#also hi!!! I've been offline a lot but after much stress and a week being mildly mistreated at the hospital i finally know what's wrong!!
noxious-fennec · 7 months
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C!Q + vylette's fit from Jawbreaker
(aka an idea I've had for every conceivable holiday for months and decidedly couldn't put out on an appropriate date)
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polaris145-blog · 6 years
Feelings and Thoughts Summary 2# - 10/15/18
Sorry for not posting anything this two weeks I've been offline, school took pretty much all my time :(
So this past two weeks are pretty much in a rush, everyone was doing homework and projects, we are getting ready for our exams.
I've been noticing a lot of different behaviors in my friends, sometimes I don't recognize them. It might be the stress but it's been happening since the start of this new semester, and I'm ot sure if I should worry or not, like I said in my first summary they have their own group of friends in different periods of the day and sometimes they leave for the whole day but maybe it's just my imagination, after all they can do what they want with their life so I guess I shouldn't worry for now.
Many things can happen in one day, and today I got into a argument with my dad, it doesn't surprise me anymore, but sometimes I wish he doesn't have a big ego. Every time we fight I always have to be the one who started, to be honest... I guess we are even, he said I shouldn't be so disrespectful just because I said there were some insects in my room and theirs when someone (that is not a household) is close by, but the he complained about my dance practices and to be more specific about the upcoming contest I'll have, just because it's to expensive, I understand that but what I don't get is why I'm the respectful one when I talk about a few things in the house and he doesn't when he talks about or economy status when that subject is not supposed to be said when someone unknown is close by. Like I said, we are even, being disrespectful to each other.
It also happens with my mom, when something happens and we know it's not our fault but somehow it is for him. And heck sometimes it's HIS fault and yet he still says is ours!
I can't wait to move when I get to university, I'll be away from I'm this and I an finally do my own life. Don't get me wrong I don't like arguing with my parents but sometimes I can't stand them, I he could be less egocentric.
Even though I got that small fight that later on will be forgotten, I had a great time today... well.. almost, out biology teacher gave us a surprise exam, I failed it. It was only one question but it was THAT ONE question that you always forget it's answer and thanks to that I didn't past the small test, what a shame isn't It? Well I guess it's not really that important for now it's just a small test, not a partial.
Well, that would be all for today, I totally hope this week would be more relax.
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Ep 3 Confessionals Pt 1 | "Let Me Snake the Snake" - Jinx
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I feel bad because I keep shitting on Isaiah because he is a really nice person and I enjoy talking to him but like.....where the fuck is he. He messaged me earlier saying "IM FREE" meaning with his hectic work schedule that was this past week and I was thinking "great! he'll finally be around" and then I was wrong. Like we were trying to find a sit out for the challenge and Discord said he was online (to be fair though sometimes Discord does that even if someone is offline) and we even pinged him to answer and then boom nothing. Like I thought he was free. If he was napping he could've said something or like a sorry for the delayed response because it's not that deep it's just annoying. Like I want to work with him because I enjoyed talking to him during Sunset Rodeo but he is making it so hard but he is busy and that is valid which is more ughhhh because it's not like he's just being lazy. I am conflicted on my thoughts apparently. When he said it was fine if someone else wanted to sit out I should have tbh because imma be tired after work and we all know I don't wake up until I have to be in a rush to get ready not matter what time I start work. This is just a rant at this point and yea. Also, Matt Summers is now on the tribe and I am so thankful because I've played a few games with him and he's always a fun person to have around and just good to talk to. He is also being super active which is amazing love to see it. As for myself though, I need to remind myself to PM people more because as per usual I'm bad at remembering to do so.
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Royal team is turning out to be a lot more coordinated and well oiled than the original tanvirali team that I was on last season. I have a tight alliance with Shane so from here it’s just trying to find who to vote for in the case we lose the immunity challenge
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THANK FUCKING GOD WE DIDN'T LOSE THAT. I'm honestly so stressed- I'm having such a good time with everyone from CK and really can't decide who I'd vote for. Sam L deserves a second chance, as does Jinx, and Shane and I were homies. What if we just go to rocks this early on? At least we can keep getting second for a bit.
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We did so good bro I’m so happy
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Round three and guess what we won the challenge ! I’m so happy to not have to attend a pirate council. Hopefully we can keep this good vibes energy going
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Quick confessional time! Not much to say this round strategy-wise... we won, again, which is GREAT for keeping the element of surprise and GREAT for keeping people I like around but NOT SO GREAT insofar as it'll paint a huge target on us when we're revealed and NOT SO GREAT insofar as I'm getting antsy with the kumbayah vibes. The good news is I don't see myself in trouble on this team even when we do go to Pirate Council. A three-person alliance with myself, Luke and Daisy has been discussed and agreed upon, so all we need to do there is pull the trigger and presto-change-o, majority formed. I haven't mentioned it to Lydia yet because I don't want them freaking out and thinking they're the target... though, of course, Lily having the idol adds layers to this. But I still love Lydia so much and don't think I could sit idly by as she left. So... that might be a bridge we have to cross sooner than later. Meanwhile, this is the second challenge where Lily has caused me to worry about a challenge only to pull through in the end. We had to do some of the legwork for her to ensure she got her responsibilities done, but she got them done when push came to shove. So I can't be too irritated. I just wish she gave me a little more to work with in one-on-ones and was a little less of a domineering presence on calls. I figure I'll likely be sitting out this next challenge — nearly everyone else has, so it's probably my turn — so I hope that defeatist energy doesn't come back and tank us. My ideal world sees a swap where Ghost is on the majority somewhere. We can get our feet wet, build that trust we've been talking about, and figure our shit out without having to cannibalize one of our five. But if we do go, and Lily IS the target, even if she idols I see her taking out Lydia before me. One last thought... I hope Matt pulls through tonight. I can't imagine being the lone member from my OG team on a team full of people who've played this whole game AND a whole 'nother one together. If anyone can play his way out of that spot though, it's Matt friggin' Summers. In my head I see him convincing SOMEONE that they're better off scooping him up and having a loyal ally. So... stay alive, please, Matteo!
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