#anxiety pocket's naga au
lizard-shifter-noms · 2 years
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this is for @anxiety-pocket   JJBA naga AU
go check it out its awsesome!!!
this is Kulas stand! its name is Play with Fire
thanks to this stand Kula is able to manipulate temperature (the stand changes color depending on wether it is hot or cold red/orange for hot and blue/white for cold)Kula is completely unaffected by unnatural temperatures, meaning they cant really freeze to death, (they do stop being able to move though) also due to the fact that Kula eats Rocks they can spit molten/red hot rocks (like spitting cherry stones) or boil water in their storage or when it gets too hot cool down very easy the stand has a very short range of about 5 meter but things that are already very hot/cold continue to be so even after the stand is gone and return to normal at a natural pace
and yes Kula has tried to eat their own stand
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phantom31516 · 2 years
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School sketches AHHEHEHE
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
Little Protector
Because *Somebody* wrote a thing, I had to make my own. Thank you @anxiety-pocket for making the naga au or else I’d probably not have thrown any of this together. 
A story from Panek’s early days I figure I might as well share here. 
There were few things in life that Panek truly enjoyed or feared, and on both of those lists would be the creatures he lovingly thought of as his masters. 
Many humans found them to be frightening beings, and to some extent Panek could see why; Master Kars didn't like humans too much and his teeth and blades were sharp, and everyone else followed his lead.. Well, Santana and Wamuu sometimes got more curious about people and went with him to go poke around the town to learn more about them, but for the most part the only humans around were servants that were used for food and pleasure.. 
Panek really wished Master Kars or Master Esidisi was here now.. 
The little ones had gotten curious once again, and well, it was Panek's job to watch out for the little nagas, even if they were about the same size.. humans could be cruel to things they didn't understand. 
As was evident now, no matter how Panek hissed and snarled at the group of pubescent humans they simply continued their jeering and poking, jabbing at him, jabbing at the frightened nagalings behind him, and when Panek's teeth finally nicked flesh those jeers grew darker and meaner… 
He cried out as a rock met his forehead, his vision swimming as crimson ran down his face, but he quickly rose back to his feet to catch the next stick in his hands and snap it with ease before hissing and lashing out furiously again, claws catching flesh and a human crying out in pain. He wasn't going to disappoint his Masters! He wasn't going to let these humans hurt his small Masters, no matter what they did to him!
It was as the humans were circling again, ready to continue their attack, that they were interrupted by not one, but two loud snarls and Panek found himself flooded with relief.
The humans took flight at the sight of the large furious naga that was Kars, the leader of their little family pursuing to make sure they'd never forget to leave them alone, while Esidisi tended to the frightened small ones, swallowing Wamuu and Santana down quickly to the comfort and protection of his insides. 
Panek shivered as the cool gaze of his Master was turned on him, looking down shamefully while his tail curled around his legs.
He should have said something, he shouldn't have let them go close to the human town, he should have-
This internal dialog was silenced as a large finger wiped at the blood running down his forehead, "you are foolish, little one. So small and yet so determined to throw yourself between danger and those stronger than yourself…"
Panek nodded, shivering as he grimaced, hearing Kars return, still hissing in annoyance and muttering about the primitive humans before plucking Panek from the ground and holding up the small creature to his face, looking him over before scowling, "Panek! I thought the rules were clear, did I not make them simple enough for you? You all are to stay away from the humans!"
Panek whined and struggled slightly, shaking his head as he tried to protest. He knew the rules! He did! He just.. didn't like to see the little Masters upset and they'd done so good so far being sneaky… 
But his words never left his throat, Kars sighing and scoffing, "it looks like you've already been taught your lesson the hard way, so consider yourself lucky you're not getting a harsher punishment for this mess."
He poked Esidisi in the gut, making sure the other troublemakers could hear him, his fellow naga grimacing slightly, "that goes for you too! You're in big trouble when we get home! You should know better than this!"
He brought Panek back to his face, jaws parting as he slid the small creature into his mouth, tongue lapping over the little one's wound to help it heal better before swallowing thickly.
Panek whined softly as his bruised form was squeezed on all sides, but once he was in that soft dark warmth of his Master's insides he was quick to relax out of some deep instinct, a purr rumbling in his throat as Kars's stomach welcomed him with a series of soft gurgles as he nuzzled into it.
"Don't think of this as a reward… I need you in full form is all, now settle down," Kars's voice rumbled around him and despite the words Panek knew his Master meant well.. he was just worried about them all in his own way. 
With a small smile, the little servant sunk into the warmth and let himself drift off, ready to accept whatever came the next day.
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yami-the-outcast · 1 year
Why did it have to be the alien?
So, awhile back I mentioned that my Dio twins are morosexuals. They like the dumb ones And the short and angry lad of the pair just so happened to find himself attracted to the dumbest motherfucker of them all and he does not know how this happened... So I wrote a naga au story, set again in @anxiety-pocket ‘s wonderful world that has been created on discord because I have issues. 
As much as Ty hated to admit it, he was prone to fuck-ups. Though usually they didn't bite him in the tail quite *this* hard…
Could he, a not-full grown naga of roughly 12 feet if not including the tail, simply not have gone and told a bigger adult that he had successfully taken down the heavy tank of nature that is a goddamn moose and drained it of its blood? 
Yes, yes he could have.
Was he feeling cocky and made a horrible judgment call when he'd instead chosen to try and actually eat his kill despite it being nearly half the size of his upper body? 
Yes.. yes he had..
He wasn't completely dumb, he'd made sure to snap off those annoying bony antlers before daring to get his jaws around that ridiculously thick head, but he'd severely underestimated his ability to actually force down so much meat in one go…
So now he was firmly stuck where he was, his would-be meal lodged between his hips, riding a careful line between settling into his lower stomach and coming back up, though nothing he did seemed to encourage his would-be lunch to go either direction… Moving wasn't easy when he was feeling this nauseous, so heading home for help was out of the question even if he was willing to suck up his pride and retreat.
How long the pink-scaled naga laid there, trying to soothe his angry insides was beyond him, though he about jumped out of his scales when he felt a small cool hand touch the side of his noticeably bloated upper belly.
A hiss was in his throat before his angry blue eyes locked with familiar friendly green ones, Ty quick to look away as heat rose to his face. Dammit.. of all the people to see him like this.. he would've thought Josuke would mention when his dumbass friends would be around the woods!!
Mikitaka seemed utterly oblivious to the naga's reaction, instead turning his attention to the larger's middle, "hello, friend Tyler, it would appear you're in distress," the self-proclaimed alien stated the obvious as Ty's stomach gave an uncomfortable groan when it was rubbed over.
The blond naga grumbled, stifling a hiccup that sent an odd jolt through his body, "no shit genius…," he muttered, shaking his head before a startled yelp of surprise slipped from his mouth when the other male seemed to take this as an invitation to climb on top of him, straddling his torso with his back to the naga's face so he could better rub and push on the stubborn lump of meat.
"W-what the hell are you doing!?" Ty's face was burning red as Mikitaka glanced over his shoulder to look at him, "ah, apologies friend Tyler for causing you any discomfort. From what I've observed from the others of your kind as well as some of friend Malakai's anatomy books, I thought this the best way to help ease your distress."
He drew his hands away for a moment, "if you don't like this, I can get your sister or one of the other-," he was cut off as Ty's middle gave an angry grumble, the naga grimacing before a sickly-sounding belch slipped from his mouth. 
Ugh… he could use the help… but this was embarrassing, being seen like this and looking like such an idiot! Though he'd never hear the end of it from Twyla or God forbid anyone else… and those hands felt wonderfully cool against his aching stomach muscles… 
Tyler growled before huffing, his face red as he glanced at the alien boy, "'m not gonna stop you.. just don't go telling anyone about this, alright?"
Mikitaka smiled and nodded before going back to assisting the naga, massaging over the tense muscles with surprisingly skilled hands, pressing firm with his palms before kneading with deft fingers.
He paused at the sound of another deep groan, but a glance back had him realizing that this time the sound hadn't come from the aching stomach beneath him, but rather from Tyler himself. That meant he was doing good, right? The other nagas always did that vibrating thing in their chests when they were satisfied with this right? Hm…
A nudge here, and Ty gently moved into the gesture with a soft sigh. A firm rub there, the naga seemed to almost melt under his touch… It was amazing how simple movements could cause this sort of reaction from the usually angry and loud-mouthed boy… It was cute, the way he chirped and cooed, and unlike the times before it wasn’t followed with a swear or that red-faced silence. Though that pouting face could also be amusing as well! But despite the soft sounds, it still wasn’t garnering the reaction he was looking for… Maybe if he just… Mikitaka hummed as he clambered forward, moving himself around so he could attack the stubborn mass from the other side, needing to be firmer with the thick scales and the heavy muscle. It was here, with the sounds of that whining lower stomach beneath him, and the feeling of those muscles twitching under his hands, tight knots slowly unraveling and letting the glut of food slip deeper in, that the alien found the sound he was looking for. A deep, organic rumbling sound… Despite his best efforts to keep himself contained, Ty started to purr in delight at the feeling, and a glance down at Mikitaka had him red in the face once again. Damn it.. How the hell could anyone look so happy in this position!? He thought only people like LB or Rin or whatever got this excited over the sounds from an overfull stomach?! He couldn’t look away to hide his face when he was like this, so the naga found himself draping an arm over his face, biting his lip to try and keep his composure even as he continued to purr at the soft touch. For a few moments it was just this, the soft hands on his belly, the rolling purr in his throat, until with a firm clench of the lower esophageal muscles the thick lump of meat slid down into his grateful lower gut. A soft groan of relief slid out of Ty’s mouth at the warm satisfied feeling that swept over him, feeling like every muscle in his body was untensing at once as he melted into a puddle. He thought this was over, that Mikitaka would say something about being happy to help before going back to the house to find one of his other friends to hang out with, but much to his surprise the self-proclaimed alien remained where he was… in fact, he seemed even more interested now that things inside the naga were settling down, flopping forward to press his ear to Ty’s lower belly as it started to churn and clench around his troublesome meal. 
“W-what are you doing?” Ty muttered, daring to lift his arm to look down at the other in confusion, red to the tips of his ears when the other looked up at him before smiling, “it’s very loud in there.. But sort of calming... I can see why the humans like to lay on their nagas if they all sound like that.” Ah.. if Tyler could get more red in that moment he would have, but as he was already at maximum blush he muttered something about shutting the hell up before hiding his face once again, figuring it… couldn’t hurt to let the alien relax just a bit more.. And if he gave anymore of those belly rubs then it couldn’t hurt either… 
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
The boy in his naga au form! Atlas is a biiig boy, I wanna say like 20-something odd feet for his humanoid half, though he doesn't stretch out much unless he's snuggling into the soft grass.
Also an attempt at internals? I dunno, just wanted to show off that he's not as pastel on the inside as he is on the outside. FOB leaves him with a pattern of yellows, oranges, and reds on the inside, and also makes him a lot warmer than most other nagas which might explain his increased size.
Due to spending so much of his life confined to a warehouse much too small for him, he does suffer from bouts of agoraphobia, usually cramming himself into as tight a spot he can manage when everything feels like too much. Will occasionally dig a hole if he's outside and forces himself underground when the blue ocean above his head becomes too much.
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
Atlas has been through a lot of shit in his life in the naga au. Taken as a smol and raised to play “guard dog” to a group of not-so-great people he knows basically nothing of being a naga or outside life in general. Which is kinda fun given he’s the size of a full-grown naga despite still being a kid when he’s finally broken out.  I’m bad at explanations, I’ll just share the story I wrote. 
Atlas Escapes
Time was weird.
It was a thing that had multiple ways to be measured… In the glimpses of light through the cracks of doors, portals to the outside he had long since grown too large to fit through.
Measured in the water that dripped from the roof on the days that were cool and damp.
Measured by the times he would see the humans scurry in past him, to the place he guarded.
Measured in the growls from his stomach and the times he would be fed and watered.
Measured in the odd aching he felt in his middle, even after he'd been fed and watered, hurting as his body demanded something the naga had no hope of figuring out.
Time was weird to Atlas…
How long he'd been here, he didn't know; it had been all he could ever remember.
Shackles had always been around his wrists, chain tight around a section of his tail, warped scars crossed over his scaly hide from where he'd been held before growing so much even his masters had no choice but to replace them.
Not that they were anything but symbolic now.. even without them they knew he'd never go anywhere.
He had tried when he was younger.. tried once.. the pain was still fresh in his mind, the way it tore through his torso, leaving scars that had since warped with his growth but would remain forever…..when he'd still tried to slither towards the light, towards freedom, his face was the next to be marred.. and though he could not see it he could feel the scar there too, it and the permanent blurriness in his left eye were constant reminders why he could never leave.. even the faintest thought of it was enough to send a chill through his body, panic quick to grip his heart.
Escape was not an option.
So Atlas waited… and watched, counted the time in his little ways.. tried to find amusement in his mind, recollecting the faces he'd see pass through, trying to think of what the humans did behind the door he'd never be able to access. 
People came in looking nervous, people in odd outfits that concealed them entirely, making him unable to smell them, and people with odd plants and chemicals. 
There would sometimes be more people, and those days were the ones that Atlas loved and despised all at once. The days those other doors, to the outside were opened, and he was made to stay curled in the corner as far away as possible from them as weird metal boxes were loaded with things that came from behind that small door.
He didn't have much problem with that, the light burned his eyes anyway, and he knew better than to make any sort of sudden movement towards a human.. plenty more scars to remind him of that…
But the smell of the fresh air… it smelled alive, full of things he couldn't even begin to identify. It was so wonderful and made his chest ache with something he couldn't name…..
This was his life.
This was all he knew.
Until.. it wasn't? 
Atlas didn't know what was different about these humans, why his eyes followed them as they walked across the room, but something was off…
They stared wide-eyed at him, like most others, but unlike the ones before it wasn't out of fear.. they didn't seem surprised because of him. They seemed almost.. sad? The taller was quick to keep walking, forcing the smaller to come along even as he stared at the naga with that odd expression. Atlas didn't know what feeling that was, but he'd never seen it on a human's face before.
A look from one of his masters had him quickly rolling over to ignore the humans, lest he find himself receiving another punishment, quick to forget about the odd outliers as he tried to find a position to rest.
The light shone through the gaps for as many fingers as he had on his hands before something happened that had never happened before.
His masters had been gone all day, he hadn't been fed, and the only water he had was from a growing puddle on the floor as it leaked from the outside.
Atlas had been trying to sleep to forget whatever he was feeling when the doors to the outside.. rattled…
Not like the wind did, no, this was like.. someone was purposefully doing it…
Someone was outside trying to get in.
The naga was no stranger to this, and in some cases welcomed it. The humans who came in without his masters weren't humans anymore, for him they were food…
As the doors opened however, he paused. 
These ones… he'd seen them before, he knew he had. They had looked at him oddly before.. and as he growled the larger was quick to put his hands up, "hey, hey, easy big guy! C'mon, don't you know a rescue party when you see one?"
Seeing the way the big naga tensed, the smaller human spoke up, "w-we aren't going to hurt you.. we're here to help! We know a place you'll be safe, and you won't have to stay here anymore!"
Not.. here..? Escape? What were these humans saying?
They didn't care about what he guarded, they'd only come for him? 
Atlas trembled at this as the humans stepped closer, a third in a jacket with the hood up hanging by the door, "c'mon big guy, you don't really want to stay here, right? Might be a little wet out now, but it's a lot better than being in here!"
The taller human grinned, trying to assure him, but the more they stepped in, the more Atlas drew back until he was pressed against the far wall, curled up in a trembling ball like he was a child again.
Escape meant pain, escape meant he would be in trouble, he would be hurt again, the pain was not worth it!!
So consumed in his thoughts, Atlas didn't realize the humans had gotten so close until the small was prying at the chain on his tail, and he completely froze. 
Didn't the humans know? Didn't they realize how dangerous this would be? They could be hurt, and unlike him, he knew humans could not handle the weapons his masters had. Their flesh was soft and weak… After a bit the smaller left the larger one to try, the one who'd been hanging back drawing close to try and help his friend, the small human turning his attention to Atlas.
"D-don't worry, we made sure nobody's going to be around today.. it's..going to be fine," he offered a small smile, and Atlas had no idea how to respond to this. Fine? How could such little things promise that? Put themselves at risk for.. what? 
Some odd feeling stirred in him, and a loud grumble came from his middle, causing the as-of-now quiet third human's head to shoot up.
The small human didn't take notice, instead scrambling through his pockets, "ah, I should have brought something better, but uh, I might have something you can have if you're hungry?" 
The offering pulled out was small, though when the wrapping came off Atlas found himself enamored by the smell. Something so unlike the meals he'd been given before.. he hesitantly leaned forward to sniff at the offered food, quickly slurping it from the small human's hand before his nerves could get the better of him.
He didn't know what that flavor was, it was hardly enough for a proper taste, but what he did get was utterly amazing… something sweet like he'd never known before.
Atlas surprised himself as he gasped in wonder before looking down at the small human in awe.
"I.. guess that means you liked it?" The small human offered another smile, to which Atlas responded with a nod before, with a snap of metal, the chains on his tail fell away.
His eyes snapped to the two humans, who seemed pretty proud of themselves as they slapped hands together and grinned.
The small human couldn't help but chuckle a bit before looking up at Atlas, carefully going to rest a hand on the naga's wrist, "you know.. you can probably get these off yourself," he said quietly, not wanting to ruin his friend's fun, "why haven't you? Don't you want to be free?"
Again, the word made Atlas shiver as he looked down at his shackled wrists.
He could do it, the rational part of his brain knew that, but.. then what?
What came next?
"Nowhere.. but here.. all know..," his voice was rough, barely used in all his years here, his throat dry from lack of water.
The small human frowned at this, looking to his friends who'd gone quiet as the large naga had spoken and it was then the previously quiet of the trio who stepped forward, pulling his hood down to look the naga in the eye, "hey… I know it can be frightening, but.. you're not alone.. I promise, if you come with us we can take you somewhere else. I swear you're not going to be alone out there… There are plenty more nagas than you out there."
His words seemed genuine, and Atlas had never seen such friendly blue eyes before…
More out there?
Atlas didn't know what this feeling in his chest was, what this ache and warmth meant… 
But the word freedom.. it didn't feel quite so horrible now….
He wanted to meet more like him, he wanted to try another treat like the small human had given him, he wanted.. he wanted to go.
He was about to make his move, about to follow, when he heard shouting outside that sent a chill down his spine.
The humans were quick to whip around towards the door, the first two looking to the third who muttered a curse before huffing and looking at Atlas.
"If we're gonna go big guy, now's the time.. come on."
What happened next, the big naga never expected in his life.
The human.. changed.. he grew, shifted in ways he couldn't quite make out, and soon before him was another naga, not a human like he'd thought. 
Atlas didn't know what to make of this.. the sounds of shouting, the click of weapons he knew would hurt.. he was terrified of the idea of feeling their sting again, but the thought of freedom was like an ember in his chest.. it had been kicked and starved for so long he was sure it had almost burned out.
But that little bit of kindness, that promise.. the ember was flickering again, becoming an inferno as he watched the dark-haired naga bring his human friends up to his mouth to swallow them down before charging forward with a hiss to break down the wall that had separated him from freedom for so long. 
Atlas didn't even know he was moving until the chains on his Shackles snapped, until he felt the water from the sky on his skin… 
There was shouting behind him, the feeling of something plinking off his scales, but he didn't hear a word over the beating of his heart in his ears. 
A shot burned across his shoulder, and for the first time in ages he felt.. angry… 
He was angry, annoyed, and he wanted to go. He wanted to be free, and nothing was going to make him go back. He was stronger than them.. their weapons did nothing. He wasn't a child who would cower in the corner again!
He heard the other naga saying something as he turned, but he was cut off as Atlas lashed out with a hand, a wave of flame shooting from the pale naga's hand to burn a line between them and his former captors.
Atlas wanted more.. he wanted to see them burn, wanted to make sure they would never be around to harm him again.. but a hand on his shoulder had him turning to see the other naga looking panicked, and his words finally rang clear.
"We have to get going! Come on! Just leave them, they'll get what's coming to them!"
The fire of anger dwindled in Atlas's chest, and though he gave the place a backwards glance, he was quick to follow at the other naga's insistence.
How long it took was beyond Atlas's grasp of time, and he was too busy being amazed by the most simple things.. the sky was crying, he could see something shining through some wispy things high up.. 
He wanted to ask the other naga what it was, but he couldn't find the words…
He didn't know when they got to the big buildings, made for creatures like them.. though they'd been going through the big plants, with all the green things for what seemed like ages before they did.
The moment they arrived the other naga seemed to relax, his tension easing, though Atlas was the exact opposite with the odd combination of smells and sensations.
All so new, so… much..
He shivered again, a shudder that had the other naga looking at him in concern, "h-hey, it's okay big guy. You're alright, nothing's gonna hurt you here, though Jotaro might not be the most happy about this, I can't imagine he'd want us just leaving you there..," he mumbled that last part under his breath, though it didn't seem to help ease the pale naga's anxiety.
He paused, however, when the door opened to reveal a very pissed-off looking naga, older than either of them, who quickly locked eyes with the stranger.
"What the hell did you do?" He growled out, the smaller pink-scaled naga stuttering and sputtering through an explanation as Atlas started to draw back, shrinking away from those intimidating green eyes. 
This naga didn't react, but after giving this newcomer a once-over he hissed in annoyance and gestured for them to get inside. 
Atlas found himself escorted into an odd room, told to lay down beside a warm fire, while his rescuer got to talking with the other naga in a separate room.
All this slithering around, the fleeing, the anger, and all this stress.. Atlas didn't bother to fight or try to protest.
He curled up, relishing the feeling of warmth, of the soft floor under him, it was a far cry from the cold floor and the darkness he'd known all his life…
He didn't sleep, at least he didn't think he did, but a soft touch to his shoulder had him jerking to attention, eyes flying open to meet the concerned soft gaze of a female naga.
"So.. you're the one Josuke and his friends brought home..," her voice was soft and kind, her green eyes full of a warmth that made Atlas pause in wide-eyed confusion and awe.
"It's alright dear, my name is Holly. I think you've met my son, Jotaro, don't mind him too much, he's really a good boy. Just a bit protective."
She held out a cup full of something warm, "I think after everything you've been through, you more than deserve a little bit of sweetness."
She sat on the floor beside him, noting how Atlas gave the offered drink a confused look, "it's cocoa, go on, try it, I think you'll like it," she encouraged, smiling when the younger naga took a sip.
Atlas was.. amazed.. sweet.. sweet and warm, he'd never had something like this, that pooled in his tummy and made him feel all warm inside.. He was quick to gulp it all down, though as he went to set his cup down Holly's attention was drawn to the shackles still clinking on his wrists, the blonde naga gasping before going to take one of the younger's hands.
"Oh! You poor thing.. let's get those off of you right away!" She cooed, quick to start fiddling with the metal bindings as Atlas watched in amazed confusion.
How.. how could anyone feel so warm? So kind? He didn't know what this aura radiating off of her was, but.. it was nice..
Once his wrists were free, Atlas pulled back to give the scarred skin a rub with a sigh, the words he wanted to say finally escaping his worn throat, "th.. thank you..," he mumbled, bowing his head in embarrassment as heat rose to his face, freezing when her soft hand patted him on the head.
He didn't know a touch could be so soft..
"It's nothing dear, you just rest here for now. I'm sure you've had quite the exciting night."
She took the empty mug and left the room as Atlas curled up again to get comfortable, giving another soft smile that made the naga wonder.
Jotaro's mother?
Huh.. he thought.. he might've had one of those too once..
For the first time he could remember, Atlas felt.. warm.. not just outside, but inside as well. The ember in his chest was now a soft flame, a little bit of hope that he'd once thought he'd lost.
Freedom was scary, he didn't know what his future would hold or what that frightening naga would do later, but for now he didn't care.. he was free, and nobody was going to ever chain him up again.
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
Atlas does a better nom
Soooo big guy is a gentle giant, a softie at heart, but even the softest have their moments, especially when the people they love are potentially in danger.  Sooo warning, this contains some fatal noms, though not on anyone who don’t deserve it. 
Atlas had never actually caught a human before… Thanks to the help from the assorted smalls he’d gotten used to having something resting in his upper belly, but had never actually done anything beyond that. He knew the other nagas, particularly Jotaro, had actually eaten hunters and trappers and assorted humans before, mostly those who attempted to cause harm to his family and friends or those who tried to take the arrow, but the thought of it had made his stomach turn. Until now, that was. He’d been playing with the smalls and the kids outside, daring to face the blue abyss above his head to experience a nice warm day outside in the soft grass with the breeze in the trees. It had been going well, he’d been gaining some experience sniffing out the others, putting his own skills of hiding to good use as well, when some shift in the wind sent a scent his way that dropped a block of ice into his stomach. An unfamiliar human, one he knew for certain he didn’t know. He only caught a glimpse of their back, but he knew for certain this was a stranger. They hadn’t seen him yet, crouched in the brush fiddling with something, but it was clear they meant trouble if the rifle across their back was anything… Atlas wanted nothing more than to hide, run, that was what the heavy weight in his gut said, but… he knew the others were around, and they were so small compared to him… If he fled, gave in to that nagging panic in the back of his head, then he’d never be trusted with them again. He had to do something, keep them safe… For a moment all he could do was stare, hidden behind a tree, his heart pounding in his ears. He could see the human stand, see them grin as they started rearranging some grass and twigs. What were they…? His thoughts were cut off by the short scream of a rabbit to his left, and both him and the human’s eyes darted towards the sound, though it was the stranger who cursed in apparent annoyance. The small creature had been hoisted from the ground by its neck, a metal line wrapped tight around its still-twitching body, something that clearly upset the human. Atlas could hear them curse and draw a knife to get it down, mutterings of “damn critters” and.. “Possible bait maybe” and the most damning of all… “eh, won’t be too bad if the little ones get messed up, ‘long as they don’t die I can still get somethin’ for ‘em… Always someone looking to get a new guard snake.”
The very notion… the very idea of any of the little ones ending up like him… being locked up, chained and made into some sick twisted creature to guard someone’s things, made into a sick sort of pet… The ice in his stomach was starting to melt, quickly enveloped by hot anger as a growl rose in his chest. Nobody, no damn human piece of shit was going to be touching anyone around here… and they sure as hell weren’t going to be taking any children from this land! He was in motion before he realized it, charging forward with a snarl as the human whipped around with their knife still in hand. Clearly they hadn’t expected to be caught like this out in the open, much less by a naga as large as him, and soon found themself wrapped tight in those pale coils. Atlas snarled, the picture of a pissed-off naga as he stared down at the pathetic thing he’d caught. What was he supposed to do with them? He could always kill them with ease, but then he’d have to worry about the kids or anyone else finding the body… Did he just scare them off? They might come back with more people, with more weapons… His mind was whirling with ideas, though abruptly he was pulled out of his head by a stabbing pain in his tail, the naga hissing as he squeezed the human tighter. They’d taken that knife and found a spot between his scales to drive it in, twisting the blade in hopes that the pain would convince the naga to drop him, spouting something about how he wasn’t alone and he’d have company coming real soon. Something that Atlas was very doubtful of. A hunter, maybe, but a trapper like this was sneaky and worked alone. The injury did little but anger the naga, and cause him to tighten his grip, the voice of long-buried instinct roaring at him. He knew what someone like this deserved… and for once his fear was only a distant afterthought. His jaws parted and the human’s scream was quickly muffled by slick warm flesh as Atlas closed his mouth around their upper body, pulling them free from the grasp of his coils only to toss his head back and gulp hard. Their kicking legs stuck from his mouth and could feel their hands scramble against his teeth, desperate to find some purchase to pull themself free. Though despite their thrashing and fighting, they were absolutely no match for Atlas's powerful throat muscles which were quick to latch on to the human to drag them down with another heavy swallow. Atlas felt at the squirming lump slowly sliding down his throat, his eyes watering slightly as he got his first real taste of an unwilling prey. Before, he'd only been given the ones already dead, nothing but meat, but this one was fighting for their life… The naga grimaced when that heavy struggling weight settled onto his upper belly, his gut visibly quaking with each kick and punch, the organ gurgling out a sickly sound as a wave of nausea hit him with all the struggling. He pressed a hand against his middle, hoping to still the movements before shuddering as he felt his prey's hands pushing against the tight ring of muscle that had shut behind them. If they kept this up, he wouldn't be able to keep them down… ugh, Jotaro made this look so easy… Again came that whisper in the back of his head, instincts buried by years of "training", actions he wanted to take beaten down by strike after strike… His body knew just what to do and with hardly a thought those internal muscles squeezed again. In their haste to try and force themself out, the human had failed to realize they'd slid into the perfect pose to be dragged out of the safety of the first stomach and into the second. Quickly those crushing lower esophageal muscles clamped down on their legs to pull them down in a swift motion, arms soon unable to be pulled to their sides, leaving them no chance to jam themself into place as they were squeezed through the much tighter and rougher second throat and into the larger but far more dangerous space of the digestive stomach. Atlas sighed at this new feeling, a soft coo slipping from his lips before he could stop it. It was such a relief to not have that angry thrashing in his soft upper belly… though he paused at an odd feeling in his lower. He'd.. never had something alive in there before… at least, not in his fuzzy memory. That coo of relief turned into an unhappy growl as he ran his hands over the still-kicking lump in his lower belly, wishing he'd had the foresight to remove the heavy boots he could feel digging into his stomach. At a time like this he wanted nothing more than one of those amazing belly rubs from a pair of small hands, but the idea of going anywhere to find them was certainly not an option. Atlas could make out faint shouts, curses and screams, though as time went on they slowly grew weaker. What kind of hell the trapper-turned food was facing was beyond the naga's comprehension, all he could really do was knead against that angry form and let those threats melt away as his gut burbled and groaned in apparent confusion over this active meal. The white-haired naga glanced around, frowning at the dead rabbit, before making sure the poor creature didn't go to waste, snapping it up and smirking slightly to himself when his rowdy meal screamed at the sudden roommate. Maybe that would distract them and let him clean up these traps before any of the little ones came around and got themselves hurt. By the time he'd picked apart all the wires and thrown dirt back into the few pit traps he'd found, Atlas was pleased to discover the thrashing had gone quiet, leaving only the pleasant gurgling and groaning of a satisfied stomach. He'd have to tell Jotaro about the trapper later, he was sure there was some vehicle he'd have to find and dispose of, but at the moment he was eager to simply go back inside and find the warmest, darkest spot he could fit himself into and sleep. He knew for certain there'd be some internal bruising, but he could handle that so long as he knew everyone else would be safe. Hm.. was this what Jotaro felt when he did this? He could understand why the big guardian naga did that after this experience… he'd do anything to keep this new family of his safe.
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
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Got bored and decided to finally give myself a persona, featuring their borrower au version.
I am nearsighted af, so my borrower self would be the same, can't see shit so ends up squinting a lot and looks meaner than intended as a response.
I like Opossums, they're funky little things, so I figured I'd go with an opossum-like borrower for myself, give her sharper claws and a tail capable of being real useful when climbing around. Obviously an outdoor borrower, a bit larger and stronger than the inside sorts, and have a bit of a nasty reputation to the average person unless you actually go looking for information, much like actual opossums.
Though you will very much find my persona in your trash looking for food, especially loves finding old stale graham crackers, will fight God and whoever poor soul is out there with an oven mitt and a broom for just a sample of that goodness.
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
I feel like I should add the other forms of my Dio twins that I came up with thanks to @anxiety-pocket 's jjba naga au.
Ty's a bitey little bastard, and Twyla's more the one to not fight unless given a good reason. She'll still kick your ass, don't mistake kindness for weakness.
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