#can you tell I'm struggling with my mafia omegaverse fic
xoxoladyaz · 4 months
Endlessly caught in the struggle between giving Steddie relationship angst or just making them insane about each other from the get go
(BTW this is my cry for help please and thank youuuuuuuu)
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lucithornz · 1 year
Least Favorite Fanfiction Tropes
I recently shared my favorite fanfiction tropes to read and to write. Now it's time for my least favorite. I don't hate these, they just are not my thing. I don't always exclude them from my searches(some are inevitable). But these tropes are usually a no-go for me. And I struggle to write them if they come up in my fics.
I'm actually not picky with my tastes, if a fic has like the perfect tags, but one of these is included, I'll probably give it a try.
Holidays - I don't know what it is, but there are always too many characters. I'm not a fan of holidays in general, so I don't really get much out of this situational setting. Having to write a holiday is even worse for me. I just don't find it to add the spice I want. Or it's because I am the spawn of Satan and just don't like Christmas(we may never know)
Domesticity - This is one I dislike because I usually end up having to write it at some point(goes hand in hand with fluff). Just all those little moments feels like I'm describing nothing. Also a bunch of nothing happening. I want plot. I do not care if they are making pasta together.
Mafia/crime AU - this is probably my least favorite of the common trope AU's. Probably because I don't like original stories that are about this either. I will probably never write this trope.
Fluff - I struggle to write this, and if there is too much in a fic I'm reading I just die. It's an unavoidable trope, and I write it because I want to tell a well-rounded story, and those soft moments are important. But it's hard. No conflict, just things going well, no one's feelings are getting hurt, what's the point? I do think it has it's place, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
Hanahaki - as someone who is very into omegaverse there's only so many niche fanfic tropes I can invest in. I find it hard to suspend my disbelief for this. The art is always really pretty though.
Amnesia - this trope is overdone in original fiction, and I haven't really seen it subverted well in fanfic either. I find it has a very predictable plotline for 99% of the stories it's present in.
Baby fic - no children. I like characters to be on birth control thank you. Pregnancy scares make for good angst, but I do not care about the baby(unless it's a canon compliant type deal) I don't like writing babies so I don't think I'll ever touch this(unless I need to really traumatize my readers).
Gen fic - sorry, it has it's place. But it's not for me. I almost am always reading rated M or E. I write those same ratings, every now and then something rated T will sneak in. But those are too wholesome for my cold dead heart.
Sick fic - this is a tricky one for me. I do use injuries and illnesses as plot devices in my work, but more secondary plots. If the whole fic centers around an illness or disease I'm probably out(especially if it's serious) I think one problem is just a lot of domesticity goes along with this, and also because one character is sick, they can't do much else, so it's a bit boring.
Bonus number 10! Miscommunication - this one is tricky. I either love it or hate it depending on the execution. I write this a lot. But where it can break a fic for me is if there isn't a good reason or foundation for the miscommunication. Give me a good reason why things went wrong and I'm all there, but if characters aren't talking "just because" I will get pissed.
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