#also i'm on ep 20 and i really wanted to do sleeping beauty and Alice in Wonderland
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Alice is Borderland S1 & S2 Live Blogging
I don't actually know that much about this show except it's like playing deadly (video) games? And Keita Machida from Cherry Magic is in it
Season 1
Ep 1 (May 20)
so did they go into a parallel world through the bathroom stall?
oooh game arena okay
oh she called those lasers the borderline
did this woman do this before or something? she seems to know things and be quite matter of fact
as expected, the girl who came the latest and was the most scared and innocent-seeming died first, especially after the Chotaro TODO guy was like don't worry! play with us and nothing will happen!
lol this puzzle is too much also I don't get it why are those 2 rooms a no-go? - oh i see, that's where they came from before or something
ooh, a survivor
i mean he died but you know, survivor of the games for a while
oh, are those red lasers killing everybody whose visa ended today?
that's pretty cool, I wanna watch another ep but also want a nap hmm
Ep 2 (May 20)
Did not nap, and went to my driving lesson, here's to another episode
cool, beautiful girl with a dead/murdered father
oh she was just also in the bathroom when the power went out and then nobody was there when she came outside
okay but so she got here 3 days ago and there were other people here since before then too so ? hmm ig instead of the guy's theory that the electromagnetic stuff takes out everybody in the city, it's rather that these specific people get taken to a different parallel city? when the power goes out
okay they're also discussing possibilities about time moving differently or VR
Club = team, diamon = wits, spades = physical strength, heart = betrayal and playing with people's hearts. larger number means more difficulty
rip the first game was a 3 and this is a 5
oh nice shot of us learning to find a safezone in the building and the shot keeps going up and up to show how large the building is
oof the guy has turned to God, I think his mother who he gave money to also bought into some religious cult since she kept asking for money to cleanse Tokyo
Shibuki is such a troublemaker lol now she's tryna turn Chota against Arisu and Kurube
i did expect the real estate guy who was hanging around to die but not so soon oof
oh actual boobs?
damn we keep getting instances of women sleeping with people to get ahead, especially ones who are seen as unreliable (Chota's mother) and untrustworthy (Shibuki). also lol I just remembered the girl that Kurube was making out with had a boyfriend. why do the male characters get laws and backstories and for female characters it's just their sexuality lol
man i love unlikely group of people coming around to help each other in life and death so much we'll see how many of them survive this round
oh he really let him die interesting
a swoooooooord
oh wtf horse man got here quick is there more than one of em
there issss more than one of them okay
the climber girl is so cool beloved <3
the taggers were also in game yaaa it's like when people were wondering whether the masked men in Squid Game were also playing a different sort of game
oh? answer? the beach
Ep 3 (May 20)
Watching this a few minutes after finishing ep 2, ah been a few weeks since I binged something intensely
very intense music for that doodle
ooh in addition to phones, also weapons? and VR
fun instrumental music too
makes sense that it's a 7 of Hearts (betrayal and playing with people's hearts) when it's just the 4 of them playing. kinda like ep 6 squid game marble game
I'm slightly confused by this game. so you don't wanna abe found by the wolf and you'll become the next wolf if you're found but the person who is wolf at the end is the winner right? so won't the lambs wanna be found and wolf won't want to seek? or is it like they'll tall try to make eye contact with the wolf so that they're the wolf like some sort of reverse hide and seek where the wolf wants to hide
Shibuki picks up on it quickly as expected
woahh friendship is magic moments flashback from Arisu
oh it's interesting that by the time Arisu wants to give the wolf back, Chota literally drags Shibuki away with her mouth shut (he must be strong as hell despite his injury) and Kurube also doesn't speak because they both don't want it anymore
They're "hiding well so that the sheep don't find" them
what the fuck do they actually die for real? isn't this too early in the game for all of them to die it feels incorrect wtf i feel like I've seen kurube around for season 2 stuff maybe? is this a dream or something wtf
Ep 4 (May 20)
Man I have things to be doing but these people know how to end the episodes so that I keep clicking on the next one
oh I heard her say "they accept me as I am" about the mountains and father and my first thought was oh? is she gay?
oof we're getting how her backstory went sour too
ah her father went missing and now is suspected to have committed suicide? I guessed he died after falling from the mountains or something but this is more interesting
she kind of slightly reminds me of First from JaFirst
lmfao a trio of guys who stuck together for 4 games and even saying "having friends is the difference between winning and losing" really rubbing it into Arisu's face you fools, I don't expect more than 1 of them to survive
ah it's so fucked up like okay 1 of them survived and it's the unlikely one and the starting position was the goal damn
Ep 5 (May 20)
I've actually not done any work today and it's 10:30pm. I took a long break between ep 4 and 5 and hoped I would've done some work in between but alas.
ooh this Beach is like the weird strange highly-controlled rebels or governments or organizations in dystopian YA novels
oh there's like hundreds of people at the beach wtf
the blonde guy from the horseman tag is here too and seems to have a subplan within the Beach? okay interesting. also the beach people have weapons and he had a taser, I originally thought he'd acquired it by himself but I wonder if it's from The Beach
okay it makes sense that they're meeting so many people from previous games at the Beach (like the blonde guy and the guy Arisu saved both from the tag game) because I was like how can there be this many beach people but we only met like 2 thus far but nah we just didn't know the others were also in the beach. anyway, I think this guy will maybe die but the girl Kuina will live
oh i see just flipping the switch while the door is open doesn't mean you're giving an answer - it's your chance to see if it's correct or not but if not, you just choose one of the other 2 as the answer
how would Ann know the answer?
oh bruh i definitely should've guessed the "touch bulb to see if it's hot" thing that's like easy science and doable as a viewer, online the other tests
all the weapons people sharing a look when Hatter says he'll have to replenish his visa soon okay
Hatter is so gross and self-absorbed, I wonder if he's gonna die really soon lol
was that zoom out of the beach supposed to show us something about where they are or anything? it's lost on me unfortunately
Ep 6 (May 20)
fuck I really should just be doing work but here I am aghhh
so did he just make up the thing about being able to leave? I did wonder if maybe that way of escape wasn't accurate but that they had been given wrong info, not that they had manufactured the info
wait but even if he does steal the cards then what? he's gonna have to keep going to games to renew visa/get 10 of hearts right? and won't the beach people just kill him there? or he's gonna steal it but keep it a secret ig be a little double agent
oh wtf Ann is digging through a dead woman's brain to find a GPS there
actually I'm off-put by how much skin and butt and boobs we're seeing of women and none of men like either do none or do both. this show really does just assume the audience is cishet man i guess
oh Hatter died for real which is expected but who knows if it's from the game or if the militants took him out
i like how the blonde guy looks like an elf sort of
damn elf guy really betrayed Arisu for no damn reason T.T unless he's just ? pretending somehow who fucking knows even let's not think and just see where this goes
ooh a drawing of a deer aka where the safe is. but also yknow now I'm reminded of the drawing that elf guy found in the horse mask's pocket during tag
there really is no need for sexual assault like why does this show just treat women like that
woah elf man is ruthless fr
oh ho ho 10 of hearts among all the beach players woahhhh nice
omg this is so fun they're gonna have to for real burn somebody but a bit toooo fun, how will I go to bed after this instead of watching next ep
Ep 7 (May 20)
Ah fuck, I'm here at 12:15 AM (so technically may 21) instead of doing my work
this is genuinely so fucked up they're just killing everybody and burning them in the fire but none of those killed are the witch, just innocents
oof Kuina volunteering to fight the sword man girl don't die pls
this running around the complex while trying to escape but only to be gunned down by the militants brings back memories of the recurring nightmares from my childhood where the gunda with guns would break in and we'd be forced to run all throughout the quarters to try to escape
oh we're getting backstory of the sniper mans (Niragi) also he's so beautiful he reminds me a bit of taeyong when he's in his childhood bullied attire and actually quite a bit like Kai (he reminds me a bit of Yoongi as this beach sniper version of himself)
ah kuina trans woman! shitty childhood but she did it
okay fuck so i was thinking that we always get some backstory before a character dies, so when we got Nigari's story I was like is he gonna die? but thought maybe not yet but then he did die and now kuina also got to tell her backstory so agh she's probably gonna die soon too
oh bald guy has this sort of body posture because of sitting on his computer all the time? of his wording about freedom even through death and this land or whatever is so good honestly. "for me, I have no past" but if he kills kuina I'll slaughter him myself
not Arisu fighting for life and strength again cuz of his flashback to a trio moment T.T
omg did kuina beat him?? don't die don't die don't die pls
oh they're insinuating that the stoic new number one leader is the witch?
ohh he's called Hatter because he was a hatter. and he and stoic new number one knew each other
this episode is so fun because we have so much chaos and so much backstory for side characters
oh Ann really ot whacked so quick
Favourite episode so far
Ep 8 (May 20)
Fuck it, I'll watch the last ep of the season too. how the fuck am i supposed to not?
oooh dead Momoka and her friend (Asahi) were taking recordings/vlogs? I hope they show what the two of them were always secretively talking about
oh come onnn i wanna know
so stoic man Aguni is not the witch? well he did kill Hatter okay
what's Aguni's motive? just kill everybody so that they don't hope of leaving the place? cuz he knows it's bogus?
bro didn't they have 15 minutes at the end of last episodes, what time do we have left now
was Hatter's gun empty? i thought it kinda looked like that when shooting but wasn't sure
oh what the hell Asahi is the dealer? so is that the thing they were talking about on the vlogs like "the man" and took them to "the place"
lmfao seeing the elf man do nothing but just watch from the balcony above everybody and see his reactions occasionally is so funny like oh. that's us the viewers
oh aguni going to agun/fire with nagiri omg
bro why is the sword tattoo man's words so beautiful and haunting it really does read like the way of somebody who belongs to a cult though
okay okay okay let's see what the recordings have
ooh so those mask people during taggers were also dealers
bets? oh it's D:
oh the game masters are even more fucked up here than in squid games fr these poor girls and the game masters' laughter while they're dying like i think the fact that it's so casual and crowded and not even given all the attention unlike squid games which had these horrific games as an Event makes it worse too
it's like 2am and I'm the only one awake in the house so this stuff is making me really scared
omg all the game masters are dead too? laser burns
oh the drawing that blond elf found has come to use
ohhh finding all the numbered cards means those people who aren't game masters but above dealers all died. so they were also in the game in a way
I like how the blond elf man's expressions are always of mild curiosity and a hint of smile. evil man I kinda like you
oh the executive Mina D:
that was fucking insane
I think this is a fun show with cool games, intense moments, and some fun characters (specifically Kuina, followed by cool climber girl and Arisu. I also like scary elf man - Chota).
I binged the whole 8 eps in 14-ish hours, which I haven't done in a long time, so that shows just how engaging this was! Something that helped with that though was that the show wasn't very deep, it didn't take much thinking, some characters were good but I wasn't invested in them. So this surface level enjoyment + the threads of anticipation made me able to binge the show quickly without having to really sit with it for a few hours. Which is fine, just a contrast to something like Squid Game which I love so dearly and really burrowed into me.
Also, I finished watching this at like 2AM and the last 2 episodes had me frightened at the end when I had to go to the bathroom and then sleep lol
Rating: 7/10
Season 2
Starting this the next evening and I also haven't done any work since finishing season 1, just hung out with my friend. It is what it is.
I looking a bit at reddit and I spoiled myself about the ending reason of why they're in the game just a bit. Apparently they're in limbo (accidentally got spoiled) and there's a meteor that hit Tokyo and the writer was confussed if the bathroom scene in ep 1 s1 happened of not (this was spoiler that I sought out). So I guess they're all already dead from the meteor? Let's see I suppose
Ep 1 (May 1)
interesting parallel to Arisu playing the video game at the start of S1 Ep 1 as the killer and now running
King of Spades - just shooting at everybody
insane car chase and crash
The Tatta or whatever guy keeps hesitating, it feels like he's gonna die in the game they play or something
Ep 2 (May 2)
the king of clubs was a rockstar in the original world?
it's a life or death game for the citizens/kings as well so they're not quite the game masters
butt man is showing a lot of butt fr
it's dumb that this fight between Arisu and Usagi is taking up so much random screentime
bro why the fuck is the 100 point guy just walking out of range of the pole bro what if somebody just runs and battles you bruv, he should at least have been given 600 points so that he has a chance cuz man I'm thinking he's gonna die like so soon
damn are they gonna make us sympathetic to Nigari and then kill him off or are they gonna make the characters sympathetic to Nigari and give him a reason to betray them, which he will so that he lives
this must've been so intensive to shoot without ever showing this man's dick
man wouldn't it be fucked up if they all somehow survive except Tatta who has 10k points and didn't volunteer to be brave by going to the opposition pole
nah Arisu even told Tatta that he loves his positive attitude bruh no way Tatta's gonna make it out alive right
bro you did fucking try to rape her last season you fuck
bro Nigari is weak and dying and Usagi is strong and fast and capable, are we really doing this right now again?! i looooooooove the "bad guy tries to rape girl and she's saved by main guy love interest" trope it's so good every time and never boring and never annoying and never unnecessary
agh they're stopping in the middle of the game rip
Ep 3 (May 21)
I'm gonna stop watching this as soon as the game ends and whoever needs to die dies. they keep ending episodes on cliffhangers, so I can't rely on myself to stop when an episode ends
lol Tatta backstory, he's boutta die frfr rip
oh my god Tatta really fucked up a guy
okay so Tatta will sacrifice himself for the team to make up for his past mistakes?
on a reddit thread, I read a comment that Usagi was badass in s1 but had some damsel-in-distress moments in s2 and I guess randomly having to be rescued by Arisu here is one of them
is Arisu tricking the king of clubs by sweet-talking him, does Arisu know that he has more points or something like is another player gonna pop up hold hands and together they'll beat Kyuma like what's going on with this handshake and intensive talking
ohh Tatta sacrificing a hand just like he disfigured that guy's hand back then but he probably will also die bc of all this fucking bloodloss
hm Kyuma said so they finally lost, so that means they've been playing before? But they said this is the first time they're playing the king of cards or whatever right.
oh if someone wins all the games, then they just become a citizen
Kyuma's death is very christlike
oof Tatta's death has been foreshadowed for a while but still it's a rip
jack of hearts
damn they're really set for life with this game and food lol
so is the jack of hearts a random player or a citizen, I wonder?
I like this evil fake-nice girl she's terrible she's evil she's a killer. idk if she's too obvious as the jack or not though
poor bullied guy though first he got beat up by the bully -> then got told to kill the bully off by someone else -> then thought he was being recruited into a team but is getting killed by them oof
i like the girl in red but she chose the wrong fucking group to ask as 2nd choice T.T
the jack of hearts troop all ended up killing each other ah
the crying overall dude being the jack would be wild lol he's the only non-suspicious one left (well the abused girl also)
pls elf man whose name i can never remember is so funny "looks like I'm screwed"
Ep 5 (May 21)
Not only did I not stop in the middle of last ep, I'm also continuing to watch the next ep agh it's 11pm when will I actually figure things out
oh hoooo so the 2 most suspicious ones are gonna die this round? and I'm guessing that elf man just gonna guess correctly
okay interesting outcome but the endless talking and explaining is like bro dialogue
i don't get Banda and suit man's convo like "why are you in this country and here playing this game" like huh? cuz you don't wanna die i guess
bro when elf man walked out by himself i thought for a second that he was Jack since the other two didn't walk out with him like what
aw Kuina is also leaving, so we really just gonna get Arisu and Usagi? be serious
this filming of a settlement reminds me of dystopian novels for real, specifically The Knife of Never Letting Go and Station 11
ooh the fireworks?
man fuck she really died before we got to hear about the fireworks?
oh alive Aguni
Ep 6 (May 21)
man fuck I missed my Memrise streak cuz I was too preoccupied with this show agh and also obviously haven't done any action work rip yet here I am starting a new 1h+ ep at 12am
was the high school girl flashback the girl who was shot at previously or this new girl who is with Aguni
oh the girl with Aguni I guess
wtf is that shot we get to see up her skirt or what
i wonder if we'll get to have the lovely trope of new girl wants male character's attention and then her and usagi will have a little fight off because ofc, esp since she used to be boy crazy. prove me wrong pls
that's so fucked, I forgot kids could be here
lmfao plsss Aguni also used Arisu as bait, first elf dude and now this. these Beach executives will forever use Arisu as this
Oh, I just understood what is meant by "limbo" right now. i was like how did everybody die but only these people are here and they're playing games for what reason but I'm guessing all the people who were able to go to heaven or hell just got sent there, which is why everybody disappeared. however a certain percent were in limbo and their behaviour in the games will determine whether they go to heaven or hell afterward?
Time really is strange here how is every building covered with this much moss and tress and vines
I kinda don't get this game, like if the challengers become queen team and then queen team wins, do the challengers on that team win or lose? like can't they all just tag each other and become queen team so that they're all queen team by that round and win? i guess then they haven't defeated the queen and so they haven't progressed?
oh i see, so people do stay with the queen but they have to keep playing with the queen
Ep 6 (May 21/22)
Idk what to call this date cuz it's 1AM on May 21 but I haven't yet slept or taken break from binging
Also this is the longest episode yet ah 75 minutes
the queen of spades death of jumping is quite pretty
man I feel like I should like this couple more but I just don't care yknow
oh diamonds is wit. have we played a diamonds before?
bruh number 2 is king of diamonds? so we have mira and number 2 who are higher members, though mira is def higher than #2
horrifying sulfuric acid deaths like what happened to 1 laser shot quick deaths bruv
bro this explanation of how elf dude chose the number is so dumb
oh elf dude was a doctor? but why are we getting his backstory now is he gonna actually die this round wtf um
oh true number 2 could know momoka was a dealer and the witch
oh, mira says "at last it's our turn" so is she also a face card citizen?
finally an end of an episode that I can actually finish watching on ah it's already 2am again rip
Ep 7 (May 22)
2 episodes left, it's 5pm the last day of the long weekend, still haven't done any homework/chores but i did do a lot of driving okayy hope it's a satisfying and fun ending
queen of clubs (team) kuina and ann my girls yayy
now why are my girls saying "just a few more games, we'll make it to the end" that just speaks trouble
oh deadly dodgeball
okay at least they survived this yes cool girls leaving as the blimps are aflame behind them
okay sad we won't get King of Hearts but think we might get queen of hearts since that hot air balloon is still up. i wonder if it'll be Mira
what the fuckkkkk Niragi elf dude can't die by his hands right? like he survived everything by himself and nearly died so many times no way Niragi of all fuckers is taking him out
this gun-off between Niragi, elf man and Arisu is so boring goddamn just kill Niragi why are we fucking having this long ass convo be serious
is Niragi's shot really killing Chishiya >:((( agh he deserves a more interesting death than to die by Niragi's hand and then this fucking monologue
bro wtf so did Chishiya die after that monologue and then what? it's just him closing his eyes and then immediately us getting fucking Niragi monologue? but no right like we didn't actually see his proper dead body right he wasn't still and non breathing?
Kuina saving Ann yes girlfriends
bro the blimp isn't fucking down yet don't celebrate so quick aksl;dfj
omg fireproof king of spades
why can't someone scale the walls and try to just shoot him in the head
fuckkkkk Heya and Ann within a few seconds of each other D:
sorry Aguni just punching and dragging the king of spades and throwing him around is killing me so bad he's so funny and then he just keeps
bro where's fucking Usagi with her gun or smth why does she keep getting fucking injured every time except like the queen of spades thing
nooooo Kuina tooo my beloved the stabbings D: and Usagi too?
nah did Aguni miss D:
i need king of spades ripped apart limb from limb for real for real seriously
oh brother Aguni is actually invincible lmfao
damn they really blew up that bomb huh
so will the blimp finally come down or nah is the king of spades still alive wtf
damn wtf does the king of spades mean by "sorry. that was the only way i knew how to save you" as his dying words
Aguni's mission to kill king of spade fulfilled and Hatter finally came to him in a hallucination to dissuade him from killing himself
noooo Ann and Kuina sharing dying promises of being friends if they meet again T.T
I wonder why Aguni-Heya and Ann-Kuina's deaths and relationships are all more important and touching than Arisu crying over Usagi's injured body like why do i not give a single shit
oh okay Chishiya elf dude isn't quite dead yet
Arisu's reiterations that he's gonna protect Usagi are so boring like bro you and your friend group are protecting each other, that's what y'all do. When Usagi was protecting him during the queen of spades game or whatever it wasn't like she kept saying yeah I'll protect you! the fuckass hero having to protect the female love interest all the time and repeatedly talking about it is fucking annoying
as expected, Mira is the queen of hearts
Ep 8 (May 22)
an hour 20 minutes longest episode, hope it answers everything pls
Aguni, Kuina, Chishiya, and Nigari are still alive and waiting
damn are these 2 the only competitors
why is Mira stalling so hard man
Is Mira lying or is this the truth about 1000 years into the future and VR? I feel like on reddit someone was like "at least it wasn't stupid VR"
oh lol she was kidding x2
oh Mira created 7 of Hearts, so did the face cards create the games
hmm is this "it's all in your head and you're creating memories, Arisu" this correct, no right? like me knowing the answer about limbo and meteor hitting Tokyo is making all this a bit anticlimactic and meandering
oh interesting very elaborate mind games
actually not that interesting,this boring mindgame is being stretched out so much. talk less stupid stuff and do more or talk about real actual things nowwww we're legit at the halfway mark of episode
Arisu and Usagi love confessions and romance so boring goddamn
ohh so the last time they cleared all the games, that's when the face card masters cleared all their games and chose to become citizens
denies: Aguni, Heya, Kunai, Chishiya (lol his I think), Niragi, Usagi, Arisu
accepts: the pair from Jack of Hearts,
aw, Aguni and Heya :<
ahhhhh Kunai holding Ann's hand and saying let's go back together
so are they assuming they get to go back to their own world now? if they decline?
20 minutes left before credits ah will they wrap it up properly
ohh they were all there that day when the fireworks happened - but I'm assuming just the new players? and not the face cards bc they've been there since before?
and then got fucking blasted by meteors along with everybody else (or is it meteorites? what's the one where they actually hit the planet)
wait, so Arisu did live after the meteor explosion?
oh never minddd so the whole borderlands thing happened already? but in a single minute where Arisu died/was stuck in limbo?
so whoever died in the game also died in real life but if you made it through all the games then you did get to go back, though what happens to those who become face cards? Do they die irl too?
ohh so they're all getting to meet each other again at this hospital. Chishiya and Nagiri (why did this fucker not die man), Aguni and Heya, then I'm sure Arisu and Usagi will meet too
all their injuries irl are the same ones they got during the games
omgggg Ann?! I was like oh no Kuina gonna be by herself but nah Ann has also been resuscitated and Kuina's mom also here
I actually don't really get the time because it's been 2 days or a week and they're all just waking up, so did all of them briefly die or what? Like Ann was just resuscitated but it's been a few days. Maybe it's not that you have to die, just that you have to be unconscious?
also I justttt realized they don't have memories of the time lol before I was like oh? Why did Heya say she doesn't know Aguni? bruh my stupidity. I think it's cuz Nagiri and Chishiya spoke like they know each other
why is there Joker on the table
Okay, the conclusion did conclude and it also made general sense.
This sequel was worse I think... but interesting it its own ways too. I liked getting more Kuina my beloved <3 and also Chishiya's parts were fun. The Jack of Hearts with Chishiya and team game with King of Clubs were pretty much the only engaging games, and number 2 with Chishiya was also alright. A whole bunch of games were boring and I was so meh about Arisu/Usagi like I just did not care and I feel like both characters became more boring this season?
Pretty interesting ending though, I kinda knew about it because of my spoiler consumption but yeah it made sense, though it's sad that they didn't remember each other.
Rating: 6.5/10
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