#but the way his armor is cut doesn't emphasize his height
ct-hardcase · 6 months
so, I was thinking about Reva's armor proportions again. I originally sussed out my thoughts on twitter circles because I didn't love the way that the outfit looked on Moses at first and did her proportions no favors with how high the belt is/how the kama-type things she has completely cut her off at the torso/isn't flattering for her body shape, and didn't want to come off as irrational or a hater since my thoughts weren't fully formed at the time.
but I think that the way that the armor looks is intentional—it's a sleek set of inquisitor armor with a cape and the aesthetics all right on the nose, but the way it's cut when you look at it up close almost makes it look like a kid wearing clothes that are too small for them. and that's the thing, right, Reva's literally about to outgrow her status as an inquisitor—of course the outfit doesn't sit right. It's not supposed to.
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