#but I'm hoping things like this are considered stupid enough to count as unlawful
hexmaniacchoco · 4 months
So, Target has decided to fire employees who purchase a Stanley cup. Yeah the same Stanley cups that have lead in them. Target's reasoning is that they violated a policy which doesn't allow employees to gain an "unfair advantage" over customers when it comes to purchasing limited items. Managers' reasoning for allowing employees to buy the cup is that it's a cup and why on Earth should people not be allowed to buy them. My opinion is scalping is bad and a problem that needs to be better addressed by companies. The solution is not to fire employees for buying limited items, even if they put one to the side for themselves to purchase after work. I think a much better solution is one we already use, which is the good old fashioned purchase limit paired with not making only like 1 of something per every hundred of people wanting it. You want to buy a few? Sure, maybe you're buying the others for friends or family or something who also like the thing. You want to buy 10? 50? The entire stock on display and all in the back? Absolutely not, sir madam or other.
Also if you're a Target employee who got fired, definitely make sure to file for unemployment and have the state investigate for unlawful termination. It might not be considered as such because it was a stupid policy but still a policy, but might as well find out and have them go after Target if it is. (And no, "at-will" does not mean that an employer can fire you for absolutely any reason. They just want you to think that so you don't bother to track conversations in written (text/e-mail/etc) form and have state labor departments investigate when you get fired and are applying for unemployment.)
#target#stanley cups#I not only would enjoy seeing a mass boycott of Target for this#I would also enjoy seeing it turn out that this is considered unlawful termination in many states#by the way unlawful termination is usually when you get fired because of someone's bigotry or you reported a problem with someone to HR#or your boss etc#but I'm hoping things like this are considered stupid enough to count as unlawful#by the way if you ever are fired make sure you ask your employer why you are being fired#they are legally required to tell you a reason I'm pretty sure#if they decide not to tell you you can take that e-mail/text and send it to your state's labor department while filing unemployment#and report the company for unlawful termination#if you spoke to them in person about why you were fired then no worries#just send a follow-up text or e-mail asking them to confirm what they said in the conversation#if they change it or say they don't have to tell you or ignore the e-mail/text you can also submit that to the labor department#also if they try to give you a reason that sounds like it would be legitimate just report them anyway if you suspect it#and still make sure to get everything you can in writing to send in#because the state labor department will still investigate the matter in a way intended to trip up companies trying to lie#oh and also if you suspect you will be fired soon always let the employer fire you#if they offer to let you resign or quit they are trying to avoid the state investigating them lol#and if they reduce your hours to try and force you to quit or stop calling you in to work you can report that too
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