#and you know. artists aren't machines. we're not obligated to curate our accounts for the audience
dracononite · 1 year
I wish artists realized how hurtful it is to their commissioners and fans when they talk about how much they hate doing art as a job...
Nowhere did I say I hate doing art as a job, so please don't assume that. I LOVE doing art as a job, I'm doing something I enjoy and can work from home and make my own hours. But I do wish I had room in my life to fully keep my art as a passion project and a hobby for myself rather than monetize everything I create. Almost all of my art energy goes into work - I rarely make personal art.
Doing art as a job is a necessity for me though, which is the reality for many artists who don't have transportation or are disabled or still live with their parents, or whatever kind of tough situation that keeps one from working a weekly paycheck 9-5 job that everyone's expected to have. When you grow up creating characters and worlds and writing and painting and are full of inspiration and passion for the art of making art, I think you have a right to occasionally say "what could have been" when the harsh world flattens you daily with a big cartoon hammer and drains every single cent its forced you to make off of your art skill from you for the privilege of living.
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