#also yeah Karlach loved him too so not the only person that cared about him
spacemonkeysalsa · 20 days
Somebody (okay like a lot of people) said being attracted to a character makes it hard to be objective about them. So, for science (eh, for fun) I have interviewed a lesbian with nearly 3000 hours in Baldur's Gate 3 with questions about Astarion:
Q: Hi. I know you are a lesbian, but that doesn't preclude being attracted to Astarion, so let's also establish objectivity according to the experts. Are you attracted to Astarion at all?
A: No. It's kind of devastating to me because I love vampires. But apparently they do have to be lady vampires.
Q: Perfect. Have you ever tried to romance him anyway?
A: I started a couple of games with the intention of romancing him. It never worked out. I always end up with Shadowheart. Or Lae'zel.
Q: Do you like him, as a character?
A: Yeah. He's great.
Q: Ever kill him in any of your playthroughs?
A: Only to resurrect him, to see his lines. But I've never permanently killed him.
Q: Why not?
A: Because I like his story. I don't always enjoy talking to him about his story, because he's a bit much. But I want him to have that development and see it through. Be happy and free! Fuck Cazador. What a bitch.
Q: Is he an asshole?
A: Yes, but he's a lovable asshole. As much any of the others. Well, some of the others. Let's be fair.
Q: What's his alignment like?
A: I don't understand DnD alignment.
Q: For the record, have you played DnD?
A: Yes. I still don't get it. I have played for years now and this is all I know: lawful tends to equal "the worst in your group." There are exceptions though, like obviously I love Shadowheart, even though she starts off pretty strictly obeying Sharran dogma. Chaotic means "fun." Most party members in any given campaign say they are one thing but then act as true neutrals. And if you participate in a torture session with a DM controlled NPC and you forget to ask any questions, then your alignment will get shifted mid campaign. I learned that recently.
Q: I have no comment on that besides that maybe you should have listened to the bard in your party telling you this was stupid and pointless?
A: I wasn't running the torture session, I just held her still! I'm an accessory. I'm a barbarian, I can't be expected to think shit through or pay any attention to you when you speak.
Q: ...So can Astarion fall in love?
A: He's perfectly capable of that.
Q: If you had to guess his sperm count...?
A: Why would anyone ever care about that? Even if he were a real person? Why would anyone give a shit? Is this really a talking point? Fuck. I hate you guys. Just play the game.
Q: Whose your favorite companion?
A: Shadowheart.
Q: Tell me what you like about her?
A: The process of getting to know her, delving underneath that shell of secrets. She's so strong and sweet even through she can't easily show it right away because of all the bullshit she's been taught. In early access, when I couldn't get her out of the pod, either because that wasn't an option in the game yet, or I was too stupid, I've never figured it out, I was devastated. I didn't even know her yet, but I was so in love from the very beginning.
Q: Aww, that's really nice. What character do you think you are most like?
A: Karlach and Lae'zel. Maybe more Karlach, but definitely both. Not that Karlach isn't great, but I wish I was more like Lae'zel.
Q: And I should probably end on an Astarion question again since that was kind of the point. What about him do you find relatable, assuming that's anything?
A: I totally relate to wanting to put up a front to protect yourself. Can't relate to the method at all but the motivation is solid. Also, even though I have never romanced him, I have seen his DTR dialogue, and I really love it. I love how honest he is about his feelings. It's not romantic to be uncertain, but he doesn't care about that anymore, because he's just being totally transparent. It might seem weird that I would say that while being down bad for the least transparent character in the game, but that's a trait I personally value in myself more than a partner. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice, but for me I really try to be honest about what I am feeling. You can't DTR with Shadowheart really, the equivalent would be the stupid "you've never been in a relationship like this have you?" dialogue option which is never what I would say irl, but it's all I get in the game, and I think she's telling the truth when you have that conversation. With Astarion, it's so obvious. He's so obvious. I'm like that. I think it's very cool that you see that development in him, going from lying to survive to just being totally readable. Whether you're romancing him or not, by act three you know exactly what he's really about. Or if you don't, you haven't been talking to him, or like failed all your insight checks or something.
Q: Thanks! You were great. Anything to add?
A: Shadowzel forever.
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asexualastarion · 4 months
1, 6, 8, 12, and 17 my hater in arms 💕
The character everyone gets wrong
OKAY this is niche and OUTTA LEFT FIELD but my favorite book of ALL TIME is we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson and the HATE i see for its protagonist is ALL WRONG. It's in the same vein as like Chara undertale hate (another of my fave characters of all time) where peoples see a CHILD that clearly has a lot going on and are like. this person is irredeemably evil. no they're traumatized
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
bloodweave sorry bloodweave like. for why. why is it so popular why is it everywhere. like yeah every origin ship is valid and can be canon but like they both have much more interesting dynamics with other charactes. where is the gale/lae'zel art. hwere is the aslach (ass lack) or the aswylllach (ass will lack) art. why is bloodweave the most popular origin ship
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
okay this doesn't exactly fit bc i dont think it's super popular per se but it's on my mind today. i hate seeing fanart of kakashi and gojo together. people always twinkify them and alwasy draw them like they're about to fuck. 1) kakashi is not hot (dont get me wrong i want to fuck him but not cause he's like. physically attractive.) 2) they are not the same person 3) gojo will never be kakashi gojo wishes he was kakashi 4) kakashi would kill that man
OH OH ALSO THAT REMINDS ME I'LL THROW THIS IN HERE TOO. i don't like kakashi/iruka i think it's unfounded. they hardly ever talk. yeah they both love naruto but like can just be his mentor figures separately they don't have to be married. kakashi is married to guy like they are MARRIED. i feel like kakashi/guy would be way more popular if guy was a prettyboy twink (like iruka)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i wanna say wyll but like that shit actually makes me fucking angry and not in a silly haha way so i am going to instead say sera dragonage. now. i know there are a lot of sera dragonage haters out there and there are some things about her that i do not like. however i overall love her and i think she is a tragic case of bad writing and wasted potential. why did they have a straight white guy write a lesbian whose character arc revolves around internalized racism. why does the game literally talk shit about her during her romance arc. literally one of her romance quests is "you love sera and wanna get her something to show her how much you care. go ask your friends for gift advice" and EVERY SINGLE COMPANION OR ADVISOR IS JUST LIKE. I HATE SERA SHES SO ANNOYING WHY ARE YOU DATING HER. UGH. ALSO. the game makes you be so mean to her!! so many times the only dialogue options with her are like "stop talking weird i dont understand you'". also the fact that YOU CAN LITERALLY KICK HER OUT AT ANY TIME??? LIKE NO MATTER WHAT THERE IS ALWAYS A DIALOGUE BUTTON TO KICK HER OUT?? here are reasons why you should like sera:
she is fun trickster! solas fucking wishes he was her.
her subclass is just super fun!! throw jars of bees and fire and shit at your enemies!
she is so genuine and cares so much about what she believes in. i wish that was explored more but as i have said the game literally hates her so.
she loves you so much!!!! she marries you!!!!!!!!!
i actualy really like her voice and the way she talks. shes just fun!
she's autistic <3
17. there should be more types of this fic/art
more people should be drawing gale and halsin and karlach fat, for one. also everyone else in the party but like especially those three. larian the fact that you have zero fat people in your game sucks supremely and you should feel bad about it.
actually draw more characters as fat anyway.
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undead-potatoes · 8 months
So! Tell me about Aurora! Did they have a life before the Urge came calling? How has their journey been through the game? Are they romancing anybody or do they have any other significant bonds?
I hope you don't mind, but I decided to split this into two posts. You asked about her journey through the game, and suddenly I had written 1400 words that didn't fit with the rest. So uuh yeah, here's the first and the last question at least!
I'm still a little unsure about her life before the Urge. There's the few "canon" things we're given through bits of dialogue (like murdering their parents as a child), but I honestly don't tend to get too caught up in canon if I want to do something different.
She had a lot of nightmares as a child (thanks dad), and it made her a very skittish and nervous child. In combination with minor Urges which made her say and sometimes do off-putting shit, I imagine she wasn't exactly a social butterfly. Like once she probably bit someone when the Urge overtook her, but bc they were baby urges and she was like 6-years-old it didn't really do much but alienate her.
But I think she was otherwise a good kid, doing her best and loved by her adoptive parents, even if they probably worried about her a lot.
I kinda like the idea of her being slightly older, someone who briefly escaped her heritage due to Bhaal's death before he returned in full, and the Urge became too strong to ignore. To have the Urge hovering around in the background her entire life, but always being able to repress it, until she suddenly couldn't.
Idk there's just something to the tragedy of being so close to escaping your predestined fate, when in reality it was always going to end like that, on way or another. You never truly escaped anything, you simply just delayed the inevitable.
She could still have murdered her family, still living with her adoptive parents and possible siblings, or maybe she had her own family by then. Either way, Bhaal would have wanted them out of the way.
The Urge building and building, sending her flip-flopping between moments of bloodlust and lucidity filled with fear, until the Urge took her away completely.
(Would the Urge even work like that for any of this? Who cares, just gonna do as Larian does, my city now).
TL;DR: I don't even know, it's still stewing in there.
- - -
Though I've watched like every Durge related video on YouTube, I haven't actually played very far in Aurora's playthrough, mostly bc I'm waiting for Larian to stop breaking the game with every new patch 🙈
Meaning I haven't actually had a lot of time with her interacting with the companions and gotten a good feel for where they're at.
Wyll and Shadowheart are possible candidates for some at least surface level boding. Like Wyll's whole "self sacrifice for the good of others" thing, and with Shadowheart they both have been brainwashed and forced into cruelty in service of an evil god.
And Karlach bc I love her and I said so.
Maybe some more interesting dynamics will pop up once I really get in there with her 🤔 (Larian fix your shit already, I want to plaaay)
There's also Jay who's already wrangling every other companion and their problems, so I'm sure he'll have some fingers in her pies too eventually (it's what he does, after all).
The only solid relationship to have formed in my head as of yet is her romance, and bc I'm as original as a pair of earbuds from AliExpress, she eventually starts a thing with Astarion.
He initially sees her as an easy target, a shy and possibly meek person quite literally removed from the others at camp (a deliberate choice on her part), but it doesn't go quite as he had planned.
I've written a whole post about it that's hanging out in my drafts, but tl;dr: he tries to bite her, but she wakes and angrily sends him away. She later comes to him one night, panicked after the Murder At Camp™, and he (begrudgingly) agrees to help her with the body. This begins this weird partnership where they keep each other's secret, and she lets him drink from her as thanks for helping her.
Their relationship is a bit rocky at first, like they don't hate each other or anything, but there's a fair share of bickering and such. She can be a bit blunt, and is too impatient and exhausted from the urge to deal with his very obvious mind games, tiredly telling him "stop trying to seduce me, you already have what you came for".
When he offers to sleep with her at the party, she thinks "why not". They're already putting each other at risk, so might as well have some fun with it. He might have tried to bed her sooner if she hadn't been so blunt and unapproachable, but it did also give him some time to rethink his strategy. Based on finds with the freecam during his party sex scene, he has set up a lil spot on a blanket, with wine and maybe some food, in an attempt to seem more genuine, which admittedly she does find a little cute.
Ultimately it's all the bits in between, the quiet moments after feeding or sex that gives them an excuse to talk, and they realize they enjoy each other's company a lot more than they first thought. She vibes with him a lot more when he's being genuine, something she sees more of when he's fed and generally less guarded.
She've kept her distance from the others bc of the urge, in fear of either harming someone, or being discovered through the tadpoles somehow. It puts her on edge constantly, but Astarion already knows, and she knows he doesn't judge her for it, so she's more at ease too.
Aurora can become ride or die pretty fast, especially in combination with other intense personality traits (hello devotion), and I think maybe Astarion picks up on that and thinks he can use that to his advantage. At least until he too accidentally catches feelings and becomes pretty ride or die himself lmao. Great job idiot.
Which is also when her more self sacrificing nature goes from something that could be to his advantage, to something that actively upsets him. Stop it! Stop sacrificing yourself for others who probably don't even deserve it! Stop putting yourself in situations that could take you away from me for no good reason.
They're note super lovey-dovey either. Like sure there's romance and tenderness there, but there's also some clash of personalities ("stop being an asshole" "stop trying to be such a bloody hero"). Nothing too bad but there's definitively something for them to work on.
This became the Aurora and Astarion post, sorry about that (not really). I hope to have some better answers to these in the future, my brain is still cooking (unfortunately it's a slowcooker).
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hinataxsunshine · 9 months
3, 5, 7, 11
Questions for the Mun!
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
— is it too cheesy to say @andromedagarcia ? I feel like writing with her has helped me so much ( mostly because her writing is >>> and when she gives replies, I wanna match them as best I can. Making me actually think (/j) ). And I’ve been told that my writing has improved so sgaksgsk sobbing
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: how do you feel about reblog karma?
— uh.. for Alice in Borderlands— not really? I’m not usually one to do Canon characters, mainly because I fear that mine will be terribly ooc 😂 but thinking about it, I bet Kuina would be one I’d choose
But besides AIB, I’ve been thinking about doing Karlach from BG3. Her personality is really fun to do (I’ve been playing her in a personal rp)
With Reblog Karma, I mean I never do it (Though I really should start doing it). I don’t really care if people reblog from me, and don’t send something in :)) it’d be nice, but not required
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
— I have so many?? And so many that I’m blanking on my actual favorites oh my god. Maybe I should sleep.
Anyways. I love found family for familial/platonic. It’s so sweet, and people from different backgrounds and places and stuff just coming together and exuding that they find comfort in a group of rag tags?? Soft. Adorable.
Romantic, I think definitely one of my favorites is a kinda red flag one which is ‘Id do anything for you’ dynamic. Where two people are in love (or even.. unreq. Love) and one person loves them so much that there is nothing they wouldn’t do for their love? I’ve come to realize I tend to put that a lot in my OCs (Hinata, Caspian, Arin, etc..)
OH YEAH. And Grumpy x Sunshine. Simple. I love it. Also Moon x Sun dynamics. Would kill for them. Sobbing.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
— as much as I love an ending fix it canon where Takeru somehow survive and all three of them heal after the events of the borderlands, it’s not my ideal ending for Hinata
There are so many endings I’ve dabbled in for Hinata, but the one I’ve written for his Canon is that after the events of the borderlands— it’s rough at first.
Aguni is in a Coma, Takeru and Emiko are dead, and his parents aren’t any better. His father is still distant as even and his mother is clinging onto him— because of guilt and the fact that her favorite child is dead. Hinata also has to get adjusted to only seeing out one eye, and having a scar (God, he already saw a column in the magazine talking about it).
He feels truly alone at first. But then, during his stay at the hospital visit, he makes friends with people (The really pretty girl with dreads— they have something in common, the shaggy haired boy who lost his friends as well during the meteor, and a individual who was kind to them when they ran into eachother.. and had pretty tattoos.)
I imagine Aguni is in a coma for at least a year or so. Hinata comes to visit him once a week and tells him about what had happened (“I found out Senshi— the tattoo person, was actually looking for their sister. We actually found her too, in the hospital when we were staying here! “ “Also, this other girl sometimes visits you too.. she seems pretty cool, and has a cool prosthetic. I wonder how she knows you..”)
Eventually Aguni wakes up, learns about everything, and the two of them work on healing. Leaning on eachother for support when things gets bad, and visiting Takeru’s grave. I think also, Hinata stopped celebrating his birthday at first— and only would visit Takeru and stuff, but slowly starts doing both. As a tribute. Maybe even Hinata opens up the bookstore/cafe he had dreamed when he was younger.
Ohp that was a lotta words lol.
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