#anyway I'm going out for dinner now BYEEEEEEEEEEE!
bistaxx · 3 months
thinks about q!hgduo's final conversation before purgatory and how even though it ultimately changed nothing in the end it still said so much about how stubborn they both can be,,, and how little they value themselves alone despite how many people love and care for them... or maybe it's how willing they are to throw themselves into the flames for those exact people even if it's not what they'd want from them.
They both left that conversation shaken by what the other said yet with their resolve to stick to a of path of self-destruction strengthened... And those paths ended with Cellbit lost in purgatory for months under control of the watcher and Bad dying before reviving with no memories of his time on the island... and with the people they love most- their family- Cellbit's husband and Bad's children- suffering the worst- can anyone hear me-
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