#and 'our mollecules are one'
gaymersasuke · 2 years
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"this is a declaration of love"
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catsandwater · 2 years
the Train
It was raining that evening, pouring. As if, if he existed, god took the biggest piss on our planet. Well, I was completely exposed, neither raincoat not anying to help me. just me, my shorts and shirt. So I decided to hop on a train to get home instead of riding my bike, which frankly would just kill me. On the station were a bunch of people, but most od them exhausted after a long day. The train stopped, the big Diesel engines wirring and waiting to get reved up again to bring people to their destination. Inside it was crammed, but it was nice and warm.
Is it okay if I put it there?, I asked
A short, but well built, Dwight-from-the-office-lookalike (let's call him Bob) looked at me as if I pointed a knife at him.
Oh yeah, yeah sure!, He exclaimed with a friendly nod and moved his leg.
Well, that was easier than I thought., I thought.
I stood on the ride home, but looked at the people. All of these little small people standing or sitting there. Bob was minding his business, reading something on his phone. Kevin, his hair was dark, cut in a very clean middle part, was resting his chin on his KIT-bag (KIT = Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology), watching something on his phone with his huge earphones. Next to me Stood Natalie and Frank, they were a couple in their late twenties, maybe thirties, looking at each other as if they just fell in love again. Behind me sat a very, very beautiful woman. I guess she is a college student too, but she was very soft and petite. She wore a white wool sweatshirt and wide pants. She was reading something, I didn't mind the name of the book. Next to her sat a normal-built guy with a big beard. I don't recalk what he was doing but he was there. The train engine was whitring underneath me, the train was shaking and the rain outside was hitting the windows. I out on some lofi to match the mood, it was soothing. I was tired because of the cold and my body was exhausted.
So I was standing there, looking all around me anxiously and noticing all these things on these people, as if someone is going to laugh at me or attack me. But there was nothing. It hit me, like a wave of warmth. My anxiety was quiet, very quiet. I felt comfortable here, in this crammed train.
I am not supposed to feel this way in here.
But it was comfortable. Even though I was in this uncomfortable position where my bike was in the way, noone said anything. Everyone minded their business. I was comfortable. I was able to breathe. I let the music sink into me, I was ready to just sleep there. I wanted to stay on this train until the end of its ride and back.
All of those people were exhausted, soaked, tired, they had long days or perhaps short ones. maybe they were coming back from the best date of their life or a terrible hookup. Maybe they were just unlucky whilst trying to shop for clothes. I don't know for sure. What I do know is that all of these people live their own lives, these silly little pieces of concious HCO-mollecules with a bit of salt and stuff, they were just... there.
But I know for sure that I am safe, I am not being judged.
I am getting better, I think. I am able to feel confortable.
Your anxiety is not there forever and it wont be away forever. Enjoy the moment or let it ruin it.
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acvdemias · 2 years
istg  the  rpc  do  be  testing  me  sometimes  ...  brace  yourselves  y’all  it’s  angry  j  !!!
number  one,  the  fact  that  there  are  people  out  there  who  will  literally  sit  down  in  a  silly  goofy  mood  because  they  couldn’t  write  their  white  fave  of  the  hour  and  plagiarize  entire  groups  ...  eye  ...  not  only  is  this  incredibly  upsetting  as  a  content  creator  on  this  site,  but  it’s  so  shocking  to  me  as,  idk,  someone  with  a  shred  of  decency  ?  do  i  even  need  to  go  in  depth  about  how  fucked  up  it  is  to  take  the  product  of  someone’s  creativity  and  use  it  for  selfish  reasons  and  personal  gain  over  tUMBLR  DOT  COM  ???  i’m  never  letting  yall  get  a  hand  on  a  fragment  of  my  academic  paper,  that’s  for  sure.
number  two,  the  way  some  people  will  continue  to  treat  us  people  of  color  like  we’re  this  Other  Kind  Of  Human  and  then  proceed  to  do  one  of  the  following:  writing  a  spicy  latina  called  maría  lopez  who  comes  from  a  life  of  crime;  writing  a  character  of  color  so  blandly  they  may  as  well  have  been  seasoned  with  a  single  mollecule  of  salt;  or  just  not  writing  poc  at  all  because  apparently  that’s  the  safe  choice  ...  ooooooohhhh  watch  outttt  the  big  bad  people  of  color  are  coming  to  write  a  callout  post  !  better  run  and  hide  under  the  Constellation  Of  Freckles  and  the  Sky  Blue  Orbs™  of  another  white  or  whitewashed  muse  !!!!!
number  three,  and  this  one  genuinely  took  me  by  surprise:  there’s  whole  ass  people  out  there  who  see  the  “do  not  godmod/metagame”  rule  that  is  in  like  every  single  group  and  they  just  become  jared,  19
number  four.  apparently  us  ace  folks  just  don’t  exist  now.  that’s  it  that’s  number  four.  are  we  going  to  write  asexual  people  in  2022  or  should  we  keep  waiting  for  our  time  to  come
like  ...  dude.  just.  touch  some  grass.  make  eye  contact  with  a  person  of  color.  don’t  make  your  character  know  things  they  never  found  out.  and  remember  u  can  do  the  lovey  lovey  and  the  friendy  friendy  without  the  sexy  sexy  <333 
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ninjasmart · 6 years
Hi Ninja Smart. I hope you're enjoying your spiritual retreat. I was just wondering if you received my second ask two days ago. Just in case tumblr ate it: Since there are multiple viewpoints of soulmates, I wanted to make sure I understood your response the way you meant them: when you say "a soulmate connection" is it "A" soulmate connection (as in one of potential possibilities for both of us AKA a gentle way of saying no)? or "THE" soulmate connection? (as in twin fame)? Thank you. HM
Thank you for the question. I did receive it. I'll answer here to that question as on the other ask I have a different message. So I thank you for reminding me about that question.Have you ever heard of Bert Hellinger or family constellations? The consept of this therapy method is that our soul has a soul family to which we are connected. These are people, either dead or alive to which we have fierce invisible loyalty. The family we are born in has usually a systemic family problem that they need to solve and all members of the family are involved with resolving this thing. That means that what you go through today, the problem that you try to solve, could be something that happened generations ago. We call this simply karma. We don't say: you pay for the since of your ancestors. We say: your love and loyalty to a certain ancestor is attracting the same issues in your life. If you don't distance yourself from the past or break the pattern you will have the same faith.I'll give you an example and then I'll tell you how all of this is connected to soulmates and /or / vs twinflames. The example is this - Harry seems to be energetically loyal to King Henry VIII via the Good King Henry that his mother used to call him. Therefore he's attracting the same kind of faith as him: a woman who promises to give him the family and the power couple that he wants, a woman who is trained to be an awesome represrntative of him and his family. What happens is that no one wants this woman for him. He might think that people are jealous or don't understand his love but everyone in the whole entire world has been seeing that she's feeding him lies about herself. Will he open his eyes to the trap he is falling into or not - it's on him. But to him MM is not a soul mate. She's attracted to him as a daek teacher and she'll teach him to kniw truth from rumors.Apart from dark teachers whom we attract into our lives - people who bring to light our pain and hidden suffering so that we can heal it or fail to do so and come back to meet the same person in many other lives, there's also soulmates. The soulmates are attracted to us subconsciously because of our energy patterns. They don't come to expose our wounds and weaknesses but to support us, just as we are to support them and together we solve the same systemic problem. In the cards whwn I see 6 of cups I see a soulmate meeting. That's a minor arcana card and does not indicate twin flames. With one card I can't draw twin flame potential. Also, per messages from the akashic records any union is a potential until it actually happens. If I see in the cards strong destiny pulling two people together, I'll mention it. However, and I'm really sorry to be blunt but until you start a relationship with someone the Above will not interfere in your freedom to choose your path and will not tell you if someone is a twinflame or not. Makes sense?To sum up a potential is a potential until it becomes a chosen path. If it becomes a choice, the Divine can show if the choice is right or not. By twinflame many people mean that one person who is your one and only. I don't fully subscribe to that. From personal experience and countless hours of family constellations, I'd like to say that there is this thing called Life, God, Universe that none of us is bigger than it. I'll use Life for this post. We are like a molecule in the fabric of Life. If a molecule is part of a blood vessel, it cannot stand up and say: I dub myself a brain cell. Can you imagine how impossible this is?The same happens when we say: I want a twinflame. If there's something in you that rejects and repells such a meetup, Life will not allow you to walk against it. Life can bring into your life only what you can allow through your energetic field and if there's something in you that is an energetic mismatch you. That's why it's best to work on yourself and clear the bad habits and heal yours, generational and past life wounds. Last thing I'd like to add to this post is - twinflames are not what we are thought they are. Depending on what faith you are born into your twinflame is your Ascended Master and Spiritual guide. It could be your Christ self, your Buddha self, your Krishna self etc. The twinflame desire that so many people have show two things: the first one is - if we are attached very much to something earthly we may not have Life's blessing for it as for Life we are like a mollecule that is confused what is real amd what is not. The second thing is - we cannot trick, manipulate, demand etc. from Life. We can go with the flow with Life which continues beyond life and ask ourselves what goes on, what qualities.
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587881736 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year ��4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587805148 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587626616 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587448177 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587269497 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587193070 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587116634 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1587014699 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1586759586 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1586682974 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1586581035 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
Anhui Normal University Scholarship 2020 (UPDATED)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=152&wpwautoposter=1586504784 Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution of higher education in Anhui Province and also one of the national comprehensive universities established at early stage. The university has 16 colleges, 7 doctoral programs, 72 post graduated programs, 56 undergraduate programs. So far, there are 35000 students from different provinces, more than 2600 teaching staffs, among them over 580 are professors and associate professors. There are Chinese government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, and scholarships to excellent foreign students who have been studying in Anhui Normal University for more than one year.HSK scholarship and full attendance award. 1. Chinese Government Scholarships In order to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world, and develop the exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural, educational, economic, trade and other fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government establishes scholarships to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by Chinese Ministry of Education, is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. As the first group of government scholarships college, Anhui Normal University can receive degree students from general scholars to undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students. 2. Confucius Institute Scholarship For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners. Confucius Institute Headquarters launches the Scholarship program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China. Anhui Normal University can receive One-Semester students, One-Academic-Year students, One-Academic-Year study + Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education and Master’s Degrees of International Chinese Education. 3. Foreign Students Scholarships in Anhui Province In order to publicize Anhui, and expand the scale of foreign students in Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial government sets up scholarships for foreign students to fund world outstanding students, teachers and scholars to study or research in Anhui’s universities. AHNUcan receives undergraduates, master’s and doctoral degree, students. REGISTRATION TIME summer vacation classes:-deadline for enrollments is the end of July of every year. Spring vacation classes:-deadline for enrollment is the end of December of every year. *We are willing to have cooperative relations with friendly organizations. Those organizations can recruit or send students who are interested in Chinese history and culture to our university. Both short term and long-term students are welcome and at any time. *Preferential treatment will be given to students who are sent here by those particular organizations. *Throughout the whole year you are welcome to contact us anytime. *No age limit for participants. REGISTRATION TIME Student category Registration deadline Beginning of the semester Period of study Required materials when registering Remarks undergraduate      15th    August Beginning of September of every year  4 years High school certificate and mark sheet, HSK certificate (Art majors should have a B pass, science majors should have a C pass) 1. Chinese majors will start their course once they are in the university. 2. Students who are studying other majors will have to apply for a one year Chinese course before continuing on to their major. Post graduate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Bachelor certificate, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.    Doctorate     15th   August Beginning of September of every year  3 years Master certificate and mark sheet, 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors. Lessons are conducted in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation must apply for a one year Chinese course.   Short term  Can register   at all times End of February and beginning of September of every year  6 months to 2 years 2 recommendation letters from 2 different professors.       Lessons are conducted in Chinese.   PROGRAMS Undergraduate period of study-4 years Postgraduate period of study-3 years Doctorate period of study-3 years Undergraduate period of study-4 years Chinese language and Literature Chinese Music Music and Performance Painting Animation Politics and Administration Law Education Kindergarten Studies Public Facilities and Management Land and natural resources Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Applied chemistry Environmental Science Geographical Science Teaching Chinese as a second languageAdvertising Composition and Technology Theory Fine Arts English Russian Social Work History Labor and Natural Resources Management Financial Affairs Management Education and Technology Community Training Electronic Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology Material Chemistry Bio-technology Geography and Information System Photography News Art and Design Japanese ideology and Politics Education Economics Tourism Management Physical Education Sports Training Communication Engineering Ecology Biochemistry Phycology NOTE: 1. Students who wants to do a refresher course are also free to choose from the majors mentioned above. 2. All the classes are taught in Chinese. Students with no Chinese foundation can come to the university and study Chinese for one semester or one year. Postgraduate period of study-3 years Curriculum and Education Theory Arts and Literature Development Education PsychologyModern Chinese Contemporary Literature SociologyPhysical education and training World History Chinese Classical and literature Atom and Mollecule PhysicsMusic District EconomicsAncient Chinese History Tourism ManagementProbability and Statistics Environmental ScienceInorganic Chemistry Foreign Philosophy Zoology Education Principle Cell Organisms Chinese Language and ScriptMax Doctrine and Philosophy Special History Curriculum and Education Theory Basic MathematicsHuman arts and Geography Natural GeographyThe Doctrine and Philosophy of Marxism BotanyHistory of the Chinese Communist Applied MathematicsPhysical Sociology Map and Geography Information SystemsOptics Education Technology Social Geography Aesthetics Ancient Chinese and Literature Fine Arts Modern Chinese History Chemistry Analyzation Ecology Doctorate period of study-3 years Ancient Chinese and literature Ecology Ancient Chinese history The basic principles of Marxism Ideology and politics education Social geography Organic chemistry 1. Short-term students period of study from 6 months up to 2 years Short-term students or students who wants to do a refresher course can choose from the majors offered to undergraduate students. 2. Language refresher students period of study from 6 months to 2 years college of international education have opened different levels of Chinese classes: Elementary, Intermediate, and senior classes. Classes start at the beginning of September and end of February of every year. Students are welcome at all times. Classes both small and big are taught by experienced teachers and professors. 3. Clinical and Medicine Majors period of study  5  years (undergraduate)  Anhui Normal University has a very intimate relationship with the Anhui Medical University. Students who apply to study this program must first come and study Chinese in Anhui normal university for one year,sit and pass the HSK then will be recommended by Anhui normal university to change to Anhui medical university and study his or her major there. http://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/international/english_05.htm
0 notes