#aarne's favorite music
hungercityhellhound 2 years
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Wind Rose
This band is so fantastic.. Imagine if Durin's folk from Lord of the Rings decided to make an epic power metal band, that happens to be from Tuscany! Literally this is a Tolkien dwarf inspired power metal band and they go about in appropriate costumes. FUCK YES!
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songbirds-sweet 2 years
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts for the band ask
I AM SO SORRY I was a mess the last few days and I forgot to reply 馃槱
Am I a fan?: Yeah!
First Song I Heard By Them?: I Love Rock and Roll
Favorite Song?: Season of the Witch
Favorite Album?: Can't Decide between Bad Reputation and I Love Rock and Roll
Favorite Music Video?: I Love Rock and Roll
Have any merch?: Not yet
Seen them Live?: No :(
Favorite Member?:
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Thank you Aarne! 馃挅
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irenaemilija 4 years
i can鈥檛 believe i haven鈥檛 done this task? usually i overshare whenever i can lmao
001. name / age / pronouns
laura / 19 (buuut my birthday is next week yay) / she/her
002. which character(s) do you play?
irena filipovic, keneilwe zulu, irina romanova, pia de jong, aarne talvitie & lucien talhou毛t! if someone would have told me a year ago i鈥檇 be having six characters now, i would not have believed that. i鈥檓 pretty sure the only one who is missing from the ensemble is johan wow
003. nationality / ethnicity / timezone
finnish / white as snow / i never remember what it is? gmt+2????
004. tell us a bit about your 聽( home / current ) country / city / etc. your pick
i鈥檝e lived in finland my entire life but i moved to helsinki in august. it wasn鈥檛 that big of a change since i had already gone to high school in helsinki so i pretty much knew the city already, but the transition to considering the city as my home has been nice! i really like finland bc it鈥檚 safe and small. the only thing i don鈥檛 like is the lack of light during the winter!!!
005. 聽favourite color / fruit / season
blue or purple / watermelon / autumn
006. favourite books + writer whose writing style you admire the most
i love reading but i have so little time for it nowadays. it鈥檚 sad. but my favorite books are the help by kathryn stockett, pride and prejudice by jane austen & ensemble, c鈥檈st tout by anna gavalda! i really love classics which is a good thing that鈥檚 what i have to read for uni. writer whose style i admire the most is probably a finnish author named laura gustafsson. her style is very interesting and captivating.
007. what kinda music do you listen to + any fave bands / musicians
mostly indie pop and then pretty much all sort of other genres, too. french music is close to my heart for obvious reasons, and my fave musician of all time is c艙ur de pirate!
008. what are you doing for a living / what are you studying?
i study french and i鈥檓 planning to take english as my minor! i鈥檓 also gonna go through a year worth of teacher studies (idk what the proper term in english is, basically just where they teach you to be a teacher) so hopefully in five-ish years i鈥檒l be a teaching french and english to some high schoolers.
009. what鈥檚 your dream occupation?
i鈥檓 gonna become a teacher but i鈥檓 not sure if that鈥檚 my dream occupation? not gonna think about that too much or i鈥檒l get sad
010. relationship status
s i n g l e
011. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
tea! i love my hot leaf juice
012. dream holiday destination?
i would love to go to senegal! or then to martinique or guadeloupe. and also iceland. and the states. and vietnam. and thailand. the list goes on
013. the thing you鈥檙e most proud about yourself
uhhhhh maybe the fact i made the decision to study french? i come from an environment where i had a lot of pressure to choose a career from a very limited selection of options (law, medicine, economics, engineering). i am proud that i chose something that truly interests me over what was expected of me.
014. tell us a bit about your family!
i have a twin sister and a younger brother! my sister is basically the complete opposite of me but we鈥檙e still very close. i literally had separation anxiety for a couple of weeks after she moved out of our childhood home. my brother is 14 and he is a terrible little gremlin. but he鈥檚 kind of funny and can be a pretty solid guy if he wants. usually he doesn鈥檛 lmao
015. how long have you known your closest friend?
i have two close friends and we kind of form a triad together: i鈥檝e known the other for 3,5 years and the other for threeish years? we met in high school and have been friends ever since.
016. superpower you鈥檇 like to have?
mind reading bc i鈥檓 a nosy bitch
017. celebrity you鈥檇 like to meet?
uhhhhh maybe natalie portman? or maybe helena bonham carter??
018. guilty pleasures
cheesy romance novels bc i love love and also asmr videos, especially those stupid soap carving ones
019. pet peeves
i have some but rn i only remember this one: when someone interrupts a speaker with a completely unnecessary and irrelevant comment! i hate that! it鈥檚 not all about you!
020. do you have any hobbies?
this. this is my hobby. i also try to knit socks but the heel part kicks my ass every time so maybe i should change my focus to making leg warmers lmao
021. where would you like to live in the future?
i鈥檓 pretty sure i鈥檓 going to be moving to france for the next academic year so that鈥檚 neat! in theory living abroad sounds cool and interesting but i鈥檓 probably going to stick with finland after i come back from france. we鈥檒l see.
022. tell us a story about a thing that recently happened to you! it can be a funny, scary, sad story, your pick!
okay so in finland we have this thing called sitsit. it鈥檚 an academic mostly non-formal dinner event where students eat, sing and drink. i absolutely love them, and we had one yesterday! they usually have some kind of themes and yesterday鈥檚 event鈥檚 theme was the 90s. i really don鈥檛 know anything about the 90s since i was born in 2000, but i tried and i did get plenty of compliments about the terrible lip gloss i had. the best part of the evening was when we sang sin盲 l盲hdit pois, a classic finnish song from the nineties (that even i know by heart). imagine 80 drunk people singing very loudly a song they all know and banging the tables mostly in rhythm. awesome. then i proceeded to get absolutely wasted. it resulted in me missing the last bus home so i had to pay 30 euros to get home. still, no regrets.
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hungercityhellhound 2 years
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Howard Shore
Yes, conposers count too.
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hungercityhellhound 9 months
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hungercityhellhound 10 months
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hungercityhellhound 2 years
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Stolen Prayer
An up and coming Glam Metal band from Kentucky. I love C.C. Knix's voice.
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hungercityhellhound 2 years
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Faster Pussycat
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hungercityhellhound 9 months
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Sammy Hagar
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hungercityhellhound 9 months
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Pink Floyd
This video is both perfectly beautiful and brings me to tears for oh so many reasons.
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hungercityhellhound 9 months
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Quiet Riot
I love them so much that you all get a whole playlist.
And some more pictures....
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hungercityhellhound 9 months
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hungercityhellhound 9 months
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hungercityhellhound 10 months
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hungercityhellhound 10 months
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hungercityhellhound 10 months
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Cheap Trick
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