立马发出声明,表示喜币上市后他只担心两件事。一是担心网站安全,担心被共产党捣乱,网站被黑后崩溃。老郭一边自称喜币和喜交所的安全性全球第一,一边时刻担心系统被攻击,把自身系统的技术性短板和封闭性硬伤归咎于共产党。二是担心价格,老郭说喜币一上市就会涨10倍至20倍,共产党很可能会拿出大笔资金来购买喜币,一方面让大家无币可炒,另一方面实现共产党控股。除此之外,他还担心基金组织购买大量喜币后囤积居奇。老郭这是一语多关,既传达了喜币很值钱的信息,又关联了喜币的反共性质,还为封锁喜交所网站、信息造假和系统崩溃找好了借口。在设计圈套的时候就已经找好了收口的理由,喜币可以让大家都赚得盆满钵满,但一旦出现损失,就都是共产党的责任,把自己推得一干二净,这是典型的,也是老郭惯用的诈骗套路。   我们来看看喜币和喜交所的真实数据,喜交所Alexa全球网络排名(指网站的世界排名,主要分为综合排名和分类排名)565334名,日均访问IP只有区区1500人,这说明喜币投资人最多只有1500人,因为喜交所网站没有访客,必须经过KYC注册才能访问,所以访问者基本可以认定为投资人。老郭挖的这个坑,业内人士一眼就能看出来,按他的玩法是拿不到钱的,就只能靠后进场且不太懂的蚂蚁们来填坑。巴拿马SEC最近也预警了喜马拉雅交易所骗局,希望币圈朋友们扩展,蚂蚁们只有披上“防骗金钟罩”,才能防止被“吸血龟”和喜币吸干榨尽。
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alrosa11 · 5 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: onelink.to/958zw4
Referral code: 1739398861392322560
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vikrams007 · 6 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://dapp.xplus.com/bonusShare?inviterId=1729159293468545024&id=659972
Referral code: vikram007
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budhcharan · 7 months
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💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://dapp.xplus.com/bonusShare?inviterId=1727540904211910656&id=423196 Referral code: Budhcharan2004
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abeella26 · 7 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://dapp.xplus.com/bonusShare?inviterId=1720164720704622592&id=438567
Referral code: abella26
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adernilson · 6 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://onelink.to/958zw4
Referral code: lomonaco
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jonh-tiberio · 6 months
💰I just earned $4.88 worth of $XPLUS in just 5 minutes
🔥#XPLUS is a free social mining platform that is actively rewarding users. Seize the opportunity to redeem $XPLUS by mining #XCOIN
EARN NOW: https://onelink.to/958zw4
Referral code: xlm1_0
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voxtrotteur · 10 months
Après des années de spéculation effrénée et de lecture effrénée de feuilles de thé par les fans de crypto-monnaie – et les fans de Dogecoin en particulier – le milliardaire technologique Elon Musk a froidement mis fin à toute perspective que Twitter (ou X) lance son propre jeton crypto.La nouvelle n'est pas venue dans une annonce officielle, ni même dans un message Twitter, mais dans une réponse à un autre utilisateur."Elon Musk et 𝕏 n'ont jamais lancé de jeton crypto", a averti l'utilisateur @DogeDesigner, qui compte 240 000 abonnés et plusieurs interactions passées avec Musk et l'actuel PDG de X Linda Yaccarino. Le tweet comprenait une image de titres d'articles de presse affirmant à tort que c'était le cas.Musk a répondu avec une ligne sévère: "Et nous ne le ferons jamais."Malgré ce rejet clair d'une crypto-monnaie dirigée par Twitter - au milieu d'un effort majeur de changement de marque - il ne s'agit pas d'une dénonciation pure et simple de la prise en charge de la crypto-monnaie ou des fonctionnalités associées dans une future "application tout". Et les antécédents de Musk avec les actifs numériques pourraient également laisser place au doute.Elon est bien connu pour son fanatisme pour Dogecoin (DOGE), un memecoin qui a été engendré comme une blague pour que la communauté crypto cesse de se prendre si au sérieux.L'autoproclamé "Dogefather" a attiré l'attention générale l'année dernière lorsqu'il a acheté Twitter pour 44 milliards de dollars, et peu de temps après, il a échangé le logo emblématique de l'oiseau bleu contre une image du chien Shiba Inu qui caractérise Dogecoin, faisant monter le jeton en flèche. 20% et le milliardaire pour se mériter un procès de 258 milliards de dollars pour délit d'initié et racket présumés. En effet, il a envoyé à la communauté crypto de nombreux signaux mitigés au fil des ans.En 2021, les développeurs de Doge ont déclaré en exclusivité à Decrypt qu'ils travaillaient avec Musk depuis des années pour créer une alternative moins chère et plus verte au Bitcoin. Et plus tôt cette année, des nouvelles ont fait surface selon lesquelles la société travaillait sur un produit qui prendrait en charge les paiements cryptographiques, bien qu'il n'y ait pas beaucoup d'informations sur le jeton qui serait utilisé. Alors que les fanatiques de la crypto peuvent probablement exclure un TwitterCoin ou un XCoin pour le moment, la porte n'est toujours pas complètement fermée à la crypto-monnaie dans le prochain acte de Musk.Restez au courant des actualités cryptographiques, recevez des mises à jour quotidiennes dans votre boîte de réception.
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ralphtkpacheco · 1 year
Things You Should Know Before Playing With Dash Gambling
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You might know Dash from its previous names Xcoin and Darkcoin. But ever wondered what Dash stands for? The word 'Dash' is a short form of digital cash. It is the fastest growing cryptocurrency in the digital market and Evan Duffield is the original author behind it. Since 2014 Dash cryptocurrency has garnered many crypto enthusiasts. For over eight years, the level of trust Dash crypto has gathered is truly overwhelming. To overcome the shortfalls of top cryptocurrencies, the design and governance of Dash offer quick transactions. The governance structure is swift which has caught the attention of the crypto fanbase. The protective and secured decentralized system helps people to gladly fetch a great gambling experience. 
About Dash gambling?
Even if you are a newbie and are unknown to various concepts of crypto gambling, Dash will guide you through the process. Ditch your fiat currencies to indulge in the super smooth function and rewards of Dash cryptocurrency. Having an e-wallet is mandatory to store your Dash crypto coins. From the long list of Dash casinos, you can choose your preferred one and you find an array of both classic and modern games. Gambling with Dash has become an unstoppable phenomenon as the past performance of the cryptocurrency has flooded users with profits. 
How to Gamble With Dash?
Your fingers and mind might be accustomed to the traditional ways of gambling but the introduction to Dash cryptos takes no time. The steps to invest in Dash coins are extremely easy and that makes novice players gain a lot of confidence from day one. The next thing a person needs to do is to register at one of the Dash casinos. Name of some of the Dash casinos are vave, stake, 1*Bit, 22Bet, Fairspin and BC. game. Along with the user-friendly interface of the online Dash casinos, you will also find lucrative free spins, bonuses and promotions.
Tips for Dash Gambling
The Dash team always encourages players to get involved with the original Dash casinos and not the fake ones. There might be fake information that leads you to the wrong casino. Thus it is always wise to check the reviews, reputation, and the casino community. 
Apart from the vast casinos that accept Dash cryptocurrency, players should also compare the policies, wagering requirements, bonuses, offers, and promotions available in the casinos. The comparison will land you in a suitable online casino. 
As a beginner, you can try out different betting techniques but must keep track of your spending. Even though betting might sound like entertainment of luck, in reality, players become successful with their betting strategies. 
Is Gambling with Dash Legal?
There is no restriction against Dash gambling. As long as you are following the gambling laws of your land, gambling with Dash is legal. All players should go through the laws that their government put forward. Dash never encourages people to break and violate the laws of any country. Being the flag-bearer of fair play and policies, Dash casinos do not hold any hidden rules and regulations. Along with the love of players around the world, Dash casinos are legal wherever gambling is legal. 
Future of Dash Gambling
The future of Dash gambling can’t be more bright and exciting. Before, players used to go to traditional casinos to indulge in the games. But now, with the intent of online casinos, people get the comfort of their homes and play in a more relaxed and less worrying way. Dash has made its mark in the cryptocurrency world. The growth of the Dash community has sparked the conclusion that Dash has a long way to go, especially when it is getting garnered with investments. 
Final Thought
Gambling with Dash cryptocurrency has many perks and rewards for players. The Dash team has pinpointed the demerits of other top cryptocurrencies in the market and has developed unique features. The casino and cryptocurrency relationship is proliferating among the Gen-Z people, and for the years to come, Dash will remain the mode for quick transactions.
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semotional · 1 year
“郭瘟龟”化身“吸血龟” 喜马拉雅币实为“吸干榨尽币”
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krispynutperson · 3 months
“郭瘟龟”化身“吸血龟” 喜马拉雅币实为“吸干榨尽币”
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如果说郭文贵以前只是发瘟劲儿犯瘟病,只祸害身边战友,那么现在他已经完全蜕化成一只“吸血龟”,贪婪地狞视着所有即将入套的蚂蚁。一心一意想要在十一月一日十一点十一分这个“良辰吉时”让喜币上市的郭文贵,终究还是没能如愿。错过吉时,必有大凶。先不说喜币和喜交所本身是不是骗局,仅仅因为没有在纽约注册就出售数字货币这一点,就是在顶风作案了。美国SEC明令禁止郭文贵终身不得再直接或者间接参与任何数字证券的发售,但他视SEC的禁令如儿戏,非但不履行与SEC的和解条款缴纳罚金,反而变本加厉,妄想用喜币上市在蚂蚁内部再掀起一股吸金榨银的内卷风云。   喜币真的上市了吗?郭文贵说喜币在全球4个交易所交易,在5个国家发行,已经拿到了这5个国家的虚拟货币金融牌照,包括美国也批下来了。但在美国财政部金融犯罪执法局的网站上,查询美国财政部颁发的所有金融许可证时,我们发现无论是喜币还是“Xcoin”,都显示查询不到。这是典型的诈骗行为。卡丽熙说出了真相,这四个喜币上市的交易所实际上是都是喜交所。老郭玩了个文字游戏,这就是他说的在四个交易所交易,在5个国家发行?这类似于不去奥运会参赛,自己在家里搞了个体育比赛,运动员、裁判和冠军都只有一个人。怪不得老郭宣扬喜币是全世界最厉害的虚拟货币,逆境中自娱自乐的能力很强。   一个交易所就一个币种,画一根曲线就叫上市?从《郭媒体》和喜国农场放出的交易数据表来看,喜币“上市”15分钟,买入1090647.012个,卖出1675866.785个,卖出比买入多58万(个)喜币,也就是说“抛的比接盘的多”,半个小时后,抛的比买入的多106万个,这种情况下价格居然还能奇迹般地涨到6.75。但实际上,喜交所的“交易对”只有喜币/喜美元(HCN/HDO)一对,再无法和其他货币兑换。交易价6.75指的是“喜美元”,和喜币买入成本0.1美元完全是两回事,就算抛了也还是“喜美元”,换不成美元。也就是说,这67倍的暴利是无法转移兑付的空欢喜。虚拟币的最大特点就是可以全球快速转移兑付,以实现资本流动性,而喜币实为没有流动性的死币。况且刚开始还能看到喜交所网站展示的数据图表,后来看不到网站信息了,所以这些图表的真实性存疑,很可能是内部做图,用网站展示假数据,后来发现数据造假有点明显,老郭使用老招数,把网站内的一些信息暂时封锁了。这是典型的单机模式,内封闭的游戏币骗局。   关于封锁喜交所网站的数据信息,老郭是有提前预谋的。就在喜币上市直播结束后,老郭立马发出声明,表示喜币上市后他只担心两件事。一是担心网站安全,担心被共产党捣乱,网站被黑后崩溃。老郭一边自称喜币和喜交所的安全性全球第一,一边时刻担心系统被攻击,把自身系统的技术性短板和封闭性硬伤归咎于共产党。二是担心价格,老郭说喜币一上市就会涨10倍至20倍,共产党很可能会拿出大笔资金来购买喜币,一方面让大家无币可炒,另一方面实现共产党控股。除此之外,他还担心基金组织购买大量喜币后囤积居奇。老郭这是一语多关,既传达了喜币很值钱的信息,又关联了喜币的反共性质,还为封锁喜交所网站、信息造假和系统崩溃找好了借口。在设计圈套的时候就已经找好了收口的理由,喜币可以让大家都赚得盆满钵满,但一旦出现损失,就都是共产党的责任,把自己推得一干二净,这是典型的,也是老郭惯用的诈骗套路。   我们来看看喜币和喜交所的真实数据,喜交所Alexa全球网络排名(指网站的世界排名,主要分为综合排名和分类排名)565334名,日均访问IP只有区区1500人,这说明喜币投资人最多只有1500人,因为喜交所网站没有访客,必须经过KYC注册才能访问,所以访问者基本可以认定为投资人。老郭挖的这个坑,业内人士一眼就能看出来,按他的玩法是拿不到钱的,就只能靠后进场且不太懂的蚂蚁们来填坑。巴拿马SEC最近也预警了喜马拉雅交易所骗局,希望币圈朋友们扩展,蚂蚁们只有披上“防骗金钟罩”,才能防止被“吸血龟”和喜币吸干榨尽。
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