#boy you're boutta kill yourself with a car
whatsabriard · 2 years
you know what’s not talked about enough? in 3x08 when matthew and branson try to tell robert they should farm more of their land themselves or whatever and matthew insinuates robert isn’t a great investor (which isn’t entirely untrue) but then cora loudly comes to robert’s defense? YEAHHH that’s some good shit….
He didn't insinuate anything. He stood up in clear daylight and shouted "The last time you took an interest in investment you ruined the family."
Which was way harsh, Ty, but also erm. True.
But yes, she raises her voice beyond anything we've ever seen before or since. "NOW LOOK HERE."
Cora has always been pretty meh about the money. She didn't really think it was super important that it was lost. She was like "oh well we'll manage" (which is less about being American and more about growing up wealthy and not really understanding the realities of destitution and also she's like we're not going to be begging for food we will just live in a house not a castle). But she is not going to stand for someone to say he's ruined their family. Money is not what makes a family. Titles aren't what make a family. Heirs don't make a family. And you can tell robert he's shitty at running the estate all day long but don't dare cast aspersions on his abilities as a father or husband. Our girl was ready to rumble.
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