#but if we're talking about what they would've done in rtte
rosiethedragongeek · 9 months
I so desperately wish RTTE gave us like,,, cozier cold weather designs for the gang (even if it was just some of them wearing a thinner tunic with long sleeves under their normal outifts or having fur on their boots or something) for when they went into snowy areas.
I just love cold weather designs for characters they do something for me where they just look so cozy and warm and I just love them so much
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sarnai4 · 1 month
I really think the brother-sister bond that Dagur and Heather form is cute/interesting/all good things. So, it makes me enjoy writing them together, but that doesn't change that I have a fundamental issue with Heather. I've spoken with a few people about this, but I want to see what the general consensus is. My issue is that I feel like she's all talk. Heather really isn't a very competent character. She's fine while working with the others as one of their teammates, but as soon as she does anything on her own...boom. Problems. Yet, the show doesn't see it this way.
I don't even think it's a problem she had in RoB. Although Astrid saw through her, the (unknown at the time) Berserker was good at getting the job done. The other Riders liked and trusted her; however, in RTTE, her skills begin lacking. When we're shown her, we're led to believe she's hardcore now and an awesome warrior. Even Astrid is impressed with her. Okay fine...but are we supposed to forget that her skills with attacking ships were because they weren't fighting back? She was searching for Dagur and attacking Berkian ships in the process. When she actually found his armada, she was taken down. Somehow, the show forgot about that as soon as it happened because she goes back to the Edge and says how no one can stop her and Windshear. Um, Heather sweetie, you JUST were about to get killed. Hiccup saved you and your dragon from the Berserkers, so let's not be arrogant. She wins against Dagur next time since she's not alone.
If this had been a one and done thing, I wouldn't have minded. Everyone makes mistakes, but she keeps making them! It drives me nuts! She joins the Hunters and Viggo takes one look at her before he goes, "Traitor!" Ryker is suspicious of her too. The only one who believed she was on their side was Dagur because he had on rose-colored glasses since she's his sister. Also, I don't buy the idea that "Of course Viggo knew. He's brilliant." Viggo didn't know Dagur was also a traitor. Objectively speaking, Dagur was a greater threat. Heather was planning to take the Dragon Eye. Dagur was planning to take the Dragon Eye and kill everyone there. So, the danger radar should've been going off with him, but it didn't. Heather was a way smaller threat, but the brothers still knew she wasn't on their side because she was trying so hard to seem mean that it was obvious.
This spirals since she gets tricked by Viggo, loses to him in a fight (which extra annoys me. Not that Viggo has to be a bad fighter, but how did he somehow get the drop on Heather AND Astrid? This man is not the fighter in his family. Come on, girlies, but I digress). Heather then got away which was good and would've been better if it had lasted. I actually laughed when she literally flew straight into a net. Just wow. It was unbelievably ridiculous. Heather would've died that night if Dagur hadn't freed her.
And this still isn't even it! There's just a big space because she's not onscreen for a while after this, then she joins back up with the Riders. I can't get over how she gets outmaneuvered on Windshear by Dagur and Shattermaster (who'd been together for one day prior to that point) when they were trying to get to the shipyard.
After this, she's with Dagur and he's clearly shown protecting her during their search for Oswald (flying behind her to make sure that nothing falls on her head). As soon as she goes off on her own, she's in danger again. She walks right into a trap that gets Windshear caught and eventually makes the worst deal I've seen made in the entire show. A Dragon Eye lens for a key. A key?? No. Trade the lens for Krogan to unlock the cage. There's no way to check that the key is the right one and guess what? It wasn't. Windshear's cage is knocked into the sea and Heather jumps in, only to find out that the key doesn't work. So, she is about to die again, but Dagur gets there and saves her in time.
Again, I love her relationship with Dagur. So, by extension, I love writing her in stuff, but I don't think she's a character who can exist on her own. Heck, she literally isn't because she keeps almost dying as soon as the camera shows her doing anything risky when someone else isn't around her. This really bugs me because I feel like she could've been cool. She could have shown how warriors can have softer sides than what we normally see from Astrid. She could have been really clever (almost to a devious degree) that would've complemented Dagur's cleverness well and seemed like a family trait. Yet, we're just told time and time again that she's awesome and shown time and time again that she can't hold her own. So, I wonder if other people noticed this too. Am I being too harsh on her or is she all talk?
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