#and her child isn't dead after all. he tells her everything. she can barely recognize the person before her but she loves him regardless.
localvoidcat · 9 months
i really need to talk more about salvador and isa because i do have an unholy amount of thoughts about the both of them
#salvador because. there's just so many things about him#he's a HORRIBLE person. he has proven this again and again and again but he genuinely believes he's doing the right thing#the town sees him as a hero and he believes himself to be one because of that. he's just following in his family's footsteps.#he's doing what he was born to do. he's doing what his father never got the chance to. he was made for this.#and he views everyone else in his life - his own wife and son included - as collateral damage should something happen to them#in andre's case it does. he is fully prepared to kill him if it means he protects the rest of the town#and he doesn't tell isa this. she wouldn't understand. she couldn't understand. she doesn't need to know.#and so he keeps moving on without her. she fades completely into the background and she hates it but what is she going to do?#her son is dead. that's what her husband tells her. and he wouldn't lie to her. he loves her. he risked his life to avenge his son.#that's what he tells her. that's why he brought that kid andre cared about so much back. he loves her. he loves his family.#and even after everything she still loves him. even when she stops seeing him less and less. even when he stops telling her things at all.#he's just doing his job. he's just protecting the town. she's just meant to stand by his side. she does not look into her son's death.#and when she learns of salvador's death she does not know where to go. she has based everything around this family.#a family consisting of a dead son and a now-dead husband. a family that she clung to even when it stopped existing years ago.#she finds a life after that. she starts rebuilding herself. she starts leaving more. for the first time in years she is allowed to breathe.#and her child isn't dead after all. he tells her everything. she can barely recognize the person before her but she loves him regardless.#it's all she's ever wanted. she just wants the best for everyone. she just didn't know that the person she loved was in the way of that.#it's only once she has everything ripped from her that she gets to live again and GOD. GOD. GOD.#fmr tag
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emeriethevalkyriegirl · 9 months
I'm not going anywhere- LMK tickle fic
Summary: Bai He is having nightmares from when the Lady Bone demon still had her body. Macaque comes in to check on her.
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The Lady Bone demon was gone. Everyone knew that. Mk knew it. So did Mei. And Monkey King. And Macaque. And even Bai He knew it. But she didn't believe it.
The Lady Bone demon was a legend. She would always come back from the dead no matter what. There was no way she could ever escape her. Not even in the afterlife.
When Bai He was freed from her grasp, it was Mk who told her what happened. What the Lady Bone-no, what she did. How she hurt all those people. How she almost killed him and his friends. How she was so close to destroying the entire universe. Yes, Mk said the Lady Bone demon, but he really meant her.
And it scared her.
Even after everything that happened, the Lady Bone demon's face still haunted her. It was getting so bad that even her own family didn't have the patience to help her with her nightmares. They kicked her out and she went back to the noodle restaurant where Mk would be. From there, the gang had decided that she would stay with Macaque for a while. He agreed, on the count that it would only be TEMPORARY.
So, Macaque decided that it would be best if Bai He stayed with him in his apartment for a while that was on top of his dojo. At first, it was hasty. Bai He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep. She didn't even talk. For a while, Macaque was concerned. He kept a close watch on her thanks to his shadows to see if anything would change, but so far, nothing. It became so bad that at times, he would have to force feed her so she could sleep with a full belly.
This, was one of those times.
Macaque and Bai sat at the dinner table. Macaque's plate was nearly gone while Bai's was barely touched. Macaque was not having that. "Eat Bai." He simply said as he lightly pushed the plate toward her. Bai looked at it with half open eyes, indicating that she was sleepy. Bai didn't say word. Just shook her head.
Macaque was tempted to growl but refrained as to not scare the girl. "Bai, I'll tell you one more time. Eat."
"No!" Macaque flinched. That was the first time she'd spoke after the Lady Bone demon. Macaque glared. "Bai, eat your food our I'll shove it down your throat myself." Macaque threaten, his shadow puppets peaking from his shoulders. Now it was Bai's turn to flinch. Macaque saw the fear in her eyes and immediately put the shadows away.
Bai gulped and without being told, ate her entire plate clean. Macaque was satisfied with the results, but felt guilty for how it happened. He wanted to her to eat. And she did eat. But he wanted her to do it on her own, not having to wait for someone to tell her. This isn't how he wanted it to go.
No matter. It was only a matter of time before someone else has her. She'll be out of his hands pretty soon.
After her plate was eaten, Bai He went upstairs without a word. Macaque took her plate to wash it, allowing the child to leave. He silently commanded his shadows to watch over her as he cleaned the plates. When they returned, they requested for him to come upstairs. Immediately.
Macaque dropped everything that he was doing and raced upstairs to the girl's room. Once he was there, he saw the door slightly ajar. "Bai, you in here?" The only response he received was a sniffle. Quietly, Macaque opened the door to find Bai He tossing and turning in her sleep. The six-ear monkey rushed over to her, having a firm grip on her shoulders. "Bai! Bai He, can you hear me?"
"No! Please don't! I don't wanna hurt anyone." Bai He cried in her sleep, trying to get out of Macaque's grip. Macaque had to dodge a punch to avoid getting hit. "Bai He, it's me. Macaque. Come on, open your eyes!" Upon recognizing the name and voice, Bai He's eyes shot open, now wide awake. "Good girl." Macaque complimented, rubbing the girl's back.
Bai He sniffled and cried in Macaque’s chest, refusing to let go. “Please…don’t let her get me.”
“T-The Lady B-Bone demon.” Macaque nodded in understanding. Now he knew why the girl refused to sleep. The Lady Bone demon haunted her dreams. He remembered how Sun WuKong told him about her first night at the restaurant and how she would wake up screaming at the top of her lungs. How she would look so tired every day and refused to eat any food that was offered to her.
Bai He rubbed her eyes and looked up at the six ear monkey. She wanted to tell him to stay. To scare away the monsters that haunted her dreams. To tell him she's sorry for not eating her food the first time. To tell him that she was grateful for having a place to stay when her other family rejected her.
Macaque looked at her with pity as he lightly brushed her hair behind her ear. What he didn't know was that he unintentionally brushed her ear, causing Bai to squeak and chuckle a little. Macaque noticed the sudden change of mood and an idea popped in his head. He knew exactly what to do.
Macaque lifted Bai's head up just a little so that they were making eye contact. "Hey, wanna see something funny?" he asked. He didn't know if it would make the girl laugh, but he'd do anything to make her smile.
Bai He, now with dried tears, nodded and watched Macaque as he pinched his nose, held his breath and blew. Immediately, all six of his ears began to wiggle in sync. Almost like a bird flapping its wings for the first time.
Bai He was so surprised by this, she immediately let out a surprisingly loud snort, which then turned into a soft giggle. Smirking with pride, Macaque continued to wiggle his ears only this time, crossing his eyes to make the scene more humorist. Bai He tried her hardest not to expose a giggle but it was too much for her. Bai He had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. "Hehehehehe stop it hehehehehehe it's weird hehehehehehe."
On that comment, Macaque glared at her playfully and gave her sides a few pokes. "Weird? Weird?! I save you from an undead ghost and you call me weird?" he says as Bai He began to laugh and Macaque's pokes turned into scribbles. Bai He tried her best to block the monkeys hands, but due to the size of her own tiny hands, there was no way she could push Macaque's away. "Hahahahahaha no I meahahahahahahahahant-"
"What? You meant what? Go on, spit it out." Macaque teased moving to her armpits. Bai He clamped her arms down to trap his hands. "Oh no, you've trapped me. Please, let me go." Macaque fake cried as Bai He only laughed more. Even though, the six ear monkey was 'trapped', Macaque still managed to wiggle his fingers in the little girls armpits.
Bai He couldn't do anything but laugh, refusing to lift her arms. "Stahhahahahahahahahahap tickling my armpihihihihihihihihits."
"Only if you let me go." Macaque replied with a smirk as he slowed down the tickling for a while. This gave Bai enough time for her to lift her arms. As promised, Macaque stopped his attack, raising his hands to prove it. "See, was that so hard?" Bai He pouted at the six ear monkey, but Macaque wasn't done yet.
Without any warning, Macaque used his feet to tickle the girl's sides. Bai He was so surprised by the attack, she didn't have enough time to cover her giggles. "Ehehehehehehehehehehehew thahahahahahahahahat's sohohoho grohohohohohoss."
"Hey, I wash my feet every day." Macaque replied, using his tail to lift the girl's arms above her head. Bai He laughed cheerfully, adjusting her weight to try and kick her tickler. Macaque easily dodged them and grabbed both of her ankles. Realizing that she still had socks on, Macaque slowly took them off and tossed them to the floor. Bai He widen her eyes and tried to yank her feet away from him. "Nohohohohohohoho plehehehehehehehease!" she begged as the tall monkey began to rub his thumbs on her soles.
Bai He dipped her head and let out the loudest laugh she could muster. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" The girl screamed at the top of her lungs, wiggling her toes thinking that they would be just as apposiable as Macaque's.
Macaque moved his thumbs down to rub Bai He's heels, but when he noticed tears running down her face, he knew that she wouldn't last long. Macaque slowed down the tickles and eventually stopped. For real this time. Bai He took long breaths while Macaque readjusted his position. "You good, kid?" he asked as Bai He stuck her tongue out. "I said, stop tickling me."
"No you didn't. You said, stop tickling my armpits. You never said anything about your sides and feet." Macaque confirmed, making the girl pout again. Macaque mimicked her face, causing Bai He to once again giggle. Once all of her giggles settled down, Bai He looked at Macaque with interest. "Why did you tickle me?" she asked as the tall monkey stretched out his legs a bit. "Well, I saw that you were feeling down and wanted to change that." he answered as the girl turned away.
She was feeling more than down. Those nightmares that've been haunting her were getting on her nerves. She didn't think she'd ever laugh again. Bai He turned back to Macaque and wrapped her arms around him. "Woah, hey kid. Easy on the mush." he teased, returning the gesture. "Um...Macaque?"
"Promise me that you won't leave." Bai He whispered so softly that he almost didn't hear her. Macaque already knew about her family abandoning her due to her trauma with the Lady Bone demon, but he had no idea that it was affecting her that much.
Macaque rubbed the girl's hair in a soothing manner. Almost like a father. "I'll always be here. No matter what." he whispered back, taking a chance and planting a kiss on her forehead.
They stayed like this for a while until eventually, Bai He was sound asleep in Macaque's arms. Macaque slowly tucked her in, turned off the light in her room, and quietly walked out, making a silent promise to be there for her when she wakes up.
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 1 year
I've had this story idea called All That Ever Could Be in my mind for awhile.
Ya know
All that is, all that was, all that ever could be?
Yeah like that.
Basically it's a story that takes place after Journeys End where Rose and James (I don't call him John in this story. For reasons) begin their lives together. And Rose continues to have dreams (and nightmares) about her past and what she can only think as her future.
All the while, she and James are figuring out how to live together, what they are to each other and all that.
But, two things put a damper on this.
After Rose finally comes to the realization that this is her life now and how she and James are together and are going to be together (and that there's no way to go back). They get closer.
Get married.
And eventually try to have a child.
But it doesn't work. They end up finding out that James is infertile. And what's more,
he's dying.
(this was inspired by flash cloning from Halo. Basically clones that are made super quick and eventually disintegrate. I mean, the metacrisis was made super quick too, ya know?)
And while all this is happening, Rose starts to notice that she doesn't look different from pictures that were taken in the past. She had already had suspicions but now they're being confirmed.
She's frozen in time and her husband is dying.
She remembers the line she was told so long ago.
You can grow old with me, but I can't grow old with you.
Cruel irony.
But none of that matters. She has limited time with James and she wants to make it count. She can worry about herself later.
Their last days together fly past. And eventually he tells her one night that he feels that this is the end. Rose understands (she's already grieved his loss and was as ready as she could be).
"I wanted to say I'm sorry." He says. "I know this isn't what you wanted."
Rose doesn't respond. She just smiles and holds his hand. The sick part of it all is that he's speaking the truth. No matter how brutal it is.
Rose was always settling for what she could have. From before she met the Doctor till now.
"I love you." She speaks softly and James smiles.
"I love you too. Thank you for everything."
He's gone that morning.
50 years has passed. Rose is alone. Never remarried and for the most part just keeps to herself. She's not depressed but she definitely ambivalent. Her family is gone. She hasn't bothered making new friends. 
One day, she notices something whilst walking down the street. A blue box. 
But she's so far gone, she doesn't even bother getting her hopes up. She does exactly what any human would do in that situation, just walk past. Ignore it. If she still wore her TARDIS key, it would've glowed hot but it's been long forgotten in a cupboard somewhere.
Continues down the pavement. Notices something else. A man. A man in a brown leather  jacket. That almost peaks her interest but she shrugs it off. Coincidence. Obviously.
Little does she notice, the man notices her. And starts following her. He catches up to her finally in a dead end alley way. She's terrified, even when he calls out her name and she recognizes his voice. But it can't be. It isn't. 
This is bad dream, she figures. 
He moves closer and closer, and before she knows it, he has his arms around her. And it clicks. Its him. 
He seems overjoyed to see her, almost teary eyed. She's so confused...and so tired. He gazes back her, expecting excitement as well. But there's nothing. There's barely any life left in Rose's eyes. 
She follows him back to his TARDIS, holding onto his hand limply. 
When they return, explanations are given. First, from him. 
He was on the Gamestation. Rose recognized the memory...it seemed like so long ago. But in her time, she refused to give in and came back and saved him...and killed him. 
But in his time, something happened to her. And instead of staying at the Gamestation, he ran, like he always did. Nothing was holding him there, and he was so shaken he just didn't care. 
And somehow he ended here. 
He asked Rose what had happened to her but she shrugged him off. Saying it was nice to see him but she really should head home. 
She knew that even though he was here, that didn't change anything. He would leave her again. 
But he holds her back. Asking her if she was sure. He's desperate. He obviously doesn't want her to leave. And he asks her to come with him. 
Like a switch being flipped, the light returns to Rose's eyes, and she breaks down in tears. They're happy and sad, she can't stop them from flowing. She holds him, crying into his shoulder. Loud sobbing coming from her. He has no idea how much she's been through and she can't begin to even talk about it. 
So he doesn't make her, instead connecting to her thoughts. Opening all the doors in her mind, seeing all their adventures that he hasn't lived through yet. Seeing himself leave her for the first time, then leave her again for a second time, so convinced he was giving her a happy ending. 
All the times they spent together before his metacrisis self passed on. 
And then just loneliness. Seeing Jackie and Pete in their last days. Seeing Rose say goodbye to her younger brother and never bother to reach out again. Barely any life.
When he breaks contact, he's panting. Tears streaming down his cheeks too now, seeing all the pain he put her through and the life she had to live. And the fact that she was doomed to it. He wonders if his Rose would have done something so drastic to get back to him, if she would've had the chance. And he's furious with the man he would've became.  
He apologizes. He feels awful that Rose is doomed to this life. But she doesn't seem fazed. 
"He told me once, er, you told me once, that I could grow old with you but you couldn't grow old with me. But that doesn't matter anymore, does it? We could grow old together, if you'd have me." 
He nods, pulls her in again. Holds her tight. They kiss. Make up, yadda yadda. 
When they finally get a moments rest, he mentions that he has alot to make up for. Considering all she's been through. She smiles and reminds him that he has all the time in the universe to make it up to her.
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simpforsnape · 3 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 1478
warnings: minor errors. and plot. I own nothing but my OC, all credit goes to the creator of Harry Potter. JKR
credit to the creator of this gif.
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Chapter 9
The birds outside chirped announcing that the next day had come.
Anah was laid out on her stomach with the cover only covering her bottom. There was warmth next to her. Something she was familiar with. Her arm extended out as she felt around still asleep.
There was someone there. Her hand landed on the person's face who was quickly awakened. Severus Snape. How could she have forgotten about last night? He removed the woman's hand as he then turned to see she was still asleep, and naked. He was also naked.
It took him a moment to awake and realize where he was. But it was quite obvious. He leaned over to the woman, planting a kiss on her shoulder while his large nose brushed against her skin.
“Anah. Wake up..” His lips mumbled against her skin. She shrugged him off groaning in the process.
He smiled at her reaction. He did miss this. Being able to wake up next to someone you love. He will admit, work and loneliness got the best of him.
He tried again this time wrapping both of his arms around her, pulling her close. His lips were aligned with her ear.
“My love.”
Anah was already awake. And she heard him loud and clear. She turned her neck to only see the man looking down at her.
“Good Morning... Love..” She smiled planting a kiss on his lips. He returned the smile.
“Good Morning.”
She turned her entire body towards him as she pressed up against him. Thank Merlin neither of them had classes. Her arms wrapped across his neck. They were staring into the eyes of each other again. Only recalling last night's activities.
A smirk formed on her face as she kissed his bottom lip.
“You know.. We didn't use any type of protection..”
He scoffed bringing his hand up to caress her long brown messy hair.
“I'm well aware.”
He knew Anah had used a charm on herself to prevent getting pregnant. She sat up from him allowing the covers to fall from her body.
He remained there with his eyes stayed on her. She glanced over at the clock seeing that it was past noon. 12:36.
“Lunch is going on.. Do you want to go?” She asked turning over to him. He shook his head now grabbed ahold of her hand to kiss it.
“Not at the present time. But, I do wish to.. discuss somethings..” He added comfortably adjusting his head. Anah cocked a brow turning her body towards him. This must have been important.
“Was it about last night?..” She questioned. What was she afraid of him saying?
“Yes.” He mumbled, pulling himself up to speak clearly. He still had her hands in his. He looked down as he continued to talk.
“Anah. Last night made me recognize something. Of how much I still.. care for you.” He paused still not looking at her. His actions made her smile. He was acting like a child, being shy and all. He continued to fiddle with her hand as his words proceeded.
“I do not wish to wake up another day, alone. I'd rather be with someone.. who I love.. and cherish. And Anah, I'm willing to do this with you..”
With his final words, he looked up. When he saw her face he remained still. She had a tiny smile plastered across her lips. Her hands cupped his face as she looked down at him.
“Severus Snape. Are you asking me to date you?”
He was silent. He shouldn't have asked her, she was going to laugh in his face and call him a fool.
“If so, You should know my answer, my love. I'm willing to start everything over.. Just to be with you." She added while pressing her forehead against his. They shared a moment after her words were exchanged. Finally, they were together at last.
It took the two another hour to get up and dressed. They parted ways once Anah was freshened up and dressed. They agreed on meeting up later tonight for dinner.
How else could Anah spend her day? Well grading, of course, she was a teacher after all. She paced down the bright halls of the school with a smile formed on her face. How better can life get? After almost 13 years of being apart.. she was finally reunited with her  true  love.
While on the way to her class she walked past some students along the way. Some were concerned about why the professor was so happy and cheerful. Someone must have put something in her tea.
As usual, she ran into Harry. He was accompanied by Hermione, Ron, and also the Rat. Which was also.. Peter Pettigrew. How could she forget? She needed to get the rat to Sirius. Well at least help him get him.
On the walk to her class, there was a conversation held, mostly by teenagers.
They mostly talked about the trip to Hogsmeade and everything that happened along with it. Arriving at her classroom everyone entered as she quickly walked over to the pile of papers, which she forgot to grade. Everyone pitched in to help grade of course. The conversation carried on until Harry changed the subject.
"Professor V. May I ask you something?" He questioned which caused her to look up.
"Of course love, ask away." She replied setting down the quill that was in her hand. All attention went to Harry.
"While at Hogsmeade, I overheard something.. about Sirius Black.." He was mumbling by then.
She cocked a brow curious about where the conversation was going.
"What about him Harry?.."
His blue eyes soon met hers. " Well, It was stated that he was.. my Godfather.."
A deep sigh escaped from her. Here goes the conversation she wasn't ready to have with him.
"Yes.. He is.." She replied as Harry kept his eye contact.
Ron and Hermione were only lesioning in, Harry had already told them everything.
"And it was also revealed that I had a Godmother as well.."
Anah gave him a nonchalant look. He knew already that she was it.
She leaned against her desk with her arms tucked.
“And who might she be?” Her words echoed across the empty class.
Harry kept his eye contact. "It's you. You're my Godmother."
Anah's features remained simple as she gave off a sigh. She never did come up with a way to explain to Harry that she was his Godmother. How would she have said it? The boy barely knows anything about her. She brought her hands up to her face eyeing the boy back. He was silent.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned. She shrugged her shoulders as she resumed back to grading. She felt guilty almost.
"It would have been revealed in due time Harry." When she looked up at him, she noticed the look of disappointment written all over his face. It was better if he hadn't known to begin with.
He said nothing more after this. The teens stayed no more than ten minutes until they were gone. She sat in silence for the remainder of the evening. The event repeated in her head. Why didn't she tell Harry?
'I was just protecting him.. that's all..'
Her mind spoke, which eased her nerves a bit.
Hours past and Anah hasn't heard a word from Severus.
She glanced up at the clock that was plastered on the wall across from her desk. It was almost evening. Maybe she should go look for him?
She settled the graded papers on one side of her desk as she got up and went off to search for Severus.
When she checked the dungeons he was nowhere to be found. It was odd almost. Where could he have gone?
She gave off a long sigh before turning her heels to leave out of his cold and empty classroom. Now to think of it she hasn't see Remus all-day and heard no words from Sirius. Maybe.. No. They couldn't have been there. After all these years.
The only other place she could think of was the Shrieking Shack. Remus was always sent there due to his ailment.
They had to have been there. Now out of the dungeons, Anah headed directly to the Shrieking Shack.
It took her no less than five minutes to get to the other side of Hogwarts. Once she arrived in front of the weeping willow she used a curse to freeze it in place. She entered the tree, unharmed making her way down the dark cave. It was almost impossible to see, but the light on the other end made her way clear.
She slowly walked down the cave soon picking up the voices that were echoing around here.
As she got closer, the voices grew louder. Her hand slipped into her cloak quickly retrieving her wand.
“I could do it you know...”
That sounded like Severus? Anah paced slowly up the stairs as the conversation went on. The shack creaked at every given step. Thankfully no one was paying attention.
The hall felt like almost an eternity. Before she could enter the room the commotion in the room changed.
“Harry what did you just do!?” Ron exclaimed as Hermione expressed alongside him.
“You just attacked a teacher!”
Anah rushed into the room as all eyes landed on her. Her wand was still in her hand as she glanced over to see that it was Severus who was attacked.
“Anahstacia..” Remus uttered as she quickly ignored him turning to Harry.
“What. Happened.”
Her tone was almost dark. Remus nor Sirus spoke. The two were more afraid of her than James.
“I- I can explain.” Harry couldn't fix the correct words he wanted to say.
She would deal with him later.
Anah turned her heels now looking over to Sirius. “Where is he, Sirius? Peter Pettigrew.”
“He’s dead isn't he?” Harry questioned as Remus caught his attention.
“He is not, not until you've recently mentioned that you saw him on the map.”
The boy still had his wand pointing over at Sirius who stood in front of the broken bed, which Severus was on.
“The map must have lied-”
A frustrating looked formed on Sirius’s face.
“The map never lies! Pettigrew's alive. And he's sitting right there!” His voice raised while pointing over to the rat that was being held by Ron.
Ron’s face was distraught. “Me!? Are you bloody mental!?”
Sirius groaned in frustration.
“Not you, your rat!”
All eyes landed on the rat that was settled in the boy's lap.
“What! Scabbers is a family pet! He's been in the family for 12-”
“12 years! That an extraordinarily long life for a common rat don't you think?” Sirius added while Harry extended his wand up at the older man.
“Prove it.”
Anah stood in front of the Shacks doors watching everything unfold.
Sirius went over to Ron before snatching the rat out of the boy’s hands.
“Don't hurt him!” He exclaimed as Hermione did her best to calm Ron.
Sirius sat the rat down as soon as he drew his wand. The rat sprinted off making it difficult for Sirius or Remus to transform him.
With one quick move Anah simply pointed over at the Rat as he then transformed into a person.
Peter Pettigrew.
When he came to his senses he soon noticed the people surrounding him.
"Remus? Sirius?" He questioned dumbly as he then noticed Anah standing near Harry.
"Anahstacia! My friends!" He exclaimed still in a rat-like manor. His hands were held up to his chest, teeth chittering. He was about to make a break for it. Before he could run to the room's door he was soon stopped by the other two men who had their wands up aimed at him.
Pettigrew's head flung around until his eye's caught on Harry Potter.
"H-Harry! Look at you! You look so much like your father!-"
"Don't you dare." Anah's voice threw the poor man off with her wand penetrating his neck.
"How could you!" Sirius shouted watching him stagger over to the dust-covered piano.
"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort didn't you!?" Remus questioned with his wand still aimed at him.
Pettigrew began to whin due to his guilt.
"I-I didn't mean to! He was going to kill me! What would you have done!-"
"I WOULD HAVE DIED!" At this point, Sirius couldn't control his anger anymore.
Pettigrew was thrown against the wall with both men standing in front of him, wands at the ready.
They were going to kill him.
"Since Voldemort wouldn't kill you, we will!" Sirius proclaimed.
Harry stood from behind his Godmother as he slowly began to walk up to the pair. Remus turned his head fully frustrated.
"Harry.. This man-"
"I know what he is.. but.. We will take him to the castle.."
Pettigrew's sobbing face began to praise Harry. He slowly crawled to him kneeling at his feet."
"Bless you boy!"
"Get off!" He shrugged kicking him off as soon as he stepped away.
"I said we'll take you to the castle, after that, the Dementors can have you."
Pettigrew's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Horror took over his body as he quickly began to beg.
"Please! Anahstacia! Don't let them kill me!"
His eye then went over to Anah who was watching from afar. Her hands were tucked under her chest with her wand still sticking out.
Her mixed eyes glared him down. "I have no control over this Peter. You're choices brought you to this end."
Her words sounded wise to everyone that was settled in the room. It was clear she was angry. Yes, it was Peter's fault for giving Harry's parent's location away. But he didn't kill them.
"Up with you." Remus announced grabbing ahold of Peter with a firm grip around his arm.
“Sirius, take the kids and leave. Remus, Help me escort Mr. Pettigrew to the castle.”
On Anah’s command, everyone did exactly what she said. The only remaining people in the shack was Anah, Remus, Peter and an unconscious Severus.
Anah left Pettigrew with Remus as she walked over to the broken bed to awake Severus.
“Sev.” She called out leaning down to shake him awake.
“He’s out cold Anah. Let him be.” Remus added as she looked back at him.
“I can't just leave him here Remus. Go, I'll be right behind you.”
He sighed quickly grabbing hold of Peter as they left the shack.
Anah pushed away from the broken pieces of the bed that had fallen. She looked down at her asleep love as she quickly smiled whipping the debris off of his face.
"Severus. I know you're not asleep." She mumbled with her hand plastered on his chest.
He shifted slightly slowly raising up to see Anah sitting at the edge of the bed. While raising up, the dust fell off of his clothes. He clearly remembers what happened.
His face was half red. It was noticeable he was angry.
Anah brushed the side of his jaw removing one last piece of debris from his face.
"Are you okay?" She asked with her hand still rested on his face.
His face remained neutral.
"I'm fine. Where's Potter.." It didn't even sound like a question. It was deadlier than anything. Anah cocked a brow as she removed her hand from his face. Well, that didn't do anything.
"Severus, he's a boy-" She implied with him interrupting.
"Who used a spell against me!" By this point, he was up from the bed clearing himself off.
The woman stood up quietly walking over to the shack's door.
"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Her question threw him off a bit.
"I.am.not." he phased throughout his words.
"Well, I think you are. You need to apologize."
He groaned turning away from her. He was acting like a child, and she loved it. Well sorta.
"Apologize? Anahstacia. Really? You know this will never happen. And that's the end of it."
Her eyes rolled at his opinion with her arms tucked under her chest.
"Whatever Severus. Go, I'll be out soon."
He gave Anah a mere look, turning his feet to leave her in the room alone with his cape mounting behind him. The echo of his shoes soon faded of making it know he was gone.
She paced around the gloomy room for a moment. This place had far too many memories for her. A frown formed on her lips as she too turned to leave the room until something caught her eye. There was something crumbled up and crushed in the small dingy sectional that was settled against the wall.
As she grabbed it, she noticed horrible handwriting written on the back.
"June 14th, 1976."
When she flipped the picture over her emotions got the best of her.
It was a picture of the Marauders (James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius.) including Anah, and Lily. Her fingers stroked over the faces that were there. Only four remained alive. Which was soon to be three.
She pocketed the picture for Harry. She should give this to him instead of keeping it, after all.. He never got the chance to thoroughly meet his parent.
His name rang in her ears like a bell. Harry must have been in trouble. Anah's body began to move on her own as she sprinted out of the Shrieking Shack off to her Godson's rescue. So many thoughts had gone through her head. Was he hurt? Heaven's, was he dead
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freddieslater · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Enzo St. John x Maria DeLuca | Michael Quinn x Maggie James
Glancing up at the flashing neon sign above, Enzo doubts himself. Those damn travellers were so cryptic before they decided to spontaneously combust. The only thing they left behind was a note to him.
Find her. Roswell, New Mexico. Wild Pony.
For years, the thought of finding Maggie once he was finally free--because he was sure he would be, someday, somehow--was one of the only things that kept him going through it all. To thank her. To see that she got the life she deserved; a life full of love and happiness. A human life.
But a bar? She wanted to help people. He takes another quick look at the note, but sure enough, the sign reads the same name beneath the flashing image of a cowboy riding a horse.
Stuffing the slip of paper back into his jacket pocket, he shuts his car door and walks across the gravel to the entrance. He pulls the door open and steps inside.
The room's lit with soft lights, almost dim, just enough to feel welcoming. Chatter from the locals fills the air, a chuckle here or there from the tables. The quiet clatter of a pool cue hitting a ball over to his left, followed by a triumphant cheer and some lighthearted arguing.
He immediately decides that it's preferable over the Grill. Though perhaps that's because he's still unfamiliar here. Make a few enemies, specifically out of the bartender, and then it'll probably feel the same.
Not moving from the doorway, his eyes dart all across the room. They sweep from left to right, to right to left, taking in every face. None belonging to an elderly lady.
Disappointment sweeps through him briefly. Probably for the best, he thinks as the loud-mouthed rednecks at the pool table spout some distasteful language.
Ignoring them, he finally moves, making his way up to the back of the bar. Maybe the travellers sent him here to find one of her relatives, perhaps her child. Though he has no idea if he'd even recognize Maggie now, never mind a descendant of hers.
But when he reaches the bar and seeks out someone who'll be able to give him something to ease his frustrations, he stops dead. Proven wrong, it would seem, because he instantly recognizes the woman behind the bar, caught in the middle of a playful conversation with a rather tipsy man on a stool.
Except it's impossible. Not a feature has changed. She looks as young as the day he compelled her to forget him and walk out without ever looking back. Those dark eyes, so soft yet filled with life like a blazing match. The curve of her lips, that smile that filled his mind to replace the darkness everytime he closed his eyes.
It isn't possible. The only way...
His heart drops. He can't even stomach the thought. Compelling Maggie was meant to protect her, to keep her as far away from his world as possible. Unless she found another vampire more willing to turn her without knowing.
No. He refuses to believe that. But the proof is right there, undeniable. A relative, he tells himself. A daughter with an uncanny resemblance to her mother.
She notices him at last, her eyes flicking over to him. Straightening up and abandoning ber conversation in the process, she shoots him a warm, friendly smile that makes his throat close up.
"All right there?" she asks with a slight chuckle, eyeing him. "You look lost. Or like you've seen a ghost. Neither one uncommon here, surprisingly."
Enzo doesn't know what to say. He realizes she doesn't recognize him. Nothing in her expression or her eyes tells him she has the faintest idea who he is. Of course not, he chides himself. Because she's not Maggie.
"New in town, I take it?" she continues on anyway, apparently unbothered by his lack of response. "I know all of the local's faces; I should, considering I've lived here my whole life."
Something comes loose in his chest. Her whole life. Maggie wasn't from Roswell. There's a sinking feeling inside of him that he can't ignore no matter how he tries.
"Your whole life?" he hears himself ask faintly, forcing an interested smile onto his face. "Must really like this town."
The woman shrugs. "It's my home. But" --she leans both hands on the bar, grinning at him now with that same spark in her eyes-- "with an accent like that, I can see I was right in saying it's not yours."
Enzo huffs out a chuckle and nods. "You caught me. I've visited before, though. Couple times, long time ago."
Her eyebrows furrow the tiniest bit and her head tilts in curiosity as she stares at him. He can see her trying to recall him.
"Weird," she says after a beat. "I feel like there's no way I would forget someone like you..."
She trails off somewhat pointedly, expecting an introduction. He opens his mouth to give it despite his better judgment, but she beats him to it, holding a hand up to stop him.
"Wait, hold on, I'm psychic. Let me take a shot at this."
Her eyes are wide and excited, and he can barely bring himself to be fazed by the claim of being psychic. There's a snort from down the bar from the man she'd been talking to.
She rolls her eyes but otherwise ignores him, her attention fixated on Enzo. Keeping their gazes locked, her eyes narrow. It's taking everything in him not to give anything away. If she's really psychic, somehow, then that won't be a problem.
"I think that... your name is... Michael." As soon as the name falls from her lips, there's a guffaw from her friend and she groans. "Oh, tell me I'm wrong."
But Enzo's heart has stopped again. Michael was the name he had on his file when she was working at Augustine. Dr. Whitmore had taken him from the Air Force, while he was still under his alias of Captain Michael Quinn. It's what Maggie knew him as him until he confessed his real name a few months before she left.
"Just can't get me off your mind, can you, DeLuca?" her friend says, evidently enjoying himself a great deal. He turns to Enzo. "I'm Michael, by the way. The person that the lovely Maria here claims to despise, and yet..."
He waves a hand as if providing all the evidence he needs to make his point. Maybe that's it, Enzo thinks, and his mind catches the name this Michael uses. Maria. Not Maggie. Similar but not the same. Maria DeLuca, by the sounds of it. Not James.
Maria scoffs and aims the towel in her hand at Michael, who merely laughs and dodges the blow of it.
"Ignore him," she tells Enzo, turning back to him.
He laughs it off as well. "That's okay. Maria, was it?"
She nods, her lips pressing together in a smile again. "That's right, mysterious stranger whose name is definitely not Michael. Sorry about that. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. It happens."
Part of him is tempted to tell her she's not wrong. After all, he was Michael for over ten years. Who's to say that means it isn't still part of his identity?
"Well, it is my middle name, so not entirely wrong," he decides to say. "I'm Lorenzo. People usually just call me Enzo."
Maria's face lights up, her smile brightening. "Middle name is good enough for me. And it's nice to meet you, Enzo. So, what can I get for you?"
"Er, just a bourbon, please."
He hesitates, then takes a seat on one of the stools. His eyes stay glued to her as she pours him a bourbon. How is this even possible?
Doppelgangers exist. He knows that far too well from his brief time in Mystic Falls, but that was a curse. Maggie was never in the middle of some two-thousand-year-old love affair involving vengeful travellers. As far as he's aware.
Maria sets the glass down in front of him. He thanks her and slides the money over before taking a long drink. At this rate, he's going to need a lot more than one glass.
"So, Enzo," Maria says, and pain spikes through his heart at hearing that same voice say his name again after all these years. "What brings you to our lovely but ultimately boring little town? Is it the aliens?"
He can't help but laugh at that. Once upon a time, it was in fact the aliens that brought him here.
"No, no, though I wouldn't mind seeing a few," he jokes, and is pleased when she laughs, too. He then sighs. "But I'm looking for someone. A woman I used to know. We... lost touch for a while."
Maria frowns. "Oh. Well, what's her name? Like I said, I know everyone in this town. If she's been here, I'll remember."
He stares at her for a moment. I'll remember. Something about the way she says it sends a shiver through him.
"Maggie James," he says before he can process he's doing it. "Her name's Maggie James."
For the briefest flicker of a moment after he says it, he admittedly expects recognition to flash across her face and for her to say that's her mother's name. Or an auntie. Someone in her family, something to explain this, because he can't think of a single logical explanation otherwise.
But her eyes stay blank and distant, still frowning. Then he notices that her frown has actually deepened. More thought than required for remembering a name of a stranger you met once or twice. And the blank look in her eyes is too blank, like they've glazed over, completely detached from reality.
Enzo's heartbeat quickens. Her expression twitches. It's a tiny movement, invisible to the human eye. But he catches it, and everything crashes down inside of him. It's the look of someone trying to unearth a memory buried beneath layers of compulsion. Just below the surface but forever unreachable.
Then she blinks, and it's as if she's thrust back into her body. She straightens up a little too quickly, her eyes wide and dazed. But alert. And lost.
"Nope," she says, and shakes her head, reverting back to her casual composure from before. "Sorry. Doesn't ring any bells."
He can hear the lie in her voice. Feel it from her. It did ring a bell, just one she couldn't quite hear. Muffled by his own doing. Or something else, he just wouldn't know what. It can't just be his compulsion. It doesn't explain why she'd still be this young, why she has a completely different identity and life. None of it makes sense.
"Don't worry about it," he tells her, plastering on another careful smile. "I'm sure I'll find her."
He doesn't know why, but it feels like the truth. Something tells him he won't have to look far. It's just more complicated now, is all. But when has he not loved a few complications here and there? They're what make things interesting.
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On The Street Where You Live, Part 3
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Last part guys. After this I will try and work on the main story. Hope you enjoyed this crazy AU!
Patience stared at the bathroom wall, tears welling in her eyes.
Her period always came like clockwork, every second of the month. It was the fourteenth, and she was late. This morning she had woken up nausea so severe she vomited in the toilet. And the nausea had struck again in gym class.
Someone rapped irritably on the bathroom door. "Are you done in there?"
"NO!" She burst out. 
She heaved silent sobs, burying her face in her hands. There was graffiti on the bottom of the door. EVAN AND BETH FOREVER surrounded by a heart.
She wondered who Evan and Beth were. They were probably a happy couple, waiting to graduate and marry. He would probably have a good job, and her parents would like him, not like Patience and Salvatore.
She pressed the heels of her wrists into her eyes and let her sobs overwhelm her.
It was a bright afternoom at the butcher shop, and for once, the only thing that was being chopped there was meat. A black-haired young man was taking inventory when the front door jangled and he looked up.
As soon as Salvatore saw who it was, he appeared frustrated. "What the hell are you doing here, Leo Angelino?"
The boy looked about as out-of-place in the butcher shop as a lion would on a Kansas farm, with his uniform and carefully coiffed hair. "I am not frequenting your lovely establishment for the charming array of services you offer. I am here to speak to a certain person, that person being you."
"You coulda just said 'I'm here to talk to you.'"
"Yes, but then I wouldn't be able to see the charming look on your face as you attempted to the decipher the big words in my speech."
"What the fuck do you want?"
He put his elbows on the counter and leaned forward until his nose nearly touched Salvatore's. "I hear you're dating Richard Winslow's daughter."
Salvatore looked disgrunted. "Well, I was for a while. Don't know where she's gotten to as of late."
Leonardo toyed with the edge of the frayed paper menu. "I think, for the good of you both, you should stop seeing her."
"That ain't none of business, you god damn faggot. What do you care?"
"Just look at you. You already have a criminal record, you work a dead-end job, you have no prospects. You're just a hooligan from the wrong side of the tracks."
He leaned closer, and Salvatore stood his ground, but his fists were clenched and trembling.
"She deserves so much better than you and you know it. That's probably why she's not seeing you anymore. She realized that you're no good, Salvatore. It would be best if you simply... moved on."
He pushed Leonardo backwards. "If you ain't buying, you got no reason to be here. If you don't get out right now I'm gonna throw you out."
Leonardo held up his hands, backing away, but kept that irritating smile on his face. When the door swung shut, Salvatore turned and punched the wall, his fist crumpling the cheap wood.
His father barked at him to get back to work, and he did so slowly.
Leo was there. He was always there. She wanted to punch him as soon as he looked over at her and smiled.
"Patience honey, welcome home. There's a sandwich in the fridge for your lunch. I'm making pot roast tonight." Marilyn crossed one leg over the other, and Patience noted she wasn't wearing pantyhose. "Can you take the clothes out of the drier?" She flipped her hair ostentatiously, eyes on the young blond man beside her.
Tormented by her thoughts, she trudged down the basement. Her mind was whirring, caught in a circle like a broken toy, and she didn't notice someone enter in after her until the door clicked shut.
She whirled around. "What are you doing here?" Her blood pressure spiked as she recognized the golden-haired menace that had ruined her life.
 "Just here to help with laundry. I'm always around the house, so it's just natural that I help with chores."
The basement was really more of closet. There was enough room for a washer and dryer and that was about it. So he and Patience were stuck very close, so close they could not help but touch as they unloaded the drier. His hand skimmed her breasts, bottom and back, all under the pretense of accidence.
"Stop it!" She snapped. "Just--just hold the basket!"
After she was done loading the clothes, she turned to the door, he held it shut with his arm. He stood there, face an inch from her own, staring intently. He cocked it. "Patience."
For some reason she was afraid, even though he had no way of telling, that he had found out about her pregnancy. He's going to blackmail me. Just another way he has power over me.
"Why don't you like me?"
She started. It sounded like an honest question. Maybe it was. "Because you're sleeping with my mom and making her run around on my dad."
"Hmm. Well, maybe that can change." Leonardo hoped on top of the washing machine, staring down at her. "You really want me to stop fooling with your mother?"
"Yes, I do! Just leave her alone! Leave my whole family alone!"
"Well. Maybe we can come to an agreement." He smiled, showing perfect white teeth. "How about this. I stop with your mother... and you take her place."
She stood frozen, teeth gritted and body made of stone. "I--" and for a moment she thought, then Mom and Dad will stay together. I'm pregnant, he can't do anything to me like he was threatening to. Maybe just--just to keep him away from Mommy--
He took her by the arm and pulled her forward. "My father is very rich. I'm going to Yale next year. I'm an even an Altar Boy at The Church of the Holy Virgin
That boyfriend of yours is no-good and you know. I can buy you anything you want, get you a house, take you to Europe."
He sounded like he was giving her more of a sales pitch than asking her to be his lover. She studied him closely, at his fine, delicate features, his high cheekbones and arched nose and long eyelashes. Could she wake up beside him? 
She just focused on his features, trying to ignore everything else about the boy, all her memories of the way he had slammed her against the wall and forced his way into her, about how her mommy looked at him with adoring eyes, on the disgusting words he had whispered in her ears that fateful night, and just focused on those blue, blue eyes.
He leaned down slowly, giving her time to pull away, and cupped her face. When his mouth was a fraction away from hers, and his breath was spilling over her lips, she yanked away, her gorge rising. 
"Get lost, Borghese. I'm never going to be your girl," she snarled resentfully, her bitterness taking over as she carried the basket of laundry out of the basement.
"Well, hey there, Pat. Haven't seen you around lately."
Jack Salandra was sitting outside the butcher shop in a folding chair, smoking a cigarette.
"Do you know where Salvatore is?"
"He's in the back talking to someone."
"I need to speak with him."
"He's busy. You should come back in an hour, I think he'll be closing up."
"No. You don't understand. I REALLY need to speak with him."
Something in her trembling voice gave him pause, and he put out his cigarette and stood up. "Give me a minute."
Soon after, Sal emerged, looking livid. His butcher's apron was stained with blood. "What the fuck is your problem? First we go to the prom together. Then you ghost me for a whole month, leaving me wondering what the hell happened to you. And now you're showing up at my door begging to talk to me?"
She swallowed hard and looked down the street. "It's... it's really, really important. Is there somewhere where we can be alone?"
He led her to an alleyway behind the butcher shop, occupied only by a dumpster where she assumed spoiled meat was dumped because of the smell.
She took a deep breath, skin prickling, and when she spoke the words, the shocked silence was so loud it buzzed in her ears.
"I'm pregnant."
Salvatore's face settled into a blank look of shock. His eyes were so wide around his black iris that it was ringed by white.
"A-are you sure?"
"Yeah. My mom had the same symptoms when she was pregnant with me. And it's--the timeline adds up. I know... it's yours, Salvatore."
Salva slowly sank to the ground, shaking. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Vaffanculo..." and he began to sob.
Him crying make her start to cry too, but she lashed back. "What are you crying for? You're not the one who's pregnant!"
He wiped his tears off with his bloody apron.
Patience felt the weight of despair crush her, a woman barely into her teens and saddled with the child of the last person she'd want to be pregnant by. How could she finish high school now? What would her parents say? Did she have to get married? She didn't want to marry Salvatore. She wanted to go to college and be a police officer like her father. How could she do that with a child, and married to someone she'd more likely arrest than not? He smoked. He skipped school. He hit her. That 'bad boy' image he gave off that had so charmed her at first now alienated her, disgusted her. How could she marry someone like that? 
Life was going too fast for her. She wanted this to be a nightmare she would wake up from.
"What are we gonna do, Salvatore?" 
"I gotta tell my mom. Fuck, she's gonna kill me. It's all over. You better tell your parents too."
The thought of introducing Sal as the father of her child made her feel sick. She often hated how long the walk back to her house from the butcher shop was, but this time, she wished it were longer. Every step she took was weighted down by concrete blocks.
When her two-story green townhome came in sight, her heart began to pound. When she pulled the door open, she saw her father in a sweater, reading the news, and her mom watching television.
When her father saw her, he got up to hug her. She hugged her father, inhaling his familiar smell. She never wanted to let go. 
"I'm sorry I've been away for so long, baby. Work's been rough. But the Chief is giving me some time off this week. What do you say you, your mom and I do something this weekend? Go to an amusement park? See a movie?"
Oh, daddy. If only you knew.
"That sounds good, Daddy." She kept the sob out of her voice, but it welled up again as she sat down beside her dad to watch TV. Harry Truman was giving a speech. Every single word out of his mouth might as well have been gibberish.
"Honey, have you been crying?" Mommy looked up. She was in her favorite dress, the red gingham one. Patience remembered her wearing it a lot as a child. Her apron was smeared, like she had just been cooking.
 "Are you all right? Did Mr. Oleson yell at you again? Tell your mommy."
"No." She wiped her eyes. "I--I--I need to, talk, to you. About something?"
"What is it, junebug?" Daddy looked down at her, worry knitting his brow. His green eyes, just like hers, were filled with concern as more tears streaked down her face.
"I'm--" her voice caught in her throat like a stone. "I'm pregnant."
For a moment, all she heard was Harry Truman's voice crackling through the speakers.
Then two things happened.
Her father leaped up and started shouting, and her mother began to sob.
"You're fifteen years old! You are fifteen years old! How did you let this happen?"
"No, no, oh god, please no, Patience--"
"How could you ruin your life like this? You were going to college! You're on the honor roll! How, how could you be so--" Richard was shouting, red in the face, and he took her by her shoulders and shook her.
"How did it happen? Who did it? How old is he? Was he your teacher?" Mommy was still crying, but she got her questions rapid-fire.
"No," she managed to get out between sobs. "I-It wasn't. He--was--he's in my high school. He works at the butcher shop around the corner, the one on Franklin Lane. He--his name is S-Salvatore Mallozzi."
The room went silent again, the calm before a storm, and then the storm crashed down.
"SALVATORE MALLOZZI? I arrested that boy for assault and theft! He spat in my face! You're telling me that you let him--"  Richard was shaking hard, and Patience wondered whether he would collapse. He was gripping her shoulders so hard they erupted in pain.
Mommy had lapsed into crying again, except this time, more desperately. When she spoke again, her voice was a scream. She slapped her errant daughter so hard her face exploded with pain. "Why are you acting the whore? Where's your common sense? I thought you would have learned from your Aunt Minnie! A dago? Why did you let some FUCKING Italian--"
"You're one to talk!" She shouted back, holding her aching cheek. Her fury and agony was bursting, making her lash out. "What with you and Leonardo!"
The moment she let those words leave her lips, she regretted it more than anything in her life.
Her daddy loosened her arms, slowly, and turned to his wife. "Marilyn," he said, his voice sapped of emotion.
Mommy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "I was going to tell you," she whispered.
He sat down, shaken and pale. "Why?" He asked simply. "Why Silvio's son?"
"You were never here," she said. "He was. He told me I was beautiful. He--" she stopped and looked away. "I know I can't explain it to you. I know nothing I can say would explain it. But it's so lonely without you."
Richard said nothing, but buried his face in his hands. 
Patience sat, frozen, aware distantly of her  life crumbling around her. She felt like she was floating above the room, looking down at a bunch of strangers.
"Richard," Mommy said, "I'm leaving you. And I'm taking Patience."
This isn't happening. This isn't happening.
Richard walked over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of amber liquid. He chugged his first few swallows straight from the bottle. Then he took a crystal glass and poured a generous amount in it.
Harry Truman was talking about the Soviet Union.
The three sat in absolute silence, the only sound the clinks of Daddy's glass and the occasional sniff of Mommy's.
How much time had passed, she did not know, but Daddy finally drained his glass and sat up before making his way purposefully to the door.
Patience jumped. "Daddy, where are you going?"
He did not answer, but she had a forboding feeling she knew, so she followed him out of the door.
Richard took step after step, and although he was staggering drunk, his mind was laser-focused on one thing. He ignored his daughter's pleas as he headed for the one place Patience feared--the butcher shop.
As soon as it came within sight she seized his arm, but he shook her off like a fly. One hundred and fifty pounds of Massachusetts rage bulled his way into the butcher shop.
Salvatore was sitting at a table, holding an icepack to his cheek. Opposite him was Malone, and a smattering of other undesirables. Richard marched up to the table and decked Salvatore.
The crack was louder than anything in the room, and Salvatore was flung backwards onto the floor. Richard was shouting drunkenly, drowning out the pleas of Malone.
"Winslow! Calm yourself! The boy's mother is crying in the next room!"
"Winslow! Winslow! The boy has agreed to marry the girl, there nothing to be upset about!"
"As if I would let my daughter marry one of you people! Patience is fifteen! I have my handcuffs here and I am arresting him and taking him to jail! I'm putting him away on statutory rape charges!"
Salvatore had scrambled back on his hands and knees and had his back against the wall, trembling with blood pouring down his face. Malone was in front of him, blocking him from Richard's wrath.
"Daddy," Patience pleaded, hanging onto him. "Please stop this, let's talk, please stop yelling--"
He shook her off, knocking her a few steps back. "My daughter," he snarled. "Is not marrying that boy. She is going to an unwed mother's home, and when the baby is adopted, she is coming back and she is finishing her education. Put the god damn handcuffs on!"
He lunged forward, and Malone pulled a bat out from behind the counter. They clashed with the thud of wood on skin.
Patience sat there, sobbing quietly as her father fought fiercely, throwing punches and shouts against weapons.
And as the other people in the butcher shop closed in, she didn't want to see her daddy beaten within an inch of his life, so she backed out of the butcher shop, her shoulders against the glass.
She ran home, the sky waning on her and the sky beginning to warm with orange on the horizon. Each thudding step she took jolted her to her brain.
The home she saw looked alien now--it held no comfort for her. When she pushed in, heaving her breaths, her mommy was on the phone. She heard the word Leo.
When she came inside, her mommy put down the phone and looked up. She opened her mouth to say something, but said nothing.
Patience stood there silently. 
Surveying the wreckage of her life and the ways it would go from now on, she made the wisest decision of her short life.
Patience shoved handfuls of her clothes into her suitcase, breaths trembling and frantic. She stopped by her parents' room and swept the emergency money in the bedside drawer into her suitcase.
She clicked the suitcase shut and ran downstairs, her shoes thudding on the steps. Her mother met her in the living roo, saw her suitcase, and she panicked. "Where are you going, Patience?"
"Away. I'm going away, mommy, I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back."
Marilyn seized her daughter's arm. "Don't do this, Patience! Don't do this! Please, come with me, don't leave me alone!"
"Why'd you do it, Mommy?" All Patience wanted to do was bury her face in her mother's skirt and cry. She wanted to be a little girl again, when her parents loved each other and her.
"You don't know what it's like. You know your daddy is never here. I had to raise you by myself. You think he's the hero? You know why he's gone so often? So he doesn't have to deal with the responsibility. I'm lonely, Patience. And I've been alone ever since I had you. I'm fed up with it."
"But why did it have to be him?"
Her mother said nothing, but there were tears in her eyes too, and an enormous unsaid weight between them.
Patience looked at the face that was so like hers, the tiny nose, the heart-shaped face, the pink lips. 
"I love you, Mommy. But you made your choice. And I can't stay here. I will not live with that man. I'm not going to an unwed mother's home. And I'm not marrying Salvatore, either."
She pushed past her mother, into the road, and chose a direction and started running, away from a broken home she would never return to.
Patience walked down the highway, thumb sticking out. Car after car passed her until a rattling sedan with a loose license plate slowed down. "Are you looking for a lift?" Called the driver.
The car was in such bad shape she almost refused, but the sun was going down and she needed a ride before nightfall. "Sure."
She put her suitcase in the backseat and hopped in the front seat. As soon as she slamed the door, the sedan was rattling off down the highway.
The driver was a young man in an ill-fitting gray suit and tie. He had slicked-back blond hair that was graying along the temples, despite his youth. "Where are you headed?" 
"Just outside of town. What about you?"
He laughed bitterly. "Garland City Courthouse. I'm divorcing my wife. You know what the real ironic thing is? I'm actually an attorney. A public defender. But because I don't know jack about divorce proceedings, I had to hire my own. And I really can't afford to spend the money."
The car coughed, like it was agreeing with him. "I'm sorry to hear that. Why did you split up?"
"Because she's not satisfied with the money I make. She always wants new fur coats, new pearls, new nights on the town. Women are never satisfied. It's always something with them."
Patience had a distinct feeling that that was only half the story, but did not pursue it.
"I understand. My parents are leaving each other, too."
"Is that why you're out here all alone?"
She looked ahead as rain began to speckle the windshield. "Yeah. Well, that, and--" she thought of Salvatore, and the baby, and instinctively cupped her stomach. "Other reasons."
"You should go back. I bet they're worried stiff. If my son disappeared on me, I'd lose my mind. Of course, he's only two, so there's not a lot of places he could go."
Patience thought of her mother, lost, staying up nights worrying desperately about her daughter. About her father, coming back to an empty home without his wife and daughter. She rubbed her eyes. I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry, Daddy.
I guess I was just too much of a coward to deal with this. So I ran away instead.
Then she thought of Salvatore, of what he would think, how he would wonder what happened to his child. Would he wonder? Or would he just be glad he didn't have deal with the trouble anymore?
The night was beginning to fall, turning the sky blue-black. Patience spotted a bus stop through the shield of rain, right besside the sign stating Robichaux National Forest. "Drop me off here. I'll catch a bus."
The man slowed down. She hopped out and took her briefcase.
The man propped up his elbow on the steering wheel. "Which way are you headed, kid?"
She shielded her eyes against the rain. The trees towered above her like black, watching sentinels.
"California," she said. "Yeah. California sounds good." Somewhere far, far away, as far as she could get. "Thanks a lot, mister. I never got your name."
"Charlie Sawyer." He shook her hand. "And you?"
On the spur of a moment, she chose a false name, one that, considering who she was talking to, spared her a lot of suffering. "Beth Evans."
"Well, Beth. Best of luck to you."
"Thanks. Best of luck to you too, Charlie."
Patience watched his blinking tail lights vanish into the darkness, and sat down in the sanctuary of the bus stop, waiting for the rain to stop.
She slid her hand underneath her shirt and held it there, as if she could feel the heartbeat of her unborn child.
It's just you and me now, baby. Just us, in this big bad world.
The rain poured down harder, as if it would never stop.
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superredcorp · 4 years
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It was Defence against the Dark Arts Class in Hogwarts. The Hufflepuffs and the Slytherins were joined together in this class which was led by Professor Cat Grant. As soon as the students had all gathered in the classroom, she announced the day's subject: Boggarts. Most students, who knew what they were, got a little nervous. And as soon as Professor Grant explained the basics about the creatures, the remaining ones got flustered and uncomfortable as well. No one liked to openly present their fears. No one wanted to feel that vulnerable. However, it was nothing that was up to discussion and the students knew better than to protest in Professor Grant's class. So they did as they were told and collected in the room, in front of a big closet which was already rumbling.
"Now, remember the spell. Riddikulus. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, we've heard the joke before, it's nothing original. Chip chop.", Professor Grant said. "You, the girl who's name I can't remember, you go first."
A Hufflepuff girl shrieked a little when the teacher's finger pointed at her. She gulped and stepped forward. She seemed to be trembling. "Wand at the ready. I'm going to open the closet now. Riddikulus. One, two, three.", she opened the door and a whirling shadow came out. It swirled around until it formed the shape of a spider which was the size of a big dog. The girl stared at it, mortified. Then suddenly her eyes showed determination, she lifted her wand and yelled "Riddikulus!"
The spider slipped and landed on it's back, long legs high up in the air - with grapes starting to form on them like grape vines. A few students laughed and the girl let out a relieved giggle.
"Good. Next one.", Professor Grant said.
One by one the students went forward, facing their nightmares - from wild mystical creatures to bad grades.
"Alright.", Professor Grant said, looking around. "Miss Luthor, you're up next."
On the other side of the room, Lena was standing with crossed arms, leaning against a desk. When she heard her name, she looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, no. I'm not doing that."
"Oh, you are. You may think you're too good for this class, Miss Luthor, but it is a lecture and it is obligatory. So, unless you want to meet with the headmaster..."
Lena scoffed. But one more look at Professor Grant's stern face and she faltered. She rolled her eyes. "Fine."
A few feet away, Kara stood with her two friends: Winn, who was a Hufflepuff as well and Mon-El, who was in Slytherin like Lena. Kara had spent some more time with Lena the past couple of weeks and they had grown closer. Kara was the only one really trying to make a connection with her. And she'd always been very compassionate and attentive. That's why she was the only one in the room who noticed the quiet tremble in Lena's voice when she caved or the way she took her steps to the front rather hesitantly, through she tried to appear tough. Lena seemed to know what was going to come out of that closet - and she was really scared of it.
"One, two, three.", Professor Grant counted and opened the closet door once more. This time the Boggart took its time. It didn't come out as a wild whirl of blackness ready to transform. Instead it stayed in the pitch black of the closet. Then suddenly, a hand grasped the frame of the door. A foot stepped out, wearing heels. The rest of the body followed slowly, anticipation building up.
It was a woman, wearing nice clothes and an evil expression on her face. Kara recognized her instantly and her eyes widened. She recognized her from the Daily Prophet's articles. And others did too because whispers and murmurs interrupted the silence in the room.
"Wait, guys. Isn't that...?", Winn hushed.
"It's Lillian Luthor. Lena's mom.", Kara mumbled, concerned.
Lena was frozen on the spot. She stared at her mother - or the boggart disguised as her mother. Who now started talking. "You are a disappointment, Lena. Your father never should have brought you here. You ruined everything. You are a disgrace. Pathetic. Useless."
Behind her suddenly another figure came out, joining her hateful speech. It was her brother. Lex Luthor. "Worthless. Your real mother is better of dead. You would have been such a disappointement to her. It would be no surprise if she got herself killed on purpose. So she would be rid of you."
Lena had meanwhile dropped her wand. Her hands covered her ears, trying to block them out. Hot tears streamed down her face. No one was whispering anymore, everyone gaped with their mouths open in shock. Even Professor Grant was speechless for once. She obviously hadn't expected this.
Kara couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't bare seeing Lena like this, couldn't bare hearing all those terrible things that the boggart was still spouting at her with an endless amount of shame, anger and hate. She stormed forward, running past her classmates and slid in front of the young Slytherin, who was whimpering heartbreakingly desperate, with her arms spread wide, in a protective stance.
Her eyes narrowed. She knew what was coming but she was prepared. The boggart started swirling and forming new for it's new opponent. Soon enough, it had finished it's transformation. Kara released a shaky breath as she stared her worst fear in the eye.
Death Eaters. Death Eaters who broke into her home when she was just a child, who killed her family for being muggleborns and squibs, who made her an orphan. She may have gained a new family in the Danvers' and she loved them, loved the sister, Alex, she got out of it but the trauma of what happened still cut her deep. Her whole world had been taken from her in that night, in that moment.
Kara raised her wand and screamed "Riddikulus!", directing all her anger and pain towards them. The force hit the boggart so hard that it, or well they, flew back into closet which fell backwards and shut close. Kara breathed heavily. Then she quickly turned around to see how Lena felt but she had to find that she was gone. Kara scanned the room, seeing her run out of the door just in that second. Without second thought, she took off after her.
She ran across the corridors of the castle, looking around, trying to find the Luthor girl. Finally, she found her, sitting against a wall, her legs close to her chest, her arms wrapped around them and her head buried between her knees. Kara came closer, slowly and kneeled down in front of her. She eyed her carefully. By the movement of Lena's shoulders, she could tell that she was crying. Kara gently touched Lena's arm. The Slytherin's head shot upwards, rapidly trying to brush away the tears but failing rather miserably.
She sniffled, looking down at her hands. After a few seconds of silence between them, she said quietly: "You must think I'm pathetic."
Kara's eyes widened. "Why would I think that?"
Lena gave a devastated, dark chuckle. "My greatest fear is my own family. I'm a Luthor, my fear should be muggleborns touching me or not being able to learn dark magic. I'm going to be the laughing matter. Why did you even help me back there? They're gonna take it out on you too."
"Don't say that.", Kara said softly. "You're not like your family. You're good. You are a brilliant, kind-hearted, beautiful soul. No one can take that away from you. I believe in you. That's why I helped you... You're my friend."
Lena looked up at her. There was so much pain in her eyes. But also hope and gratitude. "Thank you, Kara. Really. I... I don't know how to thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. Not for that.", Kara smiled. She scooted around her and sat down next to Lena, putting her arm around her and pulling her close. "I will always protect you. And I will always be here for you. I promise."
It had been an hour since the incident in Defence against the Dark Arts class. Kara hadn't left Lena's side since then. They had a free period afterwards anyway so this was easy to do. Soon enough class would start again though and they didn't share the same one there. So Kara wanted to at least spend the rest of their free time together. At one point, Winn came running towards them. They had found a secluded space where no one else was, to talk without anyone listening or staring. "There you are, guys! I've been looking for you!", he said.
"Is something wrong, Winn?", Kara asked worriedly.
"No. Well, actually, um. I just wanted to see how Lena was feeling.", he stammered, fidgeting with his fingers.
Lena frowned. "Well, that's nice but... you don't even know me."
"I know! But I- well, I-", he began, sighed and looked at the ground. Then he sat down and started again. "Look, I... I know how you're feeling."
"I doubt that.", she said, with a raised eyebrow.
"No, really, I-", he sighed again. "When you two ran off, Professor Grant interrupted the lesson. That's why I didn't get my turn to face the boggart. But I still know what shape it would have taken. I know how you feel because... because I know what it's like to be scared of your parent. The boggart would have turned into my dad."
Kara and Lena blinked a few times, uncertain if they'd heard correctly. "Really?", Kara asked sadly.
Winn nodded, looking down at his hands. "My... my father is also in prison. Regular prison because he's a muggle. When he found out that my mom's a witch, he... he lost his mind. He killed six people."
"Oh my god, Winn, I had no idea.", Kara exclaimed, reaching over to touch one of his hands. Winn let out a sad chuckle: "Yeah, well, it's not really something I go around bragging about. I didn't want anyone to think less of me."
"No one would do that!", Kara was quick to respond.
"Are you sure?", Winn returned with a question. "Because I'm not."
"There's always people who will judge you for your family's mistakes. I'm proof.", Lena said bitterly. She looked over at Winn. "Why did you say something now?"
The boy shrugged. "I guess, I just... I wanted you to know you're not alone... with that feeling. That there's someone who gets what you're dealing with."
"That's... that's very considerate and... very nice of you. Thank you.", Lena said, a small, shy smile forming on her lips.
Winn smiled back. As did Kara who started clapping. "Hey, look, now you have two friends!"
Lena laughed and the other two joined in. And Lena did feel better, included, happy. She had friends. Well, she had a friend and... and she had Kara because she couldn't quite call Kara a friend. She embodied so much more than that. She wasn't just her friend, she was her hero.
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