#and it doesn't even matter except it DOES and i'm unwell.
syncogon · 4 months
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fun fact: miqin mubei, face obscured, is the second named character to appear in the entire show. yes he appears all the way in episode 1
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Nightwolf x Reader (Venting)
I told them two months should be fine, but it's not. Even a month is so long, but it's supposed to be for my own good.
So why do Ifeel so... purposeless?
You took a gaspy breath of air as questions of frightening uncertainty strangled your mind.
I don't get it. I've done everything I could to try to get them to be close with me again. They said it wasn't me... but is it? They've grown a habit of lying to me, so are they telling the truth there?
Your eyes stared emptily at your phone's black screen. Should you browse through the media to clear your mind?
No. You'll just end up back in the messages between you and them the eighth time. Let alone their account.
Maybe you should take their advice. The very common one everyone always suggest in these types of situations: replace them. Find someone that's way better them. Just "Move on. It's part of life."
It's true. Moving on is a part of life, you aren't inexperienced with it. But really, how long will the process take this time?  You don't want to forget them. And you don't want them to forget you. Even if they claim you wouldn't be.
They aren't replaceable to you. You told them this and it hurts that they even object that statement.
It hurt watching them turn into something apathetic. They claim they want to be forgotten, punishment for hurting people like yourself. Sometimes, when you feel angered rather than sad, you agreed.
Sometimes you'd feel so angry, you'd want to break the silence just to speak the blunt part of your mind, but you know it would fall on deaf ears and a closed mind.
Anything you say always does. Even the most sincere words.
Returning to them is a bad idea. But they're the only person you have. You feel as if you deserve it for pushing away those who actually cared.
"Y/n." A quiet, but stern voice called.
Slightly startled, you looked towards your door which was opened a bit with a familiar face peering in.
"Nightwolf?" You responded back dimly. 
Nightwolf was someone you did seek comfort from before you met them. He knew about your "close" friend, and like everyone else, disapproved of them.
Your love is so deep for that person, that even Nightwolf failed to convince you being around them wasn't healthy for you. Only thing different about him is he still stuck by your side.
Nightwolf entered the room, carrying your personal mug, setting it beside you on your dresser. The aroma of your favorite warm beverage greeted you.
"You haven't been out you room for awhile, so I assumed you were asleep." He looked at you and explained.
He observed how unwell you looked. From your blanket covering your messy hair to how puffy your eyes were, either from lack of sleep or crying, or both.
"Are you okay?" He asked a question he already knew. An attempt to get you to talk to him.
You quickly broke off eye contact with him and nodded with a broken "mhm".
No. I'm really not.
"Are you sure?"
You shut your eyes, with a sudden thought in your head.
They used to check up on me like this.
"You can talk to me, Y/n. I'm still here for you."
The warm rush of tears raced down your face and you were so poorly subtle to hide them.
You just don't get it. You pushed this man away for someone who treated you awful, even if it was unintentional, but he just never disregarded you right then.
And you still continued pushing him away because you just felt bad he was helping naive, delusional, worthless, little you. Just...why?
"I still miss them. Why did they have to change?" You managed to get out.
"Change is just part of one's growth. Understand people can naturally change in a way you may not get. Not right now at least. It doesn't mean it's your fault. That's just how it is."
Some of Nightwolf's words were just like theirs, except it was somehow soothing coming from him, someone who was genuine with you.
"Also understand you cannot change someone, no matter how much effort you place."
You try to. But no matter what the old them is all you could see in them. You just "...don't think you can fully accept they changed."
"I get it. But you eventually will, believe it or not. Once you do, you'll finally feel at peace."
You made sure your face was cleared before grabbing your comfort drink, accidentally moving a bottle that contained melatonin pills in it. Nightwolf noticed them, and it did worry him.
"Do you take one pill at night?" He asked calmly. Or merely just hinting to you that's how you're supposed to use them.
"I don't just take them at night and I don't count." You said before taking a sip. "They're weak too." You scoffed.
You didn't even have the energy to lie to your friend to reassure him. But realizing what you're admitting made you guilty and you forced yourself to take more sips to avoid looking at him. You felt his stare rest on you and it wasn't a nice feeling.
"When do you take them?"
"Whenever there's no reason for me to be awake. Melatonin isn't dangerous if that's what your wondering."
Although I wish it was.
"No, but it can still get you sick, Y/n. That concerns me."
You looked at the Indigenous man shortly. "It shouldn't. I don't get why you still care for me after everything."
"Because you're still learning how the world works. And I know you weren't pushing people away on purpose. I believe you're strong enough to overcome all of this and you'll be a better person."
Shameful to admit, you didn't believe the last part he said. Just look at the condition you were in now.
You were pulled into a sudden embrace, making you confused at first, but then-
"I love you." Nightwolf said unexpectedly. "They may have stopped loving you. But I never did. I hope that's some sort of relief for you."
You didn't respond. You started breaking down, adding your weight against him.
I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't...
"Please stop distancing yourself from me. That's all I request." The black haired male said, still holding you.
"Okay." You sobbed out. You felt his hand comb your hair in a comforting manner.
"Everything will be better soon." He lastly says. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope I'm not lying to myself about the last part.
But I hope you enjoy this. I just wanted to try to make myself feel better.
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
So I was rereading some of your old posts bc u have the Best loz takes and you mentioned theorizing the fierce deity is the first hero and as a certified first hero stan I NEED to know more abt this!!! Can you go more into depth?
Oh dear mutual oh my dear friend- I have SO MANY thoughts about how the fierce deity may be the first hero, let me walk you down my whole thought process as I'm wholly so unwell over the very concept of the fierce deity.
First of all, this whole idea came to my brain during my majora's mask playthrough and I really enjoyed how it was such an interesting parallel to hyrule. With... the exception of two very important things, Ganondorf and Zelda, power and wisdom, the two things that seem to consume every single bit of hyrulean history no matter the time period. Another thing that's interesting is that they're are far fewer instances of the triforce in termina compared to hyrule and if you prefer the 3ds remake- which I played- over the n64, the triforces that were on the statues were removed.
That means it's definitely hinted that termina doesn't have a triforce or at least it's so far ago in the past and its people have little to no attachment to it. There's no princess, there's no demon king, there's no triforce! But the one thing that it does have that hyrule does not is actual evidence of the hero, the fierce deity mask.
One thing that's always stumped me about the greater loz timeline or just all of the various games- there's little to no... influence of the heroes spirit, or courage, whichever you like to refer all of the Link's under. Ganondorf and Zelda can exist on their own without relying on the other's existence, but Link can't! At most the only real things we see that carry Link through history is faded legends of a hero, but that's it. The hero holds no presence in the minds of the people of hyrule, they simply appear and disappear when disaster calls for them.
But, as I mentioned, termina is the sole exception to this as the fierce deity mask exists and it holds Link's exact visage. Hylia is painted in Zelda's features, Demise is painted in Ganondorf's features, so what does that make the fierce deity?
Another interesting fact to me is that nothing relating to the hero exists in skyward sword, so that must mean that whatever the fierce deity is- they must've existed beforehand. Also, we really don't have any idea for just how old termina is, but if you see them as being a direct mirror to hyrule then it makes sense that they've been around just as long.
So here's my idea: the fierce deity must've existed before even skyward sword, meaning that they likely existed around the time of Hylia's and Demise's first initial battle that brought hylians to the sky. But at the same time, the fierce deity had to be gone from memory by the time of skyward sword.
Which leads to another idea of mine: why is termina hidden away? Virtually no one is ever going to stumble across it, the only reason Time did was because he was literally dragged by skull kid. The portal is hidden deep inside the lost forest at the bottom of a hole that none with rational sense would ever think about going down. One of my first thoughts during my playthrough was that it seemed to be on purpose, to hide its very existence away.
Its said that the goddesses created termina, but did they covet that land as they did hyrule? Did they give it the same blessings and care as it did to the land that Hylia and Demise reigned over? I would say not as the goddesses have seemingly abandoned it and so has its people, the goddesses and triforce have no power there.
All of this leads to my final conclusion: the fierce deity is the first hero and perhaps either fought by Hylia's side during the war against Demise, or the fierce deity was the very thing who dealt the killing blow to Demise.
But here's the thing that really interests me about the fierce deity, its in his very name. Demise, Ganondorf, the Demon King... he's commonly seen as one of the strongest entities in the entirety of hyrule, so much so that his visage and tales of his strength carry through all of history. Despite all that, he only carries the title of king? Which makes the fierce deity even stranger in comparison because what is stronger, more intimidating, so much so that the very name of a god- is in his name?
Wouldn't you think such a grand title would undoubtedly carry some kind of weight in the greater sense of hyrules history? But it doesn't, which leads me to my next thought.
The fierce deity was purposely taken to termina, whether it was willingly or not is up to you but I personally think it wasn't. All of that power was sealed into a mask and then that mask was trapped in a world that was hidden away from the rest of all the worlds and dimensions. What does it mean that Time comes across a mask that looks just like him and holds such immense power? A power that rivals darkness itself but not with light, just the willingness to meet that darkness with its own.
The fierce deity in my mind is... powerful, the first hero ever to exist and his strength reflects that. Someone who was able to go toe to toe with Demise at his strongest and win, not only that, but to prove his strength as a god even over Demise. This is me saying that the fierce deity and the first hero are one and the same!
Also why the fierce deity was trapped inside termina is genuinely up to interpretation. Maybe the goddesses and Hylia both became fearful of his power, maybe the people themselves became scared of him, maybe he was trapped. Who knows! That's the beauty of creativity you can truly do whatever you please lol.
But yeah here's my incredibly elaborate, detailed headcanon that the fierce deity has way more worldbuilding than what's shown and is actually the first ever wielder of courage. I also have a whole headcanon that only the Link's can wear the fierce deity mask but that's a WHOLE other meta in of itself lmao
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oh-three · 2 years
For the ask game 1, 7, 22, 25, 29, 30 for the whole gang? I know that’s a lot so you don’t have to do all of them
1: What’s your OC’s biggest insecurity and how would they react if someone pointed it out to them?
Rak- his biggest insecurity is that he's afraid to get close to others, as he was always on his own (with an exception to Vori, of course) during his time as a youngling. He and his master didn't even have the best relationship. He doesn't want to get hurt by others, nor does he want to hurt them. If someone were to confront him on it, he'd turn the situation back around and point out their own insecurities.
Brak- his biggest insecurity is the way he feels about combat. He can wield a lightsaber well enough, and is strong in the Force, but the thought of fighting makes him feel unwell. He would never deny it, as he's not the best at saying no or refusing others answers to their questions.
Vori- her biggest insecurity is that she fears being ignored by the others, as she really enjoys engaging in conversation with them. She wouldn't even try to deny it.
Tindri- her biggest insecurity is that she sometimes wonders if she'll be cast aside or transferred for some of the stunts she pulls against members of the team. If confronted with it, she'd probably pull a prank on the person to disprove it.
Linaleh- her biggest insecurity is knowing that one day the others will somehow die no matter what she does, whether that be in combat, of illness, or of old age. She would snap at whoever suggested it. And then apologize profusely if it was Brak or Vori.
Loktof- his biggest insecurity is that he's genuinely afraid of terribly wounding the others in sparring. Not sure if that can be said about Rakesh, though, as the two of them are far from close- however, he still wouldn't wish death upon him.
Jurr- his biggest insecurity is the fear of being unable to help the others in the problems (incorrect quotes problems aside). He'd never admit it, as he'd try to help them anyway. If he did admit it, it'd be to Cin, who he'd bring in instead.
7: Does your OC have any irrational phobias?
None of them really have any irrational phobias, though Vori is afraid of ghosts, according to the incorrect quotes generator. I'm willing to say that it's true.
22: How does your OC usually show affection? Are they openly romantic or more restricted with their affectionate emotions?
Rak- shows affection by willingly remaining in the same room as the others, and through the occasional praise or smile. Sometimes the others can even wrangle a chuckle out of him, though only Vori can get a true laugh.
Brak- shows affection with small, warm smiles and helping the others with whatever they need. He is very reluctant to do anything that they would not agree with.
Vori- shows affection with huge wholesome smiles and lots of words. And by the occasional playful teasing, though that is mostly directed towards Rakesh.
Tindri- shows affection by allowing the others come to her to confess their deepest secrets, which she vows to never reveal. And in borderline-bullying.
Linaleh- shows affection by sticking her neck out for the younger and injured members of the team. She will protect them from anything, even others within the unit.
Loktof- shows affection by not snapping at or being rude towards the others. He gives no praise.
Jurr- shows affection by giving unsolicited advice and by helping to train the team. He's kind, the kindest of the unit, and very patient with them. Even when their thoughts turn dark, he is willing to come to their side and help however he can.
25: How would your OC process the grief caused by the death of a loved one?
Rak- he would stew on it in silence, refusing to open up about how much it has affected him. He'd eventually end up taking it out in training, going too hard against his opponent.
Brak- he wouldn't openly cry, but he would definitely require the comfort of one of the warmer members of the team, such as Linaleh. When the tears do come, he'd wipe them away and try to hide it.
Vori- she would be visibly downbeat for awhile, yet would still try to lighten the mood with lighter comments, even if they don't truly come from the heart.
Tindri- would be visibly pissed, fuming, and the others would probably avoid her until it looked like she's not about to murder someone just for speaking in her presence. Would refuse to talk to anyone at all.
Linaleh- she would go feral, probably seek revenge on the person who did it if it was a murder or something, become way too overprotective of the younger members of the team.
Loktof- honestly, no one would know if he was upset or not, he just hides it that well. He'd feel a bit burdened, but it wouldn't show at all, not even in anger during training. The others may be able to rile him up, but their deaths do the slightest bit the opposite. He probably would eventually explode though. Metaphorically.
Jurr- he would be visibly saddened and appear more tired than usual, but he would still try his best to keep the team on track in their routine, and would offer any comfort he could.
29: How does your OC behave on the face of a conflict?
Rak- it would depend on the type of conflict. If it was sudden, he'd be thrown into a temporary state of shock, rendered useless for a few moments until he found reality. It it'd been brewing for some time, he'd meet it head on and go feral.
Brak- he would definitely break out and rely on someone else to watch over him. He likes the feeling of security that being in the Guard gives him.
Vori- would be briefly terrified, but would jump in to help out once reminded to do so by a companion.
Tindri- would also go feral. If it's conflict within the unit, she'd go to the security station and get old footage to blackmail them with.
Linaleh- would also go feral and not let the younger members of the team out of her sight until everything is over. She's like a mother duck or something, honestly.
Loktof- wouldn't hesitate to get involved and kill something. I imagine that he's tried to strangle Rak on countless occasions.
Jurr- definitely the most calm of the group. He'd just simply draw his lightsaber and do his best without letting emotion cloud his judgment.
30: What makes your OC defensive quickest?
Rak- anyone mentioning how the only thing he cares about is getting into the Archives. He desperately wants that, but even he doesn't want to be seen as completely heartless.
Brak- being accused of harming one of their own, whether that be out of malice or a prank. He'd never wish harm on a single soul.
Vori- being accused of being too happy, probably. Or being accused of being fake happy by people who don't know her.
Tindri- being accused of being jealous of someone over something. It makes her feel way too vulnerable.
Linaleh- being told that she'd kill one of their own if it meant protecting Brak or Vori. She'll never confess to be willing to go that far (but possibly would be willing to go that far).
Loktof- being told that he's getting rusty in his combat abilities. He's had to remind Rakesh of this several times, and it's never pretty.
Jurr- the thought of having to have one of their own transferred. He'll keep secrets from even Cin if it keeps the group from getting split should a situation get bad enough that it's necessary.
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