#also her fourth wall breaks are almost all really jarring because she doesn't do them often enough and i FORGET she can lmao
mixelation · 2 years
Idk if you have watched she hulk but I wanna know, do you think they sexualized her a lot. I can’t help but think that
i think once you accept that she-hulk as a concept is supposed be an otherwise conventionally hot giant green woman (be she a mediocre cgi lady or a comic book lady), she's not really.... more sexualized than any other woman in the MCU? like i think you could argue making a "female hulk" a ten foot woman with perfectly coiffed hair and a ""yoga body"" and luscious carefully cgi'd eyelashes is like. you know, goes into that shitty "all females of the humanoid fantasy species are Sexy, even though the men are not" trope, which I'm not a big fan of. but i kind of like jennifer walters mostly scuttling around in an oversized suit and/or her PJs, and i did kind of dig she-hulk's first big "fight" being NOT a bunch of black widow-style sexy flying take-downs, but rather a ridiculous sibling wrestling match with hulk (i may have also been drinking with my own sibling when i watched it lmao).
like there IS an entire episode about how men on a dating website think she's hotter as she-hulk than as jennifer, but that was mostly played as social commentary (not necessarily GOOD social commentary, mind you), followed by an episode where she's forced to trot out all her dates in front of a judge, which I have mixed feelings about. and i guess there's a comedic bit where she twerks? so i'm not saying she's NOT sexualized, just that it doesn't really feel super egregious compared to some other media
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