#and Porretta my beloved you seriously need to narrate audiobooks or join your brother's podcast if he eventually releases it I'm serious
tinyclowndancer · 5 months
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Ilkka's version I hope you're ready for pain & suffering because I WASN'T when I heard this version for the first time. I'm curious about how many they recorded because I couldn't find the one from the Behind the Scenes video, and those extras from IN07 weren't even mixed in the final audio, apparently. Still, I'm glad they left us plenty of unused files, it gives us an idea of how much the game changed over time and we can also appreciate more the work done by the cast and the Sound Design team. ♥
Matt's files for the Drowning video and fadeout lines are available here. The MIX folder contains the video version with the sound effects applied (just in case anyone needs it) and the recombined fadeout lines since Remedy had to cut it in ~3s parts for in-game usage. I removed duplicates and the angry-031 line bc it feels a bit out of place and edited the pacing, but you can always change that or just listen to the separate files.
Now if you excuse me I'm gonna pack a bag with a weighted blanket, hot cocoa and antipsychotics, and jump on Cauldron Lake because our favorite tortured writer clearly needs some help and a hug.
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