#also i'm not talking about the angst ones ok don't misinterpret this
plushiehamuko · 5 months
one thing about me is that i can't play a single p3p scene that has shinji without pausing to giggle and kick my feet at least 50 times
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caterkinnie · 2 years
Hi! Can I ask for a request similar to this but instead the reader thinks the characters are just joking? I deal with a lot of relationship insecurity, especially when it comes to confessions, so like maybe a little angst with a fluffy ending.
With the characters Vil, Rook, Lilia, Riddle, Leona if that's alright (plus anyone else you want to add! I also don't mind if you want to remove one of them, or if you don't want to accept the request! Have a good day 🖤)
Please just accept their feelings they're so down bad...
❥ ⌗ characters: Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Lilia Vanrouge.
❥ ⌗ summary: They finally confess after pining for quite a while and you think they're joking
❥ ⌗ tags: somewhat angst with a happy ending, some general headcanons here and there, reader has insecurities that are not specified. not proofread.
❥ ⌗ a/n: apologies for taking so long and congrats ! you're the only one who was saved from me clearing my askbox because i really liked this request. sorry that i didn't write for leona and riddle, i already had vil, rook and lilia's parts planned beforehand</3
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'...Vil, it's not funny. Why would you joke about something like that?'
Vil was completely smitten for you, and to have someone like HIM with insanely high standards for EVERYTHING down bad then that says a lot about you as a person.
It didn't take him too long to notice how you lacked confidence — normally, he wouldn't care. But we are talking about you, so he constantly tries to help you in a very Vil way.
He was very meticulous when it was about you, Vil has been planning his confession for quite a while now. As you know, he's quite the perfectionist kind of guy; Vil has every single thing planned to the smallest detail.
It's a fool-proof plan, of course after weeks and weeks trying to pursue you romantically he HAS to make it all worth it.
Of course there's a problem he wasn't considering; Vil knows you like him back, he figured it out rather quickly. However, that was not the problem — he was missing a detail.
He had planned out EVERYTHING and with that I Mean EVERYTHING, even what he would say if you rejected him (Vil thought that maybe even if you reciprocate his feelings you might not feel comfortable with him being a celebrity, something he wouldn't be mad at you for.) but your actual answer to his confession left him speechless.
I think both of you have quite a misunderstanding here.
Did he misinterpret your entire relationship? He's now overthinking. Vil was so sure that you liked him back. Did he completely mess up?
'My dear, I'm not… I'm not joking. Why would you even assume that I would make such a distasteful joke like that in the first place?'
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'You… You can't be serious, right? Why would you… like me back…'
It's insanely hard to catch Rook's attention, contrary to what most people might think.
He's the self-proclaimed hunter of love, someone who's constantly seeking beauty to admire and love. Yet… that's the same reason why he feels as if he can't experience romantic love.
He's had a few crushes here and there, but nobody fully catches his eyes — nobody, until you appeared.
Rook fully believes you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen… Not only physically. Every single part about you feels so foreign to him that Rook just wants to know more and more!...
But you don't seem to acknowledge how beautiful you are, that's ok! He'll tell you all the time how wonderful you are, no matter how much you struggle to believe him, his words are nothing but pure honesty. Just thinking about you makes his heart weak, always lowering his guard as if your presence alone was able to protect him from any danger, just what are you doing to him?
Rook loves the chase, so when he gets impatient and decides it's time to confess then that means he's completely serious about this.
He's not meticulous as Vil is when planning a confession — after all, he wants it to be natural. That doesn't mean he isn't saving a few hundreds of poems about his undying love for you.
It isn't hard for him to express his love for you, since he seems to be thinking about his emotions for such a huge amount of time he's struggling to focus!
Rook was waiting for the perfect moment to confess, a moment so intimate between the two of you that felt right. Like Vil, he was quite confident and knew that you liked him back beforehand.
However, he has also noticed that you sometimes reject his compliments, something that leaves him worried all the time. He seems to be slightly stressed on a daily basis because of this, even Vil noticed his sudden change.
When he hears your response, you can see the way his usual smile falters for a second — it's almost unnoticeable. It's not unexpected, but oh, how he wished to hug you tightly and tell you how wrong you were about yourself.
Ah, how he desires you to think of yourself as highly as he does, he tries his best to hide how upset he is — not with you, but whoever made you feel as if you couldn't trust his words.
'Why wouldn't I like you..? Ah, dear Trickster, there's nothing about you I could ever dislike!'
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'Ah… you're not serious, right? I don't like it when you flirt with me as a joke…'
You're right in a way, Lilia enjoys flirting for fun. Asking someone on a date just to see their reaction and maybe get to know them better. His feelings are somewhat fleeting.
He used to flirt with you because he liked your reactions, something about you always felt so refreshing… Is it perhaps the fact that you view his world in an entirely different way? Maybe you're just a normal human who just happens to be attractive to him. Either way, being with you felt different.
And it was confusing for him, Lilia knows his position as an old fae and A Single Father, which makes things complicated, let alone the fact that you two are from entirely different species (which was never a problem to begin with, however, it might inconvenience you in the future if your relationship lasted long enough)
He has been in love a few times before in his life, he's been afraid of being in love too; but that gave him a fair amount of regrets, regrets that he's not willing to either let go of or repeat.
He decided to court you as soon as possible, but his advances are somewhat… odd, expected from a man like Lilia. You usually didn't even realize what he was trying to do and if you did, you played it off as if it was a joke. Silver had to deal with his father whining about you being 'too oblivious to realize his clear and totally obvious advances' way too many times, poor guy.
Deep down… He knew it was something else, Lilia acted as if it was just you… being oblivious, nothing more. However, he's pretty good at reading people— the old fae had a very clear idea of what was going on. Which is why when he decided to stop playing around and officially ask you out, your response did not surprise him in the slightest.
'Ah, my dear.. You wound my heart. I've been trying to let you know of my feelings in a subtle manner, but you always played it off as a mere jest. What can I do to earn your trust?'
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Time To Heal — Mista x Reader x Narancia
Synopsis: Narancia has to deal woth his feelings for you, which he hates since you and Mista are dating. And were dating long before he started feeling things for you. He wishes to be honest about hiw he feels to the both of you since you're his best friends.
Genre: slight angst in the Reader x Narancia part, unrequited love. Fluffy for the Mista x Reader part, and fluffy for everyone at the end. Also, sprinkles of Mista x Giorno. Mentions of NSFW topics.
A/N: another set of headcanons because I'm too lazy to write a proper scenario abt this. I AM STILL WRITING THE JOSUKE ANGST I TALKED ABOUT YESTERDAY OK, also I have a Rohan fic in the making as well (I really need to stop working in several WIPs at once). The reader has tattoos.
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Narancia's feelings for you happened after you started dating Mista.
It all began when you joined. You had been the fourth one to join Bucciarati's gang. Less than a month after you joined, Bruno bailed Mista out of jail and had him join.
It really was love at first sight for the both of you. The both of you falling head over hills at 10,000 mph.
You looked at the revolver tattoo you had gotten just a week earlier, when you met him. Is this fate? You asked yourself. Mista didn't even had to ask, he knew it for a fact.
It didn't take long for you and Mista to start dating.
But before Mista's arrival,  Narancia and you were already close friends, soon Mista joined the chaotic dynamic you two had.
Narancia's feelings for you weren't triggered by a specific event. Small things, all were adding little by little. And when he realized this, he hated himself.
How could he have feelings for you? He knew about Mista and you. He knew it had been a dumb move on his part. It was painful that everything about you was slowly drawing him in.
The way you trusted in him and told him the stories behind your tattoos, about your past, whe you lent him your favorite CDs for him to listen to.
He eventually found himself having dreams of you, in which he is holdong your hand or cuddling you. God, he hated this so much.
The time he saw Giorno doing things to Mista, he felt weird and felt the need to tell you. Could Mista really be cheating on you like that with the newbie?
When he told you, you found it hard to believe and asked Mista what happened, without addressing the fact that Narancia had seen them. Once Mista told you the whole thing, you laughed so hard at the fact that Narancia had misinterpreted the whole situation. "What is so funny? It really hurt pretty bad, okay? Imagine being shot 20 times!" "No, Mista, is not that. Nevermind, its not important anyways. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, babe"
"Narancia, I talked to Mista about what happened, and it was a misunderstanding" "huh? It was? But-but Mista...and Giorno..." "Dont worry about it, its all cool now. It doesn't matter" You never told Narancia what really happened, it was funnier to let Narancia believe that Giorno had given head to Mista.
Narancia's own feelings began overwhelming him, and he had this urge to be honest with you.
"Hey, can I tell you something?" "Sure, Narancia. You can tell me anything, you know that"
"I dont want to screw up, but also I need to say this out loud..." "is everything alright?" "It is, I promise. I'm fine. And I'm gonna be fine. I just...I'm scared" "what are you scared of?" "Of losing you. Of losing Mista..." "Narancia, I'm not following...what are you talking about?"
"I think...I may have feelings for you"
You didn't know, but Mista was walking by when he head you talking to Narancia and before he could even walk in the room, he heard Narancia's confession and stood by the door, listening.
"Oh..." You whispered. "Listen, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know. Also, I'm not gonna interfere with you and Mista. You two are my best friends, and I think it's amazing that you're so in love with each other. You deserve each other."
"When did you..." "Not sure. It's not been long, though. You two were already dating when this happened..." "Does Mista know?" "No...not yet. I want to tell him, though...Oh god, do you think he'll kick my ass?" "C'mon, he wouldn't do that"
"Narancia, I'm so sorry..." "for what? Its not your fault. Its nobody's fault. It just happened...hopefully, now that you know this, it'll be easier for me to get over those feelings..."
You hugged Narancia, and continued to apologize despite him telling you not to.
Mista was about to start sobbing by the door.
Narancia was a bit distant for the next day, and you assumed it was because he was dealing with his feelings. Whenever you asked him if he was alright, he'd answer "yes, I am. I will be. I just need a bit of time"
Narancia eventually gathered the guts to talk to Mista. But Mista could easily tell what he was going to say.
"Mista..." "I know, Narancia. I may or may not have listened you guys talk a few days ago" "Oh...I...Are you....Wha—" "I'm not mas at you, man. It's not your fault, you didn't ask for this..."
"We're good, then?" "Of course we're good"
"What now?" Mista asked. "Now that you two know, I feel more at ease...Hopefully I'll get over these feelings soon...I just need time"
A few weeks went by, and Narancia remained distant. You were missing your friend, but you understood he needed time and space. Whenever he felt ready, he'd go back to hang out with the both of you.
Soon, Narancia started spending more and more time with you, andnthings slowly began coming back to normal.
"How are you?" You asked him one day. "I'm perfect! I told you I was gonna be fine!" "So...you...uh...did you..." Mista stuttered. "Almost! But I really missed hanging out with you, guys"
Mista wrapped an arm around Narancia's shoulder and brought him close, bumping his head with Narancia's. "I missed you too, you little bastard"
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