#brian and justin's responses being so in character lmao
sophsun1 · 3 months
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sophsun1 · 3 years
i just joined qaf tumblr / real fandom and im soooo surprised to see ppl wanted brian and justin to get married / end up staying together seriously🙃i ALWAYS imagined the consensus to be otherwise - my take of them having marked each other in such an important and serious way and that being what remains of their relationship rather than a relationship that continues - seems to be a controversial / hot one… same for me generally not liking 511-512 but liking 513… AHHHH im so confused
Hey anon !
Firstly welcome to what remains of the tiny active qaf fandom, it's nice to see new fans of the show and britin.
Well this is just my take on it but I guess it's not really that controversial imo that the fans would want them to stay together ultimately, I mean when you invest in a ship and root for them you want that happy ever after yk ? I know for myself it's all I wanted especially as we followed both their characters journey's and how they developed individually as a couple. I loved seeing Brian go from a hedonistic, no fucks given, anti love warrior into someone who grew to believe that not only was he capable of loving someone outside of himself, that he also wanted to be loved in return and no longer saw it as a weakness. We saw Justin go from a naive 17 year old, coming out and trying to navigate his way through this new world he's introduced into by Brian. Gaining a new community and friends but also the harsh struggles, trauma and prejudice he faces from his own family and at school. To finally grow into a independent, strong and confident young man who loves fiercely but also knows his worth and isn't that starry eyed young teen we meet at the start.
To see two characters I love become soulmates, helping each other grow, facing heartbreak and angst to ultimately find their way back to each other because they don't belong anywhere else but by each others side ? You bet your ass I'm gonna want them to stay together as much as they do.
I mean I didn't enjoy season 5 as a whole for them anyway, it wasn't well written and the story direction they took them in was not an enjoyable one to watch. I did enjoy the moments of 5x11 and 5x12 of course, we got the long awaited I love you from Brian which led into the most gorgeous proposal and declaration of his love and how much Justin meant to him not only in his actions but his words. We got to witness all their friends and family be overjoyed for them, and see them excited to get married and be together, it's all a fan could wish for after a sketchy season.
Ultimately they don't get married and yes I have opinions on that, but this is already such a long response lmao, I'll just say 5x13 was heartbreaking and yes I wanna cry the times I do watch it. But their goodbye and final time together was beautifully shot and acted by Gale and Randy so it's a fave moment for me amongst the sadness.
At the end of the day anon, everyone has a different takeout and opinion on the shows and ships we support, if you enjoyed the ending they got that's great because you got enjoyment out of it and I'm sure there's others out there who felt the same.
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