#dni's are useless atp but im just reminding people where I stand on a few topics
gnometa233 · 6 months
Firing off the rent lowering gunshots right now so reminder that around here,
-Trans men are men, trans women are women. Nonbinary people are nonbinary.
-"bi lesbian" is a transphobic, lesbophobic, and biphobic label that is reductive and needs to be left in the past because it has outlived its usefulness. Bisexuals and Lesbians are in fact different and face different struggles, though many overlap. Sapphic/queer people who haven't figured it out yet are incredibly valid
-"trans men lesbians" is terf rhetoric. if you think trans men are lesbians, that means cis men can be lesbians, which is exactly what we don't want. Transmasc lesbians who don't identify with maleness, you're awesome and ily <3
-Kink is a neutral concept. it can be used to heal and it can be used to hurt. Your kinks do not exist in a vacuum, and they are not excused from criticism.
-Fiction affects reality but not in the way you think it does. I'm not an anti or proshipper I just understand how media and brains work.
-The only people who complain about gatekeeping are people the gate was supposed to keep out
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