#but the way people on twitter are screaming crying throwing up over it isn't even run of the mill aww they look pretty
earlgreybocchan · 3 months
Some of you guys get way way too excited when idols have blonde hair and blue eyes without one scrap of self awareness 🙏
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iamknicole · 5 years
Bloodline Family Series
Roman sat in Haleigh’s bedroom scrolling through the comments on Haleigh’s live from a few hours earlier, waiting to get word. He had her go live from her room at Milo's house in California before going out. She was there with Carlito while Ardian filmed. Kandice and the triplets were in Georgia with Apryl, Simba, Trinity and the twins. This was the perfect time to handle his business.
During her live Haleigh mentioned that she was house sitting for her parents alone and how bored she was as he told her to do. Roman knew hearing that would draw Todd to the house for her, it's what he was counting on.
A guy Roman grew up with was a police officer and was able to get Todd's information and whereabouts for him. Having that Roman asked Joe to follow Todd to make sure he would take the bait. Tama hid in the brush on the side of the house to send the signal that Todd had arrived. Jey and Jimmy were waiting in the kitchen.
The plan was for Todd to get inside the dark house, knowing he'd follow the only noise in the house to Haleigh’s bedroom and go from there. It was late night and Todd clearly felt more comfortable at this time a night.
Roman’s phone buzzed, Joe's name showed on the illuminated screen.
"He's in your neighborhood. I'll circle around and wait at the front," Joe said with a sinister tone.
"Alright. By the time you pull around, we'll be out."
Roman and Joe disconnected the call. Just as he pulled the phone away from his ear, it lit up again with a text from Tama. A simple emoji. Locking his phone, Roman pushed it into the pocket of his black joggers then got under Haleigh’s comforter.
Todd cept through the house from the back sliding door. He'd saw Haleigh’s live and planned to surprise her. He also wanted to apologize for what he did. Assaulting her wasn't in his plans, she just messed up his plans by rejecting him. He now stood outside her door, straightening his shirt and checking his breath. But he was too preoccupied with himself and his thoughts that he didn't hear Jey and Jimmy follow behind him up the stairs.
Todd eased her door open, smiling when he saw, who he thought to be, Haleigh lying in the bed. When he pulled the covers back he jumped back startled, his hand on his chest as he stared at the large figure before him. The television only lit the large room so much, but Todd saw enough to know it wasn't Haleigh.
Then, there was light.
Todd looked up then down into the eyes of Roman.
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Roman didn't say a word. His hands opened and closed at his sides as he stepped closer to the considerably smaller man.
"I..uh.. sir," Todd stuttered stepping backwards.
Roman brought his hands in front of him, cracking his knuckles, ignoring Todd's stuttering. He jumped at him making Todd turn to run away, only to run into the twins and fell on his ass. Todd stared at the three large men as they stood around him with fear in his eyes.
Jey snatched Todd up from the floor then Roman sent a punch to his temple, knocking him out cold. He slumped over in Jey's arms. The cousins laughed.
"Let's get his ass downstairs," Roman said picking up his legs.
Jimmy followed behind them cutting the television and lights off. "Should've rolled his ass down the stairs," Jimmy snickered when they got to the door.
Tama was standing on the porch waiting, Joe in the forest green SUV.
"Got his keys," Tama asked in a hushed tone.
Jimmy searched Todd's pockets for his keys then tossed them to Tama, who them jogged off the porch to Todds's mustang. After throwing him in the back, Jimmy, Jey and Roman climbed into the SUV and Joe cruised out of the neighborhood not wanting screeching tires not wanting to disturb the sleeping neighborhood and bring unwanted attention.
Cold water splashed over Todd's face, making him sputter and gasp for air. He moved backwards on the cold, hard ground.
"What," he gasped trying to breathing, "What the hell is going on?"
"Oh not sir this time," Jimmy asked standing behind him
Todd started to feel the pain in his head and remembered Roman punching him. "What do you people want with me? I didn't do anything."
"You didn't do anything," Tama repeated loudly.
Looking around, Todd realized he was inside a large, concrete warehouse and knew this wouldn't be good.
"Okay, okay," he begged, "I did it but I didn't mean to. It wasn't my fault."
Jey squatted down to Todd's level, baring his gold fronts. "So you sayin' it's my nice fault? Cause if it's not your fault then it's gotta be hers."
"N-n-no. Its...its," he stuttered staring between the men.
Jey slapped him across his face before standing to his full height. "Spit that shit out!"
Joe and Roman stood back watching Tama and the twins antagonize the smaller man. They took turns beating him, tagging in and out, making jokes as usual. Roman was trying to calm down some but he couldn't. Seeing Todd made him angry, it made him murderous.
"I'm gonna step out for a second," Roman spoke loud enough for them all to hear him, "When I get back though, I want y'all to leave us for a few. It won't take long."
They all agreed. Joe stepped towards Todd with a slight smirk on his face.
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Roman called the only person he knew could help him.
"Hey, handsome," she cooed sleepily into the phone making him crack a smile.
"What's up, beautiful," he asked leaning against the SUV.
"Nothin, pinned under your circus acts," she laughed softly.
"Better you than me. Y'all having fun?"
"Yeah. The kids loved the aquarium, we gotta go back before we come home or they'll have a fit."
Roman smiled hearing about his children and nephews. "Even Simba's mean ass?"
"Even him," she laughed, "When we were getting the twins and trips some stuff from the gift shop, he tried to sneak and buy Kennedie these cute little penguin couple stuffed animals and the matching snow globe."
"Really? Guess he's not as mean as we thought."
They laughed for a few seconds until it died down. Nothing but the trips' light snores could be heard.
"I'm doing the right thing. Right, Kandi?" He asked softly. "The way I feel is normal, isn't it?"
"She's your baby, Roman. I think any father would feel the way you do. This rage is normal. Can you live with it?"
"Yeah, Kandi. Fuck him, I just don't want Princess to be mad at me," he sighed finally getting his thought out.
Kandice knew that's what was bothering him. His kids and what they think of him mean everything to him.
"Haleigh knows how much you love her and how far that love will go. You just make sure you're as honest and transparent with her as she needs you to be. Okay?"
He nodded like she could see him. "Yeah, I got you."
"You must've heard your daddy," Kandice laughed, "You hear Melly, Ro? Calling for you. She staring at the phone smiling, eyes still closed. I'll put the phone to her ear."
"Go back to sleep, Babygirl. Daddy loves you, okay?"
Melody mumbled back making Kandice and Roman laugh. "She's sleep again. I love you, Ro. Call me when you get home."
Roman put his phone away then stepped back into the warehouse. Tama and the twins stood around watching Joe choke Todd out, they moved back when they heard him approaching. Joe dropped him from his hold. Jey let him know they would be outside when he was finished.
"As much as you say you love my daughter on her Instagram, on her Facebook, on her Twitter, you couldn't possibly love her as much as I do. When you came after her, you didn't think about her father. Her father that's willing to kill and be killed for her," Roman spoke standing over him. "You know what I've always taught her? I taught her that love doesn't hurt so she knows that what you did wasn't out of love. That was anger. But your anger is nothing compared to mine."
"I am so sorry, Mr. Reigns. I came to your house to apologize to her for what I did, sir."
"You came to apologize with condoms and two knives in your pockets? Cause that's one hell of a apology. There was rope, cuffs, and a camera in your car too," Roman chuckled. "You're that close to death and won't tell the truth. You're not a man, you're a coward. The coward I knew you were when I saw how battered you left my daughter."
"This was all a mistake," Todd cried. He stood on his knees, pleading with Roman.
"No!" Roman roared. "You fought my five foot, maybe 120 lb daughter like she was a man so you get your ass up and fight me! Get up!" Roman pulled the small man up to his feet and pushed his chest roughly.
Todd shook his head extending his hands in front of him. "Please, I don't wanna fight. Please don't do this."
Roman laughed again at him but there was nothing funny. "Please don't do this? That's the exact same thing my daughter said to you. I heard the 911 call, she screamed in pain for ten minutes begging you to stop. But did you?"
"N-n-no, sir."
"So fight me. You can fight her, you can fight me."
Todd attempted to tussle with the larger man hoping that would satisfy the large man but it didn't. Roman tossed him to the floor and knelt over him, delivering blow after blow to Todd's face. He blacked out. The only thing he could see was how Haleigh looked in the hospital bed, how she cried seeing the damage done to her face, the mirrors she'd broken, the nights she sat up in his arms crying terrified that Todd would come back.
"That's it, Uce. That's it. Back up," Jey whispered placing a hand on Roman’s shoulder. "Look at him. That's it."
Roman’s nostrils glared as he stared at each of his cousins then down at what used to be Todd. His face beaten in, barely recognizable. Roman’s breathing started to slow when he realized Todd was no longer breathing.
Joe put a strong hand on Roman’s other shoulder. "Come on, man. Let's go. Jey well take you home, we got this."
Roman took one last look at Todd before leaving the warehouse. He didn't feel guilty, he didn't feel any remorse. He felt vindicated, he felt free. He hoped Haleigh would feel the same way.
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hardglossyarmor · 5 years
To the Magicians Showrunners Regarding the Season 4 Finale
This post can also be found on Twitter, where it is more likely to reach the creators.
“Fillory was supposed to mean something. I was supposed to mean something. But it's all just so random…” That this season's villians were built up to do nothing. They meant nothing. All of that time wasted and they were easily killed and there was no resolution to the Monster we started to empathize with. We had all of these theories, but there were so many plot holes, very uncharacteristic of this show.
The women all took a step backwards. My goal in life was to be Penny's girlfriend? What?! Julia was never given her choice, when her boyfriend has the ability to mindread… And Alice was used as a plot device to make Q's death more painful. Once revived, Q barely glanced at his best friend, his soulmate, when he was bleeding out on the ground. How is this not sloppy? But this isn't the part that hurts the most.
Q is me. Q is also a huge part of this fandom. He was relatable to me because I have struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life. “Sometimes my brain breaks.” I also throw myself into fantasy worlds to escape the harsh realities of life. At the age of 15, I also was hospitalized for suicidal ideation. Q was the embodiment that everything could be ok. You can fuck everything up and in the end still fix it.
The Magicians has always been a show about trauma, but the characters always came out surviving and conquering it. There was always hope. This whole season, we have watched Q spiral. It's been painful to watch. It's been too real. Being stuck in your head screaming and nobody notices because of their own shit. And then dismissing it all when somebody asks. I pushed through, because the message this show has always given is that trauma will not kill you. You will survive. And then, Q... finds a way to finally kill himself.
You knew this was ambiguous, but you took the risk. If I wanted to watch a show that romanticized suicide, there are shows for that. I have specifically avoided them for my own mental health and for the principle of the matter. Romanticizing suicide puts other people's lives in jeopardy. That is not ok. And this show has never been like Game of Thrones either. Don't change it now. Major character deaths have never been final. In fact, it’s bad writing in a world with magic and gods and several main characters that have survived death over and over again. It doesn't make narrative sense. I don't think for a second that Eliot, Alice and Jules wouldn't try to find a way to bring him back.
We all know that the finales are a shit storm, but there is always hope. A promise to overcome. But I didn't see that here. You made it pretty final. And there are so many threads left unanswered...Don't get me wrong, the bonfire scene was beautiful. Your actors and crew are phenomenal. Treat them well…
But now I'm going on another night of not sleeping well. Crying and sobbing every time I think about it. It's not cathartic. It's painful and cruel. I am grieving the loss of a best friend. I am grieving the loss of a piece of myself. I am not alone here.
I dare you to look at Tumblr. Look at Twitter. A huge part of this fandom is in shambles and I'm not even touching on what you did to the LGBTQ viewers (and I am one). You can still fix this. And if you're pulling a Jon Snow, you need to tell us. The responsible thing would be to tell us. At the very least come out and admit that you fucked up. Quentin Coldwater deserves better. We deserve better.
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