#couldn't decide between the sketchy look or shaded so you get both!
draw-ren-draw · 1 year
Took a break from my roleplaying game back in October due to health but I am rarin to go again and had to doodle some overprotective!BH who *totally* didn't miss him at all to commemorate the occasion
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Pique "romance" right here
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sinsiriuslyemo · 6 years
Sorry but I couldn't help myself lol, but I was wondering if you could do a nevada imagine where a young college student who is what you would call a wholesome good girl but decides one night to cut loose and gets a lot more than she bargained for when she steps into one of his clubs ;)
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When you’d originally decided to allow the university to randomly pair you with a roommate for your junior year, you thought it would serve as an opportunity to be spontaneous. To be open to the idea of making a new friend without meticulously stalking them on Facebook in attempts to find some common ground before actually meeting them. To get to know someone the old-fashioned way-- before the age of social media-- where you would actually engage in conversation and spend time with them. Of course when you’d made this decision you hadn’t taken into account that the college would pair you with someone who was so radically different from you.
You were what most people would call a “good girl”-- someone who took pride in her academic career, who would rather stay in on a Saturday night to study rather than get drunk with sloppy frat boys. Trisha, your roommate, on the other hand was what most referred to as a “party girl.” She was always going out on the weekends, and she always came back with an incredibly riveting story. A few times, she’d even invited you to come out with her, but you always had an excuse. Not tonight.
“You’re coming out with me.” It wasn’t a question, and you arched a brow as she combed through your side of the closet in search of an appropriate outfit.
“I don’t know--”
“Y/N, seriously, we’re in college. No one says you have to drink yourself stupid every weekend, but you should have some fun every once in awhile,” she replied, moving towards her own closet, picking out a white mini dress and holding it up to you. She smirked and nodded her head. “Put this on, I’ll do your makeup.”
“Do I just wear this with jeans or…”
“What? No, girl, it’s a mini dress. You wear it by itself, and you’ll look hot,” she answered.
You bit your bottom lip, and slowly changed into the dress, tugging the hem down, but only resulting in exposing more of your cleavage in doing so.
“It’s too small,” you mumbled as Trisha began to brush your hair, and straighten it.
“No, that’s how it’s supposed to look. I was right too, your ass looks amazing in it,” she replied with a proud grin. She made your makeup minimal, almost natural looking and smiled at her handiwork. “Perfect. Let’s go!”
“Where are we going?” you asked.
“A new club uptown,” she replied.
You had a bad feeling about this, and you made sure to let Trisha know, but of course she waved you off, once again insisting that you lighten up. Waving down a cab, she pulled you inside and gave the driver the name of the club.
“Just wait. We’ll get there, have a drink, dance, it’ll be fun!”
“I think our definitions of fun differ greatly,” you answered.
“Not tonight. Trust me,” she said. “Just at least give it a chance.”
You nodded your head, and looked out the window as the cab took you both uptown. Way uptown. Was this Washington Heights? How the hell did Trisha even know about this place?
Before you could ask your roommate if she was out of her mind, she got out of the cab, pulling you out behind her. Moving towards the back of the line that was almost halfway down the block, she smiled at you.
“What are we doing in this neighborhood?” you asked quietly.
“It’s supposed to be the hottest new dance club in the city,” she replied excitedly, her eyes shifting from you to something behind you. “Whoa,” she mumbled, and you followed her gaze to a group of men walking down the street. “He is hot,” she whispered.
You assumed she was referring to the man in the middle, clad in dark jeans that clung to his bottom half perfectly, a black button down shirt with the top buttons undone and a black leather jacket that seemed to have been tailored especially for him. His hair was impeccably coiffed and the scruff on his face gave him an air of character, though you did find it pretentious that he was wearing sunglasses despite it being ten o’clock at night.
As the group walked by, the middle man lowered his shades enough to show that his eyes were staring right at you, taking in your appearance for the briefest of moments before he pushed the sunglasses right back to the top of his nose. You saw him say something to the man on his right as they continued towards the entrance of the club, some of the patrons in line calling out to him in friendly greetings. A few seconds later, a man came up to you.
“You two, come with me,” he said. Trisha eagerly followed, towing you behind her while you tried to steady your hammering heart.
It was clear that the two of you didn’t belong. Mr. Leather Jacket had likely expressed as much to his friend, who was now escorting you away from the line. God was he going to kill you both or just put you in a cab and tell you to never come back? It was all very sketchy, especially when he not only led you directly into the club, but into the VIP section, where Mr. Leather Jacket himself sat in the center of a couch on the far wall, women and men alike surrounding him.
Still, despite the mess of people vying for his attention, he settled his gaze on you. The shades were off now, you could see them poking out from the inside of his front jacket pocket, and his arms were stretched on either side of the couch. The way he let his eyes roam over your form made you shiver and the smirk that came over his face had your heart pounding in your chest. You glanced at Trisha, who had already claimed a flute of champagne.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Lighten up, Y/N! Have some champagne,” she replied, handing you a matching glass. “This place is amazing!”
You could feel Leather Jacket’s eyes still on you, but you dared not look over as Trisha clinked her glass against yours. Instinctively, you chugged some of the bubbly drink, making a face when you tasted the alcohol that reminded you it was not sparkling apple cider. With nowhere but the floor to spit it out in, you swallowed, putting down the glass and trying to leave.
When you turned, you nearly ran right into Leather Jacket -- when the hell had he gotten up?
“Excuse me,” you mumbled, trying to walk around him. His arm moved to block your path, hand wrapping around the railing.
“Leaving so soon, mami? You just got here,” he said with that smirk again, and you could feel your heart still pounding against your chest. Faint traces of cigar smoke and cologne met your nostrils, and you swallowed nervously. “You wanna dance?”
“I don’t exactly dance,” you replied, shaking your head.
“Ah si?” he replied, smirking stretching into an amused grin as he took a step toward you, the hand that wasn’t on the railing coming up to settle on your hip. “So, what do you do?”
You were nervous, turning your head to find your roommate but not finding her standing where she had been. Instead she was on the other side of the VIP section, talking and dancing. Her eyes met yours and she gave you a thumbs up.
“You wanna go somewhere quiet?” Leather Jacket asked against your ear, and a round of goosebumps broke over your skin as you looked back at him.
“I don’t want to leave my friend,” you answered.
“We won’t go far,” he said. “Te lo judo, mira, we’ll be right up there,” he added, pointing to a blacked out window above the VIP section. Because that wasn’t sketchy.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said, trying to smile politely. He returned your smile, the hand on your hip trailing down to link his fingers with yours.
“Come dance. I’ll lead,” he said, gently pulling you closer to him.
“I…” You looked back at Trisha, who was now in the lap of one of the men on the couch, laughing at something he was saying.
“Are you nervous, mami?” Leather Jacket asked against your ear, bringing your attention back to him.
“Honestly, yes.”
“I won’t bite unless you want me to,” he purred, inciting another tremble down your spine. You couldn’t be sure if it was fear, nervousness or the way his skin felt against yours, but one thing you did know was that your dress was doing very little to conceal your body’s reaction to him.
Before you knew what was happening, he was leading you by the hand down to the dance floor. When you reached the center of the crowded floor, he pulled you flush against him, hand resting on the small of your back while the other held your hand. His hips began to shake gracefully, guiding your own with the beat of the salsa music, and your heart began to race. The goosebumps that broke over your skin seemed to permanently embed themselves as he led you in the sensual dance. The smirk on his face was intoxicating, and even if you’d tried you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his, which you could now see were a mesmerizing green.
His head dipped until his lips were brushing against your neck as he asked, “What’s your name?”
“Y-Y/N,” you answered in a slightly shaky voice.
“That’s a nice name,” he purred.
You were surprised that you could even hear him over the music, but it seemed that nothing else interested you quite like he did. His scent was one that you hoped would remain on your clothing long after the encounter, and his voice was laced in sin and debauchery, which would normally deter you from him, but somehow now only served to draw you in closer.
“What’s yours?” you asked, finding your voice again.
“Nevada,” he said against your ear, his warm breath sending yet another shiver, which this time created a tingle between your legs. “I haven’t seen you around the neighborhood before,” he said.
“I don’t live around here,” you replied, subconsciously tilting your head slightly to give him better access to your neck.
“No shit,” he said in a chuckle. “You move pretty good for someone who doesn’t dance.”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “You’re a little stiff though, loosen up,” he added, the hand on the small of your back falling until it was pressed against your backside, mashing your hips against his.
You gasped when you felt his bulge pressing against you and felt your body respond to him. Any other time, you might have pushed him off of you; you’d never been the type of woman to tolerate unwanted attention from any man, but this man was different. You realized that you wanted his attention, all of it.
“So you come here a lot? I heard this club was new,” you said, trying to keep yourself from trembling in his arms.
“You could say that,” he mused with a smirk. “You’re shaking, mami. You cold?” he asked, brushing his nose along your cheek until his mouth was inches from yours. “Want me to keep you warm?”
“Yes,” you heard yourself say. WHAT?!
Smirking, he closed the space between you, his lips taking yours in a slow kiss that built momentum as the hand that wasn’t on your ass brought one of yours between his body and yours, pressing it against his semi. He groaned softly against your mouth as his tongue slid over yours and his free paw gently squeezed your ass cheek. His desires were quite clear, and while normally you would resist these kind of advances, with him it seemed to make you want to be near him all the more. Your opening pulsed, as if beckoning his organ inside even though there was clothing in the way.
His package throbbed as more blood pumped into it, and you moaned against his mouth.
“Should we go somewhere private?” he asked against your lips, and you found yourself nodding.
The next thing you became aware of was the cold air hitting you as he moved away to pull you away from the dance floor, and it was then that you noticed some of the female patrons glaring in your direction. You allowed Nevada to pull you past the VIP section, up another set of stairs and into an office that overlooked the club. Suddenly your predicament seemed to really hit you-- alone in an office with a virtual stranger, and one who seemed to effortlessly get you to make decisions you wouldn’t normally make.
“Is it okay that we’re in here? I don’t want to get in trouble,” you said as he went to the bottles of liquor behind the desk and poured you both a glass of amber liquid.
He looked over his shoulder to smile at you, settling the bottle back in its place before he walked back towards you and held out one of the glasses.
“I’m sure the boss won’t mind,” he replied, winking at you.
There was a knock on the door, and he glanced in its direction.
“Jefe, some guys out front say they know you--”
“--Tell them I’m busy. Come back another night,” Nevada answered, and the man nodded his head, closing the door as he left to deliver the message.
“Wait, you’re the boss?” you asked.
“That’s right, mami,” he replied, still holding out the glass of liquor. “Drink? Or you wanna skip that and get right down to the business?” he asked, still smirking as he looked you over again.
“I’m a virgin,” you blurted out. It was a lie, but your nerves had taken over and it had come out of your mouth before you had a chance to think too much about it. You were a little taken aback when he arched a brow, chuckling a little.
“Oh yeah?” he asked, taking a step towards you.
“Yes, actually,” you replied, holding your head up. You had already said it and it wasn’t as though you would ever see him again anyway. Might as well stick to your story.
“Coño, that’s a shame,” he mused, looking you over again and licking his lips. “I’d reach places in you that you never even knew existed.”
Your eyes widened, causing him to slowly grin at your reaction before he took a sip from his drink and walked back towards his desk.
“Pero, I don’t do virgins, mami,” he said, his back turned to you.
“Excuse me? You don’t do virgins?”
“No, I don’t need that drama,” he answered with a dismissive wave, putting the glass you hadn’t taken down. He circled the desk, sat in his chair and leaned back as his eyes settled on you again.
“Yeah, that’s what I said.Too bad, I would’ve given you the fuck of your life.”
“You’re operating under the assumption that I was actually going to sleep with you,” you scoffed.
“Don’t bullshit me, mi amor. I know you were wet while we were dancing,” he said, that stupid smirk still planted on his face. “I could smell it on you. I can still smell it on you.”
“That is irrelevant,” you argued, suddenly aware of how much you wished he would press himself against you again. “It doesn’t mean I would’ve slept with you.”
“Oh no?” he challenged. “Then why are you looking at me like you want me to bend you over this desk right now? Hm?”
“I’m doing no such thing,” you hissed, crossing your arms over your chest. “And regardless, exactly what drama are you even referring to?”
“You know, getting all clingy, wanting to be my girlfriend, all that bullshit,” he answered, still smirking. “All virgins are the same; they make you work to get into their pants, and then they can’t get enough of you, they wanna marry you, all because they finally got some.”
“You sound pretty sure of yourself,” you said.
“I’ve been around the block a few times. Trust me, good cock makes any woman go crazy, but most of all...a virgin,” he replied as his feet came up to rest on his desk.
“That is not true,” you replied. You hadn’t been like that after you’d lost your virginity. Then again you’d been in a long term relationship the first time you’d had sex, but that was beside the point.
“How would you know?” he asked with an all-knowing smirk, as though he already knew the answer, but just wanted to hear you say it. “You’re still a virgin right?” he asked, his lips curling into a grin as he took a sip from his scotch.
Shit. He was on to you.
He arched a brow, still smiling and tilting his head as he waited for you to answer. Apparently he got tired of waiting because he rolled his eyes, sighing as he rocked forward in his seat, setting his glass down.
“Mira, mami, I get it--you’re a good girl, you don’t want anybody to think you’re a slut.”
“You seem to know everything,” you mused, setting your untouched glass of scotch on the corner of his desk.
“I can read people pretty well,” he said, looking you over as though he would devour you if you let him, and part of you wanted to let him.
Your eyes drifted down to his lap, bottom lip catching in your teeth, and you heard him snicker. Looking back up at him, you felt your cheeks heating up as he crooked his finger, beckoning you over. You felt your legs move towards him, though your mind was screaming at you to walk out. Once you were standing in front of him, his hands came to rest on your hips as he too stood up, nose mere inches from your form.
“God damn you smell good,” he purred against your jaw. “If you wanna go, you can, mami...but I’m pretty sure you want me just as bad as I want you,” he whispered into your ear.
You didn’t say a word, but you could feel your body reacting, nipples hardening beneath the flimsy dress Trisha had lent you as a tingle settled at your core.
“Am I wrong?” he asked, pulling your hips against his.
“No,” you heard yourself whisper. He grinned at you, moving to press you against his desk. “I’ve never done anything like this.”
“Let me show how fun the dark side is,” he replied, kissing you again as one hand pushed up the hem of your dress. He groaned against your mouth, fingers curling against your thigh.
Just as your fingers threaded through the hair on the back of his head, he was turning you to face his desk, his lips finding the pulse point on your neck. His hands felt as though the were everywhere; first squeezing your breasts before one drifted down to reach under the skirt of your dress where his fingertips skimmed over the top of your leg. Your body on fire, you pressed back against him, feeling his arousal against your ass and a fresh series of goosebumps broke out over your exposed skin.
You could feel his smirk against your throat just as his hand slid down the front of your panties, pausing just above where you most craved him. You squirmed against him, teeth worrying your bottom lip.
“Tell what you want,” he purred against your jaw as his fingers slid over either side of your slit.
You whimpered, trying to move so that his thick fingers would make contact with the wet core of your throbbing sex. “Please! Touch me!”
You felt his smirk against your skin before his digits moved to glide over your seam. “You are a good girl, aren’t you?” he asked as he slid one finger inside you and began an in and out rhythm.
You moaned, hips rocking against his onslaught as you dug your short nails into the sleeves of his leather jacket. It wasn’t longer before he pushed a second finger in to join the first and your knees trembled as you rolled your eyes to the back of your head.
“I think deep down you wanna be bad, don’t you?” he growled into your ear, biting the fleshy lobe as his free hand wrapped itself around your neck and squeezed. “I think you just act like a good girl but inside you’re just a hungry little cock-whore, aren’t you?”
“Oh my God,” you groaned in a shiver. Normally you found such talk disgusting, but coming from his lips it was just so arousing. What had become of you in a matter of minutes?!
“I asked you a question,” he said, tightening his hold around your neck.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, bucking your hips against his hand. “I wanna be bad.” If you were in your right mind, you might’ve blushed, but one thing you were quickly learning about Nevada was that he was like fast-acting drug, rendering you unable to think clearly.
“Good girl,” he purred, curling his fingers inside you and finding the soft, spongy gland that make your knees buckle. His arms tightened around, holding you up as he massaged the spot inside you.
Your body was on fire, shocks zipping over your nipples and continuing down to where he was touching you. Your heart pounded in your chest, desperate to keep up with how quickly he was bringing you to the edge and you breathing was laced with primal moans that you never imagined could come from. It had never been like this before, not with anyone.
You could feel the burn in your belly as it traveled to your opening and felt your muscles begin to stiffen in anticipation of release.
“You wanna come?” he purred and you nodded vigorously.
“Yes!” you cried, hands clutching at his arm in attempts to keep him where he was.
“Nope, not yet,” he replied, pulling his fingers out and smiling when you let out a sob, trying desperately to catch your breath. Before you could voice your objections, he thrust his digits, slick with your arousal, into your mouth. “You don’t come till I say you can come, me entiendes?”
You moaned around his fingers as you sucked them clean. Had you been of your right mind, you would’ve never done something so...dirty, but something about Nevada brought out the animal in you and you couldn’t deny that it was intoxicating.
“Bend over,” he whispered, loosening his grip on your neck. The blood came rushing back to your head as you lowered your top half, resting against the dark oak of his desk. “That’s a good girl,” he said as he reached into a drawer.
You heard him close it before the sound of a plastic wrapper being torn filled your ears, immediately informing you that he was putting on a condom. If you had the ability to form a coherent sentence, you would have thanked him for the consideration
Cold hit your backside as he lifted your dress to bunch at your waist and pulled down your panties. A smack stung your skin and jolted you back to reality. The reality in which you were bent over a virtual stranger’s desk with your bare ass exposed, waiting for him to have his way with you. The thought sent another shiver over your body and as he pressed himself against your entrance, you arched, pushing back against him.
“You want me to fuck you, mami?” he asked, using one large hand to hold your hips against the edge of the desk.
“Yes, please!” you cried.
“Tell me,” he said. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
“I--” you whimpered with a dry throat and swallowed before trying again. “I want--want you to f-fuck me...please!”
“Good girl,” he purred before he pushed forward and sunk his erection deep into your cavity. Your eyes felt like they would pop out of your head as they widened and before you could grow used to the invasion, his hips snapped against you, starting a hard, fast pace.
The slapping sound of his bare skin making contact with yours as well as the way his head repeatedly stroked over that special spot inside you was enough to send you into a tailspin. The tingles seemed to reach your head as he pounded in and out of you from behind, hands gripping your hips to bring you back against him. Your voice was quickly growing hoarse from the moans he was pulling from you and the only sensations you could register were the one he was creating between your legs.
“You love my cock, don’t you?” he growled, rhythm not faltering in the least.
His words, anytime he spoke, sent shivers and shocks that would dance over your entire body and settle in your core, heightening your pleasure.
“Yes!” you yelled, unabashed that people would possibly hear you if they were standing close enough to the door.
“Tell me,” he demanded, one hand taking a fistful of hair and pulling to lift your head. He bent over you, hips still pummelling against yours. “Tell me you love my cock,” he repeated against your cheek.
“I love your cock!” you exclaimed and despite the fact that he was demanding the proclamation from you, it was true. If you could’ve had him do this to you every day for the rest of your life, you would’ve spent every moment naked and waiting for him to ravish you.
Nevada smirked, hand still in your hair as he moved harder against you. “You’re such a good girl,” he whispered over your skin. “You wanna come, baby? I can feel you dripping all over me. You wanna come so bad, don’t you?”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the burning in your core intensified. “Yes!” You could feel your walls beginning to flutter around him.
“Don’t you dare,” he said, apparently having felt it as well. “Don’t you fucking dare. I didn’t say you could yet.” As if to emphasize his demand, he slowed his movements to a languid sawing motion, making sure to still stroke over your gspot at a snail’s pace.
Your mouth fell open as a sob escaped you and you tried to move your hips. He groaned, releasing your hair and instead holding you against the desk as he straightened his back again. His other hand, still on your hip, assisted in holding you in place before he snapped his hips forward again, keeping the same pace but increasing the intensity of his thrusts.
“Fuck, your pussy’s so tight,” he groaned.
“OHMYGOD, PLEASE!!!” you shouted, so close to the edge you could cry. “PLEASE LET ME COME, NEVADA, PLEASE!!”
Nevada grinned to himself and put some more weight on the hands holding you down to pound you harder and slightly faster. “Do it, come all over my cock.”
Your entire body shook as the orgasm hit you suddenly, legs like noodles as they gave out and a heavy, satisfying tingle buzzed between your legs. You felt your walls grip him tightly as he stroked you through your release and despite the fact that you were exhausted you felt yourself wanting more. You wished for him not to stop, but clearly you were, in fact, not a telepath because he pulled out of you and you furrowed your brows, unable to remember if you'd heard him shout his own release.
Just as you were about to ask him about it, you felt a warm splash, then another and a third, one after the other, land on the globes of your ass. You heard him grunting as he emptied himself over your skin and felt the head of his cock as he used it like a paintbrush to spread his seed over your skin.
You somehow found the strength to arch your hide back against him, your core still clenching in desire for more of him.
“Such a good girl, Y/N,” he purred against your neck, and you tried to remember when he’d bent over you again.
Moaning, you started to turn your head to find his lips when he bit into your neck hard enough to leave a mark. You cried out, bucking your hips back against him and heard him chuckle as he stood and stepped away from you.
You heard the zipper of his jeans and used your hands to lift yourself off his desk, planting your feet on the floor. Turning to face him, you stumbled and he brought a hand out to hold you up. Your body was still buzzing, core still tingling with the aftershocks your release and you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him down for a lust-filled kiss.
“You want more, don’t you?” he asked with a smirk and you smiled back at him, nodding your head as your hands slid over his chest, slipping beneath his jacket at his waist to pull him against you. He snickered and brushed some of your hair back. “My horny little good girl,” he purred and it sent shivers down your spine.
You could feel the evidence of him on your ass, cooling against your skin and sticking to the dress you’d borrowed. You would have to remember to find an excuse not to give it back. You didn’t want Trisha or any other woman to have any part of Nevada. You wanted to keep him all for yourself.
“Maybe some other time. Your friend’s probably looking for you,” he said, moving your hair to cover his mark before he slinked an arm around your waist and started walking you to the door. “I’ll tell one of my guys out there to give you a ride home.”
“Will I see you again?” you asked, walking as close to him as possible and relishing in how warm his arm felt around you.
He chuckled. “I dunno,” he answered. “If you come back to the club, I might be here.”
“Maybe we could meet up for lunch,” you offered.
He smirked at you. “Do I look like the kinda that takes anybody out on a date?”
You looked him over, considering your answer as his fingers tucked under your chin and lifted your gaze to his.
“You want another hot fuck, come find me,” he purred, kissing you and biting down on your bottom lip. You moaned under your breath, feeling your desire for him quickly reemerging. “And I know you will. You’re gonna be thinking about my cock all night,” he added with smirk, delivering a smack to your ass.
He winked at you and opened the door, letting you out first, following you to the stairs and pausing to talk to one of his bodyguards as you descended to the VIP lounge.
Looking over your shoulder, you met his gaze again as the bodyguard he’d been talking to came down the stairs after you. You held Nevada’s gaze a moment longer, took in the smirk he flashed your way like it would sustain you until you saw him again before you turned back around and started looking for your roommate.
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