#and it wasn't his story to tell about Jason raping Zouey so I mean I get why Zouey freaked
kennyomegasweave · 3 months
As a Zouey hater who stopped liking him hella early on, I actually feel bad for him about how it played out with Nant. I was vindicated with the reveal cause I knew he was NOT the only one clean in this entire story (that's Puen), but at the same time, it wasn't Nant's story to tell about what Jason did to him. Jason needed to be brought down, but I'm not cool with the implication that Nant was in the right to want to reveal Zouey's rape. Especially when Zouey clearly doesn't want that to be publicly known (Nant was the ONLY person who knew). Zouey didn't owe anyone his story. He was already violated in the worst way a human can be violated, so no shit he lost the plot entirely while panicking knowing Nant wanted to publicize what happened as if it was his right to talk about what happened to his actual body.
I'm not excusing the role Zouey played in the kidnapping and the outright lying he did to everyone for months and I will never excuse what he did to Nont the entire time, but I get how Zouey was definitely panicking and in survival mode during this show.
(And technically, Zouey didn't kill Nant nor even really play a part in it. He's responsible for the kidnapping, obviously, but Phop killed Nant when he showed up to say goodbye to Nuth. That had nothing to do with Zouey, unless you count him trying to get Nant out of the country as being the cause, but technically Nant would have needed to get out of the country anyway cause he wanted to turn on Jason for everything, including the drugs, so he would have been on his kill list anyway.)
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