#cause no way will i be able to remember everyone
satorusugurugurl · 6 hours
Perfect prey was just *chef's kiss*
Was thinking... what if the plan backfired? Like maybe Suguru's curses attracted another curse they weren't expecting and now their darling is in serious danger! Maybe a little bit injured
They feel awful of course, because they put their darling in harm's way! So they manipulate her again, but with a more gentle approach. "Oh sweetheart this was so dangerous... we were So worried... we can't let you do this alone again, our heart wouldn't be able to take it" and then they make it up to her by fucking her until she passes out
Perfect Prey (Part Two)
Characters: Yadere!Geto Suguru, Yadere!Gojo Satoru,AFAB!Reader
Warnings: yandere!Geto/Gojo, manipulation, dub! con read is unaware that the boys are manipulating her! (consent is vital for me!!) double penetration, smut, mentions of wounds, cursing, baby trapping, pregnancy talk, breeding
Word Count: 3,464
A/N: Ah! thank you Nonnie! This was different. I felt really dirty writing them so conniving wanting to baby trap the reader. Well I hope you enjoy!!
Part One
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Anxiety and dread sat in the pit of your stomach like a metal ball as the phone rang. Satoru and Suguru were going to be pissed that you took on this mission, but they would have to get over it. You tried to decline when Yaga told you you were being sent to Sendai to deal with a grade-two curse. After your first and last solo mission went haywire, you never took missions without a partner, whether it was Satoru or Suguru.
But you couldn't just stand by the second he told you a child was missing the same area. You had to go on this mission alone while your boyfriends were in Kyoto for a meeting. The child was at risk, so you idly couldn’t stand by and do nothing. They could be upset if they wanted, but this was the right thing to do.
“Hey sweetheart, everything okay?” Satoru asked as you treaded over a bridge leading to an abandoned school in Sendai.
“Promise you won’t be mad.”
Pure and absolute silence rings out, making you swallow hard. “What do you mean? Don’t get mad?” You heard Geto ask what happened in the background. “Sugurh is here too. Tell us what happened,” you grumble, stepping over a fallen log, not looking forward to this conversation.
“Yaga sent me on a mission.”
“Princess, do you remember what happened last time?” Suguru made a tsking sound, speaking down to you as if you were a child who had done something wrong.
“I know, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. But everyone else was on their own mission or out of town.”
“You still could’ve declined.” The cold chill in Gojo’s voice makes you shiver.
“I couldn't.”
“Yes, you could have.”
“No, Toru, I couldn't!” you snapped, stopping your pace to glare at the ground. “There’s a missing child in the area. It might be at the school building, or the curse could have them.” Both of your partners stay silent, and neither say a word. “I can’t sit back when a child is in danger.” Since they voiced no other sounds of protest, you side and relief. “I’ll be home as soon as I can. I’ll be taking the bullet train home since I’m in Sendai. I love you both.”
The line disconnected, causing Satoru to groan as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. “I swear I’m going to off the higher-ups one of these days.” Subaru, who was glaring out the window of the train back to Tokyo. “You're not opposed to the idea.” The dark-haired man glanced back at his blindfolded best friend.
“Sorry, Satoru, I was just thinking about how much our princess cares about children.”
“Yeah? She loves her students—and cares about the well-being of them.”
“I believe that is something we can use to our advantage.”
Satoru’s curiosity was peaked, and it caused the mischievous grin to deepen his dimple. “Oh, please do elaborate, Suguru.” With his friend's approval, Suguru shut his eyes and smiled.
“What if we gave her a child of her own to take care of? Money is not a problem with your wealth, and neither is mine. If we had a child with her, she could stay home, caring for them while we take on all the missions.”
“Are you suggesting that we baby-trap our perfect girl?”
“Precisely.” Geto shrugged the shoulder, dark strands of hair moving as he shifted in his seat. “If that’s something she wants, we will not force her to do anything she does not want.”
“But with a little persuasion and many videos, she’ll beg for one.”
The strongest sorcerer of the modern age grins before Suguru glances down at his watch. “But before everything is all sunshine and rainbows, our princess must learn another lesson.”
The two of them found themselves in Sendai ten minutes later, thanks to Gojo's teleportation. They stood in the woods as Suguru’s curses searched the area for the missing child you had been so concerned about finding. After combing through every inch and making a quick call to the police station, they confirmed that the boy had been seen earlier that day and was safe and sound at home with his family. Meaning they could use full force like they had done with you before.
Using Suguru's curses at full force to remind you of how much you needed them. As you ran through the second story of the abandoned school building, Geto’s curses swarmed in search of you, and they found you fast. You had to run up the stairs to the third floor when a swarm of fly-like curses slammed into you. Falling onto your back, you shielded your face with your hands, blocking their attacks.
Rage bloomed in the pit of your stomach as you snarled. Flipping over, you flung two talisman papers at the buzzing curses. Upon impact, the paper burned with your cursed energy before the creatures exploded into blue flames. There was a fire raging deep inside of you, one that was going to help you in finding the missing child, and you would be damned if you let a shitty curse your way. Pushing yourself up and off the ground, you bolted up the stairs to continue your frantic search.
Every one of the curses you came across, you exorcised with your papers. Each time that happened, Suguru stiffened, his eyes widening as Satoru dropped his arm over his best friend's shoulder. You had stopped to call either of them because you were handling this perfectly alone. That was both troubling and satisfying.
They knew you were strong. There was no doubt in their minds about that, but now, months after the initial incident they caused, you were even stronger. If you succeeded in dealing with these curses, you might begin to rebel against them, insisting that you could handle yourself, which left both men at a crossroads. They could keep throwing weak grade three and four curses in your way or step it up with a grade two or one.
Amid their conundrum, you kept moving, taking out every curse. Your thoughts revolved around finding the missing child and saving them. You didn't know the child was already at home safe and sound, meaning you were running through a building for nothing.
“Our darling girl is handling herself quite well.”
“She is one of the strongest,” Gojo added head, focused on the school.
Suguru was a second away from agreeing with him when he went silent; seven of his curses were exorcised once—none by you or a different sorcerer. No, the presence that took out those curses was dark and malicious. Suguru knew that Satoru sensed it, too, from the way his body straightened before he yanked his blindfold down, pooling it around his neck.
“I know I felt it.”
“A special grade curse.” You grit it out from the third-floor hallway, standing before the curse devouring one of the lower-grade ones chasing you. The six-legged creature towered over you, standing around 7 feet tall. Eight eyes darted with every move you made, following as you reached into your jacket pocket, pulling out a talisman paper as you prepared for the fight of your life.
Geto and Gojo were running through the woods, watching as flashes of blue cursed energy glowed from the broken windows on the third floor. As they approached the building, the north wall crumbled as you battled with the special grade curse. The bastard was throwing you against walls, knocking the wind out of your chest before crawling up onto the ceiling like some humanoid spider.
You shake, pushing yourself up as the curse skittered towards you; just below, Gojo teleported with Geto bolted up the stairs. The special grade curse was just about to bite your head off, but before it had a chance to chomp down, a blue ball of cursed energy slammed through the wall, knocking both you and the curse over the ledge of the north side of the building
“Fuck!” Gojo yelled as you and the curse fell into an abandoned school pool's dirty, mucky water. The water's foul smell soured your stomach as you tried to wiggle yourself from the curse of grasp, only to have it pull you under the black water. Its legs into your sides, pulling you further under the water, dragging you to the bottom of the bottomless pool.
Your paper was useless in a situation like this, but you didn’t need your paper. Not when you had been training so hard, focusing all your energy on your combat skills. Pulling your fist back, you focus hard, concentrating your cursed energy into your fist before slamming it down on the curse's head. Flashes of red and black cursed energy split the water around you, and the curse released you. The black flash hit it head-on. You would need to thank Nanami later for teaching you how to do it.
That was if you made it out of the slimy pool alive.
You couldn’t see everything; it was a blurry black mass until a hand breached under the water, grabbing your jacket and pulling you to the surface. The instant head breached the water, Suguru pulled out, helping you towards the edge. The instant you were on dry land, you sat on your hands and knees as you coughed up the foul-smelling water that had invaded your mouth and nose while Geto rubbed your back soothingly, gently patting it until you were sure your lungs were clear.
“S-Suguru—” you gasp, resting your head on his lap, “W-What are you doing here?” His hand gently stroked your wet hair back
“Yaga called us and told us the child was found. We decided to assist you and let you know the good news. Thank god we got here when we did.”
Another body crutches down next to you; a soft hand gently caresses your cheek. “Yeah, no kidding. Are you okay? You aren’t too injured, are you?”
Shifting slightly, you winced at the scratches and sore spots that would soon become bruises. Despite the minor sting, nothing seemed to be broken. That meant your partners wouldn’t have much to complain about. Pushing yourself up and off of Suguru, you gave your boyfriends a gentle smile and a thumbs up.
“I’ll live.”
Of course, you’d live; you were strong, and the injured were mediocre. Even though you were okay, Satoru and Suguru felt some guilt when you
All got he as they watched you walk into the bathroom for a long shower when you got home. The scratches on your side were bleeding, and the gash on your forehead was starting to swell into a scar with bruises as you shut the door behind you.
Both men exchanged glances with each other the second you came back into the bedroom, carefully crawling into bed between them. They were so lucky that you were strong enough to handle yourself. If it were anyone else, they might not have been as fortunate as you were. Even if they hadn’t interfered with your mission, you could’ve easily faced that special grade and wouldn’t have been off as well as you were. They needed to tell you how much you meant to them and how they were.
That way, you never tried to do a stunt like this again.
Suguru was the first to shift his arm, wrapping around you and holding you gently against him as Satoru leaned into your neck, gently peppering it with kisses. You melted into their gentle caresses, listening to their beating hearts. This was precisely what you needed after a long mission.
“Princess, this was a close call.” Suguru began gently squeezing you. “That was such a dangerous mission you were sent on.”
“Mhm, we were so worried about you, so scared that you would get hurt.” Satoru trailed his lips along your exposed collarbone. “And look,” emotion, his head towards the scratches on your side and the bruise forming on your head. “You did end up getting hurt. That’s something neither of us ever wants to happen.”
Concern was thick in their voices, and you couldn’t help but fill your stomach with guilt. They had warned you that something like this might eventually happen, and they were right. It did happen. You had gotten hurt despite handling yourself as long as you did. You had been training hard to keep up with your partners, and tonight, you thought you could handle this alone. Maybe you could save that child's life without the assistance of your boyfriends. But that special grade made you realize how weaker you were compared to Satoru and Suguru.
“I know.” You whispered, voice breaking as Satoru continued his exploration of your body with his lips. His hands gently grabbed your hips as Suguru slowly lifted your shirt for his best friend. “I-I know if—ah—if it wasn’t for—nngh.” Your mind went blank as Satoru trailed his tongue over your skin. Planting open-mouthed kisses and little nips over your stomach. “I—fuck I don’t know what would have happened.”
Satoru hummed, pulling down the sweats you had on. “We can’t let you do that again; it was too dangerous.” Suguru hummed, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
“Satoru is right; you got hurt. We hate seeing you hurt.”
“But you did so good, doing your absolute best to save a child in need.” Satoru moaned out in between kisses against your skin. “You’d be such a good mommy. You take such good care of our children.”
“You would be.” Warm hands up to your breast, squeezing them softly. “I think that’s what you were meant to do in this world: be the most amazing mother.” You moan, arching your back as Satoru laps at your cunt, his tongue swirling around clit, causing you to jolt back. “Isn’t that something you’ve always wanted since we got together? To have our children and be a stay-at-home mother?”
“I-I—haaaah—yes, I want that.”
Bingo, both men smirk as you shut your eyes tight, losing yourself in the pleasure. This was perfect. If they knocked you up, you’d have no choice but to decline missions. They wouldn’t have to worry about you being in danger. It was a win-win scenario for all of you. You won’t be in danger and have something you always wanted.
“Then let us breed you.” Satoru breathed out against your cunt. “Let us knock you up.”
Suguru’s fingers pinched and pulled at your nipples, tugging them before releasing them. “Please, princess, please, you know we’ll take good care of you. We always do.” There was something utterly manipulative and demented with the way they begged you to be the mother of their children; however, you were blind to the malicious intent behind their words. You knew your partners just wanted to take it to the next level.
That nativity was the sole reason you answered the way you did.
“Okay.” If you had known the truth that they were trying to baby-trap you, things wouldn’t have been so simple.
With your consent, both men were removed, and cock were pulled out. Both heads of their dicks at your entrance at the same time, itching to get inside of you. Shafts rub against each other as they begin pushing inside of you thick; their cock stretches you like you had never been stretched before. You gripped onto Satoru’s shoulders, wincing as both men pushed past your tight ring of muscles, sinking into your wet walls.
Your boyfriends grunted and groaned, forcing themselves deeper inside you until they were buried balls deep. You shivered and shook, crying at how full you were, stuffed with both men’s cocks. Seeing your tears and hearing your soft cries had Suguru pressing kisses down the nape of your neck while Satoru began thrusting in and out of you at a gentle pace.
“Look at you, taking both cocks so well.”
“Yeah, such a good girl for us~ going to be. Much a good mommy,”
“Yes, you will be.” Suguru moaned in agreement as he began bucking up into you in time with Satoru’s thrusts. “The perfect mommy~”
Satoru groaned, slamming his lips against yours, kissing you eagerly as you relaxed around them, making it easier for him to fuck into you. “God, I can’t wait to fill you up with my cum~ to watch your stomach swell with one of our kids.” Suguru’s hands squeezed your breasts as he slid his tongue up your neck.
“Yes, you’re beautiful, but I can only imagine how much you will glow when carrying our child. How your breasts will swell.”
“O-Oooh fuck~”
“Nngh fuck, that sweet cunt just twitched; you love this, don’t you~? Being bred by both of us. Imagining being so full of our cum that you’ll be pregnant by the end of the night?”
“Yes! Yes, I want that so bad!”
“Then be a good girl and take all we have to offer,” Satoru growled in your ear, slamming his hips into you, causing both you and Suguru to gasp. The dark-haired man was quick to recover, his hips meeting Satoru’s pace, bucking madly up into you with moans against your shoulder as Satoru grabbed the headboard. “That's right~ our perfect fucking girl is going to take all our cum. We're going to fill you up so good~ so fuckin’ good.”
“Nnngh~ yes,” Suguru whispered into your ear. “I want you to be ours in every way a person can be, Princess.”
Both their cocks inside of you felt so good; you were drooling over the way they slammed into you in sync, how they told you such dirty things. They desperately wanted to breed you, to make you the mother of their children. God, they made you so wet and horny; you tried to do that for them, wanted to take their cum, to be their partner, to be re e their children.
“Oooh fuck me~!” you begged, causing both men to grunt and groan as they slammed into you harder, trying to get deeper inside of you, to fill you full of their cum. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Faster! Faster fuck!”
“Nngh fuck~ fuck yes baby I'm going to cum~ take all of it~ yeah~ take every last fucking drop of our cum!” Satoru growled against your lips, your short breaths mingling with each other as the bed creaked and groaned under both means of frantic thrusts.
“Yea~ I want to be sure you're so full~ I have no intention of leaving this bed until you're bred properly.” a rough growl heated your skin as Suguru reached around, rubbing at your clit. “Now be a good girl and milk our cocks~ allow us to fill you~.”
You came squirming and shaking against Suguru, screaming against Satoru’s lips as he continued fucking into you, as chaste kisses were pressed into your mouth. Your tightening walls, the feeling of each other's cocks throbbing was enough to have your boyfriends stiffening before slamming deep inside the heads of their cocks, twitching as cum filled your womb, which left you gasping, nails digging into Satoru’s shoulder, leaving red crescent moon shapes in your wake as you shivered.
Both men were panting heavily, kissing you gently as they continued rocking into you. Filling you with more of their cum, only stopping when you made the slight sound of discomfort. “Y-You got me.” You whispered as Satoru pulled out first.
“Huh?” a white brow twitched up as Suguru gently helped lay you onto your side as he slowly fucked into you pushing their cum deeper inside.
“What do you mean, Princess?”
“Y-You haaah nnngh~!” you gripped the sheets as Sugurh grabbed your hips fucking you tenderly. “I-I know you got me p-pregnant.”
Satoru grinned, kissing you softly as Sugurh continued thrusting into you from behind. “Oh, sweetheart~ even if we didn't do that first round, you will be by the night's end.”
Each took two more turns making sweet, tender love to you. Filling you with their cum. You were so happy, drooling as they fucked you stupidly, until your eyes rolled back, and you passed out from the exhaustion and pleasure. The night had started sour but turned into something so romantic and loving. While you were blissful, your partners smirked, watching their cum leaking out of your cunt. Sure, they were excited to start a family with you. But they were more excited that now, you would be theirs and theirs alone.
No matter who the father was of the first child, the other wouldn't stop until you were full of the second. They fully intended to make sure you'd never leave their sight. For you belonged to them and then alone.
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Requested by: @elysiumrealms
Sure! I did think some fleshing out on how the rest of the family acts around them would be cool to write. Sorry this took so long btw, my inbox gets stuffed pretty quickly and it was finals week. Anyway thanks for the ask!
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Malleus
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For you, the time before your punishment was nothing but a blurry mess.
Genuinely you don't remember all your horrible habits and manipulative tactics, you just remember acting on your insticts and not really thinking before you acted.
The few things you do remember is the interactions you had with your other family members.
The most memorable were the ones with Grandpa Lilia, when you were younger he loved cuddling you upside-down. Even if his grip was iron-strong it still felt so warm that you didn't want to leave.
When you got older he would allow you to play with some of his video games, he was always so sweet and helpful. Making sure you never got too frustrated at one certain part before taking the controller from you and completing whatever challenge had you stumped.
Lilia just loves babying you in a way he never got to with either of his original children.
He never failed to make you feel like the spoiled little brat you were.
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"Ooh! Don't cry Darling, there's no need for that. Here, do you need Grandpa to help you? Okay sweet-pea. Don't worry, grandpa's here for you"
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Then there's uncle Silver, who whose probably the most boring person to hang out with out of everyone in the family.
Don't get me wrong, you enjoyed his company but nothing even vaguely interesting happened whenever you hung around him.
He always really apologetic about it though, even going as far to bring you a little toy everytime he was allowed alone time with you. Typically is just a teddy bear, so that at night when you fell asleep you would think of your uncle Silver.
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"Sorry we weren't able to play today. Here, have this. It's so when you fall asleep at night, you'll always remember your uncle Silver."
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Your uncle sebek on other hand, he was hard to forget.
He was always loud, his voice commanded battalions after all. So a voice like his would definitely need for job like that.
Or whatever that was supposed to mean. You never really understood his way of thinking. While he was screaming his head off about not being good enough for you, you had sit and listen to him whilst daydreaming of all the video games Grandpa Lilia would play with you later.
It was boring, and eventually as you grew older you learned to tune him out.
Though I guess that wasn't the greatest idea, because within a week of learning how tune out his voice he came to you sobbing on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness.
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But I guess that all leads you to where you are now. Stuck in a boring old rickety tower. Stuck studying and doing chores all day. At least Father allowed for your family to visit from time to time.
Their faces and voices make the endless cycle you've been going through day-to-day slightly more bareable. But to be perfectly honest, with every passing moment that you're stuck here; in this damned tower made to be your prison, you lose a small peice of your sanity.
A peice of your mind that can never be returned to it's owner.
Trully a cruel thing to do, especially to your own child. Isolating them from everyone and everything they've ever known to prove a point, when it wasn't even truly their own faults that caused such a mess? Foolish, and downright cruel if anyone asked you.
Ah, but what can you do?
You did do this to yourself after all, might as well own up to your mistakes and pay the price.
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protect-namine · 2 days
I should archive my own lore notes as well, since I have the power of tumblr's tag system at my fingertips (makes posts easier to find and archive).
important world building concepts to understand wuthering waves lore:
frequencies: everything in wuwa is made of sound waves, and all world building stems from this concept. weapons are sound waves, people are sound waves, even concepts like fear and war are convertible to sound waves. everything is sound waves, also called frequencies. all frequencies can be transformed or distorted. frequencies also decay over time (ending in silence) and are usually not stable for long. this is why waveplates deplete over time, and why we use crystal solvents to stabilize.
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resonators: some humans can directly manipulate vibrating frequencies (create "reverberations"), which gives them special powers that alter reality. for example: havoc rover can transform literal sound into feather blades, or gather them into an attack.
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the lament: there is an ongoing calamity known as "the lament" (literally: music about grief) which causes destructive reverberations and other phenomena. the lament is what changed solaris-3 and reduced everything to sound-based physics, as well as brought waveworn phenomena like the etheric sea and tacet discord outbreaks.
remnant energy: holds "memories" but it's probably more likely that they are "stable" frequencies that haven't decayed or lost information or been distorted. aalto in act v: "various events across space and time from every dimension are recorded in the form of remnant energy." retroact rain is condensed remnant energy from the etheric sea. with these in mind, we can now think of reverberations as frequencies that have started the process of decaying, or frequencies that are no longer stable.
frequencies are data: frequencies can linger and be stored or act as data. frequencies are information. when tacet discords are defeated, their lingering frequencies create "echoes" of themselves. everyone except rover will store this as data in the gourd, and are able to use echoes in battle by simulating that data. this concept also allows us to simulate environments and events from memories. interaction with retroact rain and sonoro spheres can simulate the past because they contain the data and we "resonate" with them. when retroact rain happens over a large area, illusions pulled from the memories of multiple people can manifest at once. aalto explains that this is similar to how resonators "resonate" with the world as well. another example is the tower of adversity, which is a man-made sonoro sphere meant for simulating battles for the purposes of training.
frequencies can combine/converge: for example, rover can absorb echoes (others just store them in the gourd). tacet discords feed on other frequencies to keep themselves stable — hence why they attack us or even each other. they can also learn to mimic the frequencies they absorb often. ovathrax absorbs weapon frequencies from the norfall barren. from here, we can see why threnodians are more powerful than normal tacet discords. "if civilizations represent mankind's collective will, the threnodians embody our fears and struggles." threnodians can feed on the collapsed will of humanity (remember, everything is made of frequencies, and I really mean everything), and crownless and dreamless (ovathrax) fed on frequencies of "war" which is always abundant especially since the lament started
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tacet fields: where tacet discords originate. longer dormant periods mean that the tacet discords are weaker. tacet fields connect to an "unknown space" through a white resonance cord, and feature a tacet mark and the etheric sea. now, who else do we know came from an unknown space with a tacet mark and "fell" (was pushed by a goddess) from the etheric sea?
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convenes: I also think it's interesting that the way convenes works is that we created a white resonance cord and pull someone from the etheric sea. if you fight the crownless, you have interact with the resonance cord as well. really makes you wonder if threnodians and tacet discords are really any different from resonators. they both resonate with other frequencies. but what makes a resonator's own frequency more stable than a tacet discord, who has to keep feeding on others to be stable?
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camscendants · 3 months
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That was an eventful two days
#I had a better time at the Waterparks concert#Noah was great#buuuut#I was on the barricade#I had my cousin hold onto my spot while I grabbed some merch and he didn’t hold onto the barricade so when I got back there were like three#rows of people in front of me#tall people too#and I got a ticket for my friend who wound not being able to go#and my brother who took us didn’t wanna go so I completely wasted $25 on a ticket#and it just Sucks that I spent so much money on ticket and got there super early just to be shoved way back when I LITERALLY had the front#there was this rude entitled lady who made everyone move for her son#he only knew tx2 but stayed up front the whole time#(she also took a spot right on the barricade too)#I was just really upset about how it didn’t go according to my plan and I kind of had a panic attack. like. a really fucking long one#and I had my vip bag + merch with me and everyone was stepping on it (no one was even playing?) and they fucked up my poster#but yeah I pretty much had a 2 hour long panic attack my ribs hurt now from hyperventilating (leaving the pit wouldn’t have helped)#the vip part was still good#I met Noah again he remembered me he did great it was just the people around me#oh I also like fucked up my knee#but that’s cause two concerts in a row hurt I think someone kinda accidentally kicked in a mosh pit and the first venue the ground had a#slight tilt to it. so it was kinda uncomfortable after a few hours#Waterparks#noahfinnce#concert#tx2#music
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girlscience · 5 months
speaking of being slow. i wish i was a faster writer. i can write and i can write well, but it takes me significantly longer than nearly everyone i know. i just cannot get words out as easily as other people seem to and it is so frustrating all the time. i am working on editing my resume right now for applications. this is the third day i have worked on it. all i have needed to do this entire time is change the format to fit grad school rather than a job and add my recent work history. this isn't even two pages long. i have been working on it for 3 and 1/2 hours tonight and it's still not done. ITS NOT EVEN 500 WORDS APPARENTLY. i want to cry
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autumnhobbit · 1 year
my parents house genuinely just makes me so sad
#and frustrates the crap out of me lol#my mom hates throwing away paper towels so if they’re ‘lightly used’ she just#leaves them crumpled on every surface for ‘later use’#every single empty container is kept even though they’re never used and there’s no room for them#the cups haven’t been replaced since at least 2016 cause I was here the last time they were#they’re all scuzzy and sticky like plastic is when it’s been washed too much#rotting fruits and veggies litter the counters#honestly I wish I could get them to decluttering but both my parents have that deep-seated Great Depression#leftover guilt about throwing anything away or not keeping anything#even if you don’t need it even if you don’t want it even if it would better suit someone else#even if it’s taking up all this room and you never actually use it for whatever you’re ‘saving it for’#mom fussed about clothes and shoes and books#but the siblings bedrooms are both clean and organized#and the rest of the house is a wreck#they need to take a stand on papers and garbage and unnecessary items#but they won’t and so the cycle will repeat#in a lot of ways my mom has gotten better but it still just makes me sad that they’re both this old and still can’t keep house#without it being agony for both or either of them#because dad remembers everything he’s ever owned and constantly demands them when he hasn’t known where they were since 1996#and blames everyone else for not being able to find His Thing#and how we /always/ take his stuff and he spent his whole life providing for us worthless people and we pay him back#by taking all his shit i guess#just cause we all love getting yelled at.#sigh.
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coreius · 10 months
Tag drop 1.
#[ ooc. ] you can call me anytime. i'll put you on hold. i like to watch the line blink.#[ ic. ] you experience things. then they're over and you still can't explain 'em? gods. aliens. dimensions. i'm just a man in a can.#[ answered: ooc. ] you have reached the life model decoy of tony stark. leave a message. / it's urgent. / so leave it urgently.#[ answered: ic. ] sir. agent coulson of s.h.i.e.l.d. is on the line. / i'm not in. i'm actually out.#[ psa. ] obviously you can quote me on that. 'cause i just said it.#[ saved. ] what am i even tripping for? everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. i love you 3000.#[ memes / prompts. ] if there's one thing I've proven it's that you can count on me to pleasure myself.#[ crack. ] i don't want to harp on this but did you like the custom rabbit? / ... did i like it? / nailed it. right?#[ et cetera. ] actually he's the boss. i just pay for everything and design everything. and make everyone look cooler.#[ self promotion. ] you know; it's moments like these when i realize what a superhero i am.#[ other promotions. ] i told you: i don’t want to join your super-secret boy band.#[ visage. ] 'mr. stark displays compulsive behavior.' in my defense. that was last week.#[ robert downey jr. ] i take some pride in representing myself exactly how i would like to have my son remember me to his kids.#[ meta. ] i should put it in a lockbox and drop it to the bottom of the lake and go to bed. / but would you be able to rest?#[ mini study. ] you start with something pure. exciting. then come the mistakes. the compromises. we create our own demons.#[ essence. ] it's not about me. it's not about you either. it's about legacy. the legacy left behind for future generations.
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mystifiedmess · 2 years
Prongsfoot week #day3
(organised by @jmagnabo92, that I'm just completely revelling in)
•Favorite Canon/Potentially Canon moment
also as I'm editing this in the end I realise i understood this completely wrongly– and used this as fav dialogue about the duo so sorry!
so, so so many (from the five pages that we have)
1) i had to do this as the first one okay, this sentence lives in my head RENT FREE i had to
"It's been 14 years, and still not a day goes by that I don't miss your dad." – Sirius Black
like can we scream about itttt it's been 14 years 14 freaking years and yes, granted sirus didn't get a chance to cope or do anything
but even the the amount of frankly devotion (@padfootastic used that word once and i have to yet shut up about it it's the most perfect word for them) is mesmerizing.
2) You say you remember him at Hogwarts, Rosmerta,’ murmured Professor McGonagall. ‘Do you remember who his best friend was?’
‘Naturally,’ said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. ‘Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here – ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!’
rosmerta you have my heart for saying these words, the world may consider you a throwaway side character, but not to me– you, along with prof. flitwick spoke the golden words about the friendship between james and sirius. first time reading it inwas like oh shit that's bad to be betrayed like that but on subsequent rereads you're like– oh, oh shit that's bad how did they even think Sirius could something like that to james
3) the 800 word story. it's such a unique perspective on these two messers from canon perspective cause we don't really see them interact (untainted by anything else, ever) because the story fucking starts with james dying they are shown in a very angst heavy scene throughout. and we don't really have anyone to show all the lovely beautiful boyish young parts of them.
and this story was wonderful in showing that– them racing the bike, elevendork , the bantering and also the the sudden ease with which they transform from two 19 year olds to war soliders and also the ease with which they took them down i have no doubt that this James Potter thrice defied voldemort
4) this is a mix of every little and not so little moment from canon that just manages to ruin me with 100 paper thin cuts and I'm not even mad at it– the mirrors for detention, Godfather, best man, running away to james, becoming animagi for remus (somehow i really don't think peter thought of doing this), "probably slytherin" and "i thought you seemed alright" maybe I'll break the tradition (aw kid, you're definitely gonna shake things up dw) also young sirus black in chapter one when re-read ing it hurts so much. just the myriad of pain and love that they are.
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erraticroses · 1 year
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boomerang109 · 2 years
i think the main thing id tell my child self is that most things that feel forever are not, that it really is going to be okay. and my baby blanket? that is forever. i brought blankie to college and now i know it brings me so much joy and relief because im doing something called stimming and being an “adult” or having roommates doesn’t have to take that away
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Loved the essay, and it had a lot of thought provoking truths. Mine was an amazing character and I miss him dearly everyday 🥺 I still need to check out the story with Hamazaki and him.
But geez, Hamazaki was suspiciously fixated on Majima's relationship with Kiryu and the "Heeeeey what if Kiryu-san became the new chairman, Mine? Would that be fucked up or what 😳" just leaves me feeling ???? Like, what did he know, why them specifically, h u h.
mine IS such an amazing character, if not at least an incredibly interesting one to examine and think about. i love him dearly and while i miss him everyday, i can’t even imagine what the yakuza series would look like if he did survive Y3 and became a reoccurring cast member...
as for hamazaki’s fixation on kiryu, while i know the rggo stories were written after the mainline games, after reading the one i linked beforehand hamazaki at least has a personal reason to target kiryu so much and try to goad others into pouncing on him. but removing rggo’s existence, the most i can wager is that it’s nothing particularly personal, it’s just that hamazaki’s aware of kiryu’s popularity and strength and wants to try to turn people against him so hamazaki has a better shot at becoming chairman
#snap chats#hamazaki saying as much to mine especially tells us he wants kiryu out of the picture#i cant remember when the rggo story takes place but either way im willing to bet eveyrone's aware of mine's devotion to daigo#so by hamazaki reminding mine that daigo's position could be threatened by the likes of kiryu#it's more likely than not that mine would do what he could against kiryu to preserve daigo's status#of course at this point during that flashback daigo's status isn't exactly perfect but it's not totally fatal#so on hamazaki's end it was a bit of a gamble: get kiryu out of the picture and hopefully daigo would follow suit and not recover#of course things dont exactly turn out well for hamazaki either huh#it is a wonder why hamazaki tries to have majima go against kiryu though#i feel like just as everyone's aware of mine's devotion to daigo everyone should be aware of majima's faithfulness to kiryu#a weird move to be sure BUT oh well#ngl i really liked hamazaki- if not cause Y4 somehow made me like him lmao#i guess it was nice to see a character be able to redeem themselves for once- yk before like. immediately dying afterwards#but im getting off topic lmao thank you for the ask im glad you liked my essay :) i'll happily write another one if prompted or whatever lol#me answering this ask is such funny timing though in regards to the first half#i was JUST talking to my brother and theorizing what the yakuza series woulda been like had mine lived#thats definitely something i wanna try writing or at least looking into at some point#but... Say It With Me Now.... i gotta replay Y4 first LMAOOO#I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN Y4#ughhh i keep saying ill replay it but i never do#i wanna draw something quick so lets see...#no i dont think i can play it tonight i told my sister i'd pack her lunch tomorrow#i guess after that i can.... we'll see i'll end this post now tho im rambling lmao
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littl-vs · 9 months
i do wonder if ive got multiple people rattling up around here sometimes but ive come to the conclusion that its not my problem 🤷🤭
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radiance1 · 3 months
Danny wears sunglasses 24/7.
So much so that slowly it's been ingrained into everyone's minds that he's never taken them off. Like, they can't even remember a time where he hasn't worn sunglasses.
It's just like, his thing.
Why does he wear them? Well, because Danny's previous blue eyes changed to a startling, glowing green that he knows the GIW would eat up and use as a reason to force him into their custody.
His parents? Oh yea they went all in when he they found out why he was wearing them (Reveal gone right au babyy). They made them extremely durable; they can film audio, take pictures, take videos, see through walls and even track down ecto-signatures for whenever he's tracking down a ghost in human form, see through walls and self-cleaning.
(The ectoplasm tracking system is for when they aren't close enough to set off his ghost sense.)
He honestly believes his parents watched a spy movie before they built him these, but it's not like he's going to complain about it. The only time he isn't wearing them is when he goes ghost, you know as a way to not link him to Fenton or whatever.
So, Danny meets John Constantine while the both of them were on the hunt for a ghost who was causing problems in the area. Danny manages to find them first, the ghost in question being an animal who was terrorizing a place because it didn't understand the fact it was dead yet and wanted to protect it's children.
John Constantine comes while Danny is pacifying it. He watches as Danny calms it down enough to get to the babies and sends it to the Ghost Zone after promising it to get them somewhere safe.
John Constantine also saw his eyes, because he pulled his sunglasses off to show them to the ghost as a silent sign to trust him. John Constantine of course asked what he was going to do with the babies, and Danny just sent them over to Sam.
After that he decided to keep an eye on Danny because of his eyes. Which were the eyes of a ghost, and he was genuinely thinking Danny was possessed before that went out the window. So he thinks Danny is a ghost pretending to be human and wasn't able to hide his eyes so he wore sunglasses.
Danny neither confirm nor deny that.
So Danny just kinda followed him around until Constatine eventually made him into a contact whenever he was dealing with ghosts that he could peacefully deal with instead of just forcefully banishing them to the Infinite Realms.
This, eventually, comes to light when Constantine goes "I know a guy." In front of the whole Justice League, bonus points if they somehow come to the conclusion that Danny is Constantine's secret child, sidekick or both.
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floorpancakes · 11 months
i wish i was a cat so my flaws were still cute and adorable and i was worthy of recieving love attention and raising back to health and my brain was small enough that the discomfort and fear would give way to simple things like enjoying a little treat and looking good for photos and being loved and held and stuff
#i forgot what feeling 'normal' without pain felt like so long ago its hard to remember remembering#i guess i enjoy a little treat but i cant think of a time in almost five years ive ever felt free#i wish i could be loved in a mutually beneficial way that didnt hurt#i would make a really good cat i swear#i dont know#if i was a cat that was loved and gently healed back to health and treasured and only had to worry about churu id be ok#it sounds so cheesy wanting to be treasured cause i just dont associate that with me#even with my family my closest friends ill never be anyones special person#i shouldnt have thought about this on tumblr cause everyones just gonna immediately think about watanuki arent they#i would write a mean vent fic or two if i could being myself to be focused enough to write it#its difficult these days#dont reblog please not trying to be the fun police im just going through some really bad stuff right now#ill delete later#i need rest but it isnt coming to me and it wont really do me much good#when cats get sick and fat and their teeth mess up and their skin goes all sore and they lose their hair and they get wrinkly and in pain#everyone still finds them just like any other cat#all cats are beautiful and perfect#standards for humans are different and so is living in your own skin when it is hostile and unfamiliar and it hurts and warps your mind#its a cruel and unusual punishment and a cat would just walk it off#cats are worthy of love and i am neither worthy nor able to take it
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hecksupremechips · 11 months
My dad sent me a letter about how much I need to remember Jesus so that we can be together in heaven one day. It’s just a big fucking joke at this point like come on dude
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