#also working out how to make it about Goku's slow descent where his desire to protect his friends warps into murderous obsession killed me
bitebitesnap · 8 months
Something that interests me sometimes conceptually is yanderes.
Now I'm not a fan of them. The obsession, the downright horror vibes-it just bothers me..sometimes. There had been a few times where it's actually been kind of interesting, though it's usually because it's not super involved with making the Reader useless or just prey to be hunted.
But that aside, it's not the point, I was thinking about something.
Goku as a yandere would be horrifying.
And I'm not talking about his power. Technically, Vegeta is within the same range so it's not like it's much different from him going on a rampage. No what I mean isn't so much strength. It's reason.
Let's say Goku takes in what happened with Frieza and puts it to heart. Let's say the anger, the rage of becoming a Super Saiyan boils through to his core and changes him at the root-but also not quite. He's still the silly, goofy sweetheart everyone knows....but not quite.
Being on Namek during it's destruction taught him that he can't just let people go as easily. Just because they could be good deep down doesn't mean anything. If they have the chance, remote as it is, to turn on any of them then it's game over no matter how powerful they are. Maybe they aren't a threat to him, but to everyone else they could be the worst thing alive.
So he can't take that risk. Won't allow it to even take root.
He cuts off Gero before he can even release the other androids. Blasted to bits the minute he saw him. 19 went down too because he wasn't prepared to take the attack at full power.
Sure. A few buildings were destroyed, maybe a few people lost. But that's what the dragon balls are for right? And besides, he could feel the virus starting up so he had to act fast! Don't blame him for doing what needed to be done!
Cell is a surprise but not much more of a challenge either. Poor bastard barely got the chance to get away in his first form, and without the other two androids around to fuel his perfect form he had nothing else at all. Okay so some people got hurt in the fight but it's okay too! Dragon Balls, okay?
And without the Cell games, without his sacrifice...there's not much else to do now, is there? He's got nothing to fight, nothing to worry about. Sure he's got Piccolo and Vegeta so it's not like he's completely bored. Also, Gohan is getting seriously strong! He'd love to have a good spar against him when he gets older!
But....it doesnt'....feel quite right..
With nothing to fight, nothing is threatening his friends anymore. He should feel relieved, happy even.
So why does he feel like something is wrong..? Why does he feel anxious, afraid..almost like something is going to happen.
He kept a close watch on all of his friends, going so far as to intrude into their lives to make absolutely sure they were fine. He'd pop in at any point jsut to 'check in', he said, and when nothing was found and everything was fine he'd pop out. 'See?' He'd tell himself, 'Everything is fine. Don't worry about it!'
But he couldnt'...stop...
Simple check turned into hours long stalking. Stalking turned to obsessively watching over them at all hours, staying awake all night hopping between their homes. He couldn't count how many days and nights he'd been awake anymore. Only keeping track of when the sun rose and fell so he could go back to his home and watch over Gohan and you/Chi-Chi.
But it;s still not enough...! What was wrong!?
Then it happens. An inconspicuous little event that could have been missed by anyone had he not been so deranged by the need to keep an eye out for it.
A simple robbery. Not even a well planned out one, the robber had the bright idea to wander into Bulma's open window to steal a few pieces of her jewelry. It was so one-track and clearly idiotic that even she could have handled it.
But Goku was there. He saw it happen.
Poor bastard had no idea what was going on until he was several miles up in the air, dangling by his throat in the hands of a sleep deprived, wild-eyed Saiyan.
He knew of wars, petty battles between factions for something or another. Some part of him envied the rivalries humans could have with each other without running the risk of blowing up a planet. Being weaker, they had countless other's just like them to fight. No stagnation, always another challenge or threat right among their own.
Being himself, a Saiyan as powerful as he was, Goku never had to look down at them as a danger. His friends were strong, stronger than anyone like this little bug in his hands.
....Weren't they..?
His eyes harden, ignoring the squirming roach.
If they were...then why didnt Vegeta do anything to stop this attempt? Why didn't Yamcha?
Were there other infractions like this? Were they all ignoring it? Just letting it happen, right behind their backs where they could get stabbed just like he was when Frieza-
The crunch happens in the back of his head. His eyes watch the pest's neck flop over his fist but see nothing.
Quiet. It was quiet for the first time in a long, long while.
No noises catching his attention. No anxious energy driving him mad. No wild emotions left unchecked from exhaustion.
He was...calm.
Slowly he brings the body closer. The life force is long gone. No light blinks in the eyes. It's dead. Gone. No threat to anyone.
...Because of him..
And it clicks.
It doesn't matter if Vegeta didn;t get to him, he did. Yamcha wouldn't have fought anyways, he was a coward now and terrified of death.
But because he was here, he did. He caught the bastard. He ended the threat. He saved Bulma.
He saved her from something no one was looking for.
With everyone fresh out of a series of disasters centered mostly around the stars or his past, no one was focusing on the present. How could they? They'd been subjected to it for so long they'd grown numb to it by now. A simple robbery was nothing to them-less than nothing.
They were blind to an enemy they couldn't even think of anymore.
So he clenches the body's neck even tighter. Flesh engorges into a red mass in his palm but he ignores it. Even when the balloon bursts and crimson runs down his fingers. As meat squeezes out into and over his palm, the tongue forced out in a breathless gag.
He was their champion right? The strongest under the sun. The warrior who bested the worst of the universe, the tyrant Frieza, the android's maker, even the warrior built specifically to destroy him. He'd done it all. He'd do it a thousand times over if it meant protecting those he loved.
What was a few, measly little lives of a few bugs that dared to call themselves humans? Did their lives matter, even, if they dared to stoop so low as to be like the monsters he's conquered? Were they lives at all or simply dust under his heels?
The body is flung in a random direction. He doesn;'t care where it lands. His muscles are tight with renewed energy, mind clear and focused on a single, soul driven purpose.
He would protect everyone. He would destroy anything that got in his way. Be the wall between them and total destruction.
He was Son Goku the Saiyan, the warrior, Earth's mightiest protector. But if the Earth itself wanted to turn on anyone he cared about....
Then not even the Earth mattered to him anymore.
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Why is Goku so HELLBENT on fighting to where the universes might be destroyed?
Just a theory I’ve come up with because since the latest episode of Super I’ve seen so many people go “wtf” about Goku’s character more than ever. IT’S LONG
So in the DB Super series, it seems like Goku is going more and more crazy with the idea of fighting someone stronger than him. He’s cast aside Vegeta as his rival basically, even kind of was uninterested in fighting Beerus again after the first time they battled, and he’s wanting to fucking rip apart the universal structure of everything just to get in a good fight. 
We already know that Goku bonked his head as a baby, and that kind of screwed up his saiyan blood rage that made him want to thrash and hurt everything around him. And possibly make him a complete dingus as well.  
 I got a deep thought about his mental state that might put light as to why he’s so happy and shit when he’s basically gonna cause an entire universe of people to die for his thirst for battle. 
Ever since he was a kid, he learned to fight. Now, before Bulma came around, he was all content with being a dingus in the mountains by himself, minding his own bizz. Going out into the world and discovering more fighting techniques and actually fighting people, it might have progressed his brain damage more. It’s like with football players when they play too much football; the chances of them getting brain damage increases. 
As the brain damage increases, it probably screws with his fighting instincts more, making him a little more hostile. You’re probably thinking “What the hell, he’s not hostile??” Sure he is. He’s just not outright in your face about it the way you expect. He will harass you if he thinks you’re powerful and get in your face about it. Sure he’ll do it with a smile, but that’s still trying to be dominant and pushing for what he wants. Which is to freaking dominate your ass in a fight. 
It might be some sort of deep down instinct for saiyans, since at first, Vegeta was showing it. But it might be more of just how he was raised since has become more domesticated from living on earth. Why? Bulma. Some of you might think that’s also dumb, but think about it; it’s like those dogs that were trained to fight each other to the death and not trust anyone, then they are put in a foster home. Doesn’t work for all of them, but some do change from having love in their lives. Vegeta wasn’t brain damaged from fighting, or being dropped on his head. He was trained to think that was the way of his people. 
With Goku the brain damage kept screwing with his head. We saw him be nice and thinking of others, and at times a little more selfish. A big selfish turn I thought was during the cell saga. He wanted to fight Cell. And he wanted his own son to fight Cell at maximum to ENJOY THE THRILL OF THE BATTLE instead of doing what he SHOULD have done and NOT give Cell that fucking senzu bean to power him back up. He wanted his child to be like him-- to crave the thrill of battle and want to be the best. Maybe even to have a worthy rival in his own child. Which is messed up and Piccolo kind of calls him out that Gohan will never be like Goku and he should have fucking known that. 
I feel like that point in time in particular he DOES kind of think “Ah. Shit. He isn’t like me.” but he doesn’t seem THAT remorseful about it. Where as when Trunks was shot and killed in front of Vegeta-- Vegeta acted appropriately and went BATSHIT NUTS and even apologized to Gohan for his fucked up behavior. He knew he done fucked up letting Cell get as strong as he did. Goku? Eh. Well. He was like whatever in the end and didn’t seem to change from the experience like Vegeta did. He still went away to train after he DIED. 
And then more fighting, more brain damage. Though I’m not sure how the laws of physics apply when you’re dead. But after that when he was alive again it was all head shots from there. 
Fast forward to Super and he is just all for fighting. He’s left his wife to go out for months to train and to fight, and he fucking put a HIT ON HIMSELF JUST FOR KICKS AND GIGGLES. THEN he instigates for a fucking universe tournament when the losers have to be DESTROYED. 
At that point he should have just been like “ok nvm” because in the beginning and in DBZ, that may have bothered him that trillions of life forms would perish like that. But that does not seem to slow him down at the least in wanting this. It bothers BEERUS THE FUCKING DESTROYER and his job is to, you know, DESTROY THINGS. 
That means Beerus is in a better state of mind than Goku. 
ALSO There is another bit to the brain trauma I’d like to point out that may make my theory more plausible: 
When he took Goku’s body and became Black Goku, his personality seemed a tiny bit tweaked differently than that of normal Zamasu. It’s only a tiny bit, so you can’t exactly see it entirely. But it’s there. And it’s that urge to fight. He has it more than the other Zamasu, who just wants to maybe mentally screw with people a tiny bit--then kill them all in a blaze of godly judgement. Black Goku had shown he wanted to fight a worthy opponent--- much like the normal Goku does. 
In switching bodies with Goku, Zamasu gained that brain damage and it started fucking with him a bit more. But with his already homicidal thoughts and beliefs, that brain damage worked in his advantage. 
Beerus did get the right idea that as things are standing, Goku might not be the hero anymore and have the potential to become the ultimate threat with his nonchalant don’t-give-a-fuck attitude to anything but himself and his growing desire to be the best fighter. Maybe in the end he will be more like Black was? Is this possibly the ultimate plot twist that is to be told of Goku’s descent into absolute madness and being controlled by his insatiable thirst for battle? 
Tune into the next episode of DBS to find out. 
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