#and there's this hitman fic i wrote like a year ago that someone said was one of the best in the fandom
scorndotexe · 2 years
wild that things you made and didn't/don't really like can be so loved by others
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Love in the 21st - Jay Halstead Fic - Two
"Alright, Halstead, Dawson, Lindsey, you guys breach first, the rest of us will follow behind." Voight instructed receiving nods from everyone as the first three made there way up the metal staircase of the old motel. Just as they reached the top bullets started flying as three men burst out of the room and ran for it round the back of the building, residents screamed and tried to duck to avoid being hit in the crossfire.
"Everyone move out and find them, Platt, you're with me!" Voight yelled through the coms, everyone holding their guns up as they raced to catch the shooters.
Following Voight's lead we made our way to the room that was our original target, I kept my gun up as Voight slowly pushed the door open fully and stepped inside, me right behind him. The rooms were covered in blood, noticing a trail on the floor I motioned over to Voight who nodded and began to follow. The trail led us to a bathroom where the body of a man was laid over the bath tub that was full of blood, but his head was resting on the sink, he'd been decapitated.
"Jesus Christ." I whispered to myself as the rest of the team came in after losing the suspects.
"That's Rev." Jay spoke as he took a closer look at the lone head sitting and watching.
"Get forensics down here, let's head back to base." Voight instructed walking out of the room. I started to follow until I heard what sounded like a sniffle coming from a closet in the hall.
"Hey, anyone checked in here?" I asked raising my gun as I received shakes of the heads from my team. Keeping my gun raised I slowly opened the door only to find a teenager sat in the back corner, looking scared out of his mind. "Hey, it's okay, what are you doing here?" I asked reaching out and watching as he slowly took my hand pulling himself up.
"They just barged in, I ran and hid in here, I could hear him crying man, he was begging for his life." The boy said as he stared at the ground, almost like he was reliving what just happened.
"What's your name kid?" Voight asked coming up besides me.
"D'Anthony, I'm just a runner, I swear!" He said holding his hands up in defense.
"It's gotta be a cartel, beheadings are their thing." Antonio said as he walked over to the three of us.
"Alright, lets head back to base, you're coming too kid." He instructed patting the boy on his shoulder.
As we arrived back at the district Voight and Al took D'Anthony down to an interrogation room and came back up all of half an hour later with the name of a Columbian cartel hitman, Pulpo. That was an hour ago and since then we've got no closer to finding this guy's real name, let alone where he is.
"I gotta go talk to a CI, keep on digging and find me something on this piece of crap. Everything we do stays in-house, you tell me the truth so that I can lie for you." Voights loud voice carries through the bullpen as he walks away without a second look.
"This guy is known as Coop," Voight starts as he slaps another picture up on the board. "My CI says that this guy will know where Pulpo is, lets move out." He says, everyone rushing to the armory to get their gear.
As we approach Coop's place with our guns raised Jay signals that the door has been left open slightly, slowly and quietly making our way inside we clear the house room by room and it's empty, except for the body of man laying in a puddle of his own blood whose head sits on top of the counter lifeless, its own smaller puddle of blood slowly dripping down onto the floor.
"I guess this is Coop." Erin says taking a closer look at the lone head.
"Someone's cleaning house." I thought out loud receiving nods of agreement from my team members.
"Hey Officer Platt, how's it going?" My Aunt's voice makes me jump as I walk past her desk towards the stairs leading to intelligence.
"Hey Sarge, how's it going?" I asked turning and leaning on the front of her desk.
"How's intelligence treating you?" She asked handing a patrolmen a set of keys without looking at them.
"So far so good, well, other than the cartel cutting peoples heads off." I said sarcastically just as the patrolman Kim, that I'd met earlier walked in looking rather pissed.
"Listen, I got a cousin in the morgue downtown, I need you to go and grab me something." Trudy started as she wrote an address down on a slip of paper before siding it over the desk towards Kim. "It's a small gold ring with a diamond, he wears it on his pinky finger of his left hand, get it and bring it to me." She instructed apparently not realising just how weird that sounded.
Kim turned to me looking just as confused as I felt. "I'm sorry Sarge, what?" She asked in disbelief as she looked at the address on the paper.
"The man owes me money, he's not getting out of it just because he died. Now go." She spoke shooing her away, with another odd look between me and Trudy, Kim slowly walked away looking back over her shoulder at me with a raised brow, I shrugged since I didn't have a clue what was going on right now.
"What cousin exactly?" I asked as I looked back at Trudy.
"On my mothers side, you wouldn't have met him, he borrowed four hundred bucks a couple of years ago and I want my money back." She said nonchalantly shrugging and going back to her computer.
"Right." I said slowly nodding. "I'm gunna head back upstairs, we do have a Colombian hitman to catch." I sighed turning and walking up to the hand scanner to buzz myself up to intelligence.
"Be safe!" She called just as I went through the gate.
"You know I will be!" I called back without turning around.
"I pulled Coop's phone records, there's multiple calls to the same number in the last week or so, problem is it's a burner phone and it's gone dead." Jay announced just as I got to my desk.
"Can you find out where the phone came from? There could be security footage of the guy who brought it." I said looking over at Jin, intelligence's resident tech guy, who nodded his head.
"Give me two minutes." He said before disapearring back to his tech cave, as I like to call it, Jay right behind him.
"The phone was brought in a store down on the south side, known territory for the Columbian Cartel." Jay says as he comes back up from the cave.
"Take Platt, go get me a name." Voight nodded before walking back into his office.
"Let's go mini sarge." Jay smiled as he walked past my desk. Narrowing my eyes at him I couldn't hep but laugh slightly, grabbing my coat and following him out.
"Ready?" Jay asks as we got out of the car and started walking to the store that sits on the corner of the street.
"You know I am." I grinned cheekily at him before pushing the door open and walking in. "Hey, we need a name of a guy that came in here just over a week ago and purchased a burner phone." I said getting straight to the point shrugging when Jay raised an eyebrow at me.
"I don't know what you're talking about." The guys said shrugging his shoulders and avoiding eye contact, a lone receipt apparently much more interesting than the two intelligence officers stood in his store.
"Come on man, we know it was brought from this store, so we aren't gunna leave until you give us the name of the guy who brought it." Jay told him motioning between the two of us only receiving a shrug in reply. Alright, we tried talking, let's do it my way.
"Hey Jay, a lot of stores round here get robbed quite often, right?" I asked looking over at him, leaning against the counter casually as the store keeper watched me with caution in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah, almost everyday." He nodded going along with me with a slight confused frown.
"And most stores keep a weapon of some sort behind the checkout right?" I asked him again receiving a nod and a confused look in reply. "I'm assuming you've got something behind there, am I right?" I spoke turning to the shopkeeper this time.
"Um, yes I have a bat, but it's totally legal man, it's only for self defense, I've never even used it." He admitted holding his hands up with wide eyes.
"Can I see it please, Sir?" I asked holding my hand out for the bat. With a sigh and a slight nod he reached down under the checkout and pulled out a wooden baseball bat that, like he had said, didn't look like it had been used.
Nodding my head slightly I held it by the handle tightly and suddenly swung, knocking down a display of sweets that was at the front of his store. Ignoring his yells for me to stop I took another swing, knocking bottles of this and that off of the shelves, he's lucky they were plastic or he would've had quite a problem there.
"You got to stop her man, come on." The guy yelled at Jay who was watching with a slight grin on his face, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders at the man.
"Give me a name and I'll stop." I told him shrugging while slightly swinging the bat by my legs.
"I don't have a name." He yelled looking between me and Jay, who just raised an eyebrow at me.
"Alrighty then." I shrugged before I swung the bat into his shelves once more, only aiming to knock things off the shelf, not cause any real damage, but he didn't need to know that.
"Fine! Omar! Omar Rojas!" He yelled just as I raised the bat to swing again. "Just stop! Please!" He pleaded.
Nodding his head Jay patted the owner on the back. "See, wasn't so difficult was it?" He asked sarcastically as he stepped over packets and bottles that were littered over the floor to get to the door.
"You might wanna tidy up in here, its a bit of a mess." I smiled sweetly at the man before throwing his bat on the ground and walking out to be met by Jay.
"Hey, don't get me wrong that was real badass, but not exactly by the books." He laughed as we made our way to the car.
"Yeah well, what is it Voight said? Tell him the truth and he'll lie for me?" I asked with a laugh climbing into the car, him following with a laugh of his own.
Hey guys! So, I don't actually know how to creat links and what not on here (I'm on mobile) so I've tagged the series as 'love in the 21st One/Two/Three etc..
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giraffeter · 4 years
*slides a 20$ bill on your desk* so how many signatures do i need to get for you to write a full length thing with vegan anarchist talks-like-a-lawyer xiao xingcheng?
hznancj jokes aside! i! love! keep track of our losing days! with all! my being!!
i found it long ago and contemplated reading it, all with antifa!wwx and cop!lwj, and then i read that short thing you wrote with xue yang and song lan here on tumblr, found you on ao3, realized you wrote the antifa!wwx and cop!lwj fic, and knew that i had to read it
i did sit on it for a while (cause i'm like that. i like to sit on good things to squeeze the happiness juices out of them for as long as i can) and it was worth the wait!! jxnamxmxi i have so many feelings!!!!
the idea of wwx being an antifa activist and lwj being a cop (how many spoilers am i allowed to say?) is so good and so fitting for them! i loved your lwj pov so much because i always love to read fics in his pov (he's Intriguing like that) and yours was so good. secretly funny lwj is best lwj
the flashbacks were fit in so well!! they worked perfectly and the pacing was great and nanxkakxii IT'S GOOD
i also loved every character you included. i can go on and on about the characterization but! this will never end! so i'll just say that jiang cheng's angry grape persona was spot on, everyone else was spot on. wen qing and xiao xingcheng appeared for one (1) conversation each and have successfully left the deepest impression on my heart
i love how you worked around the cql plot and transformed it into your own plot. it's always interesting to see how writers approach that, and you did great! i was also Not Confused over all the detective-ing going on despite being a dumbass so! that's great!
another thing i always love that some modern au fic writers do is alluding to cannon, and the "lock him up in his room for no less than 3 years" got me laughing too much at too late at night
and finally, thank you so much for the donations you made while writing the fic. i'm not american but i know how much y'all are struggling with everything and i'm so proud of you. keep up the good work (also congrats on getting the orange man out of office!!)
and finally finally, the headcanons at the end ended me. both wwx and lwj planning to propose at the same time at the same place? yeah sounds like fucking them. these mfs
and! "the restraining order didn't bother xue yang. xiao xingcheng crying while telling him he doesn't want to see him again did" :) :)) :)))
how fucking dare- (y'all enjoy making me cry over the yi city arc in new versions every day. why. i'll just... take my xuexiao crumbs and leave)
how many more signatures do i need to collect so you include xue yang in the aforementioned xiao xingcheng thing?
anyway!! i loved your fic so much! as i said, i've been sitting on it for weeks and it did not disappoint. your writing is so good. your dialogue writing is so good. i can't wait to read more of your works <3
Hey! That is so so nice to hear, thank you!
I do have a full-length story with vegan antifa XXC and mob hitman XY rattling around in my brain, but it is pretty dark and sad — Xiao Xingchen is more messed up by his breakup with Song Lan than he’s willing to admit to himself, and his relationship with Xue Yang gets pretty toxic/abusive pretty quickly. Xue Yang would not come off particularly well in it. So I don’t know if I’ll ever write it? I’ve never written something that dark before. Once I’m done with An Elegant Solution I have a couple shorter things I’m working on, and then my next long thing will probably be an expansion of that songxuexiao reincarnation AU that you mentioned.
I did end up writing the "The restraining order doesn't matter to Xue Yang. The fact that Xiao Xingchen cried when he said he never wanted to see him again does" scene a while back, and just had never gotten around to posting it — this Ask inspired me to do so, so you can read it here (mind the CWs). Thanks for the inspiration!
I’m always so happy when someone spots my little nods to canon in AUs; this is the first time someone has called out the “lock him up in his room for no less than 3 years” line.
Thanks for your kind words on characterization — that is so so important to me in fic. I really fell in love with LWJ while writing this fic so it means a lot to hear I got his POV right.
I’m glad that non-Americans are also rooting for the US to pull our collective heads out of our asses! We’ve got a lonnnnggg way to go but the events of the last couple weeks are a good start.
Thanks again for this ask — it made my day! I hope you like the extra chapter!
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profewriting · 3 years
Found this when scrolling then decided to give it a try <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 88 works in AO3 ;) also have some fics in write(.)as and FFn tho, but I think I won’t publish it in AO3 lol
What’s your total AO3 fanfic words count?
318.730 ! Omg I’ve never thought I’ve written that much lololol XD
More under the cut!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Those would be: 1. D-Kindergarten [Joker Game]. It’s actually a multichap I’ve written when I’ve just got into college. Just a cute fic where all the D-Agency’s agents become kindergarten children and Yuuki becomes their teacher. It actually was inspired by rio-san’s Joker Game fanart lol XD 2. Belanja? D-Online Aja! [Joker Game]. A parody fic that is set in the modern world. It has many pairings, but I remember I also include my Amari x OC ship here lol. I’ve never imagined people really like this? I’ve forgotten the ending thus it’s incomplete *sweating* 3. Auf Wiedersehen [Joker Game]. Sakuma/Miyoshi. Oh yeah, I’ll never forget this. This fanfiction became the second first Indonesian fic that had been posted in fandom Joker Game in AO3 lol XD I’ve made this right after eps 11 aired and got the feelings for angst then, bam! It’s here XD 4. Cerita (Sial) di Elevator (Sialan) [Joker Game]. Sakuma/Miyoshi. I got the idea from my own experience in my university. At that time, I was taking the elevator to reach my class, and these two guys came in AND ONE OF THEM SUDDENLY CORNERED HIS FRIEND AND MADE A SMUG SMILE. I was standing beside them and couldn’t process what the fck is happening LOLOLOLOL XD 5. Pernah Denger Nggak? - [Joker Game] OH YES!!!! MY HUMOR/PARODY FIC THAT GOT AWARD FOR BEST HUMOR/PARODY IN IFA 2019 <3 <3 actually it’s a flash fic I’ve made because I thought, wow it’s gonna be funny if D-Kikan’s agents adapted Indonesian spying method then, here it is XD
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes!! I like to talk with my readers, especially with someone who left a comment in my fic. It makes my will stronger wwwwww XD
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
... actually I’ve forgotten which fic has the angst ending lol. I’m more into angst with happy ending since I mostly only write about my OTP ((c’mon my otp already suffering in canon, they deserve a happy ending in my fics /stop)).
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmmmmm since I adore angst with happy ending and most of them haven’t completed yet, I think the happiest ending gonna be “there’s gold inside a pile of old dust” :>
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I’ve only written one this far. It’s about my three otps (I called it my crossover otps) from different series: Banana Fish, Joker Game, and D.Gray-man. So, the semes actually were voiced by Morikawa Toshiyuki and yes, I made three of them meet in some room (idk too why lol, I just wanna see them together and talk about themselves and realize how similar they are XD). But I’ve been thinking about another crossover au for these crossover otps in a more serious fanfic. I can’t wait to write them XD
Have you ever recieved hate on a fic?
I.... don’t have any memory about this. But, I think I received a very confusing review back then in FFn.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hmmmmmm I write two kinds of smut: the pwp and the one with a complex plot HAHAHAHAHA XD it’s actually because I was pissed off since many people was “oh, you write smut? eeww. that must be horrible like w*ttp*d piece”. then I was just, “oh yeah? watch me.” then proceed to write 15k words smut with complex and detail plot lol XD But I also write short one like pwp. The last pwp I’ve written didn’t even reach 1k words. It’s Tyki and Lavi having sex in the corner of their classroom (yes, it’s based on Vocaloid song titled “Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder” lol).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, I have. But it’s quite a long ago when I’m still active in FFn. The worst part? The one who stole my fic is actually someone I’ve recognized who’s often giving my fic fav + follow. They literally stole my 5k words fic, split it into some chapters, and published in different fandom lol :“)) I still save the screenshot of it. They deleted the fic tho, after my friend left their fic pretending she’s been in the fandom and left a review in the plagiarized fic. I bet they deleted it because they thought nobody knew it was a plagiarized fic, but after they received my friend’s review, they suddenly deleted it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I almost said no, but then I remembered about my Lucky pairing fic about Valentine’s Day that I’ve translated from Indonesian to English akdhaidhaidhaidhai lord I’m still shaking whenever I remember that fic. I still want to delete it but still haven’t get a heart to click delete button orzzzzz
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’ve tried collaborating with some of my friends in the past. But the piece that ended up successfully was the Katekyou Hitman Reborn! fic about cloning :D ((lol I really like to make a complex fic haha XD))
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
You don’t want to ask me that, I’m serious. I will give you a long answer like De Grote Postweg. Just, don’t. When I ship something, I ship hard. I’ll post about that ship for 24/7 and will last for years. Just that. But recently I’ve been shipping Lucky Pairing (Tyki x Lavi) from D.Gray-man and still attached to my Amari x OC ship (I call it AmaOC lol)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
DON’T MAKE ME WRITE MORE AFTER YOU ASKED MY FAVOURITE SHIP AKHDAIDHIADHIAA- But, there’s two fic ideas for Lucky pairing that I’ve been dying to write about. One is about historical fanfic and will take time during Portuguese-Japanese trade. The last one is about smut fic lol.
What are your writing strengths?
Hmmmmm. I’m quite good at making dialogues. Many of my friends and readers mention it a lot. And, I think I’m quite good at describing/making allegory (something about abstract things).
What are your writing weaknesses?
Latar tempat, demi Gusti nu Agung gua tolol bat di latar aaaaaaaaakkkkkkk kok orang bisa sih bikin latar tempat rinci gua jeles aaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkk orzzzzz
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
*sigh* lord, it’s from 07-Ghost, reincarnation!AU, and the pairing is Frau x Teito x Ayanami HAHA XD
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
OKAY THIS IS GONNA BE MY LAST CONFESSION I SWEAR ADHAIDHIAIDA. I have plenty of satisfying fics actually. 1) there’s gold inside a pile of old dust [D.Gray-man]. Tyki x Lavi. Historian!Lavi, Noble!Tyki, a bit heavy theme since it’s about the history of Portuguese nobles but also inaccurate. I could say it's my proudest work today. I’ve collected general information about Portugal’s history, and changed many aspects before posting it in AO3 :’DD it took me a year to finish that. No wonder it also became my longest oneshot work with 29k words. 2) agathokakological [Joker Game]. Many pairings. Psyco-Pass!AU. Like I’ve said, I like to make complex plot story lol, so this fic was complex and need a lot of brainstorming sessions XD
If someone wants to give it a try, please don’t hesitate/ask me. Just do it~! ;)
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