#also don't get me started on Elliot in re2r that makes me twitch a bit
delicatebluebirdruins · 6 months
Your comments were disabled for this post, but I just couldn’t let this go. I’m fascinated by this. RE3R was made by an out-of-house team, while RE2R was in-house. The two teams were largely disconnected from each other, only coming together to ask questions about the game engine. Where did your information come from? Was it actually listed in the credits? And if so, I wonder how the two games could be so widely different from each other then. I know RE2R cut some content, but it wasn’t nearly on the same level as RE3R.
1 i rarely remember how to disable post things so i have no idea what happened there sorry
2 RE2R and RE3R were developed by different teams at the same time as you said chatting to keep their timelines as straight as possible (with the RE2R's team decision to leave it up in the air with who got to RPD first and how similar the campaigns ran like Birkin and Annette dying twice further confusing things with Marvins knife in re4r)
3 with the cut content the makers of the game themselves (quite a few working on the orginal Nemesis including the main director Kiyohiko Sakata making his debut for RE3R) wanted to make it streamlined to make it a straight run through bascially keeping the ongoing main story points and being cut throat with other things (those things were probably going to end up as DLC because Carlos did pick up a extra pouch during the siege, Tyrell did get into trouble by someting other than zombies considering how he looked when he got to the hospital and something broke that wall in the RPD, and you cannot tell me were not going to get a Marvin DLC somewhere in there and I almost forgot Nicholai how did he get off the train? how did he get to the courtyard in time to see Jills battle with Nemesis where was he in proximity to see that fight and Nemesis infecting her.)
(yeah RE3R is slightly more action orientated then 2 its almost as if she's a trained veteran part of an elite team or anything)
my only thought when reading that silly comment was oh yeah like this guy who actually fucking worked on RE3R and then went on to RE4R
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there is not a lot of information about M Two studios but here is one thing https://www.gamesindustry.biz/tatsuya-minami-reportedly-starts-new-capcom-backed-studio-m-two-inc
"So RE2 started [development] first," said Fabiano in a recent GameSpot interview. "But one thing to clarify is that when we decided it was the right time to work on that game, we knew that we wanted to remake RE3 as well because it would essentially tie up the trilogy. We had already brought back the RE1 Remake with the remaster, and we were working on RE2, so we knew we wanted to have RE3, too. So it's not like it just came out after one year RE2 was done, and then suddenly you had RE3. It was planned."
he commented further: "But just to be clear, they didn't start development at the same time."
Simultaneous development should come as no surprise to those familiar with the industry's creative pipeline process. Fabiano explained that RE3 was in active development for three years, and had some overlap with RE2's development. In fact, what the RE2 team was doing with Mr. X helped inform the RE3 team's work on Nemesis, the towering tyrant-like pursuer pursuing Jill in that game.
"We saw what [the RE2 team] were doing with Mr. X, and he kind of upped the ante in their reimagined version of that game," said Fabiano. "And so when the RE3 director saw that, he was like, 'Okay, well I need to take Nemesis to the next level.' And I think that comes out in what players will see."
[if Nemesis was exactly like the Tyrant in RE2R people would be bitching because Nemesis in the remake is a cat he is toying with us he can come into small rooms like the safe room where you get the bolt cutters]
I think i shared this article before but here it is again for this quote
Fabiano: We had members of the original team working on the game so they were extremely excited to completely rebuild their vision for what Raccoon City should look like, as well as being able to tell a fully fleshed out narrative with today’s technology. We were also pleased to be able to tie the stories of Resident Evil 2 and 3 together more than in the originals. It’s always a challenge to figure out what to include and what to change or adapt but we’re happy that we were able to stay on target and realize our vision. (this particular interview was June 1st 2020 and its Peter Fabiano announcing RE3R and I suppose by default RE2R are finished projects)
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