#and probably deemed 'friends' unimportant in favor of focusing on her studies
goldenlandfiascos · 2 years
Eva really did spend most of her life around men when you think about it. She was the only daughter for a long time and then married Hideyoshi and had a son. Aside from any servants, she really only had her mom and i get the impression none of the siblings were very close to her
it's kind of sad in a way because of how she is with her internalized misogyny. she probably wasn't very close to her mom, Rosa was born years later, she probably only lived with Natsuhi for 3-6 years (if that), & EP8 reveals she doted on Jessica and actually did want a daughter 
and Kinzo's wife was definitely most likely the type of "ideal wife" who would not support Eva's studies beyond a certain point and just stayed silent behind Kinzo, while he and Krauss both looked down on Eva simply for being a woman
it's honestly very sad when they never really talk about their mom in any way aside from a quick "mother did this, mother did that" usually only in relation to Kinzo, like it really does make it seem like she was "just a woman" which is very fitting for how the family is.
and while Eva does love her family very much, she's still very much surrounded by men, it's no wonder she is the way she is about women
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