#and when i think about this pr shit/them acting like they're close i feel bad for liking them together and believing that their
watercolor-hearts · 3 months
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bohnsky · 11 months
two and a half months into liking f1, here are my favorites:
1. Alex Albon
I think this is obvious. I just love Alex too much. Sadly this weekend wasn't great for Williams and it stressed me so much that Valtteri was on a mission to snatch P11 from my boy, but Albono's defending is so good, still sadly no points😭😭
2. Sergio Perez
This was a very hard decision, but I thought it's true for me right now and I can still change it back later so now Checo is on second for now.
I'm so obsessed with this man, I even wrote a Chestappen fic. It rarely happens that I'm so inspired that I actually put my ideas on paper.
FP1 made me want to cry and the German commentator couldn't stop hating (it wasn't really hating, just stating facts with a negative untertone, but it annoyed me) and I'm really starting to dislike Ralf Schumacher, he's always acting like he's so much better than every other driver lol (easy to say those things when you're not driving anymore, yes I'm looking at both of you, Ralf and Nico). But honestly I'm exaggerating, they're not that bad.
Also all the memes about Checo's crash. I was desperatly looking for posts that empathize with him and only found memes😭
(if I wasn't this deep, I would find them funny lol)
The race today was great tho. I would've loved to see him get P2 and I believe it would've been possibly, but I don't know anything so whatever. And I'm super happy for Lando and podium is podium. And driver of the day is well deserved. Checo knows how to gain positions. Now he just needs to start performing in Quali again :D
3. Charles Leclerc
Not the best weekend for Ferrari. The race today was a mess for them. Charles' first pit stop made me want to cry. It did seem like the team was trying to fuck Charles specificly over, with the water problem and that pit stop. I just want to see Ferrari back in the front.😭
Honerable mentions:
Nyck and Daniel. I just have to talk about that. I can't really be happy for Daniel. I really started to like Nyck and I think there is a reason he got into F1 in the first place. He's a good driver and I really believe that he just needed more time. I understand that the team felt like they needed to do something, but to Nyck it's unfair. I just hope he gets over the pain quickly.
And Danny deserves better than Alpha Tauri. Like what is he supposed to prove in that shit box. Also I am so obsessed with Checo that I'm still so scared that they might drop him if Danny does really good and I keep thinking what would that mean for Yuki? etc
Now after the weekend, I still don't know how to feel about the whole situation and I actually started avoiding Danny content, which is stupid and sad. Danny deserves a seat and it's not his fault that the circumstances suck.
the Haas boys. Never thought I would say that, but I kinda dig their dynamic.
George. I've been thinking about George a lot lately and I really like him, but somehow he is super weird to me. Idek what exactly, somehow everything about him is weird, but lovable. From his stupid big eyes and his ridiculously long legs, to his strange laugh and his accent. I really don't know anything about the differences in british accents but his accent is the weirdest to me. I like it and I understand it perfectly, but it's just weird (I'm sorry, I'm not trying to offend anyone😭)
Also his PR stuff is so cringy. I love how he's just embracing it all, but it sometimes feels like he is an old man, who doesn't understand the internet but loves learning about it😭
And his race was impressive af. He really knows how to drive.
Fun fact: my brother thinks he should be Mercedes' first driver.
Lance. I've grown extremely fond of him. He's just a sweetheart and getting dangerously close to my top three. I might have to take him into consideration soon.
He's a cat. I love cats.
Initially I disliked him for the dumbest reason (being a rich kid), but even then I knew (or I was expecting) that the day would come that I start liking him and here we are. He's the kind of person I would want to be friends with.
Logan. Through Alex I've become somewhat of a Williams fan. And I really like it when Logan has a good day. The FPs were great for him. The race sucked tho (whatever happened there), but he didn't seem too mad about it.
Lewis. I couldn't believe my eyes when he took pole. I was so happy, but then the race start was so bad😭😭
And I feel incredibly bad that I didn't want him to get P3😭
He was just so close to Checo in the last few laps and I really wanted Checo on the podium. Please don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see Lewis on the podium. I would've loved to see him win, but with Max, Lando and Checo in front, I just couldn't cheer for him😭😭😭😭
Lando. I love this man and I just want him to finally get a win. But it seems like he takes P2 as some kind of win, knowing that Max is just unbeatable.
Max. His hair.
Also I just need to say how much I love it when Max speaks German. The Dutch accent when speaking German is like the cutest thing ever and I'm really impressed of how confident he is in the language.
And there's my internal Red Bull dilemma. I drink a Red Bull for every Quali and for every race. I don't want Red Bull and Max to keep dominating, but I want Checo in front and Max deserves to win because he is that good. Do I support Checo or the Red Bull domination by drinking too much Red Bull?😭😭😭
Either way, I love Red Bull and I will keep on drinking it lol. Also I might be a RB fan at heart. Still Ferrari all the way, but I came into F1 being a RB fan, because of rallye sport and almost every driver I like there, is driving for RB. And then there's what they did to Alex and Pierre and now Nyck.
It's a love-hate relationship.
Valtteri. I don't think I ever said anything about him here. I love this man! He is such a vibe. Just doing whatever the fuck he wants and slaying every second of his life. He's not at the top of my favorites, but generally speaking, he might be one of the coolest drivers on the grid.
In terms of race positions, I like to see him doing good, but I like to see my favs in front more. Alex > Valtteri, I had to cheer for Alex there.
Zhou. I'm positively neutral about Zhou,  I don't know much about him, but from what I've seen so far there's not much to dislike. But here I just wanted to say that I loved seeing him slay Quali. Alfa Romeo in general. It's good to see them in better positions every now and then. The start today was just unfortunate.
Carlos. I was surprised by how Ferrari was treating Carlos today. It seemed like the team was actually listening to him. I hope they sorted themselves out and they keep being nice to my man Carlito😭
But the German commentators kept saying that Carlos Sr. is already looking around for a seat in a different team for his son😭
I love him in Ferrari, but I would totally understand if he wanted to leave. But I also saw something about the possibility of him joining Audi and I gotta say, as much as I love Ferrari Carlos, seeing him in an Audi would be so cool! Might be because Carlos Sr. is driving for Audi, but that doesn't matter. It'd just be cool.
Pierre. I'm starting to find my love for Pierre again. It's not nearly as strong as it used to be (obviously, as he's not first anymore lol) For some reason I didn't really care about him for a few weeks, but it's coming back now. Also bad day for Alpine. Must be devastating, a DNF for both cars and it not even being their fault. I hope they're okay and don't kill Zhou.
Esteban. I'm starting to dig the whole Alpine dynamic. They might not be the best of friends but they make it work and I love that.
And still, I'm obsessed with Este's accent and I keep coming back to the squirrel clip. I just can't with him.
Also he gives me young Jeff Goldblum vibes, idk why, but I love it.
Might be the hair. Or the sunglasses.
Oscar. It's frustrating to watch Oscar almost get on the podium. He deserves a podium, he's an incredible driver and I'm happy that the car is finally good enough for him and Lando.
Yuki. Now that I named 18 drivers, I can just say some things to the last two as well. Yuki is such a cool person. I wish he was higher on my list (the honerable mentions are in no particular order). And like I said before, I'm a little scared of what Danny's performance means for him.
Fernando. I like him a lot. I like his laugh and his accent. He's serious but silly and he treats Lance well. I like to believe that he has no evil master plan and just actually likes Lance lol
Sometimes it seems that Aston is the only team that works together and just like Lance said, it's romantic.
Also Strollonso might actually be my favorite ship currently. They're so unlikely, but they just work and it's cute. Thay might not be a Lestappen or a Carlando, but they have my heart just as much and I need more content.
Wow, I didn't know I had so much to say. And I hadn't realized that I just named most of the grid until I counted them.
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You know what pisses me off? Jaytoo acting like Misha's super friends. People will say, what? But why! Yay friendship! But the thing is, who are they trying to convince? J2M fans already think they're the bestest friends to ever friend. Bitter Cas girls just want to be left alone and don't really give a shit one way or the other. Bronlies are the only ones left... And they think they gonna convince them with this? 1/2
2/2Sometimes we go out to eat with the shortie in the back? We really support one another but let’s make sure just us jaytoo are included while we say this? Let’s mention Misha just to make fun of him in the last 8 years? They must really love having a fanbase who shits on everybody who’s not them because all I see is pandering to that side of the fandom. Job well done, no doubt.
Under the cut for long reply.
Hello anon! Yeah, I agree, I said this many times and I’ve got shit for it. But I don’t think they are as close as the fandom like to think. They are friendly co-workers. Listen, I have co-workers that I had a really good relationship with. Some people from outside could see us and maybe think we were really close friends, which we were not. We went to dinners now and then, we shared coffees, we talked on the phone sometimes, but at the end of the day, we were just co-workers, not friends. And that’s ok too. Why if you work with somebody you have to be friends or enemies and nothing in between? 
I don’t understand the fandom obsession with J2M being friends, when it’s clearly that they are not that close. I get that jordash wants to give face like “everything is suuuuuper, we love this guy here!” as he is all about pr, he may humiliate Misha, play horrible pranks to him, call him names, but at the end of the day he says: “Hey but we share a meal that one time!”. Give me a break! They trash Misha all the time, they kick his cardboard in a room full of haters, they say he is bad at everything, they harass him during scenes, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And I’m naming just a few things. When Misha was directing instead of helping the guy with a job he was new at, they keep messing with his work, stuff got so bad that executives went to watch (guess that “someone” called them). So it’s not that we, bitter Cas and Misha’s fans are seeing things, they are JUST THERE!. Imagine having to work like that all the time, imagine going to a panel on the biggest convention of comics,tv and movies in the world, just for your “friends” to treat you like shit. People who is not in the fandom saw it like that, like they were trashing Misha. They, jinsing,jordash and tptb, do it all the time. Because yes, they are pandering to a certain group, and yes, because one of them, you know who, has an ego that big that thinks he can do anything to anyone. 
It’s all a big mess really. I understand that some people in the fandom just want to enjoy the show, the actors and that’s it. And that’s fine by me. Not all are as invested as some of us are. But there are others that want everything to be perfect as they see it, but not only that, they want you, me, everybody to believe the same thing. Too bad that I have eyes and can think for myself, right?! Because the shit that they’ve been doing to Misha is not going to disappear, for me, because jordash says they are close ffs. The only thing that I see all the time is how they just throw more fuel to the fire. More hate to a fandom full of haters. If you know your “friend” receives so much bs on your account all the time (and believe me they know about that), you don’t bully him in front of everybody just to have a few fucking laughs ffs. It`s just so fucked up. And I get the feeling that they know this time they went too far, the whole fucking internet was talking about two panels yesterday: the supergirl homophobic shit and the supernatural bullying Misha panel embarrassment. (Surprise! Both shows of the CW fucking network.).
I don’t buy the lie, what happened yesterday was not the attitude you have with a friend. And they better not give me the “it was Misha’s idea” bullshit. I don’t know where they get that, and frankly if that was the case I don’t think that Misha wrote them a script with all the shit they said. I don’t think that he gives them a script every time they trash him,for the last 8 years or so either. 
Sorry as usual, it got so long, hugs anon!
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