#anyway this took forever I’m gonna go be a degenerate now
dangan-imagine-plus · 3 years
kokichi x Curvy! Tall! reader pt2
kk so this one is looong overdue, i kinda didn't have the energy to finish it after 5 paragraphs, but I finally got it done so sorry anon, and it might not be as fluffy as imagined but mind imagines this situation the most. -mod ouma
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Would it really be worth it to go, would it be safe, with Kokichi you could never know. Right now you were thinking of whether or not it's actually practical to go. He didn’t even give a time, when you were supposed to go, you really can’t tell. Doubts flooded your mind, was the master of deceit just playing with feelings, going so long without reassurance was playing on your brain.
That however was a thing no one would ever know. Kokichi is someone you can never be sure about with anything, nevertheless you got ready to go to his lab the next day, curious but still on guard. You did your hair, got changed and made sure you smelled nice. 
The hallways seemed longer than usual, time slowing as all possible outcomes played in your head. Kokichi was all that was on your mind- *bamn*, you ran into tenko. Tenko held her head and slightly growled at the pain, “Stupid degenerate ma-, Y/N!! Oh I’m so so sorry, my fault. You look amazing by the way, stunning!!” 
“Ah, Tenko! Thank you, are you ok?” You said. “O-of course, I’m sorry for making you feel worried. Where are you going? let me protect you from degenerate men.” This was a dangerous topic, surely if Tenko knew you were going to Kokichi’s ultimate lab, she would do something to avert you, and either lecture you or try to hurt Kokichi.
“It’s okay Tenko, why are you out anyway?” changing the topic. “To see Himiko of course, I wanna learn how to do cute mage girl spells like her!!!” This conversation was dragging on a tad bit, so you had to wrap it up with a clever closing statement. “I’m sure you’d be an amazing mage, thank you for trying to protect me but I am not going far and am confident I’ll be safe.”
Tenko, happy with that answer, let you go and you two went your own separate ways. With her gone, your mind was left back to wonder what Kokichi had planned for this meeting. That was until someone pulled you round one of the pillars and pulled you along, your hand in theirs, it didn’t take long however for you to recognise the dark to pink ombre hair. “Kokichi, what the hell! You’re going too fast, slow down.”
He turned around for a second, “Nah~” and then upped his pace. You two stopped outside Kokichi’s lab, he let go of your hand, turned around and lent on the wall “I’ve been waiting forever, geez took ya long enough, slowpoke.” like the male had never dragged you along and instead stood there the whole morning.
You were in a slight shocked state and also breathing heavily, so you couldn’t talk. Kokichi took this to his advantage and opened the door with an overly exaggerated butler-like pose. You walked in and took in the sight of his lab, you’ve never seen before. “W-wow, This is so… COOL!” You ran around the room looking at practically everything, leaving a laughing Kokichi, although he got slightly frustrated when you paid no attention to him.
As you were inspecting the throne He grabbed you by the hand and spun you around to face him, making you both fall onto the chair, him sitting either leg besides you in your lap. Kokichi got up real close and personal, finally addressing why you were there. “Not gonna lie ,for once, I didn’t think you’d care enough to come, well I kinda dragged you, but I knew you were headed here anyway, nishishi.”
He paused “Look, I like you, believe it or not~ that’s your choice, I’m afraid. The biggest issue with that is, you don’t like you, so I brought you here to show you everything I love about your body.” he got your face in his hands and slightly smushed your cheeks. “Your face is beautiful and your eyes draw me in so much, like freakin’ magnets. I like that I can squish your face between my hands, it’s just soooo god damn cute!!!”
Kokichi got up and pulled you with him to a hidden mirror in one of the walls. Both of you were seen him pointing at your body in the mirror “Look, sure (sarcastic voice incoming) You’re taller than me and you think that I don’t like that.” He turned you towards him, “but let me tell you crackerjack, I really don’t care and if you ask me-” leaning up to whisper in your ear “I think it’s super sexy~” getting back down changing expressions extremely fast and walking aimlessly around the room.
“It just makes me soo sad when I hear that you don’t like your perfect body…” stopping at a halt and turning to face you. “I mean, we can’t have a potential candidate for my partner in crime, my second in command being unconfident.” then he walked back to where you were still standing, letting him talk. “Y’know if my secret organization were here we’d have a whole meeting about how amazing you are, all 10.000 of us nishishi.”
“Kokichi, I’m not amazing, I mean I’m fat, and especially in a country where being skinny is an extremely important beauty definer. Aren’t you embarrassed to be seen with me?” Kokichi seemed unsurprised yet, his head dropped shadows now covering his hidden face, and he grabbed your hands. “Nishishishishi” His head popped back up with a big smile on his face. “Are you fucking dumb? No no, you’re Kaito, Miu or Gonta, you think I care what people will say nishishi.” “I love it, I love all of it. You are like a human pillow, do you understand how many people strive to be beautiful only to not realise that nobody’s opinion actually matters but their own.”
“Kokichi…” but he wouldn’t let you speak. “If I have to do it I’ll go through EVERY body part and prove to you that it’s beautiful. Crackerjack, let me make you a deal, everytime you say something bad about your body, I’ll pull a prank on you, buuut if you say something good I’ll reward you.” you got kind of confused “what’s the reward?”
His face slightly burning up but nonetheless pretending that it's not happening. Kokichi put his hands on your hips in a suggestive manner (idrk) and said “That’s a special surprise crackerjack.” He pulled his scarf up to hide his face. His and your face darkening. “Anyway I think I should do supreme leader stuff now, doesn’t mean I’ll leave you alone, just means I have evil plans to get on with.” He ushered you out the door, still trying to hide the evidence the thoughts he was having were less than family friendly and sent you on your way, half confused, half hot and bothered and fully ready to try to love yourself despite what the world had to say.
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