#cause I feel like he didn't and that is just so pathetic lmaooo
It will never stop being funny to me that the Titan's Tower incident between Jason and Tim happened right after fucking Jericho did the exact same thing but was way, WAY scarier about it.
JERICHO repeatedly attacks them, endangers civilians, possesses multiple people, is out of his head with rage and sorrow at feeling expendable and feeling like teen vigilantism was what got him and Donna killed. Hell he even shoots Bart through the leg, which fucks him up so bad he has to go through unanesthetized surgery and that trauma prompts a whole ass character growth spurt! Jericho both while possessing Slade and when they fight him in Raven's mind trap thing is like seriously bad news! He's playing for keeps and intent on really hurting them! It takes a full team effort over multiple comics to trap the guy
Then fucking JASON sneaks in ever so carefully, knocks a few of them out, feels a bit bad about even doing that, and has like a waffle house parking lot fist fight with Tim in a party city Robin costume. And what's he do afterwards? He just fucking leaves and never bothers them again! He doesn't wanna kill any of them! He's just a sad wet sack who doesn't know what he's doing with himself
The Teen Titans really do gather around Timmy after their fight lookin at that wall like, "Fucking seriously?? This is the second time this week!"
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captjprice · 5 months
Not sure if you’re open for requests so please ignore if I missed it!
Humbly asking for a ‘How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop’ but we are the tootsie pop. And Simon is trying to see how many licks it takes for us to cum on his tongue
Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
A/n: I loved how u worded this LMAOOO also yes. This is so. Yes.
Mentions: Nsfw, domsimon, subreader, oral f!Receiving, degrading(?), pussy slapping, Simon's mean about it
''Simon, ah! Mffhh..'' Your voice muffles as you throw your head back, placing your hand over your mouth in a pathetic attempt to keep quiet as Simon had his mouth on you like he was a starving man. 
When he first brought up the idea, it caused you to blush and laugh– He couldn't be serious.. Right? Counting how many licks it'd take for you to come on his tongue was.. insane, but also an idea you didn't really want to say no to. Before him, you hadn't had a man between your thighs before, and now it felt like you were having your pussy eaten daily.
Simon grunts as you cover your mouth, temporarily pulling away to yank your arm down. His chin is covered in spit and your arousal, and his lids are heavy. ''I want to fuckin' hear you,'' He grumbles, pinning your hand down by your hip. His other hand pulls away from your thigh, landing a slap on your sensitive pussy. You yelp, jolting a little.
You thanked the gods he wasn't counting out loud, you would've near died from humiliation.. Although him doing this wasn't new, it seemed different this time. More.. primal, somehow. The way he watched you, daring you to cover your mouth again with those eyes. His tongue was on you in seconds again, licking long stripes between your folds and slowing down as he reached your clit.
It caused you to mewl, your hips raising off the bed slightly as you arched your back. You were close, and it was kind of embarrassing how quick the feeling was building up. Your eyes flutter closed, and you try to enjoy the bliss from the feeling until Simon smacks your thigh, pulling back again. ''How many times do I have to goddamn tell you? Eyes stay on me, yeah? Fuckin' slut..''
His head lowers again when you give a weak nod, keeping your eyes lazily focused on him. You can tell he's enjoying it– The way he's bucking his hard-on against the edge of the bed, the way he looks so pussydrunk. 
The whole sight of it gets you squealing, one of your hands grabbing onto his hair. He grunts in response, speeding up a little. ''Simon, Simon.. Ah, Si..'' His name falls like a sacred mantra from your lips, your hips rolling to give more stimulation. His grip on your thighs tightens, and his lips wrap around your clit. The feeling of it sends you over the edge, and you whine out, still pulling at his hair. 
You can feel him grin against your inner-thigh, and he peppers kisses along it as you come down from your high, panting. After a few minutes, he crawls over next to you, wrapping his arms around you to pull you snugly against him.
''Forty-two,'' His voice rings out, and you need a moment to process.. What? Fort- Oh.
It's way less than you thought it'd be, but then again, Simon just.. does those things to you. ''You're just.. too good.'' You whisper softly to him, pressing a lazy kiss to his chest. He hums in response, running his hand through your hair. ''I'll clean you up, yeah? Be right back.''
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restinslices · 4 months
Heyyy omg first i wanted to say how much i love the things you write!! Thanks for giving me for free teehee ;p Second... sorry i always feel so awkward when i ask someone to write something that i dream of, like, i'm demanding or being selfish lmaooo im sorry for rambling... SORRY I NEED TO ASK ONLY YOU CAN DO IIITTTTT: So, i was watching Avatar: the legend of aang and there is this part when the group goes to a theater and Katara (the protagonist love interest) sits and then one of the group sits beside her and the protagonist is like "hey can you let me sit there?" its so cute like... SO SORRY, But do you think would be nice a fic, headcanon or anything when the reader is very liked by Kung Lao, Johnny and Kenshi (or any character you like) and they kind fight each other to stay closer to the reader or spend more time with them... Sorry for my bad english i had to let this out...
Idk why my brain was struggling to figure out how to write this but there we are. I hope you like it!
You were waiting for this particular movie for a long time and although you told them that coming with you wasn't necessary and you didn't wanna be a bother, they decided to join anyway 
To you it looks like “wow, my friends are so nice”. To them it's “I can't wait to spend more time- y'all are coming too?!”
The fighting to stay near you begins early on
You ask to ride shotgun and obviously they say yes. Now they're fighting over who drives 
Kung Lao says he can drive because he'll get you there quicker 
Johnny says he can drive because he's the better driver and won't get you arrested (Kung Lao tends to speed)
Kenshi… well… he knows to sit this one out 
None of them get their way though because Raiden ends up driving 
Which annoys all of them because Raiden is the only one who doesn't like you 
Childhood best friends who could only see each other as siblings type of shit. It pisses all of them off because that means Raiden is always near you 
You go to a store to get snacks because who actually buys snacks at the movie theater? 
And they are latched to you
You say to spread out and get whatever candy or snacks they want and they all magically want whatever snacks are in the aisle you're in 
It's pathetic 
Little problem though. You have two sides and it's three of them
There's behind you but it's not the same. It doesn't feel like they're apart of a conversation 
“Everyone thinks I'm blind so to avoid suspicion, I should hold onto you”
Kenshi’s resourceful (I still don't know if he can see now or just in combat) 
That guarantees him a spot by your side 
Now the two most conceded people gotta fight for that next spot 
Johnny immediately slides next to you but Kung Lao squeezes in and pretends he sees candy he really likes 
He actually hates Sweet Tarts but it worked at least 
These two are giving each other funny looks the whole time in the store 
That's pretty much all they do the whole time you're in the store. Just sliding in between each other 
Then you get back in the car and Raiden drives again, which still bothers them 
You get to the theater, get your tickets and get to your room or whatever it's called. Last movie I saw in theaters was Black Widow-
You like sitting in the outer seat though so that means only one person can sit by you 
Raiden goes to sit by you and at this point, they think it's on purpose 
Johnny shoves $20 in his hand and has him sit somewhere else 
So now the other two are mentally booing 
Johnny goes to use the bathroom and Kung Lao sits in his seat, even though you say Johnny is gonna want his spot back 
And of course Johnny comes back and wants Kung Lao to move, which causes a whisper argument and you have to take matters into your own hands and tell them both to move and for Kenshi to sit by you since they wanna be childish 
They legit wanna kill each other now 
“Everything was going fine. Why'd you take my spot?!” “You moved!” “I hate you” “Hate your debt” “Weren't you rejected as the champion?” “Weren't you?”
Kenshi is feeling great though. You guys are whispering and laughing the whole time 
He definitely feels better than the other two 
He makes sure to hold his bladder. Y'all are not finna fuck him over 
The other two are side eyeing him the whole time
They use passing snacks as a way to still chat but you’re like “bro there’s a movie on”
The movie ends and you guys leave and they don't even protest about Raiden driving because they know it is what it is 
They drop you off first and once you're inside, the yelling starts 
Multiple things are revealed 
A) Raiden knew what he was doing. He finds it funny. 
B) Kung Lao and Johnny are now enemies for life 
C) Kenshi believes he has a better chance with you now 
More events will be planned and this will happen all over again so good luck 
Y’all I made a library run and I’m so hype for these books. Y’all don’t understand. I was riding my bike back home with a smile on my face
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gyunglitter · 8 months
➷ 03 ➷
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-“oh, the way he makes me feel that love isn’t real -– cupid is so dumb”
unlike you, your brother’s best friend just doesn’t know when to quit
word count: 4,034
warnings: cursing, mentions of running, soobin and reader bickering, a sweaty beomgyu in a tank top, CRINGE lmaooo
tags: brother’s-best-friend!beomgyu x reader, ??? to ???, angst, fluff(??), beomgyu is the cool boy-next-door, reader is an independent girlboss (or trying to be, at least), beomgyu’s gonna be GROVELING, simp!gyu, pathetic pining from both sides lol, maybe some cringe from reader (she was a teenage girl in love, have some empathy plz😭)
notes: this chapter literally didn’t exist lol, but as i was writing chapter 4, i realized it didn't flow well and spawned this. while writing it, i HATED it, but then threw in some crack and suddenly it’s my favorite thing lol. hope y’all get a laugh out of it—if not, i’m officially so unfunny :)
–> masterlist <–
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One of the habits you had picked up while away: working out early in the mornings. Whether it was going for a run, doing yoga, or some pilates you would wake up early and start your day with a good bit of sweat before devouring a smoothie and protein bowl.
Of course, you couldn’t quite replicate your routine with how your parents’ blender was broken and the protein in your house was a bit more limited than you had back at your place, but you could make do. Then there was your childhood neighborhood that didn’t have the same layout as your apartment’s neighborhood did; there were many more hills and way less sidewalks. But you figured you had walked these streets for eighteen years with only the occasional complaint, so it shouldn’t be that hard. You could make do.
Or at least you thought you could.
Currently, you were gasping for breath as you finished trekking up the last hill to your house. You’d forgotten just how much worse the monsoon season felt at home than at school. Thankfully, you’d dressed correctly for your morning run: your running shorts, a sports bra, and breezy tank top to help your dying body breathe easier. You just wish your terrain was more forgiving.
You decided to walk the rest of the street back to your house, feeling utterly humbled (and old) as the early morning sun beat down on your back. Sweat glided down your cheeks, making you take the hem of your tank top to wipe it off, before ultimately taking it off and using it as a towel instead. You swung the top across your shoulders and sighed at the discomfort, vowing to stick to your indoor pilates workout routine until the weather mellowed out. 
You spent the rest of your walk internally whining about everything you’d done wrong since waking up, going over all of your worst regrets. But it wasn’t until you got to your front lawn, that you actually faced your biggest one. Which, of course, came in the form of Choi Beomgyu.
A gorgeous, sweaty, messy, out of breath Choi Beomgyu.
Feeling your cheeks heat up beyond what would be considered healthy, you gawked at the boy–no, man–who was currently putting together some machine in his own front lawn–the front lawn that your birdbrain had completely forgotten was right next door to your own. Beomgyu had also been dressed for the weather, wearing a loose, white tank top and black shorts with wire headphones as he worked. He looked like he might’ve been up for as long as you had, with sweat running down his forehead and arms, leading down to his dirty hands that you could only assume caused the multiple oil stains smeared on the front of his top. His hair was a delightful mess, but of course on Choi Beomgyu it made him look like a greek god. His face was a bit flushed from working, but you knew it was no match for the red on your face at the moment. 
Lucky for you, he was completely focused on whatever the hell he was building.
Feeling hopeful, you discreetly inched towards your porch steps to avoid garnering his attention. You deemed your confrontation with him the night before to be good enough interaction for the next year, and you really did not want a repeat of it now, when you’re half naked and sweaty.
But as life would have it, you still have many regrets to live through today.
“Y/n?” he called.
You nearly shrieked as your body went on autopilot and jumped.
…Into the nearest bush.
“Y/n?!” he yelped, sounding a bit more concerned this time around.
You hit your forehead with your fist as you berated yourself now physically and mentally while you basically hid behind the shrub by your porch. It’s not like you could escape the interaction, the only way to get out would be the way you came, which would only make you look so much weirder since he literally watched you jump, anyway! Now you were naked, sweaty, and had sticks in your hair. You really had to work on your fight or flight response because what the hell.
So much for acting like you moved on–what happened to being unbothered?!
You groaned and took your hair out of its ponytail to at least have something covering your shoulders a bit more. You used your tank top to wipe off additional sweat and dirt before trying to calm down and gather yourself.
“Y/n, are you okay?!” Beomgyu yelled, making you sigh heavily before popping out of your hiding spot.
“What–Beomgyu? Wow, I totally didn’t even see you there,” you coughed, pulling a random stick out of your hair.
Kill me.
You tried to not make eye contact with the boy, but you saw he was gaping at you and your disheveled state. 
“W-what hap– a-are you okay?”
“Never better,” you replied. “I just thought there was a squirrel in the bush and-well, uh, you know...”
“I don’t think I do,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows.
You didn’t either. But you weren’t going to say that.
Instead, you waved his words off and let the space between you fill with silence. Beomgyu took both of his earbuds out and scratched the back of his neck while he tried to string together words. But it seemed neither of you were going to come up with much of anything as he continued to stare at you while you stared at the floor.
“Well,” you cleared your throat, wanting nothing more than to escape whatever the hell this was supposed to be. “See ya.”
You turned to run up your porch and into your house to curl up into a ball, when Beomgyu interrupted you once again.
“Wait, hold on!” he called, making you want to smash your head into the wall.
“We really have to stop doing this,” you groaned.
He let out a chuckle while you turned back towards him. “I know, my bad.”
You folded your arms as he nervously fiddled with the hem of tank top once again. While you tried to keep your self restraint in check, you allowed yourself one more second of drinking in the veins that popped from his forearms, before shaking yourself. “What do you want, Beomgyu?”
He motioned toward the half-finished machine sitting in front of him. “My dad just got this new grill for this weekend, and I’ve been trying to put it together all morning, but I need some help carrying the tank and finishing it up,” he explained.
You grimaced, “I don’t think I can help you out with that, to be honest.” Nor do I want to.
But luckily, he shook his hands frantically, “No, no! I just meant–I mean, I was going to come to your house to ask Soobin for some help, anyway! I just figured it would be kind of weird for me to knock on your door after you just left, you know, so…”
He let the words die awkwardly after rambling for a bit, but he looked to you with red ears and a hopeful look on his face that you got the gist of what he was saying without thinking he was weird or weak, or whatever was making him so anxious.
Not that you felt you were in a place to judge, after he just watched you jump into a bush.
Sighing a little bit, you hesitantly nodded at him and gestured to your house. “Alright, well come in then. I’m sure oppa’s not doing anything important right now, anyway.”
Beomgyu’s eyes slightly widened at the offer, before nodding enthusiastically. 
“Oh, perfect! G-great! Thanks, Y/n,” he rambled, which you ignored as he started speed walking over from his spot to follow you into your house.
You opened your door that was almost always unlocked and toed off your shoes easily and slipped into a pair of slippers while Beomgyu tried his best to not touch anything with his grease-stained fingers. Noticing his predicament, you bit the inside of your cheek in slight annoyance as you slid another pair of slippers next to his feet.
“Thank you,” he muttered, slightly embarrassed.
“Just go wash your hands in the bathroom,” you dismissed, immediately walking away from him to go further into the house. “Man, I’m starving.”
“Y/n? Is that you,” your mom’s voice called from the kitchen, making you walk in her direction.
Turning the corner, you’re faced with your mother in her usual pajamas, making herself a pot of coffee. You smiled brightly at her, but she gave you a confused look.
“Where are your clothes, bean?” she asked, making the smile drop off your face.
You heard Beomgyu choke from behind you, making your cheeks heat up ridiculously.
“Hello to you too, eomma,” you grumbled, making your way to the fridge to make yourself a yogurt bowl and fight off your blush. “I just went for a run at the worst time possible.”
Your mom snorted at that. “Why in the world would you want to do that?”
“Because I hate myself,” you grumbled sarcastically, only half joking considering your circumstances.
After taking a bit of time to grab all of the ingredients you needed, you went to sit at the counter by your mother who was making herself a mug.
“Did you want a cup?” she asked you, to which you made a sour face. “Oh, right, I forgot you hated coffee.”
“Which is a crime, by the way,” Beomgyu chimed in, coming into the kitchen as well, drying his hands off on a towel from the counter.
“Beomgyu! When did you get here, dear?” Your mother smiled at the boy who was practically her second son.
He smiled widely back at her, going in for a hug before realizing his shirt was horribly stained and pulling back.
“I came with little Y/n. I just went to wash my hands really quickly,” he explained.
Your mother let out a little laugh, “Speaking of washing, what happened to you? You look like you slept in a garage.”
You smirked at that, while Beomgyu went to explain himself. But before he could, you all heard heavy footsteps thunder down the staircase. It had been a few years, but you could recognize Soobin’s footsteps anywhere.
You were proven right when the steps had rounded the corner, revealing your older brother with his eyes barely opened. Soobin slowly trudged through the kitchen, his body on autopilot as he instinctively opened the right cabinets to get a bowl and cereal. It was only when he opened the fridge and grabbed the milk that you decided to say something.
“Well good morning, sunshine,” you cooed, making Beomgyu snort from behind you.
Like on command, your brother screamed and dropped the milk carton. He whipped around to face you, while you were currently swallowing a spoonful of your yogurt bowl.
“Jesus Christ, I forgot you were here,” he muttered. After rubbing his eyes roughly, he opened them once again to look at you, but quickly shielded his eyes and screamed again. “Where the hell are your clothes?!”
Your mom and Beomgyu laughed while you rolled your eyes and chucked a piece of granola at him. Your brother flinched when it bounced off of his forehead. 
“Is my nakedness really that bothersome to all of you,” you grumbled, scooping more yogurt into your mouth.
“Not bothersome,” your mom said as she went to grab another mug for your brother as she could tell he was in need of his own cup of coffee, “Just very shocking to see you in a sports bra considering the most exercise you did in high school was walking to the convenience store for ice creams.”
You absentmindedly grinned at that as you remembered all of your ice cream runs with your brother back in high school. 
It seemed Soobin was doing the same thing as he let out a happy sigh. “Ah, good times.”
You nodded in agreement as he picked up the milk carton and made his way to sit next to you to eat his breakfast.
Beomgyu came over as well and took the other seat next to you. “Did you enjoy your beauty sleep?”
Soobin squinted at the boy around you. “I did, actually. You look like you could’ve used it though–”
Your mother lightly swatted the back of your brother’s head, ignoring his cry as she asked, “Did you want a cup, Beomgyu?”
He eagerly nodded at her. “Thanks, Mrs. Choi, that sounds great!”
Beomgyu smirked at Soobin, while he merely pouted back. “Why are you even here, Beomgyu? It’s too early to deal with the sight of your face.”
Beomgyu snorted. “I literally texted you about it yesterday before the dinner; I took apart appa’s old grill and I’m setting up the new one since all the guys are coming in this weekend. I need your help with the tank and stuff.”
Soobin groaned at the idea of doing manual labor, while you turned to your brother with a confused look and asked, “‘Guys’? Who’s coming in?”
“Some of our friends from school are coming down to visit. Yeonjun and Kai are definitely; not sure about Taehyun though,” Soobin sighed. “They’ll be here all weekend and staying with Beomgyu. But for the first night, we’re barbecuing and having a bonfire.”
You recognized all of the names: you’d actually met Yeonjun in person years ago, Soobin having met him in his first semester at school and became friends through Beomgyu. They brought Yeonjun back home with them since he didn’t have any plans for the holidays, so you got to know him a bit. Then there was Taehyun, who you’d only heard every now and then from random stories. But at last, there was Kai, who had been a common name thrown around by Soobin, claiming he adored the guy and would pick having him as a younger sibling over you any day. 
It honestly surprised you to hear about Taehyun and Kai since it turned out they graduated high school the same year you had. Soobin told you they had met during a party where all three of them hid in a corner and bonded over their friends ditching them for the night. You’d been pretty interested in the lore behind your brother’s friend group when you were eighteen, until you’d heard the reason Soobin was ditched was because Yeonjun had been dragged into a beer pong game where he got smashed, and Beomgyu wanted to hook up with some random girl–who you would rather listen to your brother singing the Attack on Titan theme song for ten hours, than learn about. 
“You should actually come with, Y/n,” Beomgyu piped in, nudging your elbow.
You didn’t turn toward him, instead remaining adamant on facing the other direction toward Soobin as he shook his head.
“Uh, no. Why would I surround my sister with a bunch of men? It’s bad enough you can see her like this,” Soobin wrinkled his nose at you, to which you promptly kicked him in the shin. It didn’t take long for him to kick you back.
“Soob, come on,” Beomgyu scoffed. 
You honestly couldn’t tell whether Beomgyu was more offended over Soobin refusing you going, or the fact that him being around you was such a bad thing. And, the more you thought about it, the more you really didn’t want to know.
“What?” Soobin defended. “Men are disgusting!”
Your mother placed a mug in front of Soobin and Beomgyu respectively, before adding in her two cents, “I don’t know if you remember, Soobin-ah, but your sister isn’t thirteen anymore. She’s twenty-one and perfectly capable of deciding for herself if she would like to have men around her or not.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Choi! Spoken like a true feminist,” said Beomgyu, a wide grin on his face.
“Since when did you get so progressive?” Soobin deadpanned.
“Since when did you refer to Taehyun and Hyuka as ‘men’?”
“Touché, touché.”
Beomgyu said, “Our friends are literally the greenest flags to walk in South Korea, if little Y/n will be safe with anyone, it will be them.”
“That is true,” Soobin pondered, but you rolled your eyes at the both of them deciding on your weekend’s fate for you.
“Exactly! I don’t know why you never let Y/n come with us,” Beomgyu complained.
Soobin scoffed. “Why do you care so much?”
Your ears burned when Beomgyu stayed quiet at that, not really knowing what to say. Instead, you turned back towards your yogurt and took another mouthful. “Whatever, it’s fine. I don’t wanna go, anyway.”
“What? Y/n,” Beomgyu whined, but you just ignored him. Again.
Even if Soobin hadn’t refused, you would’ve had to look for a good excuse to not go for multiple reasons. And Beomgyu was not the biggest this time. You honestly planned to rot for at least a couple of days, after all the traveling yesterday and your run this morning. Truly, you’d only gone for a run because it was routine and basically instinct. But you were still jet lagged, not to mention your social battery had run fairly low after your best friend, Yunjin’s, party yesterday, and then your surprise reunions with Beomgyu. The party had been a little tiring, but it was incredibly lightweight compared to being with your brother’s best friend. To say the brunette boy was exhausting would be an understatement for you.
“Seriously? You don’t want to go,” Soobin asked, eyebrows lifted. “You always used to beg to hang out with us.”
You nodded and gestured to yourself. “I’m tired, oppa. Besides, like eomma said, I’m not thirteen anymore!”
Soobin looked at your attire once again and mocked, “You sure about that?”
You kicked the crap out of his shin under the table as he cackled.
“You’re adopted,” you growled, making Soobin laugh even harder at you. “You’re not funny, and you’re not cute. I hope you trip over the sidewalk and that your favorite anime character dies–oh wait, he already did.”
Soobin’s jaw dropped. “You bitch–”
This time, it was Beomgyu who roared with laughter as you stood up and placed your yogurt bowl in the sink. After putting all of the food away, you went to stand next time your mom and cling onto her.
She shook her head at the both of you as she wrapped her arms around you as well. “I have to say, even though I love the peace and quiet, I did miss hearing the creative insults you two would throw at each other.”
You tried to hide your smile at that, while Soobin continued grumbling into his cereal. Another thing you had missed: your brother. Your age gap wasn’t very wide and the both of you had many things in common growing up. Though you’d always been close, the both of you had grown a lot closer while in high school. No one had known you better than he had, and the same vice versa, besides maybe Beomgyu. It had honestly broken his heart when you decided to study abroad and leave for four years, but the two of you stayed in contact with random facetimes and his many visits. You would say you stayed in better contact with him than you had anyone else.
“I know you missed your sister too, Soobin,” your mom cooed, causing your brother’s nose to twitch.
He gave a big sigh, “Whatever. Come, don’t come–your choice whether you want to or not.”
Your eyes widened a bit at the yield. Despite all those embarrassing years of begging to hang out with him and his friends, Soobin was adamant on the both of you not mixing friend groups. You knew all of his friends in high school since you passed each other in the halls everyday, but Soobin remained stubborn that you couldn’t join his friends when they went out. It always confused you since his friends were a bunch of angels, but your mom said Soobin was just too protective when it came to you. This never made sense to you, but your parents would always take his side on it. To see your mom voice her opinion against his and your brother finally giving in was a bit of a shock. Maybe you weren’t the only one who had changed a little over the past four years.
“Come on, Y/n, it’ll be fun,” tried Beomgyu.
He turned in his seat to face you and your mom, giving you those famous puppy eyes you’ve recently started to really dislike.
You turned your head away stubbornly, but your mom wasn’t quite done either.
“You should go, bean,” she said, petting the top of your head. “It’ll be like ‘healing your inner child’, or something.”
Your eyebrows raised as you faced your mother. “Who taught you that phrase?”
“Yunjin-ah. I called to congratulate her on graduating the other week,” she supplied, making you roll your eyes at the mention of your childhood best friend.
Of course she did, you mentally laughed.
“Look, I understand you’re tired, but it’s only Tuesday! The boys don’t come in until this weekend, you have plenty of time to rest,” she continued.
It honestly surprised you how much your mom was pushing you. She typically didn’t push you to do much of anything besides clean up. To see her have an actual opinion on it and pursue it against you made you think for a second.
“What, is IU supposed to be there, or something?”
“Huh?” your mom asked, thoroughly confused.
“I mean, there’s gotta be another reason as to why you want me to go so bad.”
Your mom laughed before pinching your ear lovingly, making you squirm away from her. “Sorry I want you to have fun while you’re at home!”
Shrugging your shoulders, you relented. “Fine, because you guys are so desperate–”
Beomgyu cheered as he suddenly stood up from his seat. He clutched the mug your mom gave him in one hand before using the other to give her a one-armed hug and kissed her on the cheek. Your mother laughed as he sang, “Mrs. Choi, I owe you the world!”
Soobin rolled his eyes so harshly it made you stifle a laugh.
“Stop rizzing up my mother, you loser,” he groaned, before getting up to put his bowl and breakfast away. “Let’s just go finish this stupid grill before I ghost you and leave you to build it yourself.”
Beomgyu’s mood didn’t deflate at your brother’s negativity and instead picked up the other mug as well, to bring with them. “Thanks for the coffee, Mrs. Choi! I’ll make sure to bring it back later!”
“Oppa can bring it back,” you reasoned.
“That’s what I just said,” Beomgyu said, a bit of mischief in his tone.
You deadpanned him, but his grin didn’t shift.
“See you later, little Y/n.” And the bastard sauntered away, carrying both mugs for him and your brother who looked like he was going to need it more than anything to get through the rest of the morning.
“Is it too late to back out?” you asked your mom, the fake smile on your face contradicting your serious tone.
Your mother hummed as she studied the view from the window on the side of your house that showed Beomgyu and Soobin on his front lawn, before moving back towards you.
“I have to say, that is probably the happiest I’ve seen him since you left,” she said softly, making the fake smile melt off of your face. “You don’t actually have to go; like I said, you’re old enough to make your own choices. But I think it’d be really good for you to. And if not for you, at least it would be for him.”
You knew your confusion was evident on your face by the knowing smile that crept onto hers.
“Just give it a shot, bean. Besides, I think you’ll really like Soobin’s friends. They’re the sweetest boys you could ever meet.”
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–> next <–
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stellamancer · 9 months
OOO I wanna play for the fandom ask game!!
N, I, K, U ☺���🥰💕💌
N - Name 3 things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom or fandom of choice.
Slow burn long fic. And when I say long fic i mean more than 50k. I kind of feel like I might have to be the change I want to see in the world but man... People who write long fic like really long fic are truly admirable. I mean, if I scour ao3 I think I'll probably find some... that also requires scouring ao3.
I'm actually not sure what else? I think I'm pretty satisfied otherwise LMAO. Fanmerch maybe... But then again, maybe that's a good thing for my wallet. I buy a lot of official merch anyway.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so which and why?
Lin asked me the other day when I mentioned it, but in a sense I kind of got away from Mystic Messenger in part thanks to tumblr. To repeat my previous answer then, I felt pretty discouraged when I got rejected from zines and I thought I was at least a fairly decent writer. I didn't say it then, but in some ways I kind of felt like an outsider? Truthfully, at the time I mostly wrote and never really read and I think my hermit status then contributed to that.
I also don't like Stranger Things and have it filtered. After seeing 5000 of the same gif of that one guy's face. I'd had enough LMAO. I recently filtered something else but I shan't say. >_>;
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Katsuki Bakugou. I was distraught when it seemed like Hori was gonna kill him off because like... To bring that character so far just to kill him? Terrible absolutely terrible. (On the other side of that to also basically immediately resuscitate him? What was the point of killing him right there in the first place?) There have been recent manga developments that have caused me to feel the same way so I haven't actually read the manga since then OOPS.
U - Three favorite characters from three favorite fandoms and why.
I'm assuming this means one each, right?
Drakenier series - YorHa No. 9 Type S (9S)
Nines is really precious. Really sweet. How energetic he is! Enthusiastic he is! He's a good foil to 2B who is so stoic. I can't talk about him too much without getting into spoiler territory and someone who follows me is playing so I don't want to do that, but what I will say is 9S is a little unwell and I like that.
IDOLiSH7 - Nikaido Yamato
It's his glasses. I like a man in glasses okay!! Okay, so like Yamato is the type who would tease me and I'm a freak because I'm into that!! It's so funny because I'm a Yamato oshi, but like I think that objectively Mitsuki and Gaku and Ryuu are better men LMAO. More worthy of fawning over, but I still like Yamato because of that mean streak. Okay, next.
Jujutsu Kaisen - Satoru Gojo
There has never been a character that I've known was going to fuck me over the way I knew Gojo was going to get me. I've said this before, but it was a very conscious choice to not get into JJK for as long as I did because I knew. And even if he was the worst character ever I'd find some reason to like him. Actually you know what? Why is he even on this list? I hate him. He's so hard to write because it feels like there's too many things going on in his head and it's all layered and it feels like he's the master of being two things at the same goddamn time. Concerned but amused? Cool but a pathetic loser? I hate him so goddamn much.
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