#don't you think it's clever that we have this loophole for this rule
the-converse-high-top · 10 months
Ok, I get it that YOU don't like organized religion and YOU think that my rules are stupid and unnecessary and that YOU think my loopholes are dumb and stupid
But I think that my rules are interesting and that my loopholes are funky and fresh so take that
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strangerstilinski · 7 months
sharing a stiles thought i keep thinking bc brainrot and sharing bc you’d appreciate it
he would beg you to do the spiderman kiss and immediately fall as soon as it actually happens
i know this wasn't technically a request of any sort but oh boy did it tickle at the nearly nonexistent inspiration in my brain, so.. here we are. just a very short fluffy little thing that made me feel all warm inside. x
You tug at the sleeves of your sweatshirt in an attempt to cover your cold knuckles as you take an overly-cautious step out onto your front porch, hugging one arm around your ribs as a shiver wracks your body all while your grip tightens around your cell phone.
“Stiles, if this is one of your jokes-” A sigh escapes you, a wispy cloud of fog pushing past your lips as you look around for your boyfriend. There's a familiar blue jeep parked at the edge of your driveway, but the owner doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight. You tut softly into the phone, “I think your pranks are cute, baby. Really, I do, but I need to study-”
Your socked feet carry you that much farther outside, shuffling slow across the smooth planks of wood underfoot while you cautiously scour the yard for his familiar figure.
“I'm right-” There's a scratchy crackle against the speaker just as you hear a scuffle from somewhere to your left. Stiles' yelp meets your ears twice, once from the dark emptiness at the edge of the porch, and then again half a second later through the phone.
It's just as you're just stepping up to the edge of the porch, hand falling to grip the railing as you squint into the darkness, when something drops down from above and makes you flinch back with a small scream.
“Here!” Stiles grins, the momentum of his body still making him sway forward and backward for a moment as he hangs upside down in front of you. He's dangling from the roof overhanging the porch, his torso curled around the edge in a way that can't possibly be comfortable, but he's grinning like he couldn't be more pleased with his current position.
“Stiles!” You scold, reining in the urge to punch his shoulder and instead redirecting the motion to simply grip at his biceps when he reaches out for you. The slow motion of his swinging slows under your steady hold, “Are you insane? You're banned from climbing on the roof! We- We have talked about this-”
“Neh, eh, eh,” He interrupts with a goofy grin, “The rule was that I can't climb on Scott's roof-”
While you don't remember the specifics, you have no doubt that your boyfriend would have been clever enough to worm some sort of loophole into his previous promise. Your nose scrunches up in annoyance while your heart continues thumping wildly in your chest, both from the scare and from the panic pooling in your gut as you watch your boyfriend shuffle and slip another inch or so over the edge of the roof.
“Sti, babe, please,” You whine anxiously, fingers digging into his arms a little meanly, “Stop moving around, alright? You're going to fall!”
“I'm not gonna fall,” Stiles rolls his eyes and he reaches a hand out to brush against your cheek, his pinky brushing the apple your cheek as his thumb presses lightly into your jaw, “Come on, don't you wanna know why I'm up here?”
You sigh softly, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips while you release him with just one hand so that you can run your fingers through his floppy hair where it hangs loosely beneath his head. Your hand scrapes lightly though the soft strands, your cheek pushing imperceptibly into the warmth of his palm.
“Why are you on the roof, Sti?” You ask begrudgingly.
“Spiderman?” You repeat slowly.
“Spiderman!” Stiles grins, “You know, the first one. The Raimi one-”
“Like.. Andrew Garfield?” You clarify with furrowed brows.
“What?” Stiles scoffs, “No! Toby Maguire! Baby, we watched them together-”
He looks appalled, mouth gaping just slightly in incredulity.
“Well, we watched the Andrew Garfield ones together too-” You defend with a small laugh, amusement filling your chest at just how worked up he seems to be getting by your mistake.
“The first one!” Stiles repeats in a huff, “Because that's the one where it's raining and he saves MJ and he's hanging upside-down in the alley and she pulls his mask down to kiss him as a thank you-”
“Ooh, a wet, New York City alleyway,” You tease, “How romantic.”
Stiles groans woefully, “This was supposed to be romantic. You are totally ruining this for me, right now, you know-”
His words do make you feel a little bad. He'd clearly put some thought into the idea. He'd climbed all the way up onto the roof of your porch, though you're still not quite sure how — there's no ladder in sight.
You plaster a sweet smile on your lips, slipping your feet up onto the rung at the bottom of the railing to boost you up another few inches, until your nose is level with Stiles' chin.
“I'm sorry, Stiles,” You murmur softly, chin tipping toward your chest so you can look into his eyes, “You wanted a big, superhero movie kiss?”
His adam's apple bobs when he swallows, his body reacting naturally to the familiar teasing lilt in your voice, “Uh huh.” He nods.
“Well gee,” You sigh wistfully as you drag a finger up the side of his cheek in a slow trail toward his mole-speckled neck, “You are awfully brave for climbing up there. And you did do it with the intention of wooing me..” Your teeth pull lightly at your lower lip and his eyes track the movement, “Maybe I could show you just how brave and sweet I think you are. Maybe.. I could show you how grateful I am, that you were willing to risk getting hurt for me.”
Stiles is nodding along, eyes wide with anticipation and cheeks flushed dark from a combination of your words and the blood rushing to his head in his current position, “Yeah.” He rasps weakly.
Your fingers curl around the back of his neck, your lips catching against his in just a light brush of skin, teasing. His lips part beneath your own and your warm breath mingles in the narrow space, the scent of spearmint overtaking your senses for a moment.
The hand on your cheek drags you closer in a gentle nudge as he grows impatient, and your mouths meet in a slightly awkward press of lips. Something about the new angle with such a familiar action scratches at the back of your brain, and you tilt your head just slightly when your mouths separate and rejoin only a second later.
Stiles presses his thumb softly into the hinge of your jaw in a silent request for you to open your mouth, his tongue catching on your lower lip before pressing inside and meeting your own.
Your tangle your fingers in the soft hairs at the nape of his neck. Another wet peck to his lips has him shuffling forward to chase your mouth the moment you ease back, and he seems to slip just a little further over the edge of the roof.
“Careful.” You warn softly.
“'m always careful.” Stiles whispers, his upturned nose pushing into your jaw as he kisses you again.
You lean back after allowing him another moment of indulgence. Stiles seems to follow the movement again, pitching forward as you go back like you're two magnets, but this time around he slips just a bit too far to allow for recovery. You can only watch on with wide eyes while he comes tumbling down from the roof and crashes into the bushes below with a small scream.
“Oh my god!” You gasp, leaning over the railing to watch your boyfriend roll into the grass with a groan, “Are you okay?”
“Never better.��� Stiles manages weakly, voice hoarse.
“You sure about that, Spiderman?” You tease hopefully as you watch him drag himself to his feet, brushing himself off to free the small bits of branches and leaves and dirt that are now clinging to his clothes.
“Yeah,” Stiles sighs, “Yeah, 'm good.”
“Good,” You grin, beckoning him closer when he finishes ridding himself of yard debris and meets your eye, “You should get yourself a mask though. I hear masked superheroes tend get more than just kisses and I have to admit, I think it's kinda hot-”
“Noted,” Stiles agrees with wide eyes, tripping over his own feet and the porch stairs as he rushes toward you, “Fucking- Shit, I am so on it.”
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ultimateinferno · 2 years
With Stormlight, there's something that's simply ingenious with knowing that KoWT will be both an ending and not an ending. The knowledge that everything that's been happening for millions of words in the previous books is all coming to fruition in the next installment while also understanding that we'll only be halfway through the story is an absolutely terrifying prospect.
Like for many stories, even the best, the metanarrative can sometimes get in the way of your expectations. It's like when you're watching a mystery show and the characters confidently pins it on a suspect and you look down at the progress bar and there's still 30 minutes left in the episode. You instantly know that something will go wrong. There's dramatic irony in the situation.
Sometimes that's great. Many stories are better for it. The entirety of the Tragedy genre hinges upon shit like this. That being said, there's also just something about being unable to predict what happens next.
I genuinely don't know what will happen in KoWT. With Sanderson informing us that there will be a ~15 year time skip between SA5 and SA6, and that KoWT will be wrapping up many present arcs established, the stakes established at the end of RoW have never been higher. Things can end well, badly, pyrrhically, or somewhere in between. I can just as easily see them barely succeeding and buying enough time to constitute the time skip as I can see them fail terribly falling back to lick their wounds and mourn those lost. I don't know what will happen and it's enthralling.
KoWT is a climax, but not an end.
If I'm to be so bold to throw out one concrete theory however, it's that it will end in a Draw. The way that Rayse and Dalinar's deal went is well defined and the consequences are clear. A victory implies a 1000 year time skip, which is why despite everything I said, I don't believe this will happen. It's the least likely outcome I think. Meanwhile, a loss is very obvious. While the Desolation will continue, it will be so catastrophic ending with Dalinar's corruption that it seems obvious.
Sanderson is very good at plot twists. He very much foreshadows the hell out of his revelations while still maintaining surprise ("I write these words in steel..."). The nature of how his plots work, in fact, all draw upon very clever application and twisting of the rules he put in place. With Todd at the end of RoW finding a way to win this conflict, in spite of the Pact being concocted in a way minimize our heroes losses, I'm very certain that Sanderson has a deceptively obvious way to force a draw and break the Pact, a hidden loophole that will change the way we see the Desolation.
But even then, I'm not certain. When its the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning, anything can happen. I so very much look forward to it.
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
Oh that sounds really cool, your response post to my previous ask! Gwyn being a Vanserra does makes sense when I think about it, and Jurian and Eris teaming up off all things, that's really cool!
(sjm is too much of a coward she would never *ahem*)
But wether it is Eris or Tarquin, they both have such a wonderful dynamic together with Nesta, I can't explain it. Canon Nessian seems so.. bland in comparison? (except your interpretation of some of your Nessian stories, somehow you make it work? that's admirable)
And another thing, you don't to give a direct answer about it, but the whole comment from Eris about a containment plan for Feyre? I have thought about that for a while.
It's really sad how Feyre is permanently bound to Rhys but it would be interesting to see if Nesta and Eris could have her kidnapped away, but how would they even contain her? she has the powers of the High Lords (or main abilities) which gives her quite a range and she could break out easily, but if there is a loophole and a force/magic involved that is not under her control, maybe they could contain her in a place with very specific seals or spells that maybe even Feyre can't break? I don't think she is all powerful. Sorry if it got a little long heh but yeah that's it ^^;
'too much of a coward' oh my god, thank you!! S/JM really thinks Jurian is a scary villain and I just...can't go there. He freed his people from slavery and ONCE went overkill during a war? Nope. Sorry. He's a mom friend with a battle axe. He's unstoppable and KIND
As for that scene- yes!! let's revisit. There's this running theme with Eris, that get's clearer and clearer- he is, by definition, in control of himself. He has to be- survival is a tightrope, and as Nesta says eventually, Eris does not make mistakes. He makes allowances. For his family.
There's like three things happening here. 1) He's going to give Nesta what she wants. Even if it's a huge problem- a struggle, if it's going to hurt him. It's not a mistake if it makes her happy and it's a worthy risk because Eris can handle even the worst case consequences.
2) He has a plan to get Elain out, already. (For Lucien yes. But, as we learn later, more importantly, because Elain is family even if she doesn't know it. And Eris knows the Night Court isn't safe.)
and 3) The problem with Feyre is Rhysand. Eris is smart enough to understand... the sisters don't get along. But he doesn't know where the line is. That's what he's trying to learn.
He straight up offers Rhysands death- and Nesta doesn't exactly rule it out.
He doesn't know what is allowable, where Feyre is concerned. It's Nesta's choice.
Elain gets out, and it's a much better choice for her. The sad and cyclical journey of Feyre that (I hope) Your Heart As It Was conveys is that...it's too late for Feyre. She never had a chance to start with, but she's gone too deep. She's making reprehensible choices, but also, we pity her because...what is her life?
A pedestal? A husband who so craves an ending after all that trauma that he's willing to lie about her own medical care, and in the end carelessly bring about the death of her, their unborn child, and himself rather than bend.
And I do think they could contain her.
As Eris says, Nesta will be High Lady in truth- Feyre was given the title. We never see any evidence Night chose her, that the magic settled on her. It matters to indicate equal power but...does she have equal power? Outside her bedroom? Even her own friends regularly work around her.
It would be a fight- Feyre's entire magical education is fighting, and the surprise value of multiple powers. But what is seven drops of eternity to godhood? To Nesta's connection with the Mother? To the whole force of Autumn?
I find it hard to believe considering Rhys gave Feyre the throne but not the education to rule- that she knows much about magic. Spells, curses. You put her in a particularly clever trap and eliminate the martial element, and Feyre's a sitting duck waiting for Rhys. A pissed, nightmare captive, but she isn't actually overpowering anyone.
Ultimately, they wouldn't do it.
I don't think Rhys could do anything that would make Feyre leave- and Nesta would never, ever, imprison her. Not even for her own good, after everything that's happened.
It's essential that the Valkyries want out- that Elain, actually, goes after Nesta and Eris to escape.
thank you so much for your kind words! Character dynamics are SO difficult and I love crafting them- I'm glad to hear they're landing well. (Even Cassian, who I cannot even write after acosf)
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hades-999 · 4 years
Ben not 10
I hope you guys liked my previeious post about Ben not used 10 aliens, here is another bounch of them. But before we start, I must confess; I'm gona cheat in the end, so I brought there one more, to be fair
Mutants and Reboot not count
I gona count aliens what's in the show, but we never saw Ben transmorms into them onsceen
Loophole; I gona count aliens what Ben couldn't use for some reason
So, let's counting
0. Slimebiot
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These creatures are here from the begining of the time and spreadin, mixing and creating DNA across the whole universe (technically, they are God in Ben prime's reality)
They are feeding on any kind of DNA, and alo poses the power to shapesifting themeselfes into that creature's bodyparts
Also, attached to a DNA countainment (like the Nemetrix/ Omnitrix/ Ultimatrix/Omnimatrix) they can use as many samples as they want, even form tools with the given species' power
But with this incedible power come some great..... weakneses; because they are only single-cell, symbiosic life forms, they need a host or they could die in starving. And they can be separated and contained with the right tools. Also, they can't teleport without host, 'cause it would kill them
1. Anodite
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It's a tricky one; because of Anodites lack of DNA, the Omnitrix can't scan them. However, Ben could use the Omnitrix to manipulates his own bio system, sets free his Anodite heritage and store in the watch, as a transformation (remember, not all Omnitrix creatures are 100% alien......Nanomech......)
Anodites poses the power to control life-energy (called Mana) and use it various ways; weapon manifestion, fly, teleport, shapesifting (only seen turn into humanoid form) and magic
However, this power has his own weakneses; Mana can't be used on everything, such as ectonorites, geocehelone aerios, robots or androids. Also, this species don't immunite to other magic users spells
In fandom, Ben already has Anodite form, called Anodman/ Man-a attack/Manodite
It's unkown if Ben ever could use his natural/Omnitrix given Anodite heritage, he would be purple or green
2. Psyphon's species
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Despite of being the show's main villain's sidekick, we don't know this alien species' name. The only knowen one (Psyphon) cames from Murray (Vilgaxia) with Villgax
However, he poses a serious power arsenal; he is able to fly, can create energy beams and walls, has laser eyes and stronger than Ultimate Spidermonkey. Also, he showed great intellect
With these powers, he resemble to C-K civilians, so, he could be a mutant one, but (because of his whole appearance) I don't think so
3. Uxorite
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This species is strongly resemble to lizard peaple from classical alien mythologi. They even have long toung and they laye eggs, but unlike cold bloodeds, they aren't bothered by cold enviroment.
They have powerful telekinetic abilityes what allows to them to fly and moveing other being or object, even instable material, like water. Also, they can grab things with their tail and tentacles
They agile and fast, but compare to their size they are physicaly weak and vulnerable
This species (or at least Xylen) is smart enought to be accepted as assistant by Azmusth when he created the Omnitrix, and Azmusth trusted her enought to gave it to her to deliver
In fandom Ben already has this transformation, called Neuro Lizard
4. Detrovite
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One of the strongest and largest alien species in the show, wich one members are skilled fightres and talented miners in one
They posess some surpise-powers, like ability to breat underwater, space survivability, they are resistant to both hot or colder enviroment and they can regenerate from serious dammages (repleacing their missing body parts with proteic enchatments)
They are not very clever, but also not agressive species. Also, they honor the great champions and good sportmanship
5. Protost
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Theis alien only apeared an took active role in the very first Ben 10 movei "Ben 10; Secret of the Omnitrix" , but it is still a mentionable one
This alien species resemble to the Polymorph with their shapesifting powers and slime like body, but unlike them, they are able to move without an Anti-graviti projector, but seemingly they are more limited and can't generate their body-mass (except while regenerating). However, they use some kind of containment armor to change place, but it's more a body enchantment than a nesecary tool
Their three eyes and shapesifting ability make them an extremly good pilots, 'cause they can focus on multiple thing and can control more machines at once
6. Levodan
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Who don't remember for one of the cutest alien in the show; the Tiffin. He is a sweet alien and not just in the term of cutenes. This species' taste (at least as kid) so delicious the icecream makers makes a Tiffin-tast flavoured one (offically not from Tiffin......)
This species looks very peaceful but they actually an agressive one. Of course, not all of them and not all the time, they inteligent enought to make compromises with their enemies
They look weak, but don't let fool yourself; they are skilled in hand-to-hand combat (like Apoplexians) have enchanted flexibility and they are capable of use some short of electro-magnetic power, witch allows them to levitate and manipulate electronic devices
7. Ssspeace'sss Ssserpentsss
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We can't be sssure Ssserpent wasss an alien or what, but becaussse sssome of hisss powersss, it doesssn't fit to be a mutant, ssso I think he isss an alien.
It never wass comfirm, but sssomewhere in fandom isss a theory he isss a ssspecisss of Snakepit, one off the mentioned but never ssshowen aliensss
Over hisss average sssnake powersss like enchanted flexibility/ agility/ reflex/ ssstrenght, unhingible jaw or acid ssspit, he posssesss a ssspecial one: mana immunity
He isss inteligent, clever and usssually hasss a good plan, but not Ben'sss mossst fearsssom enemi
8. / 9. Acrosians, Vreedle family
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These two species not really showes any super power over enchanted strengh and space survivability
Ma Vreedle posess an extra pair of eyes in back of her head, it's unkown the males have too or not
Because acrosians are only heads with armor, possibly they are an inteligent species. We can't say the same thing about Vreedles, but they are good technicans, so they have the wist of themeself
Because we never saw other acrosian than Fistina, we can't know how would Ben looks like.
Ben actually have a Decagon Vreedle named transformation, but he would be freak out if he know about it
Vreedles are not a species but more a family, because Ma and Pa were breed in a lab
10. Chronian
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I said I gona cheat here, cause Ben already transformed into this form but let me explain;
Eon is the only one movie special transformation, which one never was and never will be used
"Ben 10; Race against time" is playing in an alternative timeline, so Ben Prime never used this transformation
Because Chronians had closly omnipotent powers, Eon forced Ben to turn into this form, wich one was actually Eon himself, not Ben's alien
However Ben has the option to scan another Chronians and has his own form. In fandom this form sometimes called simply Eon, sometimes called Obliv-Eon (I personally prefer this one)
This transformation would be one of the most powerful one of Ben's, because Chronians are able to travel in time and space, can shoot energy or time beams from their hands, have a limited control over moleculas and technology and also posess enchanted strengh and durability
However, they can't use their powers limitles, because every time they use it, their body becames older and weaker
We could belive the levodans are whiped crem like humanoid specis, but actually we never saw more than their head and arms in part, cause their long, bluish coat
The uxorites' eyes glow pink when they use their telekinetic abilityes. It never saw comfirmed, but it could be a kind of Mana using....
I want to list Osmosians as well, but while I make search, I found the fact; Osmosians are mutants/superior humans, not aliens, and their home planet - Osmos V. - never existed
"Uxite" means "wife" in latin, a reference to Xylene x Max relationship
It's just funny, but both of Max's love intesests were telekinetic powered aliens
"Xylene" is actually a chemical with three isomer, so our alien's three eyes could be a reference for that. Also a funny thing; the chemical is extremly flamable, and Ben used Heatblast against Xylen
I don't showed a pictures of Hex and Charmchaster directly, because thye aren't anoditeds. They just humans, who can use magic
So, that was it girls and boys, leave a like/comment if you want the next part of this: No-metrix aliens
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10 rules that every time traveler needs to know
1. Traveling into the future is easy.
We travel into the future all the time, at a fixed rate: one second per second. Stick around, you'll be in the future soon enough. You can even get there faster than usual, by decreasing the amount of time you experience elapsing with respect to the rest of the world -- either by low-tech ways like freezing yourself, or by taking advantage of the laws of special relativity and zipping around near the speed of light. (Remember we're talking about what is possible according to the laws of physics here, not what is plausible or technologically feasible.) It's coming back that's hard.
2. Traveling into the past is hard -- but maybe not impossible.
If Isaac Newton's absolute space and time had been the correct picture of nature, we could simply say that traveling backwards in time was impossible, and that would be the end of it. But in Einstein's curved-spacetime universe, things are more flexible. From your own personal, subjective point of view, you always more forward in time -- more technically, you move on a timelike curve through spacetime. But the large-scale curvature of spacetime caused by gravity could, conceivably, cause timelike curves to loop back on themselves -- that is to say, become closed timelike curves -- such that anyone traveling on such a path would meet themselves in the past. That's what respectable, Einstein-approved time travel would really be like. Of course, there's still the little difficulty of warping spacetime so severely that you actually create closed timelike curves; nobody knows a foolproof way of doing that, or even whether it's possible, although ideas involving wormholes and cosmic strings and spinning universes have been bandied about.
3. Traveling through time is like traveling through space.
I'm only going to say this once: there would be no flashing lights. At least, there would only be flashing lights if you brought along some strobes, and decided to start them flashing as you traveled along your closed timelike curve. Likewise, there is no disappearance in a puff of smoke and re-appearing at some other time. Traveling through time is just like traveling through space: you move along a certain path, which (we are presuming) the universe has helpfully arranged so that your travels bring you to an earlier moment in time. But a time machine wouldn't look like a booth with spinning wheels that dematerializes now and rematerializes some other time; it would look like a rocket ship. Or possibly a DeLorean, in the unlikely event that your closed timelike curve started right here on Earth and never left the road. Think of it this way: imagine there were a race of super-intelligent trees, who could communicate with each other using abstract concepts but didn't have the ability to walk. They might fantasize about moving through space, and in their fantasies "space travel" would resemble teleportation, with the adventurous tree disappearing in a puff of smoke and reappearing across the forest. But we know better; real travel from one point to another through space is a continuous process. Time travel would be like that.
4. Things that travel together, age together.
If you travel through time, and you bring along with you some clocks or other objects, all those things experience time in exactly the same way that you do. In particular, both you and the clocks march resolutely forward in time, from your own perspective. You don't see clocks spinning wildly backwards, nor do you yourself "age" backwards, and you certainly don't end up wearing the clothes you favored back in high school. Your personal experience of time is governed by clocks in your brain and body -- the predictable beating of rhythmic pulses of chemical and biological processes. Whatever flow of time is being experienced by those processes -- and thus by your conscious perception -- is also being experienced by whatever accompanies you on your journey.
5. Black holes are not time machines.
Sadly, if you fell into a black hole, it would not spit you out at some other time. It wouldn't spit you out at all -- it would gobble you up and grow slightly more corpulent in the process. If the black hole were big enough, you might not even notice when you crossed the point of no return defined by the event horizon. But once you got close to the center of the hole, tidal forces would tug at you -- gently at first, but eventually tearing you apart. The technical term is spaghettification. Not a recommended strategy for would-be time adventurers. Wormholes -- tunnels through spacetime, which in principle can connect widely-separated events -- are a more promising alternative. Wormholes are to black holes as elevators are to deep wells filled with snakes and poisoned spikes. The problem is, unlike black holes, we don't know whether wormholes exist, or even whether they can exist, or how to make them, or how to preserve them once they are made. Wormholes want to collapse and disappear, and keeping them open requires a form of negative energies. Nobody knows how to make negative energies, although they occasionally slap the name "exotic matter" on the concept and pretend it might exist.
6. If something happened, it happened.
What people want to do with time machines is to go into the past and change it. You can't. The past already happened, and it can't un-happen. You might wonder what's to stop you from jumping in your time machine, finding your high-school self, and convincing them that they really shouldn't go to the senior prom after all, thereby saving yourself all sorts of humiliation. But if you really did go to the prom, then that can't happen. The simple way out, of course, is to suppose that travel into the past is simply impossible. But even if it's not, you can't change what already happened; every event in spacetime is characterized by certain things occurring, and those things are fixed once and for all once they happen. If you did manage to go back in time to your years in high school, something would prevent you from dissuading your younger self from doing anything other than what they actually did. Even if you tried really hard.
7. There is no meta-time
The least realistic time-travel movie of all time might be Back to the Future. When Marty McFly changes the past (violating Rule 6), the future "instantaneously" changes. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Time measures the temporal interval between different events in spacetime, and can be quantified by clocks. There is no set of clocks outside the universe, with respect to which you can go muck around in the past and have effects propagate into the future "at the same time." Likewise, your brain is not going to change to remember things differently, nor will any other record-keeping device such as diaries or photographs or embarrassing sex tapes. Sorry about that.
8. You can't travel back to before the time machine was built.
Right now, at the particular place you are sitting, at the time when you are sitting there, one of two things is true: either there is a closed timelike curve passing through that point in spacetime, or there is not. And that situation will never change -- no matter what clever engineers may do in the future, if they create closed timelike curves they cannot pass through events in spacetime through which closed timelike curves did not pass (corollary of Rule 6). Or in plain English: if you build a time machine where there wasn't one before, it may be possible for future travelers to come back to that time, but nothing can help you go back to times before the machine was built.
9. Unless you go to a parallel universe.
Parallel universes -- the kind we contemplate in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics (MWI) -- provide potential loopholes for some of the above rules. According to the MWI, there exist different "branches" of the wave function of the universe, distinguished by different observed outcomes for the measurement of quantum events. In the celebrated Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, there is a "universe" where the cat is alive, and one where it is dead. Some imaginative (but respectable) physicists, especially David Deutsch, have speculated that we could combine this idea with the possibility of closed timelike curves to contemplate travel into the past of a different universe. If time travel is unlikely, this idea is (unlikely)^2, but it's not inherently paradoxical. If you could travel to the past in a different branch of the wave function, then we are allowed to contemplate changing that past in a self-consistent way, because it's no longer really "your" past. So almost all cinematic invocations of time travel -- where they are constantly mucking about, changing the past in crucial ways -- would have to appeal to something along these lines to make any sense. But even if you can change what you thought was the past, all of the rules of continuity and sensibility still apply -- no flashing lights, no disappearing, no sudden changes in the future, no re-writing of your memories, etc.
10. And even then, your old universe is still there.
Remember Rule 0: no paradoxes. If you have reliable records of having made some unwise decisions regarding your social life in high school, then those decisions were made, and can't be un-made. Even if you go into a different branch of the wave function, where you bestow some wisdom-of-experience on your younger self, you would only be changing the history of that universe. There is still the universe you left behind, with all of your bad decisions still intact. That's life in the multiverse for you. It remains for future scholars to write Ph.D. theses along the lines of Utility Functions and Moral Dilemmas in an Ensemble of Multiple Interacting Universes. But it's just a matter of time.
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
Shared traits tag!
Thanks @sleepyowlwrites for inventing and tagging me in this cool idea! Let's do this for Storge, shall we? Yes I'm including villains in this because I'm not a coward lol
RULES: list the main characters of your chosen wip and tell us which traits you share with them!
Luca: He's so earnest. He just wants to do what's right and live up to his potential. Does he fuck up a lot trying to do that? Absolutely. Does he have a clue what he's doing half the time? Absolutely not.
Enne: Self-righteous anxious big sister energy, a bit too suspicious of strangers, no trust in authority whatsoever at all. I'd like to imagine I'm as perceptive and clever with words as she is, but that's a streeettch.
Grace: Small but about 0.05 seconds away from picking a fight with someone bigger and more powerful than her. LOUD around family. protective. The only one allowed to pick on my siblings is me.
Acheran: Socially anxious neeeeerrrrrddddddd
Chara: (I cut her POV from this draft but she's still a main character in my heart) Argumentative as hell. Tendency to overwork myself because I convince myself the job is That Important I Don't Need A Break, No This Is A Totally Normal Amount Of Coffee To Consume
Esil: If I were about 45% more unhinged I might think it's a good idea to actually pick a fight with the government. We are both friends with truly unhinged people though.
Lyss: I know I have certain privileges and I will use them to manipulate situations in my favor if the situation requires it. (In most cases, this is pulling loopholes with my school schedules tho, which is a bit different from authorizing genocide)
uuuuuuhhhh tagging @siarven for this one!
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