coffeenuts · 6 years
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Psychotic Enjoyment by beastlyDreaMS
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askinsomniacariados · 7 years
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(( Here we are
It’s been an entire year since the very first post on this blog
I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of something in my life than this blog
This community has changed my life in so many wonderful ways
When I first began askinsomniacariados, I was in a really bad place
I was lost and lonely at a time life wouldn’t give me a break
And who knows what I’d be doing if I hadn’t found @askarkani
I owe my entire place here to cactus inspiring me to join this community
I might have never met some of the amazing people I know today
A lot of blogs that I still love have come and gone
Some are still here today, and I am eternally grateful for them
Not just for keeping me coming back to this place
But for being some of the greatest people I’ve ever known
And who’s friendship and presence I cherish with all my heart
This year has been one of my greatest trials, but also one of my greatest gifts
So, sincerely, thank every one of you, and especially these people!
@askshinybunnelby @rosezangoose @ask-the-iron-queen @asktidethegastrodon @askiceboundlopunny @the-greninja-duo @pixelpupper @askbookwormflareon @guideofthetornworld @ask-roccothetyphlosion @ask-intertwiningtime @absol-answers @askeevee @askdarktypecity @ask-dragon @askremiandenvy @asklopunny @shiny-heatmor @askawott @ask-azure-willow @askkyubeon @askamnesiagoodra @freckled-vee @ask-a-shiny-jolteon @askghoststory @asksolosis @ask-seaguardian @ask-brisk @leavannyn-oskar @askpuppyhoundour @ask-penumbra-vulpes @ask-beastlydreams @asktoastythearcanine @ask-jack-eevee @ask-rori-the-drifblim @pokejokeswithespurr @ask-mercury @monsterachi @ask-team-fancy-pants @askgng @iamyourdoubt @fluffpup
And probably more that have either left the community or aren’t currently active!
Thank you to every one of you from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for supporting me all the way here! I owe you all so much!
Here’s to another wonderful year with you all, and the spider! ))
61 notes · View notes