#anyway fully fluffy reunions can still be put in for fic that's a free range and id eat them up
eriexplosion · 3 months
If I have to write another Hunter defense post (this time with added Wrecker) I will because the reunion was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be and while I did scream when the screen cut to black it was a good one, I'm so excited for next episode to see the actual fallout.
Crosshair is my darling and I love him but please remember they know none of the Bad things that happened to him, nothing about what he went through, nothing about his internal growth. What they do know is last time they saw him he told them he had no chip with zero indication of when it was taken out even when Hunter asked, meaning for all they knew he tried to kill them of his own free will. He then paused their escape attempt from the apocalypse HE brought them to multiple times to bitch and insult them. And when they finally did escape he refused to go with them and said he was staying with the Empire.
They still care about him. They still wanted to go rescue him when they thought he was in danger. They'd still die for him. But yeah when he comes back it's going to be fucking rough. (And just goddddd the music choice in that scene. I'm not even a music person and I could scream about it.)
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