rallytimeofficial · 10 days
CIRT, iscrizioni aperte per la 52ª edizione del San Marino Rally
🔴🔴CIRT, iscrizioni aperte per la 52ª edizione del San Marino Rally
Le spettacolari strade sterrate tra Repubblica di San Marino e Montefeltro ospiteranno tra il 21 e 22 giugno prossimi il 52° San Marino Rally che rinnova, su speciali tecniche e di grande fascino, una lunga e gloriosa tradizione che supera il mezzo secolo di presenza e che la FAMS – Federazione Auto Motoristica Sammarinese ripropone, anno dopo anno, con passione, orgoglio e grande impegno. Anche…
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CIRT supervisará contenido de La Hora Nacional; afirma que no transmitirá programas con carga electoral
Continue reading CIRT supervisará contenido de La Hora Nacional; afirma que no transmitirá programas con carga electoral
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sociedadnoticias · 9 months
Celebra CIRT fallo del TEPJF que protege la libertad de expresión en la radio y TV
Celebra CIRT fallo del TEPJF que protege la libertad de expresión en la radio y TV #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #CIRT #CC #LibertadDeExpresión #INE #AMLO #Conferencia #Mañanera @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX
La CIRT y el Consejo de la Comunicación señalaron que el Tribunal Electoral privilegió la libertad de expresión de las personas que participan en 503 programas de radio y televisión en el país. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero                                     La Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión (CIRT) y el Consejo de la Comunicación (CC) agradecieron a la Sala Superior…
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queretarotv · 1 year
Acude Luis Nava a la 96a. Convención Nacional de Radio y Televisión
El Presidente Municipal de Querétaro, Luis Nava, asistió como invitado de honor a la tradicional comida de radiodifusores que se realizó en el marco de la 96ª. Convención Nacional de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión (CIRT), que se realiza en la ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua. Además de los trabajos propios de su industria que se llevan a cabo del 13 al 15 de junio, la…
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Every time I read the words “Hector of the Shining Helm” I’m picturing a guy running around in a little tinfoil hat.
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desert-anne · 2 years
after a certain point acronyms become an active impediment to communication
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preservingpussy · 10 months
Somehow I still committed the hubris of this edibles ain't shiting
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timbarrus · 2 years
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Dirt Bike Town is Dodge City, Kansas
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themanwithahat732 · 9 months
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Pale Cirt from Little Nightmares 2
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hskinsprites · 7 months
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wanted to do something a little different! florons & husks belong to @deepseaspriteblog
(dont tag as kin/id/me)
anee hydrangea (jane, they/he) has a nearly spotless record when it comes to reincarnations. they keep their noses clean, working at a bakery that hasn't left the family since who knows how long. but anee is starting to get a little... bored, to be honest. everything's the same.
cirt amberhusk (dirk, he/him) is a husk who decided to seek out more knowledge than he knew he could handle. it's all he spends his time doing, isolating himself even from other husks. he's fascinated with the world. one of his secrets is that he'd love to meet a floron one day and learn their history as well.
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addlepater · 2 months
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have a quackity doodle I did a while back, cirt more than welcome
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rallytimeofficial · 10 days
Per Zanin-Pizzol finale amaro all’Adriatico
🔴🔴Per Zanin-Pizzol finale amaro all’Adriatico
“Terra amara”. No, non è il titolo della serie tv importata dalla Turchia, ma la sintesi estrema del 31° Rally Adriatico per Marco Zanin e Fabio Pizzol, concluso in ottava posizione dopo aver dominato fino al penultimo crono e, anzi, aver firmato il miglior tempo anche sull’ultima prova speciale. Sa di beffa il responso del secondo round del Campionato Italiano Assoluto Rally Junior, debutto…
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INE y CIRT firmaron convenio para la promoción del voto informado
Continue reading INE y CIRT firmaron convenio para la promoción del voto informado
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withinthecode · 2 months
The Alpha Code (10 androids)
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The alpha code was the first successful code group after the prototypes and Null. They were designed to blend in to humanity, and as such could develop scars, as well as were allowed to experiment with presentation and style. Their design was not standardized, leading to malfunctions in certain droids. The Alphas were programmed to experience emotions and be able to feel love, an error corrected in later code groups. The droids present in this code are as follows:
A-1(Onnie)(she/it) -> Specializes in interrogation and analog information gathering
A-2(Roo)(he/hir/it) -> Specializes in close combat/knives
A-3(Tress/Sureshot)(it/its) -> Specializes in snipers/ distance shooting
A-4(Del)(he/him) -> Specializes in hacking and digital information gathering
A-5(Ives)(ze/zem) -> Specializes in personal infiltration and sabotage
A-6(Izz)(they/it) -> Specializes in corporate infiltration and sabatoge
A-7(Sev/Glitch)(it/its) -> Specializes in close combat/martial arts
A-8(Valo/score)(cir/cirt/cirts) -> Specializes in tracking and hunting
A-9(Nina)(she/her) -> Specializes in acids/corrosives
A-10(Tor)(all, as in use any and all and mix it) -> Specializes in bomb (de)construction and other explosives
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queretarotv · 1 year
Se reúne Luis Nava con líderes de cámaras, colegios y organismos empresariales
El Presidente Municipal de Querétaro, Luis Nava, sostuvo una reunión con los Presidentes y representantes de distintas cámaras, asociaciones de profesionistas y organismos empresariales, con quienes abordó temas de interés común para la construcción del Querétaro que Queremos. En la Terraza del Centro Cívico estuvieron presentes: Jorge Camacho, Presidente de la COPARMEX en Querétaro; Jaime…
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guccifrog · 2 months
you didn't answer my question
but the cirt need mes
do he want me fr fr?
he does fr
tucks u in bed
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