#cuz the poor guy hasn't figured himself out yet
eff-plays · 9 months
So now that I've figured out why Hira might go for Astarion ... I am now struggling to figure out why Astarion would go for them in the long run. Like, because he's barely his own person at this point, what are his preferences? Ya know? Beyond how they treat him, beyond the obvious, what about them is it that he likes? Ya know? "You were kind and patient and trusted me" is all well and good but that's still 1) related to him and 2) doesn't quite tap into the sense that he also wants them for himself for other reasons aside from wanting more of what they're doing for him. Ya know? Ya fucking know?
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
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1st one is definitely has to be sharing a bed. Because they actually do. But that sort of repeated and forced contact of being really tight roommates means a lot of 'playing nice' that we don't see on camera. I have like 5 different scenarios in my head surrounding that - but all of them still have the same element of Fang Duobing being either talkative just because he has company. Or being a sleep octopus. I 100% strongly believe he moves around in bed and will latch onto whatever is nearby so that's been a big consistent point in my headcanons. But dfs' reactions are where things become varied. On one hand, I like the idea where he's accepting of it because a) he honestly doesn't mind because his ego goes to very specific places and that damn upper floor does not have walls and he's cold b) Accepts it because of peculiarities surrounding his concept of physical boundaries - like maybe he's ok with it because he used to sleep in piles with the 3 kings and wuyan cuz they were poor as shit and it got cold at night and he just sees this as being part of the same. OR maybe he's touch starved and this is a bit of stolen affection that he can privately keep for himself. OR maybe he sleeps like a log and just doesn't notice because he either trusts fdb that much or just doesn't see him as a threat at all, even subconciously. c) he doesn't accept it but can't figure out how to get fdb to stop since he's asleep. And it creates continued shenanigans until he finally gives up and lets it happen Whether this ends up in a case of aggressive "Competitive sleep" where he ends up kicked onto the floor -- that's another matter LMAO but I tend to find these sorts of accidental/harmlessly forced intimacy pretty fun. You can't stay emotionally distant from someone if you're cuddling every night.
But that leads me to TROPE 2:
Enemies to lovers - but this would be strictly from FDB's pov bc I don't believe DFS ever sees FDB as an enemy. Even early on, he was fairly careful with him (for dfs' level of care which is still rough lbr) -- and he just got more and more bro-y as time went on until he started exhibiting that care more obviously. FDB however has this whole built up mental narrative in his head where he sees himself cast as the hero, and DFS is the big evil demon guy - even to the end, he still buys into the narrative because LLH keeps so much information from him. All the things we discover about dfs is filtered through LLH's silence. FDB hears none of it. Like take the scene where dfs shows up to give llh the styx flower? And fdb says to llh - hey he's giving up his dream for you. Because as far as he knows, dfs hasn't broken through to the next level of his martial arts yet. He doesn't know that dfs was caught/almost-or-temporarily died, tortured, etc. He doesn't even know that DFS was searching for the flower for llh. The situation I like to think about are when he's finally pushed into a situation where he has to apply his natural protective instincts -- but onto dfs instead of llh. Who... is prone towards getting in over his head due to narrative-karma being shit-tier. (I have a whole meta about that I've been stewing over) But basically dfs getting into trouble is a given. lmao. The issue is his tendency to not talk about things. Fdb, unlike llh, can't read dfs' mind and requires actual verbal communication. DFS doesn't really communicate like regular people do. But honestly, that's all technicalities. I like playing with gender roles and DFS being cast as the damsel in distress or the female-narrative-role is really fantastic. So having that played out with fdb in his self-cast hero role, falls naturally into that. Especially as llh's successor.
Which then brings me to TROPE 3:
FDB as llh's successor where he inherits the house, the dog, the sparkly underwear, and the wife nemesis. I mean. The first thing FDB tries to do is get dfs to call him shifu. And later, the first thing llh does to a-fei is to get him to call him 主人. Like master, like disciple, amirite? But it's like their immediate instinct is to try to keep him. And in his letter at the end, llh was telling dfs he can go to fdb if he wants. I took that as an indirect message from llh to fdb with a giant arrow pointing at dfs saying "KEEP AN EYE ON HIM, HE'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOW"
Something time travel or timeloop related because I like the idea of FDB being forced to truly learn the real stories of the people and events around him and not the story-version he taught himself. He truly understands llh -- because llh was his special interest, but he drastically lacks understanding of everyone else. Which is especially interesting regarding dfs because he's painted as the main nemesis to llh? You'd think that fdb's hyperfixation would partially extend to him bc he's llh's big enemy. But that never happened. I think it's no mistake that fdb's conversation with a-fei in the zombie village uses such broad terms like "You don't have to chose evil you can be righteous" -- all meaningless words because he has zero knowledge or understanding of dfs as a real person existing in real society. He only knows of him as this storybook figure of great 'evil'. Without him even thinking too hard about what that evil could be. It's just the word 'evil' flying around in his head with no real weight. I feel like time shenanigans forcing him to address that lack of knowledge or understanding would open up some interesting story potential. Also I really like the whole gaining knowledge thing. It's one of the reasons I like thrillers and mysteries -- finding out and understanding a person is like a personal version of puzzle solving.
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CLJ Recaps
This episode took me two days to watch because the secondhand embarrassment was too much. The second time through was much funnier because I got to see Xunfeng stare at Orchid!DFQC like "wtf is wrong with you?"
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Other than Xunfeng's perfect bombastic side eye, I am obsessed with his armor here! He's got crystals practically growing out of him.
We found out last time that Rong Hao has spies in Cangyan Sea, and I wondered how that was possible. I found the answer to that at the end of this ep.
Orchid!DFQC is presented the leader of these spies and then expected to kill him to show his power. Obviously, Orchid doesn't want to kill one of her own. In fact, she can barely even wield DFQC's sword. While SQ and the other lords make confused expressions, Xunfeng is watching like a hawk. In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't figured out yet that there's something wrong with his brother's power.
Orchid manages to get off without killing the spymaster by using him to send a threat back to Yunzhong. Meanwhile DFQC!Orchid apparently has enough physical strength to twist a grown man's arm. Since Orchid is not a violent person, she would have never known that. Moon Supreme also has the advantage of the bone orchid bracelet, which will protect Orchid's body from harm. He knows exactly how to use it since he's the one who gave it to her and has no trouble breaking out of his cell.
Meanwhile courtesans are kicked out by Orchid and gather in the hallway to question Shang Que as to why Moon Supreme would reject them.
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DFQC himself confirms it later, but he is a virgin and also not good at dealing with women. SQ orders the women to stay away from Moon Supreme's chambers in the future unless specifically called for.
And then immediately after, SQ is summoned to Moon Supreme's chamber XD The music gets silly and SQ starts acting awkward. He declares that he would die for DFQC but seems to think that either he's gonna get fucked or DFQC is gonna ask to be fucked. It doesn't make things better when Orchid literally drags him onto the bed.
Poor awkward dragon!
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Orchid absolutely does not notice and instead asks about the past and what kind of person DFQC was before. She lies and says that due to an injury, she can't remember and that her magic is damaged. It's funny cuz this is actually true for Orchid herself but it's just a ruse here.
Obviously in a place where the powerful are respected, there's no way DFQC would be accepted as Moon Supreme if he can't even defend the position. Since Orchid asked, I'm pretty sure SQ will do his best to help cover up any supposed lapse in power until Orchid & DFQC can switch back.
Before SQ can say anything else, DFQC storms in and pins Orchid to the bed.
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"Are you gonna watch from there?" SQ decides that he absolutely does not wanna get mixed up in whatever the hell is going on here, so he hurriedly leaves.
Meanwhile in Haishi City, it's confirmed that one of the courtesans was actually a spy! She confirms that DFQC is holding on Rong Hao's master's Destiny Book. It's time to attack directly, but Die Yi has her doubts.
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Moon Supreme doesn't trust anyone and all their spies (other than the courtesan that just left I guess?) were cleared out. How will they defeat him? Don't worry! Rong Hao knows a guy!
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That guy turns out to be Xunfeng! It's been 30k years and he hasn't forgiven his brother for killing their father. How useful for devious darling!
And speaking of DFQC killing his father, Orchid has questions about that. Since the Moon Tribe favors strength, she assumes there's a law or unspoken rule that if you defeat someone you must kill them. Moon Supreme says there is no such rule.
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Oh my gods, Orchid! You can't ask something so plot important this early in the show! We don't get an answer for that because it's time for another really big reveal.
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Not only could it be argued that Xunfeng is the reason for his brother's capture (due to not arriving in time), but he was also the one who helped Rong Hao build Haiyi City. This is absolutely DELICIOUS information!!
Also before this secret meeting in the woods, I didn't really think Xunfeng was particularly pretty. But there's something about his eyes that just??
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When he was glaring at DFQC before, Xunfeng's head was angled slightly downward, making him look intimidating. Here, it's the opposite. His head is angled up and his eyes are narrowed so that it looks like he's looking down at Rong Hao.
Unlike his brother, Xunfeng is ruled by his emotions: particularly anger. Because he's so bent on avenging his father, Xunfeng doesn't even realize that he's at Rong Hao's mercy. I noticed that Rong Hao speaks gently to Xunfeng - like a father would.
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When he tilts his head and asks this, Rong Hao is almost sweet. Like literally anyone with half a brain cell would be like "a man capable of secret machinations like this can absolutely not be trusted," but Rong Hao made it sound like he's forever indebted to Xunfeng.
His mind games are absolutely next level and I am unfortunately a huge simp for that kind of character.
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Look at that smirk. That's my gender and my religion. You make a characters smirk and I am their stan first and a person second.
Unfortunately a new toxic ship has sailed and I kinda ship Rong Hao and Xunfeng now WHOOPS
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's more happening and it is pretty huge those numbers are gigantic it's a poor out of the Midwest and extreme down and other men hilarious and they get hit and they come out of bunkers but it's really only half clone but still it's far too many that's too many people it's going to keep going and going and going with that many. We need to stop the clothes from going up there and they're really just marauding that they're not fighting other clones. And the orders are going out I'm going to destroy the cloning, of Tommy f and topside, as you can see they are at each other already have been for years, now huge numbers fight over cloning facilities. Huge. In order to dominate with.
Will probably orchestrate this now.
other things happening the warlock I put a huge fleet into the ocean and yes the 16 candles series is underway. It's a huge deal and she notices that people are not interested in her and for real since he's trying to figure out why she sees with her husband's doing bothering people pestering them saying stupid things incense you certainly are A gifted person are you, leaves him theere thinking about it. And in moments the idiot is back saying stupid idiot stuff to us so we're going to start hitting that idiot. So basically she goes around to the whole movie trying to get someone interested in her, in the series she's doing the same thing and fails. And supposed to be anagous but really they're saying other people are our son and parts are in the future and I son does not want to have anything to do with her. And calls him a rat on and off stage when they're talking about him. And this is not really us it's not really appropriate you can call him that and she would say so what that's what he said cuz you're a huge rat and matter of fast we don't like you. And she does not represent Hera but she represents is a woman who has been terrorizing people with their man and for some reason can't have a good time so you know she's doing it and they can't stop her and they end up ignoring her and expressing that they don't like her. And her son says it's like right in the crease for having her do it more and so he understands the analogy now so they're pushing her to push him to be a nut case because he's Percy.
So she goes oh no that's what it is and that's why the series is important. It was funny because she was thinking it was her and for another reason. And it's like no we need your ass to continue being an ass to take your ass off and that on a date and it was horrible and she's feeling it again and she feels nothing but contempt and hatred. But there's like this Trump was doing it on purpose and then he got bamboozled and admitted it was him and raise your life miserable meaning that you're all fools by Tommy f again and she's sort of figured it out I mean it's being encouraged for her to do it by you guys my behavior because it's just a natural reaction you guys have but it's done because he wants to continue to squeeze your stuff out of this idiot and or as a scapegoat more likely cuz he takes his people and put some of the matrix or whatever and those areas and then he goes and takes it from those areas. So he thinks a lot about himself for messing around with Sarah. And I don't cuz I can see the whole thing and when it gets down to it there's two huge grooves and one of them is a lot smaller and it's his group the smaller so they almost started crying and they said we know what to do and it started doing it. But it hasn't happened yet so she feels a little better because it's a woman sensibility thing and he's a huge homo and he just showed it on this very website and is following our son and we don't want him near him and we're shooting him by the way and his people to keep them away people start doing things which you might not it was gigantic and you don't see what tommy you f says and you don't say what Trump does, Tommy f is shooting Trump and in particular injury causes his behavior.
Thor Freya
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