#as for the whole ''vri's an alien from space with no legal documents on earth'' thing well......
vampirecatboy · 6 years
just in case you were wondering i’ve definitely planned out the exact scenario in which Vri proposes to Danny and it is So Cute
but if you think even for a second that i’ll spoil a scene that i want to include in my comic well hoo boy you are absolutely right, here we go:
i’ll say they’ve been dating at least 18 months, maybe 2 years, and like, they live together /kinda/, like it’s Danny’s apartment but Vri has stuff there, and he sleeps there pretty much always
but they decide it’s high time they get a place together, a bigger place with room for both of them and a second bedroom because future child??? maybe???? but for now it would be a guest room
so they go house hunting, and eventually find a nice, affordable place with enough room for both Danny /and/ Vri’s stuff, that they can live in when they’re not up in space
so the day they finalize everything, they get time alone in their new apartment, and Danny is gushing about how happy and excited he is about them living together for real, instead of Vri just sleeping over all the time
and Vri says he’s happy too, but “There’s something I need to tell you.”
this of course makes Danny a little nervous, because the last time Vri said that was right before he revealed his extraterrestrial origins, but tells Vri to continue
Vri says “I don’t want to live with my boyfriend.”
and Danny’s heart nearly stops, until Vri continues:
“I want to live with my husband.”
and for a split second Danny’s confused because like... has Vri been secretly married this whole time??
but then he realizes what’s actually happening
he can barely squeak out a “Vri, are you...”
and Vri takes his hands and asks “Danny, will you marry me?”
and it takes a moment for Danny to fully process the question, but once he does he just starts nodding cause he’s basically forgotten how to talk
Vri asks him “Is that a yes?” just to be sure
and Danny finally manages to actually say “Yes”
and then there’s embracing and kissing and laughing and Vri puts the ring on Danny’s finger 
and then Danny has to lie down on the floor cause he’s just been through such a worldwind of intense emotions so like.... lol give him a second
and later when he calls his blf (best lesbian friend) Rachel to tell her, he finds out she /knew/ this whole time, because Vri told her like months in advance, way before they had even started looking for a place to live, he had been trying to find the right time to propose for almost a /full year/
so Danny gives Vri a (good-natured) wack on the arm like “It’s about god damn time.”
and then he goes and says he wants to get married on June 9th
you know
Vri’s able to talk him out of that, mostly because Danny was joking (mostly)
they eventually agree on July 1st, the anniversary of the day they met
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