#and mariana's downright devastated lil face as she watches ana leave :((((
niuxita21 · 1 year
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I don’t want to go through two breakups. I know. I... I don’t like this at all, either. The thing about the medicine was a misunderstanding, a lack of communication. We have to talk to each other. Hey, you started with your tantrums! Yes, I know! I’m here to apologize and see how we can fix this, so that things can work out. I think we could start by telling each other everything about our babies. Yes. [beat] How are you? I miss talking to you, but I know... that this is for the best. I’m not ready. Regina’s tummy is doing much better. Aw, that’s good. Well, I’m off. 
#madre solo hay dos#ana servín#mariana herrera#shitty screencap posts (TM)#the more I rewatch this scene to cap it the more I love it for all its angsty goodness#ana's soft 'hola' when mariana comes in :))))#mariana having no qualms about calling ana out on her hilariously ridiculous behaviour earlier in the episode#I did love the return of the bickering because it tickles me that mariana always gives as good as she gets#mariana's soft and sad 'how are you' and ana admitting she missed her (basically in so many words)#and I'm OBSESSED by what she meant by not being ready like is she not ready to be with mariana so being apart is what's for the best#or is she not ready to see mariana on a regular basis bc it still hurts too much so the divorced wives routine is what's for the best??#what does it mean what does it all meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn#I'll tell you this much though this scene single-handledly filled the 50-metre hole episode 5 left in my heart so thanks for that show#seeing these two talking to each other again even if in a very stereotypically angsty otp way is truly a balm to the soul :))))#continuing with things I loved: mariana interjecting about regina's tummy almost like looking for something to fill the silence#or to change the subject to something less raw and painful than their feelings for each other ugh *chef's kiss*#AND THEN... ana's awkward hand thing when saying goodbye like she didn't know if it was ok for them to touch even in a friendly way again#and how mariana leans forward infinitesimally like to kiss her goodbye (on the cheek)#just the general awkwardness of not knowing what to do with each other in this new limbo they've walked into I LOVE THAT SHIT#and mariana's downright devastated lil face as she watches ana leave :((((#friendly reminder that she had already broken up with ferrán by then#(btw I find it hard to believe that THIS is how the great love story of mariana and ferrán will come to an end but hey I'm NOT complaining!)#so her expression is not 'I feel bad bc I'm happy in my relationship and you're still hurt and sad'#it almost reads like something is shifting within mariana that she's only now realizing after talking to ana in a friendly way after so long#brb flying into the sun#and next episode ana does ayahuasca (??!!!) and mariana gets a job offer in another city??? shit is kicking into high gear!!!!!
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