#complaining about a character i haven't read all the comics for again apologies guys. if i'm wrong tell me about it i'd love to change my mi
the-ventriloquizt · 1 year
I’ll be honest and say I haven’t given the Beware The Batman cartoon a fair chance but seeing as they’ve batted 0 of 2 on characterization for rare villains (Humphrey Dumpler and Professor Pyg) I don’t think I’ll be watching any more of it...
Like Humphrey I’m not so surprised about, they had to do something that wasn’t his original thing but what they did was a confusing kidnapping plot and not particularly interesting character-wise? But like, Professor Pyg...
They made Pyg a goddamn militant environmentalist? ??  ? ?? And in the tie-in comic, literally pulled the ‘oh villain has a point (this time about an oil spill that was effectively swept under the rug) but he’s threatening a kid so he has to go’. It goes beyond the typical insult of this point of view in a thing and into absurdity for an adaption of a guy who kidnaps people to turn them into kinda-dolls and has never actually had a point in his comics (at least, not with his crimes. you could argue about his appearance in Arkham City: The Order of the World, i think)
I honestly think Pyg has a theme problem, no matter where he is. His debut feels like he was supposed to be a one-time character with a hyper-specific thing he does (kidnaps people to turn them into a specific thing) and they rarely actually step away from that when they bring him back. Like I think he was supposed to be shocking and ‘too much’, which worked, but as things go he hasn’t really grown into much. His motivations are single minded and not evolving or getting varied. He has things that are tied together (circuses, surgery/butchery, artistry, dolls through mutilation??), but they’re never tied together in any interesting way, not even aesthetically most of the time. He feels almost like a extremist movie slasher (which would make sense when you consider that a lot of Batman villains are based off of horror movies), but that’s not enough to make a truly interesting recurring villain! There’s gotta be other stuff!!
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