#can't wait to spend all of Warrior's Way in the Path lol
mewrising · 2 years
Coming back from my semi-hiatus to say that the Woodland Path update is the best thing to ever happen to the Coli
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miragestar · 1 year
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Founders of WeevilClan!
(copy + pasted descriptions of each cat)
Since Clangen got a new update, I started a new clan. I wanted to draw all the founders because these guys are all sooo pretty and I love them
The StarClan guide is Hareheart, who I briefly exiled to the DF for fun. That's all I really have to say about him. I like to think that him and Basildapple are related somehow. 
WeevilClan's leader is Crowstar, formerly called Crowtooth. He's very confident, a good fighter, and has a huge ego. He frequently brags about his abilities and leaves his clanmates exasperated a lot. He very frequently butts heads with both his deputy and medicine cat. 
Basildapple is the deputy, and although he and Crowstar share similar traits they could not be more different! Basildapple is confident in the quiet, calculating sort of way. He can be intense at times but unlike Crowstar there's still warmth underneath, and he cares a lot for all his clanmates. He is also a lot more reasonable than Crowstar, and his antics make Basildapple nervous a lot. 
Siltpurr is the medicine cat and well... cold certainly describes her. She frequently grumbles the warriors for their "low pain tolerance" (She's also listed as being a good fighter so I headcanon she used to be part of a violent colony) and overall she isn't like, super pleasant to be around. Though, there is a secret heart of gold, and the willingness to help others, underneath that frosty exterior. 
The eldest warrior is Whirlfur, and he's a big stick in the mud. He can often be found lecturing the apprentices and young warriors about the importance of the warrior code. That being said, he is deeply loyal to his clanmates and would risk his life for any of them. 
Freezerump's name is great. She's literally the expression "freezing your ass off". Anyways, Freezerump is a disheveled, bloodthirsty cat. She loves nothing more than antagonizing the other clans and sparring with her own clanmates. She frequently wishes she was deputy, and knowing Crowstar he probably would pick her if anything happened to Basildapple. 
Rosytwist is your crunchy, granola, "spirtual" aunt who swears that essential oils cure sickness and probably posts misguided bible verses on Facebook. She's undeniably sweet, but also downright strange. She has a strong connection to StarClan as well, which only fuels her strangeness. She has taken great interest in spending time with Buttercuppaw recently, worried that she's going down the wrong path.
Crookedpatch the friendly cat in the clan that everyone is friends with! He likes telling stories and would probably be the perfect elder if he weren't only 70 moons old, lol. Between you and me, he would be my choice for the next deputy. 
Comfreyfur is a silly, childish prankster who loves nothing more than joking around with her clanmates--especially if that clanmate is Pinetree, who she has a crush on. She's not the most reliable warrior however, and this frequently gets on other cats' nerves. 
Pinetree on the other hand, is a hardy, loyal, and bold cat who frequently brags about how she isn't afraid of anything. She's a bit like Crowstar in that regard (I actually kind of imagine they're related too, since they have the same eye color) but unlike Crowstar, Pinetree is much kinder and frankly more popular than she is. 
Finally, Buttercuppaw is currently the only apprentice. Apprenticed to Pinetree, she is a bit, well... bitter. Nobody's really sure if it's permanent or just a phase, but both Rosytwist and Siltpurr try to spend time with her and make sure she doesn't do something bad. 
And that's WeevilClan! They're a fun bunch, can't wait to see how they develop in the future.
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