#at least i got my dad's genes for great hair for hair dye and bleach
bunn-iiii · 3 months
fun fact: I forgot my hair is curly
another fun fact: I'm trying to grow out my undercut
save me
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achitachi · 3 years
welp, hair could NOT wait till next week. the dsyphoria anxiety was thing. bestie wasn't feeling great today, so i bleached my hair myself, and am proud to say i did pretty good job of it. my hair is kinda like sailor galaxia ^-^ and the really good news is i feel more like myself.
funny thing is my younger self swore up and down i'd NEVER ever ever bleach my hair nor go blonder. =shrugs=
i haven't put toner in it yet. debating about it, cause i kinda like how it is now. also, i'm super duper lucky my hair is soooo resilient and that the products i end up using are amazing! if you're curious - i used artic fox's bleach please and i wash my hair with the seaweed bath co shampoo and conditioner. also i believe, not 100% on this, but i think my natural hair color is actually salt n' pepper =shrugs= only 37, but genetics are a thing y0. my mom is naturally platinum blonde and my dad's hair is wispy and black. i got lucky, my brother's hair started to "lighten" at 13. lol, people always would assume he was the oldest cause he was taller and the hair obv, until he opened his mouth XD
having brown hair - which was my natural color when i was younger, was not pleasant for. it was an unfriendly reminder of what i like to call my "kool-aid" days. not knowing i was part of the queer community and not fitting in the community i was desperately seeking approval from. yeah...bad times.
as you've probably gathered i've never been blonde before either. it's interesting. my current concern now sun protection. i'm already pale af and now my hair is too XD
also why blonder? well, i am job hunting and most of the positions i'm looking at frown on blue or "unnatural" hair colors. i'm not fond of reds anymore. natural reds do NOT look good on me. brown we've covered, not a fan. black...welp, the brand of dye that i like to use their black comes out blue on me and box dye i'm not a fan of cause the color is just flat even when it's designed not to be, also it smells gawdawful. i choose blonde cause my natural color is pretty pale now anyway thanks to genes. and it's something new for me. pastel hair is currently in...i think <_< also i think this will be easier for me to transition to my natural color more comfortably, at least for my sanity.
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