#bsfvsfcsvsvycsjvsyvs I just aaaaa I LUV the playful gremlin vibes they have! it's so great and perfect for tickles aaaaa
kanene-yaaay Β· 1 year
You know, I'm looking at this post and I think I'd like to ask you about headcanons πŸͺ ^^
But I really can’t decide who exactly, to Teru (because right now I’m obsessed with this guy) or to the Stoll brothers (Like, PJO the fandom as a whole is small in the field of the tk community, let alone these two. ALTHOUGH THESE TWO HAVE SO CHAOTIC POTENTIAL IN TK PLAN)
So I'll leave that choice up to you
I'M THINKING ABOUT BOTH NOW SDFJUJHGF okay u know what. I will make both. If I can't ramble about The Blorbos what even is the point xDD.
I will be posting Teru's in a separated post because I think it will be quite messy if I mix both here. So! Thank you very much for your asky! Writing these were extremely fun and <33 You are so right those bros deserve much more attention and tickles in their lives ajfwffwgvs
Hope the ones with the Stoll Brothers isn't too OOC, it's been a time since I read stuff w them and not gonna lie, I am kind of rusty w writing them
Life is a game, tickle fights are war and they. are. winning. Those two are the KINGS of tickling. They don't have only an ace upon their sleeve they have an entire deck that they stole from your things when you were looking away.
They are MASTERS of antecipation. Not because they can throw subtle hints of how they are going to get you or tease or anything like that, it's actually the exact opposite. Most of the time the ""victim"" (usually a new bean who just got into the camp and is living on the Hermes Cabin for the time being and they want to properly welcome them :3) is literally just chilling until the bean look to the side, see both Travis and Connor Stoll just standing there and their previously innocent faces star opening in a sharky smile and playful, determinated look take over their faces.
It's over. Because everyone knows what that grin means. Everyone had seen at least once Travis doing the same expression before jumping on Connor and squeezing his sides non stop, demanding to know where is the thing ("You know what I am talking about. You know exactly what it is and I know that you hid it. Just tell me and I will let you go, bro ~") or the way Travis will freeze on the Camp meetings (I actually forgot the proper name here but it's those meetings w the leaders of each cabin asdfghgfd) and start shaking on his chair, trying to appear nonchalant while one of his hands cover his wobbly smile and the other try to push his brother's wiggly, skilled and so unfairly nimble fingers from his spine.
That is the grin and it means only one thing: They are going to get their giggles. You don't know where. You don't know when. But they are going to get it.
Usually it doesn't take long before loud laughter and squeaky protests begins to fly across the camp.
Not all their tickles are planned attacks full of scratches, scribbles, squeezes and raspberries, tho. Travis, especially, absolutely *loves* to randomly poke or prod someone who was just stretching in preparation for a fight or just distracted enough to be caught of guard. He likes to say he has a Squeal Collection and Thank You So Much For Adding Yours :). Surprise tickle attacks are everything to him
Percy lost the counts of times he was just chilling sitting on the dock, chatting with Grover or Annabeth, feet submerged and then BOOM his ankles are trapped in a headlock and rip. Main character killed by surprise tickles he will be missed <3 Also it doesn't help that more often than not Annabeth or Grover will help to destroy him instead of saving him so Travis has actually opportunity to escape.
Connor is more on the soft side of the playful fun, tho. Which makes them an incredible powerful team. There is no one able to keep a serious face when he gets those skittering, agile nails next to any unprotected neck or ticklish ribs.
He is the only one who can get Clarisse to lauh (sometimes even giggle but she is going to take that to her grave) btw. Even tho revenge is always merciless ajvwyvsjvw but what is life without some danger yeah?
Talking about revenge, b r u h, those two are tickled at least ONCE PER WEEK because of how much gremlins they are agfwffwggshw they, of course, love the thrill of a chase and will make it difficult af to catch them but the moment you get close to any of their tickle spots? It’s over. They become a mess of limbs, loud, boisterous laughter and babbles or protests.
Tickling them together is always something lovely to see because while Travis will be promising to do anything, anything you want if you have mercy on him mah man Connor can't form a single rational word. He will be babbling a bunch of nonsense, mostly random words or jingles and they are very teased (playfully and by friends β™‘) when this happens.
They are quick to recover tho. Crazy to see how they can go from a mess of giggles (and if you drum your fingers riiiight in the center of their armpits just rights or lightly scribble their ankles, squeaks and snorts) to tickle monsters in less than one minute.
Flustering them is not very easy. It needs the right amount of anticipation and surprise. But it's very cute to see so beans from the Hermes cabin will sometimes make bets to see who can do it first
(Clarisse was the one who won by sneaking behind Connor and picking him up by his waist while digging on his absurdly ticklish hips. Rip our gremlin Boi)
Their comforting, soft and more silly giggles are reserved only for each other and their close friends tho. Like some cheering up after a though nightmare or a day when the training got too much heated.
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