#covering up that barcode tattoo 24/7
hadesburns · 2 years
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— BASICS     - name : ares furyan tenebris darken     - created : 7 years ago     - proto-made age : 24     - status : single / omnisexual     - skeleton : proto / plutonium     - station : nomad between fyrestone and the valley of slaughter — CHARACTER     - sun sign :  aries     - moon sign : sagittarius     - ascendant : gemini     - positive traits : confident, assertive, strong-willed, fiery, intelligent,     - negative traits : argumentative, insensitive, ornery, belligerent, impatient     - alignment : chaotic evil / ENTP     - family : none     - subplot affiliation : survived and escaped the flesh fair gladiator coliseum, survived and escaped the underdome arena, been inside but not partaken of the sandstone house, deals and sometimes dances for lacie’s mad house ( when he needs something but can’t pay for it ), runs into the valkyrie more often than he’d like — APPEARANCE     - tattoos : a dead tree over his right shoulder, a wolf growling on his left arm, the words “ NO REST FOR THE WICKED ” across his neck, these lines behind both his ears, his license number in barcode just underneath his left eye     - height : 5'10"     - hair color : black     - eyes : usually black, but shift to red in battle-mode     - piercings : ears     - mask : half-mask, covering only from his cheekbones down to half his neck, large overlapping monster teeth with black grinning gums, reminiscent of a wolvern     - scars : he’s worn the same skin for 6 years and managed to get it pretty shredded, so he’s aesthetically pleasing, but also incredibly torn up ; sewn scars and rips ; bullet holes patched over ; pieces of him replaced ; bits of metal can be seen in random spots of his body     - wardrobe : leather jacket for the city, longer robes for the desert, a giant wolvern hide across his shoulders, all black ; leather fingerless gloves; trinkets usually hanging on his person ; guns on his hips, on both legs, knives on his back, on his arms, on his hips ; twin katana swords crisscrossing his back ; goggles ; parts of his body are embedded with projectiles and guns     - aesthetics : ninja assassin warrior ; literal cartoon character ; ‘i will bathe in the blood of all my enemies but if you take away my fuzzy i’ll just whine’ trope ; permanent blood stains ; some men just want to watch the world burn ; lost faith in everything except yourself ; HAVE NO FEAR, THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE ; howling for all three moons ; rough, dirty sex with bruised knuckles, bit lips, and hickeys everywhere ; burn everything you love then burn to ashes ; dead trees in the desert ; — TRIVIA
initially created as a sex robot, lives that way for 1 year
falls in love with someone he isn’t supposed to, gets wiped and thrown into the trash
found by the ‘dust wolvern gang’ and refurbished into a war machine for them
travels around the desert with them for a few years
makes friends with one of the members, a 14-year-old boy named isbin, who has a half-mechanical heart due to a birth defect
on one of the missions, ares makes a mistake that gets isbin killed and himself almost decimated
when he wakes up, the leader of the gang, an asshole named tora, lets him know that the only reason they were able to bring him back was because they implanted isbin’s heart inside him, to keep him functioning
ares loses his shit and goes berserk
murders the whole gang
from then on, he’s mostly a loner, a nomad traveling between the city and the valley
has had his kill-switch removed
carries a forged operating license so he can get through the city
owns a motorcycle
scavenger aesthetic
isbin’s half-human heart sits on the right side of his chest, he’s very protective of it, won’t replace it even though it causes him problems and is slowly shutting down
would sell your soul to the devil for one potato chip
Proud Motherfucker™
looks like a cinnamon roll, but could actually kill you
in various sadistic and painful ways
snide, cocky, snarky, purposefully aggravating dipshit
problems with authority
blatantly disrespectful
perpetually unimpressed by everyone
easily jealous and argumentative with other robots that don’t immediately admit that he’s better than they are
doesn’t remember much about his time as a sex robot, will deny to his death that he even remembers anything at all
will probably come up with nicknames for you
owns a small, mechanical wyvern-snake pet named hephaestus that doubles as a scout and can mold itself flat to his body or his leather jacket ; likes to wrap around him in random places
since he used to be a sex robot, he had white, feathery wings attached to his back, but they have been replaced by huge, thick machine guns that sprout out instead
several guns and bullet pockets have been manufactured into parts of his body, such as double barrel wrist guns on each arm, and the tips of retractable knives on each heel
probably wants to fight you
wants to fight everyone
favorite activities include: flirting and fighting
fallen angel aesthetic
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raekaotik · 6 years
Here we go?
So, @ebbqol tagged me to do this forever ago. I'm slow as shit, but here it is.
1. Name: Rae
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Rising. So much fire....
3. Three Fears: Spiders, heights, needles
4. Three Things I Love: Skulls, dragons, the color black
5. My best Friend: What are friends??? Probably my husband, people don't seem to stick around to reach best friend level. And I'm horrible at opening up.
6. Last Song I Listened To: Uuummmm Oh Lord by In This Moment
7. Four Turn ons: Sass, dominance, intelligence, and a sense of humor
8. Four Turn Offs: Loud ignorance, holier-than-thou attitudes, stereotypical girliness, not listening (especially to no)
9. Dream Date Scenario: Something personal, which of course sounds super vague. If an idea/activity/event/anything immediately makes you think of me, then it is most likely a good idea. I don't like flashy or expensive dates, we could literally just watch something on Netflix or get a Redbox and have takeout, and I'll be over the moon. Just give me your time, and I'll try my best to make it worthwhile.
10. Tattoos/ Piercings: I have 6 tattoos, currently; a crescent moon on my hip, a barcode on one ankle and a chain of paper people on the other, Disturbed's Guy and a Hylian shield on one calf, and the Evanescence logo on the other. I only have piercings in my ears; one set is gauged to 00, and I have 2 in the left ear and 3 in the right.
11. Why I joined Tumblr: Truthfully, so I didn't have to steal my husband's phone to look at porn, and I've found all sorts of fun, not perverted things as well. Now there's very little porn on my dash.
12. How I feel Right Now: Tired as shit, but I'm a glutton for punishment.
13. Something I really, really want: My own space to be myself, and people that love me who understand that I just need to be a burrito sometimes.
14. My relationship status: Married with 2 wonderful step kids.
15. The meaning behind my URL: I prefer Raynai, but that spelling was taken.
16. Favorite songs: Shit, umm... Anything Disturbed, Bloody Creature Poster Girl by In This Moment, Battle Born by Five Finger Death Punch, Papa Roach's Born for Greatness, Natural Born Killer by Avenged Sevenfold, Shinedown's cover of Simple Man..... There's a ton along those lines.
17. Favorite Movies: Every Riddick movie, The Emperor's New Groove, A Knight's Tale... I know there's more, but I'm drawing a blank at the mo.
18. Favorite bands: Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Three Days Grace, In This Moment, Halestorm, Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown... Oodles
19. Three things that upset me: Not being able to help those I care for, people quick to judge, and being expected to change to appease someone.
20. Three things that make me happy: Creepy-cute things, anything Zelda, tiny versions of things
21. Three things I find attractive in other people: Wit, humility, emotional maturity
22. Something I love: Sleep
23. Someone I miss: My mother
24. My relationship with my parents: My mom, great. I don't really talk to my dad anymore.
25. My favorite holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and 4th of July.
26. Someone from tumblr I would date: Hhrrrmmmmmm yeah. No clue.
27. A confession: I am often too lazy to eat, even though my stomach is making all the rumblies.
28. Favorite drinks: Cherry Coke, ruby red and tangerine juice, Full Throttle.... Ice water is also nice.
29. Favorite foods: Pastas, tomato sauces, BREAD, snacks, candies, sunflower seeds
30. Favorite smells/ scents: Lilac, lavender as long as it's not super strong, jasmine, dragon's blood, burning wood, sulfur..... black cherry
31. Three things that annoy me easily: Being spoken over when actually part of a conversation, being talked down to, and being interrupted while reading.
32. My pets: Oh damn.... 2 dogs, Kara the pit bull and Abbie the pit/lab mix; 2 cats, all black Salem and Tiger the dark tabby; 2 bearded dragons, Dante and Lucifer, and a piebald ball python, Gunn.
33. How I got into witchcraft: Cheesily enough, my mom and I used to watch Charmed all the time when I was little... I was always interested in witchy stuff, and in highschool I started looking into Wicca. It was a decent start, but it didn't quite fit. When I finally moved out I started doing more research, and now here we be. I'm still working out kinks (ha), but I do know that spirit work is a thing I enjoy.
34. My practice/path: I am a beginning spirit worker who's still trying to find her feet. I find Celtic and Norse mythologies interesting but I'm still digging.
35. Something that’s constantly on my mind: ....Yes? I tend to have an internal chatter running, and there's almost always parts of songs floating around in there.
36. Three habits I have: I apologize a lot, and I pick at my nails/cuticles too much, and I don't speak up when I sometimes should.
37. My future goals: To have a stable home life and the income to provide for my family. I don't need to be rich, I just want to be able to pay bills and afford food. I also want to iron out my path and maybe pass it on to future children.
38. Something I fantasize about: Having a tiny house. Clearly not as my main house, but I'd use it for witchcraft or reading or crafting. It'd be my space to be me.
39. Favorite Colors: Black, blood red, hunter green
40. What I did yesterday: Worked. So exciting.
41. My talents: Ummmmm math, sarcasm, chainmaille... This is always a hard question.
42. Celebrity crushes: Lizzy Caplan, Russell Crowe, and Matt Gubler, off the top of my head.
43. Myers- Briggs Type: INFP-T
44. Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Rooster
45. Ideal place to live: Somewhere quiet with lots of trees, preferably near mountains. Not isolated, but not on top of neighbors either.
46. My perfect day: A whole day where I can lay around and do nothing, or anything.
47. Where I want to vacation to: What are vacations?
48. Do I want kids: At some point, but not this minute.
49. My favorite thing to learn about/ study: Learning is awesome, in general, but science is cool as shit.
50. A random fact or quirk about me: My typing style changes a bit when I'm angry. Like, I use proper phrasing and grammar, and tend to stop using contractions like don't or can't.
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