prismmediawire · 3 days
AmpliTech Announces Receipt of Notice from Nasdaq Regaining Compliance
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Hauppauge, NY, May 30, 2024 - AmpliTech Group, Inc.  (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal-processing components for satellite, 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems, and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuit assembly, announced today that it received a notice from the Nasdaq Stock Market, stating the Company has regained compliance with Nasdaq’s periodic filing requirement.
"I have tremendous confidence in the company's trajectory,” said Fawad Maqbool, CEO of AmpliTech Group. “With over two decades of delivering unparalleled solutions to Fortune 500 companies, we are now poised to extend our impact to Fortune 50 companies, catalyzing advancements in communications and connectivity that will enhance global quality of life."
“Our technology focuses on developing solutions for such problematic areas we all experience every day, such as True 5G ORAN Radios for cell towers to eliminate dead zones and dropped or frozen Zoom calls, airline Wi-Fi, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Telemedicine, AR/VR, fully automated vehicles, and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) that will eventually make cable and fiber to the home obsolete,” Maqbool said. “All of us at AmpliTech Group remain resolute in our commitment to delivering value to shareholders and propelling technology solutions that shape the future of connectivity. AmpliTech Group is working diligently to continue to execute its strategy, inventory remains healthy, business development prospects for our 5G Division AGTGSS are at an all-time high. Most importantly, recent events will not shift the company’s management approach or impact future operations, which include numerous growth opportunities within the rapidly evolving technology landscape”, the management team remains resolved and focused on executing our growth strategy”.
About AmpliTech Group
AmpliTech Group, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microwave components for global satellite communications, telecom (5G & IoT), space, defense, and quantum computing markets as well as systems and component design consulting services. In December 2021, AmpliTech completed the purchase of the assets and operations of Spectrum Semiconductor Materials Inc. a global specialty distributor of semiconductor components based in San Jose, CA. AmpliTech has a 13+ year track record of developing high performance, custom solutions to meet the unique needs of some of the largest companies in the global industries we serve. We are proud of our focused team's unique skills, experience and dedication, which enables us to deliver superior solutions, faster time to market, competitive pricing, excellent customer satisfaction and repeat business. For more information, visit: www.amplitechgroup.com
Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements appear in several places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) the Company's ability to execute its business plan as anticipated; (ii) trends affecting the Company's financial condition or results of operations; (iii) the Company's growth strategy and operating strategy. The words "may" "would" "will" "expect" "estimate" "anticipate" "believe" "intend" and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements because of various factors. Other risks are identified and described in more detail in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s filings with the SEC, which are available on our website. We undertake no obligation to update, and we do not have a policy of updating or revising these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.
Corporate Social Media:
Twitter: @AmpliTechAMPG
Instagram: @AmpliTechAMPG
Facebook: AmpliTechInc
LinkedIn: Amplitech Group Inc
Investor Social Media:
Twitter: @AMPG_IR
StockTwits: @AMPG_IR
Company Contact:
Jorge Flores
Source: AmpliTech Group, Inc.
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convxction · 11 months
ooc. No real reason or being influenced by media cough cough but when dynamic bad and criminal with the good honest chrom huh?
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gosulsel · 1 year
Menantu Taufan Pawe Mundur Sebelum Bertarung, Patriadi Terpilih Dalam Musprov ke-X PPI Sulsel - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM— Patriadi secara demokratis terpilih untuk memimpin Purna Paskibraka Indonesia Prov. Sulawesi Selatan (PPI Sulsel) pada Musyawarah Provinsi (Musprov) X PPI Sulsel yang diselenggarakan di Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan (9-11/12/2022). Sebelummya ada tiga kandidat calon y...
#AmpgSulsel #PpiSulsel
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gooselacom · 2 years
AMPG Turunkan 400 Kadernya Demi Sukseskan Kunjungan Airlangga Hartarto di Medan
AMPG Turunkan 400 Kadernya Demi Sukseskan Kunjungan Airlangga Hartarto di Medan
Medan, Goosela.com – AMPG harus solid dan tampil terdepan dalam rangka meyukseskan kunjungan Ketum Partai Golkar pada kegiatan Silatda KIB di Medan Jumat depan. “Sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita selaku organisasi di lingkungan Partai golkar untuk ambil bagian dan aktif dalam pengawalan pimpinan tertinggi partai ini, ” demikian ungkap Sekjen AMPG Sumut Darma Putra Rangkuti (DPR) pada rapat…
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newscakra · 2 years
Ketum AMPG, AMK dan BM PAN Bertemu Hari Ini, Ada Apa?
Ketum AMPG, AMK dan BM PAN Bertemu Hari Ini, Ada Apa?
  JAKARTA – Hari ini, Kamis (30 Juni 2022), terjadi pertemuan perdana antara 3 (tiga) Organisasi Kepemudaan underbow partai yang tergabung dalam KIB (Koalisi Indonesia Bersatu) di Kantor DPP Partai Golkar, Slipi, Jakarta Barat. Ketiga underbow tersebut diantaranya PN AMK (Pengurus Nasional Angkatan Muda Kabah), PP AMPG (Angkatan Muda Partai Golkar) dan DPP BM PAN (Barisan Muda Penegak Amanat…
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sumutberitaaja · 2 months
AMPG Sebut Ijeck Bawa Golkar Sumut Solid & Sukses Menang Pemilu
MEDAN, Waspada.co.id – Sebagai bentuk keseriusannya dalam memimpin Golkar Sumut, H Musa Rajekshah dinilai menjadi sosok yang membawa Kemenangan Partai Golkar di Sumatera Utara. Melihat ini, Ketua AMPG (Angkatan Muda Partai Golkar) Sumut, Dedi Dermawan Milaya mengapresiasi semangat pria yang akrab disapa Ijeck tersebut untuk membesarkan Partai Golkar di Sumut dari awal menjabat sebagai Ketua […] http://dlvr.it/T4ZTz1
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fmarkets · 6 months
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Amplitech Group Inc: Shocking Decline in Returns Reaches -$0.09, but Long-Term Potential Remains Untouched https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=AMPG&date=2023-11-17163821&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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hargo-news · 10 months
Wartawan Diintimidasi saat Liputan Diskusi Generasi Muda Partai Golkar
Wartawan Diintimidasi saat Liputan Diskusi Generasi Muda Partai Golkar #Intimidasi #Wartawan #Jurnalis #GenerasiMuda #PartaiGolkar
Hargo.co.id, JAKARTA – Dugaan kekerasan dialami oleh jurnalis saat meliput diskusi yang digelar Generasi Muda Partai Golkar (GMPG), Rabu (26/7/2023). Saat itu, AMPG menggelar diskusi dengan tema “Selamatkan Partai Golkar” yang berlangsung di Pulau Dua Resto, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat. Mengutip KOMPAS.com, Konflik ini bermula saat massa yang tidak dikenal datang dan langsung mencoba membubarkan acara…
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goriaucom · 1 year
Chaos di Kantor Golkar, Aksi AMPG Diserang Loyalis Airlangga Hartarto
JAKARTA - Aksi demo massa Aliansi Masyarakat Peduli Golkar (AMPG) pada Minggu (04/06/2023) di Kantor DPP Golkar yang awalnya berjalan damai berujung chaos. http://dlvr.it/Sq7Mwr
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Ketua DPD Partai Golkar Pesawaran; Target Golkar Jadi Pemenang Pemilu 2024
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PESAWARAN - Ketua DPD Partai Golkar Kabupaten Pesawaran Yusak, SH. MH, targetkan Golkar Pesawaran bisa jadi pemenang Pemilu Tahun 2024 mendatang. Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Partai Golkar Kabupaten Pesawaran resmi mendaftarkan 40 bakal calon legislatif (Bacaleg) yang akan maju menjadi kontestan Pemilu 2024, ke Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Pesawaran. Ketua DPD Partai Golkar Pesawaran Yusak, SH. MH. menegaskan, pihaknya bakal mentargetkan sebagai pemenang pemilu 2024 mendatang. Dirinya juga menargetkan Partai Golkar bisa meraih 8 kursi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Pesawaran. "Target kami tidak muluk-muluk, Partai Golkar bisa 8 kursi di DPRD. Mudah-mudahan dengan kerja-kerja politik dan kerja keras para kader kedepan kami bisa meraih target 8 kursi DPRD. Percaya diri harus, tapi terlalu ke pede-an juga jangan," kata Yusak. Sabtu, (13/5/2023). Yusak juga menambahkan, dari target itu Partai Golkar akan memfungsikan seluruh sayap Partai Golkar. Diantaranya, AMPG, AMPI, MKGR, KPPG, KOSGORO KOSGORO. "Ya, seluruh sayap Partai Golkar akan kita gerakkan. Mudah-mudahan akan kita bisa mewujudkan kemenangan Partai Golkar," tambahnya. Yusak yang menjadi incumbent di dapil Kecamatan Negeri Katon ini juga menargetkan 2 kursi anggota DPRD untuk Dapil II Kecamatan Negeri Katon. "Negeri Katon yang memiliki potensi untuk merebut 2 kursi DPRD. Selain itu, ia juga menargetkan pada Dapil yang lain untuk dapat memperoleh 2 kurasi Dewan dan bisa berjibaku menyatukan yang tua dan yang muda bergerak all out untuk bisa meraih dua kursi," Harapnya. Untuk itu Yusak mengintruksikan kepada seluruh Bacaleg dan kader Partai Golkar untuk bisa menjalankan amanah partai, tidak saling menjelekkan dan bisa saling bekerjasama. "Tunjukkan bahwa kita adalah kader yang loyal, kader yang militan terhadap partai," pungkasnya. (M9G) Read the full article
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infojawabarat · 1 year
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Partai Golkar Kembali Buka Pendidikan Fungsionaris, Kang Ace : Kerja Politik Tak Cuma Soal Finansial, Aspek Saintifik Juga Penting
Bandung - Target Partai Golkar untuk menjadi pemenang Pemilu di Jabar pada 2024 mendatang, sulit terwujud jika para kader dan fungsionaris masih melakukan kerja politik dengan pola lama yang hanya mengandalkan kekuatan finansial.
Demikian dikemukakan Ketua DPD Partai Golkar Jabar, Tubagus Ace Hasan Syadzily, saat membuka Pendidikan Fungsionaris Angkatan ke-5 dari Dapil 13, 14 dan 15, di kantor DPD Partai Golkar Jabar, Jumat (9/12).
"Kalau kita ingin menang, tak bisa asal-asalan, harus mengedepankan aspek sainstifik. Kita sudahi cara-cara kelola partai semata andalkan finansial. Finansial penting, tapi kalau tak ditopang ilmu pengetahuan, sebesar apapun modal, pasti tak akan efektif dalam perjuangan," tegas Kang Ace begitu Tubagus Ace Hasan Syadzily dipanggil akrab pada kader Golkar di Jawa Barat.
Kang Ace yang didampingi Ketua Angkatan Muda Partai Gokar (AMPG) Provinsi Jawa Barat, Rizki Akbar Fatoni serta pengurus DPD Partai Golkar Jabar lainnya itu mengatakan pihaknya sengaja menggelar pendidikan politik fungsionaris agar para bakal calon anggota DPRD tingkat provinsi bisa bekerja dengan cara-cara terukur, sistematis dan saintifik.
"Saya tak ingin saudara-saudara bekerja secara sporadis, tak terukur, dan tak punya target," kata Kang Ace yang juga Wakil Ketua Komisi VIII DPR RI tersebut.
Dijelaskan Kang Ace, pendidikan politik adalah wajib bagi semua yang akan menjadi bakal calon anggota Dewan. "Ini berlaku untuk siapapun, tak pandang bulu, termasuk pengurus DPD Partai Golkar Jabar. Saya ingin militansi kader meningkat. Ideologi karta kekaryaan diperkuat dan kita revitalisasi gerak perjuangan kita demi kemenangan di 2024,” sambungnya.
Ia meyakini, Partai Golkar akan mampu merebut kemenangan. "Kita pernah berjaya pada 2004 lalu, insyaaAllah siklus 20 tahunan akan berlaku, sehingga kita akan memenangkan kontestasi Pemilu mendatang. Tak ada alasan kita kalah. Kader-kader kita di daerah adalah para tokoh yang mengakar," tandas Kang Ace yang baru saja mendarat dari Tanah Suci Mekah untuk melaksanakan ibadah umroh.***
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prismmediawire · 2 months
AMPG Files For Shelf Registration To Replace Expired Identical Shelf Without Dilution, Reinforcing Financial Stability
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HAUPPAUGE, NY, April 16, 2024 - AmpliTech Group, Inc (Nasdaq: AMPG), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal-processing components for satellite, 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems, and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuit assembly, today announced it has filed with SEC a shelf registration statement on Form S-3 replacing the previous shelf registration which just expired. Once declared effective by the SEC, and If AMPG decides to raise capital in a future offering using the shelf registration statement, AMPG will describe the specific details of that future offering in a prospectus supplement that is filed with the SEC. However, AMPG is not selling any securities from the shelf registration statement at this time.  The registration statement is meant to ensure continued financial flexibility without diluting shareholder value as the company affirms that it does not anticipate the need to dilute shareholder equity at current price levels. The shelf registration comes as a strategic move to maintain agility in capital markets and bolster the company's ability to respond swiftly to potential future financing needs.
Shelf registration is a common practice among publicly traded companies, allowing them to register securities for future sale over a specified period. By re-filing for its shelf registration, AMPG affirms its commitment to responsible financial management and proactive planning for future growth opportunities.
"Processing this shelf registration is a proactive step in ensuring that we have the flexibility to access capital markets efficiently when opportunities arise," said Fawad Maqbool, CEO of AmpliTech group. We remain committed to maximizing shareholder value and believe that our current financial standing allows us to pursue growth initiatives without resorting to dilutive measures in the near term horizon."
AMPG continues to focus on delivering value to its shareholders through strategic investments, operational excellence, and innovation. The company's strong performance and prudent financial management have positioned it for sustained growth and resilience in the ever-evolving market landscape.
The registration statement on Form S-3 has been filed with the SEC but is not yet effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted under the Form S-3 registration statement prior to the time the Form S-3 registration statement becomes effective. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell nor the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities that are proposed to be registered on the Form S-3, nor shall there be any sale of such securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities law of any such state. Any offer of securities will occur solely by means of the prospectus included in the registration statement and one or more prospectus supplements that would be issued at the time of the offering.
About AmpliTech Group
AmpliTech Group, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microwave components for global satellite communications, telecom (5G & IoT), space, defense, and quantum computing markets as well as systems and component design consulting services. In December 2021, AmpliTech completed the purchase of the assets and operations of Spectrum Semiconductor Materials Inc. a global specialty distributor of semiconductor components based in San Jose, CA. AmpliTech has a 13+ year track record of developing high performance, custom solutions to meet the unique needs of some of the largest companies in the global industries we serve. We are proud of our focused team's unique skills, experience and dedication, which enables us to deliver superior solutions, faster time to market, competitive pricing, excellent customer satisfaction and repeat business. For more information, visit: www.amplitechgroup.com
Safe Harbor Statement
This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements appear in several places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) the Company's ability to execute its business plan as anticipated; (ii) trends affecting the Company's financial condition or results of operations; (iii) the Company's growth strategy and operating strategy. The words "may" "would" "will" "expect" "estimate" "anticipate" "believe" "intend" and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements because of various factors. Other risks are identified and described in more detail in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s filings with the SEC, which are available on our website. We undertake no obligation to update, and we do not have a policy of updating or revising these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.
Corporate Social Media
Twitter: @AmpliTechAMPG
Instagram: @AmpliTechAMPG
Facebook: AmpliTechInc
Linked In: Amplitech Group Inc
Investor Social Media
Twitter: @AMPG_IR
StockTwits: @AMPG_IR
Company Contact:
Jorge Flores
Tel: (631)-521-7831
Source: Amplitech Group
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otcsocialnetwork · 2 years
AmpliTech Group, Inc. Discusses Significance of Its State-of-the-art Radio Frequ
The Stock Day Podcast welcomed AmpliTech Group, Inc. $AMPG (“the Company”), a company that designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microwave components for global satellite communications, telecom (5G & IoT), space, defense, and quantum computing markets as well as systems and component design consulting services. CEO of the Company, Fawad Maqbool, joined Stock Day host Everett Jolly. AmpliTech Group, Inc. Discusses Significance of Its State-of-the-art Radio Frequency Components with The Stock Day Podcast The Stock Day Podcast welcomed AmpliTech Group, Inc. (AMPG)(“the Company”), a company that designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microwave components for global satellite communications, telecom (5G & IoT), space, defense, and quantum computing markets as well as systems and component design consulting services. Check out our Free Penny Stock Screener HERE. http://dlvr.it/SdVrc4
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gosulsel · 2 years
Pengurus AMPG dan KPPG Dilantik, Rahman Pina: Menangkan Golkar di Takalar - Gosulsel
TAKALAR, GOSULSEL.COM -- Pengurus Angkatan Muda Partai Golkar (AMPG) dan Kesatuan Perempuan Partai Golkar (KPPG) Takalar resmi dilantik. Mereka dilantik di Topejawa, Mangarabombang, Minggu (03/07/2022). AMPG Takalar dikomandoi Anwar Sipali dan KPPG dipimpin Mardiana Bangsawan. Pelantikan...
#AMPGDanKPPGTakalar #KetuaAMPGSulawesiSelatan
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beritarayaidn · 2 years
Berharap Tetap Maju di Pilkada 2024, Pilar Saga Ichsan Akui di Sisa Masa Jabatan Masih Banyak PR Harus Dituntaskan 
Beritaraya.id, Tangerang Selatan – Ketua Angkatan Muda Partai Golkar (AMPG) Provinsi Banten Pilar Saga Ichsan menyatakan mengenai Pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) pada tahun 2024, saat ini dirinya sedang berfikir bagaimana menyelesaikan tugas amanat yang dipercayai menjadi Wakil Walikota Tangsel dengan sisa periode 1 tahun setengah. Ia juga menyampaikan supaya nantinya masyarakat yang menilai…
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newscakra · 2 years
Partai Golkar Pemalang Tabur Bunga di Taman Makam Pahlawan
Partai Golkar Pemalang Tabur Bunga di Taman Makam Pahlawan
PEMALANG –  Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang selalu mengenang serta menghargai jasa para pahlawannya. Pernyataan ini disampaikan oleh Aris Ismail ketua Angkatan muda partai Golkar (AMPG) Kabupaten Pemalang, dalam acara tabur bunga di taman makam pahlawan Jayana Sureng Yudha, Penggarit Pemalang pada Kamis ( 20/10/2022 ). Acara tabur bunga masih dalam rangkaian HUT ke- 58 partai Golkar…
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