#but it's not worth the harassment risk ๐Ÿ˜ญ
autistic-sidon ยท 2 months
The way that a decent chunk of the Zelda fandom still insists on denying one of the most classic and easiest to spot forms of fandom misogyny annoys me to no end. Often in their quest to prove that the way they act about Yona isn't based in misogyny, they unknowingly prove my point. Popular retort being, "she's boring/badly written" even though Link is just as boring and poorly written due to reasons that are worse than Yona's, as well as Sidon's writing being pretty bare bones. I never ever see anyone hating Link and Sidon, nor any other characters who also "came out of nowhere." This, whether people like OR INTEND it, shows misogyny because of the double standard. Male characters are allowed to have bad writing and come out of nowhere, female characters are not.
In fact, another character who came out of nowhere and gets in the way of a ship is Tauro! Nobody and I mean NOBODY complains about him being new, nor do they complain about him getting in the way of Linpaya. (Do not lie to me and say Linpaya isn't as popular as the other ship. Do not.) I hope the reason is obvious. Yona is doomed to be torn apart by the fandom, because she is a newly introduced female character that gets in the way of an androcentric ship. Even if it weren't an mlm ship she got in the way of, people would still be awful of course, but the fact that it's 2 men instead of one, it's completely androcentric and results in people being 200% more awful about it. Because a woman who gets in-between something that is focused only on men is automatically the devil.
If you want a quick example of this same misogyny but instead with m/f ships, a good example is how the fandom treats Mipha. She also "gets in the way" of a ship, Zelink. People constantly call her a groomer, and basically any other evil word you can think of despite the fact that she literally cannot get in the way of Zelink. Because she's dead. And their relationship is still written as unrequited even when she's not dead.
People also like to say that the people who ship Miphlink and Sidyona are evil, which confuses the hell out of me because I've never met a mean Miphlink shipper, and the only evil Sidyona shipper is me. So where do we go from here. I'd also argue that hating a ships fandom because of it's misogyny and making such known isn't evil but I digress. Some people get called evil for simply saying they don't like the ship so idk what these people's qualifications for evil even are.
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