#didn't include my 9th fic because while I am proud of it there is some emotions tied up with it
Writer’s First Line Game
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
Tagged by @stormikins​ thank you very much!
No pressure tags: @skittidyne​ @jasper-the-menace @littjara-compleated-sage
“Love From The Other Side” - (Magic the Gathering) Two planeswalkers find themselves on opposite sides of the Phyrexian invasion as they both do whatever it takes to make it back to each other and those they love.
“When others told us what to expect in Urborg, no one told us to expect hospitality.”
“From Sparks to Flame” - (Mass Effect)  Artemis Shepard never set out to become an Alliance hero, let alone the first human Spectre, but an unfeeling cycle has begun anew on Eden Prime. She has to get her team to not only trust her but also each other which is easier said than done. Part one of a story about how love and bonds (with the guns they find along the way) save the galaxy.
Later, when people asked Shepard how everything started, they were often disappointed with her answer.
“Beauty and the Furnace Beast” - (Magic the Gathering) A fairy tale inspired story about Ayara and Urabrask fall in love during the Phyrexian invasion of Eldraine.
“In all my years, I have never seen the sky this way,” Ayara said, looking at the odd voids in the sky.
“The One With The Lipstick Incident” - (Mass Effect) A gift written for @angstyastro​ featuring her Shepard, Isani. Thane is thankful for the continued blessings the Gods bestow on his family but that doesn’t mean he isn’t nervous or that things will go smoothly.  With Isani Shepard giving birth to twins, things were bound to get a little out of hand.
Thane would never fathom why the Gods chose to favor him as much as they had— even if this most recent blessing seemed to be a trial into itself.
“Things That Were And Never Will Be Again”- (Magic the Gathering) Ajani and Elspeth meet on Dominaria, not knowing they will soon be on opposite sides of the looming conflict about to beset the Multiverse.
Elspeth. She was here on Dominaria and alive.
“Same Song, Different Verse” - (Mass Effect) In a different universe, Council Spectre Garrus Vakarian is investigating Saren when he is shot down over Earth. He is found by Shepard and the two of them have to work together as other turians try to hunt him down as they try to rescue his informant, Tali.
Garrus could just hear his father’s voice berating him as he looked at the view of Vancouver.
“Reunion” - (Fallout 4) Nate didn’t die when he was shot by Kellogg. If only it was that simple. Now a ghoul, he’s come to accept his new life but a chance meeting at the Third Rail Bar changes everything as he comes face to face with who his wife is now.
“There’s your shares boys. Don’t spend it all in Goodneighbor, even you, ghoul.”
“In the End” - (Fallout 4) When Shaun decides that his mother should no longer be allowed to be influenced by the surface, he decides to keep her at the Institute with a synth copy of her husband, Nate, to keep her “comfortable”. As time goes on, Nate begins to realize just how cruel that was as the pieces fall into place for the beginning of the end.
He had been made as a replacement for her. It was simply a fact of his existence. Made in the image of her dead husband, Nate. He was a gift to her from their leader, Father, as she transitioned to her new life in the institute. 
“More Than a Name”- (Transformers: Prime, Shattered Glass) An old one I am still proud of so I am throwing it here instead of my 9th fic
When a mission goes wrong, Starscream is forced to explore some harsh truths about himself and his views on the Vehicons under his command.
“Sir…I found him! Guys help me out!”
“Love in the Age of Gods” - (Smite) I cant believe this one squeaks in. I wrote it for my future wife.
Arachne and Serqet have been seeing each other for awhile but Arachne doesn't dare hope that it will last. Despite expecting the worst, Arachne isn't ready when she sees the end draw near. Serqet sees the situation in completely different light.
“That was completely unnecessary. We’re fighting but we’re not completely uncivilized.”
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